Website: ... Subject: Contract: PCS Mobile for Equipment Vendor in Au
Office of the City Manager
CONSENT CALENDAR January 27, 2015 To:
Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
Christine Daniel, City Manager
Submitted by: Andrew Clough, Director, Public Works Subject:
Contract: PCS Mobile for Equipment Vendor in Automated Data Collection and Enforcement System (goBerkeley)
RECOMMENDATION Adopt a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract and any amendments with PCS Mobile to provide equipment, software and services as part of the Automated Data Collection and Enforcement pilot portion of the goBerkeley program, for an amount not to exceed $450,000 for the period March 1, 2015 through March 30, 2020. FISCAL IMPACTS OF RECOMMENDATION Funding for this contract is available in the FY 2015 budget in: Caltrans(Federal Highway Administration Value Pricing Pilot Program) Grant Fund (Fund 674) .............................................................................................. $100,000 goBerkeley/FHWA restricted revenue portion of the Parking Meter Fund (Fund 840)................................................................................................ $330,000 Funding for the remaining contract balance will be recommended for appropriation through the AAO#2 in the goBerkeley/FHWA restricted revenue portion of the Parking Meter Fund (Fund 840) ................................................................ $20,000 The contract has been assigned CMS No. XUHAL. CURRENT SITUATION AND ITS EFFECTS In July 2014, the City released a Request for Qualifications (RFQ: Specification No. 1410875-C) for a vendor to provide equipment for the Automated Data Collection and Enforcement System (ADCES) for the goBerkeley pilot. The RFQ was for a vendor who could serve the dual purpose of collecting parking occupancy data and enhancing enforcement, by meeting the requirements of Public Works and the Police Department. The RFQ was published on the City’s website and distributed nationally through trade publications, such as the International Parking Institute (IPI) newsletter. As the field of automated parking data collection is newly emerging and specialized, only a few vendors have the required expertise and experience.
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Contract: PCS Mobile for Equipment Vendor Automated Data Collection and Enforcement System (goBerkeley)
CONSENT CALENDAR January 27, 2015
As part of the RFQ, vendors were required to participate in a field test of their equipment on City streets to evaluate equipment performance in various conditions, including day vs. night, angled vs. parallel parking, and metered vs. non-metered parking. Two vendors responded to the RFQ and agreed to participate in the field test. For the purposes of parking data collection occupancy, one vendor counts the number of license plates read via License Plate Recognition (LPR) technology, while the second vendor counts vehicles identified by size, shape, color and positioning. For the purposes of parking and police enforcement, both vendors capture an image of the vehicle and license plate for confirmation purposes and transcribe the license plate number through Optical Character Recognition (OCR). It should be noted that all vehicular identification information, including license plate numbers and photos of vehicles, were secured by all vendors involved and subject to contract and procurement confidentiality clauses. Data were discarded after analysis was complete. Only aggregated information was retained to compare the performance of the two vendors. The field demonstration was performed from September 22-26, 2014 with equipment operated and evaluated by Public Works and Police Department staff. Xerox, the City’s System Integrator, performed vendor coordination, ground-truthing data collection, and analysis of the vendors’ data output. Public Works and Police staff also evaluated the two vendors on the usability of the equipment and its compatibility with existing City equipment, vehicles and software. BACKGROUND goBerkeley is a 3-year pilot program (June 2012 to July 2015), aimed at reducing congestion and improving parking conditions in Downtown Berkeley, Telegraph/Southside and the Elmwood by providing more travel and parking choices to residents, businesses and visitors in those areas. goBerkeley is intended to test the effect of enhanced parking management in combination with transportation demand management (TDM) incentives for employees and residents on reducing vehicle trips and greenhouse gas emissions. The parking pilot will adjust the rate of on-street and public off-street parking facilities based on demand, so as to maintain a level of parking availability that minimizes parking-related search traffic. The pilot will also match time limits to user needs, and provide better information to drivers about where to find a parking space. In fall 2013, parking rates and time limits at on-street meters, lots and garages within the pilot areas changed to launch the demand-responsive pricing program. An adjustment was implemented in summer 2014. To properly monitor the effects of these changes, the goBerkeley pilot performed data collection and enforcement.
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Contract: PCS Mobile for Equipment Vendor Automated Data Collection and Enforcement System (goBerkeley)
CONSENT CALENDAR January 27, 2015
Data Collection The goBerkeley pilot paid CDM Smith $175,000 to perform manual data collection that provides “snapshots” of parking conditions before the program launch and at after each adjustment for a total of 3 instances of collection. While this is a widely accepted method of data collection, it is limited in accuracy and is expensive. Manual data collection alone would be an expensive method to collect data on parking conditions that are necessary to make demand-responsive rate and time limit changes, should the goBerkeley program continue past its pilot term. One of the two major goals of the ADCES is to provide data on parking occupancy and duration on an on-going basis, at low-cost and operable by existing City staff. Enforcement For the goBerkeley pilot changes to be effective, enforcement must ensure that drivers follow rules and regulations. For instance, if the goBerkeley pilot recommends longer time limits to match drivers’ needs, enforcement will ensure that drivers don’t abuse longer time limits and reduce parking availability. In addition, many residents expressed concerns that changes at parking meters may cause “spillover” into residential areas. While the Police Department responds to enforcement needs of the goBerkeley pilot, we also recognize that there are a limited number of Parking Enforcement Officers (PEOs) working with existing equipment and technology. The second of the two major goals of the ADCES is to enhance the efficiency of the Parking Enforcement Division of the Police Department by providing technology that will help PEOs perform their duties more accurately and effectively. Cost-Effectiveness The ADCES is a pilot system to test whether there are technologies that satisfy the dual requirements of data collection and enforcement while being cost-effective for a city of Berkeley’s size, in-house staff and resources. Xerox will be tasked with evaluating the state of current technology for performance as well as cost. The pilot is funded by $2.1 million in grants from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission and Bay Area Air Quality Management District for; and, in partnership with UC Berkeley; and another $1.8 million in grant funding from the Federal Highway Administration for the Value-Priced Parking and Real-Time Parking Information Pilot Program. ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY The goBerkeley pilot has a goal of using enhanced parking management and TDM incentives for employees and residents to reduce vehicle trips and greenhouse gas emissions. The ability to achieve a reduction in parking-related search traffic and shift to more efficient transportation modes will be enhanced by an automated parking data collection and enforcement system.
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Contract: PCS Mobile for Equipment Vendor Automated Data Collection and Enforcement System (goBerkeley)
CONSENT CALENDAR January 27, 2015
RATIONALE FOR RECOMMENDATION Based on the results of the field test, and submitted cost proposals, staff recommend PCS Mobile as the equipment vendor for the goBerkeley Automated Data Collection and Enforcement System. PCS Mobile’s Genetec equipment is the most cost-effective system that best meets the requirements of Public Works, Police Department and Department of Information Technology. As part of the contract with PCS Mobile, the City will enforce strict data security and confidentiality guidelines to protect the privacy of citizens. For the purposes of parking data collection, Public Works staff will view aggregated data only and will discard raw data such as license plates numbers or photos after data has been summarized. For the purposes of parking enforcement, data will be handled in strict adherence to the policies of the Police Department. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS CONSIDERED The City considered alternative methods of data collection, including relying on “smart” parking meters to estimate parking occupancy. However, the accuracy of this method is affected by non-payment and vehicles departing before paid time has expired. Manual data collection is still a viable alternative that is more expensive and can only be performed at less frequent intervals than using PCS Mobile’s Genetec system. The potential for the use of in-pavement occupancy sensor technologies were reviewed, but these systems have a much higher installation and operation/maintenance cost than the PCS Mobile Genetec system. CONTACT PERSON Farid Javandel, Transportation Manager, Public Works, 981-7061 Willa Ng, Principal Transportation Planner, Public Works, 981-7064 Andrew Heidel, Associate Transportation Planner, Public Works, 981-7066 Attachments: 1: Resolution
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RESOLUTION NO. ##,###-N.S. CONTRACT: PCS MOBILE FOR EQUIPMENT PROVIDER OF AUTOMATED DATA COLLECTION AND ENFORCEMENT SYSTEM WHEREAS, Public Works determined that an equipment vendor would be needed to test an alternative method of parking data collection for the Automated Data Collection and Enforcement system to support the goBerkeley pilot program; and WHEREAS, in July 2014, the City of Berkeley released a Request for Qualifications for Specification No. 14-10875-C for an equipment vendor for the Automated Data Collection and Enforcement System, and received two valid proposals by the posted deadline; and WHEREAS, after a thorough review and scoring according to the RFQ’s criteria, as well as an on-site test and evaluation, the submission from PCS Mobile received a high overall score; and WHEREAS, funding for this contract is available in the FY 2015 budget in the Federal Highway Administration Value Pricing Pilot Program (VPPP) Grant Fund (Fund 674), goBerkeley/FHWA restricted revenue portion of the Parking Meter Fund (Fund 840), and the remaining contract balance will be recommended for appropriation through the AAO No. 2 in the goBerkeley/FHWA restricted revenue portion of the Parking Meter Fund (Fund 840); the contract has been entered in the contract management database with CMS No. XUHAL. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Berkeley that the City Manager is authorized to execute a contract and any amendments with PCS Mobile to provide equipment for the Automated Data Collection and Enforcement pilot portion of the goBerkeley program, for an amount not to exceed $450,000 for the period March 1, 2015 through March 30, 2020. A record signature copy of said contract and any amendments to be on file in the City Clerk Department.