May 6, 2017 - 24 Deputy General Manager (Hr) 4 54480-81425. 25 Deputy Manager (Hr) 9 48525-73515. 26 Assistant Manager (
Dated: 06-05-2017 Read the following:-
1. From JMD, TS TRANSCO Letter NO.CGM (HRD)/MPP.1/306/Creation of new posts/2012, dated 30.01.2017. 2. Energy (HR) Department U.O.No.755/HR.A1/2015, dated 05.05.2017. *** ORDER: Consequent on formation of Telangana State, Government has accorded priority to the power sector for addition to power generation and providing uninterrupted power supply to all sectors. In consonance with the priority of the Government, the TS TRANSCO, TS GENCO, TS SPDCL and TS NPDCL have taken up necessary ground work for capacity addition and also assessed the requirement of manpower. 2. Accordingly, the Energy Department, in the reference read above, have submitted proposals for creation of additional posts duly mentioning the requirement in the respective power utilities, in a phased manner. 3. Government after careful consideration of the proposal hereby accord sanction for creation of (13357) posts in various categories in the four power utilities as shown below: Sl. No. 1 2 3 4
No. of posts sanctioned 3441 4329 2336 3251 13357
Remarks Category wise details shown in Annexures I, II, III and IV
4. The Energy Department shall obtain concurrence of Finance (HRM) Department before initiating measures to fill up the posts sanctioned in this order, wherever service rules prescribe direct recruitment. 5. The expenditure on account of creation of the above posts shall be entirely borne by the respective companies by increasing internal efficiency and without leading to additional subsidy support from Government. 6. The Energy Department are requested to take necessary further action in the matter accordingly. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR OF TELANGANA) K. RAMAKRISHNA RAO PRINCIPAL SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT To The Energy (HR) Department, Telangana Secretariat, Hyderabad. The C&MD, TS TRANSCO / TS GENCO / TS SPDCL / TS NPDCL. The A.G. (A&E)/Prl. A.G. (Audit-I)/A.G. (Audit-II), Telangana, Hyderabad. The General Administration (Cabinet) Department for information. The Director of Treasuries & Accounts, Telangana, Hyderabad. The Pay and Accounts Officer, Telangana State, Hyderabad. Copy to: P.S. to Principal Secretary to C.M. The P.S. to Minister for Energy The P.E. Department SF/SCs.(99/A1/HRM.II/2017). // FORWARDED:: BY ORDER// SECTION OFFICER
Annexure-I to G.O.Ms.No.76
, Finance (HRM-II) Department, Dt.06-05-2017
DETAILS OF ADDITIONAL POSTS SANCTIONED IN TSTRANSCO No. of Scale of Pay Sl.No. Name of the Post Posts (In Rs.) A) Engineering Services: 1 Executive Director 3 76060-102050 2 3
Chief Engineer /Elecl. Chief Engineer /Civil 4 Chief Engineer /Telecom 5 Superintending Engineer/Elecl. 6 Superintending Engineer/Civil 7 Superintending Engineer/Telecom 8 Divisional Engineer/Elecl. 9 Executive Engineer/Civil 10 Divisional Engineer/Telecom 11 Asst. Divisional Engineer/Elecl. 12 Asst. Executive Engineer/Civil 13 Asst. Divisional Engineer/Telecom 14 Asst. Engineer/Addl. Asst. Engineer/Elecl. 15 Asst. Engineer/Addl. Asst. Engineer/Civil Asst. Engineer/Addl. Asst. Engineer/ 16 Telecom 17 Sub-Engineer Sub-Total(A) B) Accounts Services: Financial Advisor and Chief Controller of 1 Accounts 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Deputy Chief Controller of Accounts Senior Accounts Officer Accounts Officer Assistant Accounts Officer Junior Accounts Officer Senior Assistant Junior Assistant Sub-Total(B) C) P&G Services: 1 Deputy Secretary 2 Assistant Secretary 3 Personnel Officer 4 Junior Personnel Officer 5 Assistant 6 Drivers Sub-Total(C) D) O&M Services: 1 Line Inspector 2 Linemen 3 Assistant Linemen 4 Junior Linemen Sub-Total(D) Grand Total (A+B+C+D)
7 1 1 18 2 1 91 9 4 522 34 38 932 56
70970-92705 70970-92705 70970-92705 59040-87065 59040-87065 59040-87065 54480-81425 54480-81425 54480-81425 48525-73515 48525-73515 48525-73515 41155-63600 41155-63600
199 1979
3 10 19 19 55 78 76 262
59040-87065 54480-81425 48525-73515 41155-63600 34630-56760 22340-42480 18725-34775
3 7 22 55 43 65 195
59040-87065 54480-81425 41155-63600 22340-42480 18725-34775 16500-36020
42 144 284 535 1005 3441
21045-38510 18725-34775 16945-28660 15585-25200
Annexure-II to G.O.Ms.No.76 , Finance (HRM-II) Department, Dt.06-05-2017 THE DETAILS OF ADDITIONAL POSTS SANCTIONED IN TSGENCO Sl. No. of Scale of Pay Name of the post No. Posts (In Rs.) A) Engineering Services: 1 76060-102050 Executive Director 2 2 70970-92705 Chief Engineer/Elecl. 6 3 70970-92705 Chief Engineer/Civil 1 4 Superintending Engineer/E,M& T 27 59040-87065 5 Superintending Engineer/Civil 6 59040-87065 6 Divisional Engineer/E,M&T 153 54480-81425 7 Executive Engineer/Civil 14 54480-81425 8 Assistant Divisional Engineer/E,M&T 699 48525-73515 9 Assistant Executive Engineer/Civil 32 48525-73515 10 Assistant Engineer 290 41155-63600 11 Sub-Engineer 231 20535-41155 Sub-Total(A) 1461 B) Chemical Services: Sr.Chief Chemist Chief Chemist Sr. Chemist Chemist Sub-Total(B) C) Accounts Services: 16 FA&CCA 17 Dy.CCA 18 Sr.Accounts Officer 19 Accounts Officer 20 Assistant Accounts Officer 21 Junior Accounts Officer Sub-Total(C)
1 10 38 75 124
59040-87065 54480-81425 48525-73515 41155-63600
2 7 12 18 21 77 137
70970-92705 59040-87065 54480-81425 48525-73515 41155-63600 34630-56760
D) HR Services: 22 Chief General Manager (Hr) 23 General Manager (Hr) 24 Deputy General Manager (Hr) 25 Deputy Manager (Hr) 26 Assistant Manager (Hr) Sub-Total(D)
2 2 4 9 21 38
70970-92705 59040-87065 54480-81425 48525-73515 41155-63600
E) P&G Services: 27 Deputy Secretary 28 Assistant Secretary 29 Law Officer 30 Personal Officer Sub-Total(E)
6 12 1 9 28
59040-87065 54480-81425 54480-81425 41155-63600
60 93 155 707 1526 2541 4329
23770-48400 22340-42480 21045-38510 18725-34775 16945-28660
12 13 14 15
F) O&M Services: 31 Fore Man Gr-I 32 Fore Man Gr-II 33 Fore Man Gr-IV 34 Plant Attendant 35 Jr.Plant Attendant Sub-Total(F) Grand Total(A+B+C+D+E+F)
Annexure-III to G.O.Ms.No.76 , Finance (HRM-II) Department, Dt.06-05-2017
Sl.No. A) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 B) 1 2 3 4 5 6 C) 1 2 3 4 5 D) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
DETAILS OF ADDITIONAL POSTS SANCTIONED IN TSSPDCL No. of Scale of Pay Name of the Post Posts (In Rs.) Engineering Services: Chief General Manager/Elecl. 5 70970-92705 Superintending Engineer/Elecl. 12 59040-87065 Divisional Engineer/Elecl. 50 54480-81425 Executive Engineer/Civil 7 54480-81425 Divisional Engineer/Telecom 1 54480-81425 Asst. Divisional Engineer/Elecl. 77 48525-73515 Asst. Executive Engineer/Civil 10 48525-73515 Asst. Divisional Engineer/Telecom 2 48525-73515 Asst. Engineer/Addl. Asst. Engineer/Elecl. 70 41155-63600 Asst. Engineer/Addl. Asst. Engineer/Civil 14 41155-63600 Asst. Engineer/Addl. Asst. Engineer/ Telecom 6 41155-63600 Sub-Engineer 300 20535-41155 Sub-Total(A) 554 Accounts Services: Chief General Manager (Accounts Service) 1 70970-92705 General Manager (Accounts Service) 2 59040-87065 Senior Accounts Officer 13 54480-81425 Accounts Officer 19 48525-73515 Asst. Accounts Officer 45 41155-63600 Junior Accounts Officer 350 34630-56760 Sub-Total(B) 430 P&G Services: Joint Secretary 1 68425-92705 Asst. Secretary 2 54480-81425 Law Officer ( Direct Recruitment) 1 54480-81425 Personnel Officer 8 41155-63600 Junior Personnel Officer 35 22340-42480 Sub-Total(C) 47 O&M Services: Foremen Gr-I 40 23770-48400 Foremen Gr-II 40 22340-42480 Foremen Gr-IV 12 21045-38510 Senior Line Inspector 30 22340-42480 Line Inspector 90 21045-38510 Linemen 248 18725-34775 Asst. Linemen 303 16945-28660 Junior Linemen 500 15585-25200 Tester Gr-I 22 21045-38510 Tester Gr-II 20 18725-34775 Sub-Total(D) 1305 Grand Total(A+B+C+D) 2336
Annexure-IV to G.O.Ms.No.76 , Finance (HRM-II) Department, Dt.06-05-2017
Sl.No. A) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 B) 1 2 3 4 5 6 C) 1 2 3 4 5 D) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
DETAILS OF ADDITIONAL POSTS SANCTIONED IN TSNPDCL No. of Scale of Pay Name of the Post Posts (In Rs.) Engineering Services: Chief General Manager/Elecl. 2 70970-92705 Superintending Engineer/Elecl. 11 59040-87065 Superintending Engineer/Civil 1 59040-87065 Divisional Engineer/Elecl. 39 54480-81425 Executive Engineer/Civil 7 54480-81425 Asst. Divisional Engineer/Elecl. 100 48525-73515 Asst. Executive Engineer/Civil 5 48525-73515 Asst. Engineer/Addl. Asst. Engineer/Elecl. 45 41155-63600 Asst. Engineer/Addl. Asst. Engineer/Civil 5 41155-63600 Sub-Engineer 52 20535-41155 Sub-Total(A) 267 Accounts Services: Chief General Manager (Accounts Service) 1 70970-92705 General Manager (Accounts Service) 1 59040-87065 Senior Accounts Officer 8 54480-81425 Accounts Officer 10 48525-73515 Asst. Accounts Officer 51 41155-63600 Junior Accounts Officer 255 34630-56760 Sub-Total(B) 326 P&G Services: Joint Secretary 1 68425-92705 General Manager 2 59040-87065 Asst. Secretary 5 54480-81425 Personnel Officer 7 41155-63600 Junior Personnel Officer 20 22340-42480 Sub-Total(C) 35 O&M Services: Foremen Gr-I 90 23770-48400 Senior Line Inspector 198 22340-42480 Line Inspector 198 21045-38510 Linemen 395 18725-34775 Asst. Linemen 592 16945-28660 Junior Linemen 1090 15585-25200 Tester Gr-I 10 21045-38510 Tester Gr-II 10 18725-34775 Filter Operator 10 18725-34775 Winder 10 18725-34775 Tester(Bench) 5 14975-24485 Helper(Bench) 5 15585-25200 Instrument Mechanic 10 18725-34775 Sub-Total(D) 2623 Grand Total(A+B+C+D) 3251