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of the positive energy and spirit that exists in our Worthington Community! Thank you for a great start to our year at .
Gmail - WoES Wildcat Press 12-15-17

12/16/17, 8:52 AM

Heather Connors .

WoES Wildcat Press 12-15-17 1 message Worthington Elementary School Reply-To: Worthington Elementary School To: [email protected]

Fri, Dec 15, 2017 at 6:04 PM

Worthington Elementary School

Worthington Wildcat Press December 15, 2017 December 23 – Winter Break Begins 25 - Jan 1st - SCHOOLS & OFFICES CLOSED - Winter Break

January 2 – Students return from Winter Break 8 – Ellicott Mills MS – Parent Orientation Night for Incoming 6th Graders @ 6:30 GT Presentation and 7:00 General Information 10 – “Chat & Chew” with Administration, 6:30pm 10 – PTA Meeting, 7:00pm 15 – SCHOOLS & OFFICES CLOSED – MLK Jr. Day 26 – SCHOOLS CLOSE 3 HRS EARLY – End of 2nd Marking Period

February 6 – PTA Spirt/Restaurant Night @ Chick-fil-A, 5:00-9:00 PM MESSAGE FROM THE ADMINISTRATORS

As 2017 draws to a close, it is a perfect time as a school community to reflect on the year that has passed and to plan for the year to come. We thank our parents for your helping hands and…view=pt&search=inbox&th=1605c6c77c6f60a5&siml=1605c6c77c6f60a5

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support in so many ways. Thank you for the many volunteer hours and attendance at so many of our school activities and in our classrooms. Your attendance and dedication is an example of the positive energy and spirit that exists in our Worthington Community! Thank you for a great start to our year at Worthington. We are so appreciative of our caring community, dedicated staff and AMAZING students. In closing, we would like to wish all of our families a safe, happy and peaceful holiday season. The days will pass quickly. The most precious gift we can give our children is the gift of our time. We hope this holiday season will provide all of our families with plenty of time to spend with your children and loved ones. Let us look forward to 2018 with hope, excitement and renewed energy! We will see you on January 2nd 2018! Our Wildcat Press newsletter will return in the New Year on January 5, 2018. Thank you for all of your involvement and support!

Mrs. Jenkins and Mr. Ortega

Young Authors' Contest Congratulations to the school level winners for this year's Young Authors' Contest! The following writers will now be entered at the county level:

Grade 2 Short Story Winner Rachel Scherr (Lucy’s First Winter) Grade 2 Poetry Winner Aila Abutboul (Apple Pie Moon)

Grade 3 Short Story Winner Ayushi Sarkar (Helping a Limping Dog) Grade 3 Poetry Winner Sophia Vlosich (Glory Days)

Grade 4 Short Story Winner Lyla Bradley (Pop Quiz!)…view=pt&search=inbox&th=1605c6c77c6f60a5&siml=1605c6c77c6f60a5

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Grade 4 Poetry Winner Emma Bower (Autumn Acrostic)

Grade 5 Short Story Winner Anoushka Rath (Fire) Grade 5 Poetry Winner Anoushka Rath (Tomorrow)

WHITTLE AT WORTHINGTON We are so proud of our students for completing their first week of Whittle! This week we focused on how to travel in relation to the equipment. Students learned movement concepts such as: traveling over, under, around, and through the equipment. We also discussed traveling verbs as well as muscle strength and endurance! The Whittle Unit allows students to explore and learn how to move and control their body with the equipment and challenges them to problem solve with their peers as they complete a variety of challenges. There is a lot of individual learning taking place with this unit and our students are also having a lot of fun! We are looking forward to next week to challenge our students even more! Ms. Closson & Ms. Smith

WINTER WEATHER – HCPSS PROCEDURES Please be advised of the HCPSS procedures for weather related closures, early dismissals and delayed openings. With our surprise Winter weather today, we wanted to make sure everyone is aware of the procedures followed and how to access information.…view=pt&search=inbox&th=1605c6c77c6f60a5&siml=1605c6c77c6f60a5

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The following is a link on the HCPSS website, which provides weather-related information: LEARN OF WEATHER DELAYS OR SCHOOL CLOSINGS Please take the time to read the following information from HCPSS concerning weather related school closings. When is the decision made? The decision to delay or close schools is made by 5 a.m. and a telephone tree is started to alert key school staff members and local media. By 5:30 a.m., a notice is posted on HCPSS News. School openings may be delayed one or two hours. On rare occasions when weather conditions worsen or do not improve after a delay has been announced, a second announcement may be made to close schools instead. Emergency & Weather-related School Closings: If it is necessary for the Superintendent to close or delay the start of schools due to inclement weather or other emergencies, parents may get information by visiting HCPSS News and subscribing to receive email and texts alerts. In addition, HCPSS uses the following sources: HCPSSTV: Comcast Channel 95 or Verizon Channel 42 HCPSS Information Hotline: 410-313-6666 TV/Radio: WBAL TV Ch. 11; WBAL Radio 1090 AM; WTOP Radio 103.5 FM When HCPSS schools open one or two hours late, there is no RECC. If schools are closed, or closed early due to weather conditions, all after-school and evening activities, both school and non-school, scheduled in school facilities are canceled.

Weather Guidelines for Outdoor Recess Exercise outdoors is healthy and is strongly encouraged. It provides a break from the regular school routine, a chance to get some outside air, and an opportunity to run off excess energy. If conditions preclude the full recess time, even a five-minute break can revitalize children and prepare them for more sitting and academic learning. Children are expected to wear warm clothing to protect them during cold weather when participating in recess or outside activities.

The decision to go out or stay in for recess is the decision of the Administrator at individual schools. However, the following are to be considered in determining if recess…view=pt&search=inbox&th=1605c6c77c6f60a5&siml=1605c6c77c6f60a5

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is to be held outside: Temperature and wind chill Age of students Length of time outdoors Adequacy of the children’s clothing Condition of the playground Falling precipitation (more than a sprinkle or mist) Generally, it is assumed that students will be outside for recess when the temperature combined with the wind chill is not less than 20 degrees Fahrenheit. Children with certain health conditions may need special accommodations during extremely cold weather. Parents of those children should provide medical documentation and may be consulted to determine if other arrangements are necessary.


Ellicott Mills Middle School Welcomes you to our

Parent Orientation Night

When: Monday, January 8th, 2018 (Snow Date: January 9th, 2018) Who: Parents of Incoming 6th Grade Students for the 2018-2019 school year. Due to seating constraints, this is a parent only event.…view=pt&search=inbox&th=1605c6c77c6f60a5&siml=1605c6c77c6f60a5

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Time: 6:30-7:00 p.m. GT Presentation-Gym 7:00-7:30 p.m. General Information-Cafe Where: Ellicott Mills Middle School *Please mark this date on your calendar. We are looking forward to sharing important information with you about the 6th Grade.

PTA NEWSLETTER UPCOMING PTA DATES January 8: Grade 1 BumbleBee (snow date 1/16) – 6:30p-8:00pm WoES January 9: Grade 2 BumbleBee (snow date 1/17) – 6:30p-8:00pm WoES January 10: PTA Meeting - 7pm – Media Center January 11: Grade 3 BumbleBee (snow date 1/18) – 6:30p-8:00pm WoES

SECRET SHOPPE Secret Shoppe was a huge success! Thank you to all our wonderful volunteers that made it all happen and all the parents that brought out your kiddos for a fun morning of shopping. Please save those gift bags for us to reuse next year. We did have one family that lost an envelope of money. If you happen to find in wrapped accidentally in a gift, please return it to the school. Thank you!!

COMMUNITY OUTREACH Please keep up the great work with canned goods/non-perishables. We will be helping Mt. Hebron students this year as they pack and deliver food baskets to neighborhood families! Ends Dec 19.…view=pt&search=inbox&th=1605c6c77c6f60a5&siml=1605c6c77c6f60a5

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Blanket/sock drive is going on NOW. It's cold outside--homeless people need blankets and socks. Hand warmers, adult gloves, and hats as well. Please place in the box by office. Help others stay warm. As always, thank you for your generosity. Questions? [email protected]

FIFTH GRADE SPIRIT WEEK Monday 12/18/2017— School Colors Day Show your Worthington spirit and have your 5th grader wear their Blue and White Tuesday 12/19/2017— Decades Day Here’s your chance to dress in the fashion of the past. Come as a Flapper, a Hippie, and 80’s neon. Let your time machine lead you back in time and inspire your fashion for the day. Wednesday 12/20/2017— Backwards Day Dress as you always do….. then turn it around. Wear your clothes backwards inside out or however you wish. Let your imagination lead the way. Thursday 12/21/2017— Show your team spirit Wear your favorite team gear and support your favorite professional team or wear your own team gear to support our Worthington athletes. Friday 12/22/2017— Pajama day Start your winter break a day early and come to school in your favorite pajamas. Be prepared to learn and be comfy cozy all at once. BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION Worthington Elementary is a participant in the Box Tops for Education program, www. Sometimes you find Box Tops in the most unexpected places. Parents - at work you can find them on packages of Avery products. Please visit the website for information on the 100’s of eligible products.…view=pt&search=inbox&th=1605c6c77c6f60a5&siml=1605c6c77c6f60a5

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Grandparents and extended family members can have fun getting involved as well. Ask them to help out your kids by cutting them out and giving them to your child at Thanksgiving, or the next time you see them. We will have multiple collection dates throughout the school year. Please be on the lookout and send in the Box Tops with your child. Your PTA Box Top Coordinator, Erika Holderness, will package them up and send them along to earn money for WOES. This year’s goal is $1,000. Please help us attain this goal!

AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITIES The winter session of PTA sponsored before/after school activities will be starting January 16. Keep an eye out for registration and more information to come! Contact Josie Change at [email protected] with any questions or concerns.

Tuesday mornings: Karate with Okinawan Dojo Thursday mornings: Silver Knights chess

School's closed? Need a Break? If you are looking for something to do with your kids when HCPSS is closed...or...if you need a break to enjoy your own time...The Okinawan Karate Dojo has got the solution! Our Ninja Day Camps are well-planned, actionpacked days of relays, cooperative games and activities, karate training, crafts and arts, health lessons, and so much more. Each camp is it's own, unique-themed adventure! Our Parent's Night Out (PNO) events include all the fun and excitement

PTA MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE Be your student's hero. . . Join the PTA and donate today! The Worthington PTA organizes cultural arts events, class celebrations, and social events for all Worthington students. Your donation funds these events, and gives you a voice in monthly meetings with the Worthington administration. Join and make your donation today at…view=pt&search=inbox&th=1605c6c77c6f60a5&siml=1605c6c77c6f60a5

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YEARBOOK The yearbook is coming along wonderfully. Thank you for your support! We will have online ordering ONLY, again this year. You can purchase your yearbook any time at up until April 17, 2018. A flier to remind you will go home before the holiday break in December. We will remind you again. Please remember that the cut off is the cut off and there will not be extras. The price again this year is $20. They arrive and will be distributed mid-June before the end of school. Please be mindful of the students on the do not photograph list. Please send all school related photos to [email protected]. If everyone in your after school activity or on your team is a Worthington Wildcat please send that too! Thank you again for all your kind words and support! Laura Diaz

FACEBOOK Be in the know! Join our WoES PTA Facebook page to stay up on all of our latest activities and events. LIKE us at

Connect with Us:

Address 4570 Roundhill Road Ellicott City, MD 21043

Phone 410-313-2825


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