May 27, 2018 - Require some initial training, week to week, less than 1 hour commitment. .... Our recent daily Easter me
Golden Grove Lutheran Church THIRTIETH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING To be held on Sunday 27th May 2018 at 11.00am in the Worship Centre A special invitation is extended to all members of Golden Grove Lutheran Church to attend our Church’s Thirtieth Annual General Meeting. This is an opportunity to share in the decision-making activities of our congregation and to become aware of the efforts being expended through God’s Spirit in our community.
AGENDA 1. Opening and Welcome (attendance and apology roll to be passed around) 2. Annual General Meeting of Golden Grove Lutheran Primary School (see separate Book of Reports) 3. Adoption of Minutes 3.1 GGLC Half Yearly Meeting held on 10th December 2017 3.2 Special General Meeting held on 15th April 2018 4. Adoption of Reports 4.1 Pastor 4.2 Chairperson 4.3 School Principal 4.4 Worship 4.5 Pastoral Care 4.6 Christian Education 4.7 Children’s Ministry 4.8 Youth 4.9 Property 4.10 Golden Grove Amateur Fishing 4.11 Meals Ministry 4.12 Catering 4.13 Communications 4.14 Café Implementation Team 5. Finance 5.1 Treasurer’s Report 5.2 Acceptance of Audited Accounts 5.3 Adoption of Budget for 2018 6. Business Arising from Previous Minutes 6.1 Toilets / Worship Centre Renovations (HYM 2017 6.3) 6.2 Core Values Update (HYM 2017 7.1) 7. New Business: 7.1 Treasurer Position 8. Close For your information, you are respectfully reminded that VOTING MEMBERS shall be confirmed and communing members of GGLC who have reached the age of 18 years.
GOLDEN GROVE LUTHERAN CHURCH Minutes of the Twenty-Ninth Half Yearly meeting held Sunday December 10, 2017 in the Worship Centre
Opening and Welcome Jon Schutz welcomed all present and Pastor Greg opened with a prayer
Attendance and Apologies Daniel Dutschke, Allyson Dutschke, Simon Kahl, Paul Williams, Jill Williams, Kate Skewes, Carly Bergen, Alex Jaeschke, Natasha Jaeschke, Ruth Zimmermann, Ian Zimmermann, Liz Shrowder, Dave Shrowder, Jenny Rawolle, Mark Rawolle, Sue Fielke , Genevieve Freund, Jacquie Schutz, Jon Schutz, Connie Fowler, Pastor Greg Fowler, Janet Huxtable, Linden Huxtable, Peter Freund, Tania Gal, Nicole Fielke, Elnora Schmocker, Roger Kloeden, Denise Kloeden, Christiaan Hersevoort, Ken Campbell, Jenny Canavese, Lesley Friedrich, Paul Friedrich, Shane Paterson, Tom Davidson. 36 Apologies John Fielke, Andrew Schmidt, Darryl Bischoff, Rosalie Hoklas, Graeme Hoklas, Alex Schmocker, Ivan Schmocker, Mark Schmocker, Gemma Malik, Margy Knapp, David Knapp, Jo Preiss, Gary Scott, Tammie Switala, Allen Kupke, Jenny Kupke, Jon Schiller, Leanne Schiller, Judith Whaites 19.
Annual Election Meeting of Golden Grove Lutheran Primary School
Adoption of Previous Minutes 4.1.
GGLC Annual General Meeting Held Sunday May 28, 2017
Moved Tom Davidson Seconded Elnora Schmocker
Finance 5.1. • •
• •
Adoption of the Provisional Budget for 2018 Current budget position – projection of $17K deficit after extraordinary items taken into account Current figures to end of Nov show increased expenses ($212k), of that about $14.5k was for altar. Income after transferring Worship Centre Account funds of $3.8k is $181k. So overall deficit $31k - $17k on budget which is not sustainable. Main concern is shortfall in giving, $175K instead of predicted/pledged $192k. For 2018 budget, Finance Team has slightly lowered offerings target. Still higher than actuals for this year but in a community of 150 shortfall equates to only a few dollars per week each. Please consider prayerfully.
Expect that Café will cover loan at least, so in addition to all the benefits to our ministry, should be financially neutral. 2018 budget reflects conservative view
Moved Roger Kloeden Seconded Jacquie Schutz
Business arising from previous Minutes 6.1. ●
6.2. •
6.3. •
• •
30th Anniversary (AGM 2017 6.1) Official note of Thanks to Rosalie Hoklas and her team
Name Change (AGM 2017 6.3) & Constitution (AGM 2017 6.4) Constitution formally adopted as of June 13. Name change – completed except for bank accounts, Simon has in hand.
Toilets/Worship Centre Renovations (AGM 2017 6.5) & Loan (AGM 2017 7.1) Status update: Ø Loan approved, $120k Ø Tax deductible Carpet fund: currently at $21,450. Leaves $12.5k. Ø TTG Council approval for planning complete, building pending (excluding deck) Ø Competitive quotes received for toilets, best option to employ Ivan as building supervisor. Ø Details – tap fittings, café fitout, etc, still TBD. Ø Ready to go pending Ivan’s schedule and last council approvals. Ø Deck, shades – do next year, using volunteer labour. Chairs – samples provided for Congregation to consider Carpet – quotes being sought
New Business 7.1. • •
• • •
7.2. •
Core Values Update Organisations need to revisit core values (mission/vision) periodically. Directions we have set as a council reflect core values that we may or may not have had articulated. Now that Pastor has been with us for two years it’s a good time for reflection and to set a platform for the next few years. Council has commenced the process by shortlisting values which we believe reflect the character of this congregation. Also believe that the congregation should be actively involved in the process. Would like everyone to be able to articulate the core values and feel some ownership of them. Ideally neither lengthy statements nor short buzzwords – hopefully something appropriate, meaningful, memorable. Early next year we will be asking for input. Details to come.
Report from Endeavour Rep tabled – taken as read. Thanks to Tom Davidson our Rep for providing report (Golden Grove Church supports 3 Schools - Golden Grove Primary, Endeavour College & Asaroka)
Election of Office Bearers for 2018 •
Thankyou to previous position holders: o Christiaan Hersevoort – Synod delegate for several years o Allyson Dutschke – Childsafe Coordinator for past 8 years o Daniel Dutschke – Property Coordinator o Alexandra Schmocker – Youth Rep on Council o Rosalie Hoklas – advised 2018 will be her last year as Life of the Vine editor New Office bearers as follows: o Rosalie Hoklas Synod delegate for District and General. Ken Campbell continuing as District delegate (probable last year) o Noah Hahn Youth rep on Church Council o Robert Mills Pastoral Carer, Church Council extra member o Roger Kloeden Property Coordinator o ChildSafe Coordinator – to Judith if no other nominations. Require some initial training, week to week, less than 1 hour commitment. Involves making sure Team Leaders are doing their job
Election of Office Bearers as listed Moved: Dave Shrowder Seconded: Ken Campbell
Pastor Greg closed with a prayer
Minutes Correct Signed by Chairperson
GOLDEN GROVE LUTHERAN CHURCH Minutes of the Special General Meeting held Sunday April 15, 2018 1.
The meeting was held immediately after the morning worship service with 65 communing adults in attendance. Quorum requirement of 22 satisfied.
The following motion was presented to the meeting: That the congregation submit to General Synod the attached proposal to allow the ordination of both men and women in the Lutheran Church of Australia/New Zealand. Moved: Jacquie Schutz Seconded: Andrew Schmidt The motion was carried unanimously. 3.
Minutes Correct Signed by Chairperson
Proposal to LCA General Convention of Synod 2018 Golden Grove Lutheran Church SECTION 1 – PROPOSED RESOLUTION Be it resolved: a. That the Lutheran Church of Australia/New Zealand amend its public teaching to accept the ordination of both men and women; b. and that the LCA/NZ invite properly gifted, trained, prepared and called women to serve as ordained pastors alongside the male pastors of this Church, exercising the office of the keys by proclaiming the gospel, pronouncing the absolution, and administering the sacraments, to the glory of God and for the extension of his Kingdom. SECTION 2 – REASON FOR PROPOSAL Reasons for Proposal 1. In response to the 2015 LCA General Synod resolution the Commission on Theology and Inter-Church Relations (CTICR) has prepared a Draft Doctrinal Statement on the ordination of both women and men, and a statement giving the theological basis for why the ordination of women and men need not divide the Church. The CTICR has consulted widely with the Church concerning these documents. 2. The Draft Doctrinal Statement shows that the ordination of both women and men is consistent with the Lutheran church’s confessional statements on the ordained ministry (AC 5 and 14) which focuses on making the gospel of Jesus Christ widely available through the means of grace, and which contains nothing that excludes women from entering the ordained ministry. 3. ‘The Permanent Status of Theses of Agreement’ (A26) states that “the Theses of Agreement are always under the authority of the Word of God, and therefore there must always be a readiness to submit them to the critical scrutiny of God’s Word and accordingly confirm them, or amend or repudiate them when further study of God’s Word shows them to be inadequate or in error.” This change of public teaching regarding the ordination of women reflects a more comprehensive reading of the Scriptures regarding the eligibility of called and trained women for the pastoral office.
Pastor There can be no doubt that 2017 was an amazing year for our church where we witnessed God’s leading and blessing. I give thanks to Him for the privilege of serving our Golden Grove Community and the wonderful saints that call it home. We all have much for which we are thankful as we live in grace as children of the living God. Last year was the first full year where we enjoyed the blessings of our full staff team. As always, Judith was a rock and encouragement as she ably administered the affairs of our church. I am continually amazed at her love of others and the pastoral care she offers to so many in her role as office manager. Through the ministry of Paul and Natasha our youth and children’s ministry has grown in participation and quality. Our discipleship strategy is bearing fruit and Ruth’s role as Christian Education leader is ensuring that we critically evaluate our ministries and adjust as we are led by God. Dave’s leadership in pastoral care has allocated resources to this critical area of ministry. We acknowledged that we have work to do in this area and throughout 2018 initiatives such as new groups, integration of new members and better targeted visiting will allow us all to be agents of Christ’s love to each other. Our worship has also undergone a few changes and we are thankful to Jacquie for her leadership and those who regularly volunteer to serve us on a Sunday. In the second half of 2018 we will try some new things to help us all to engage more fully in our worship experiences. Our partnership with GGLPS is now more clearly defined and re-energised through the commitment to our new covenant that has been approved by both church and school. I expect some exciting initiatives to flow from this in conjunction with our new cafe that will open later this year. Despite the short-term inconvenience, our renovations will remove some physical blocks to ministry and allow meaningful opportunities for outreach to our community. Our first Christian Education Saturday was a huge success and we look forward to the next one and for a discipleship ‘month’ later this year. I am also very encouraged by the growth in our healing ministry and those who are willing to grow in giftedness to facilitate God’s Holy Spirit to heal and encourage. During 2018 we will revisit our core values and vision. Proverbs 16:3 says ‘commit your work to the Lord and your plans will be established.’ It is imperative that we know why we are undertaking every ministry and how it fits into the call God has put on our congregation. Leadership and vision are paramount to success in ministry. In this regard we thank God for our chairperson Jon who provides wisdom and leadership to me and the leadership team and goes beyond expectations again and again. Finally, I am thankful for the love that Connie and I always receive. May we continue to journey in grace and love together with Him.
Blessings Pastor Greg
Chairperson In reflecting on the past 2½ years since Pastor Greg and myself took up our respective positions, I can see what I hope is a healthy ebb and flow between times of planning and times of execution of the plans. Our previous years have been very much about forward-looking strategy, such as establishing age-appropriate ministries and Christian Education programs, revisiting our pastoral care needs, and preparing for our renovations program that will open the doors of GGLC to the community. In contrast, this last year has been more about carrying out those plans, particularly the renovations. Forward thinking is still on our agenda, however, with an update of our Values statements planned, which in turn will set the foundations for future governance. 2017 was the year in which we hosted the One Day District Synod, celebrated our 30 years as a congregation, installed a new altar and sanctuary furniture, adopted a new Constitution, officially changed our name, paid off our Worship Centre Loan and were awarded a Mission Stimulus Grant toward the café space in our renovations. There was also an ongoing dialogue between the congregation and school about the nature of the churchschool relationship and the role of Pastor in the school, with a particular focus point being the forum held on August 5 and led by John Proeve (LSA Director) and Tania Nelson (Executive Officer Local Mission). In February 2018 we announced the formal and mutual endorsement of a Partnership Covenant, which is a declaration of how we see the shape of the school and church partnership and the undertakings of both parties to intentionally foster that relationship. We highly value our relationship with GGLPS and thank Principal Shane Paterson and Chairperson Gen Freund for their efforts in progressing our partnership.
Budget With extraordinary expenses (sanctuary furniture and renovations planning), extraordinary income (Mission Stimulus Grant) and fundraising appeals for the renovations, the end of year Financial Statement does not really give a clear picture on the true state of our budget. As you will read in the Treasurer’s Report, on paper the budget was in surplus, but after adjustment for extraordinary items the deficit was about 3% of total budget. After projections in October of a deficit (after adjustments) nearing $20k, that the final figure was only about $6k was a solid outcome. However, our reserves are very low and with our renovations, we will have to manage our cash flows very carefully. I thank you all for your ongoing support of our congregation and as always ask you to continue to prayerfully consider your giving to ensure that we can continue to progress our ministries. Our Treasurer for more than 6 years, Simon Williams, has indicated that he is stepping down. We thank Simon for his work over the years. We are pleased to announce that Lesley Friedrich has volunteered to “test out” the treasurer position and has been appointed by Council to fill the casual vacancy left by Simon (this appointment stands until the Half Yearly Meeting when elections are held).
Café, Office, Deck and Amenities Renovations At the 2017 AGM the congregation authorised a loan to pay for renovations including relocation of Pastor’s office and Church Reception from the school, creation of a café space and deck, new toilets, and replacement of carpet and chairs. The LCA District and LLL approved our application to borrow $120k and building works started on February 19, 2018. Before, we had closed front doors and a foyer space that was rarely utilised; soon we will have a bustling zone of activity with people from all corners of the Golden Grove Lutheran community coming together. At the
time of writing, the works have progressed to the point where linings have been installed in the foyer and storeroom areas, and the floor and walls are in place in the toilet area. There is still much work to be done but it is pleasing to see this project advancing from concept to reality. Building programs inevitably throw up challenges and despite our best efforts to establish reasonable estimates and control costs, budget has been or is likely to be exceeded on a number of items. The most significant are air conditioning (extra $10k) and carpet (not final but looking like an extra $10-$16k). A dialogue has been opened with the school regarding the cost increases, and we are continually thankful that the school has supported our renovations to date in fair proportion. As a result of the cost increases, it is proposed that the deck component of the renovations be deferred. At the AGM I would like to discuss fundraising options for this as the deck is a key component of the overall, containing a highly visible play area for toddlers, so we would rather not defer it any longer than absolutely necessary. Even with this measure, as noted above the congregation’s cash flow position will become extremely tight for a period of time until some relief is achieved through income from the café. Members of our congregation have supported this project generously through donations to the taxdeductible school carpet fund, which is currently at $32,300, just short of the initial cap of $34,000. As the cost of the carpet is likely to increase, the cap on this fund will increase accordingly. I would encourage all members to continue to take advantage of this opportunity for tax-deductible donations. Indeed, to fend off a cash flow crisis, additional contributions will be very important. We do, however, also need our REG and weekly offerings to continue at the same level in order to fund our salaries and other expenses. We are so close to reaching a significant new chapter in the life of our congregation, I ask for your continued support to make this happen!
Church Council In 2017 the Church Council comprised the team of Elnora Schmocker, Denise Kloeden, Simon Williams, Jacquie Schutz, Daniel Dutschke, Luke Wachtel, Alexandra Schmocker, Dave Shrowder, Ruth Zimmermann and myself, and ex-officio members Pastor Greg and Shane Paterson. Daniel and Alex have stepped down, and we welcome to Council for 2018: Roger Kloeden as Property Team representative, Noah Hahn as Youth Representative (with Luke), and Robert Mills as Extra Member. Church Council met 9 times during 2017. I thank everyone on Council for their support and hard work. Pastor Greg commenced Long Service Leave in April 2018 and we thank Pastor Dennis Obst for again being willing to be part of our community and lead our worship services until Pastor Greg’s return in July.
Jon Schutz GGLC Council Chairperson
Principal’s report GGLC Annual General Meeting (27/05/18) Fellow members, It is a joy to be able to work in an environment where we can openly express our faith and celebrate this through worship. Our recent daily Easter meditations during Holy Week once again highlighted the beauty of the Gospel to our school community. While we are first and foremost a place of learning, we are also importantly a place where faith is encouraged to grow openly. May God continue to bless the work that is undertaken here by many people and that the relationship between the school and congregation continues to flourish. Staff: Our staffing structure is as follows: Principal: Deputy Principal:
Shane Paterson Tim Kriewaldt
Foundation Foundation Yr 1 Yr 1 Yr 2 / 3 Yr 2 /3 Yr 2 / 3 Yr 4 Yr 4 Yr 5/6 Yr 5/6 Yr 5/6
Kate Burton Angela Seeliger Amber Lownds Sally Garrett (12 month appointment for Mel Arnold who is on maternity leave) Beth Waldhuter (replacement for Carly Bergen who transferred to St Paul, Blair Athol) Georgia Papini Sue Prideaux Jacquie Paech / Ruth Carter James Salisbury Luke Napier Jayne Zadow (replacement for Graham Maddren who transferred to Tyndale) Michelle Dancis / Amber Kothe
Learning Support:
Tim Kriewaldt Joy Doecke Learning & Teaching: Ruth Carter PE: Adele McCusker Japanese: Marion Chan Art: Avylon Margarey (T1 – 3) GGOSH Director: Vicki Kahl (replacement for Katrina Ponte) Chaplain: Jason Kupke Secretary: Elaine Baldock Digital Coordinator / Secretary: Tanya Wilson Uniform Coordinator: Verity Arthur LSO: Glenys Fiedler, Verity Arthur, Leanne Hampel, Kerry Abraham, Tanya Manocchio, Stephanie Schwarz, Vanessa Hughes LSO: Jenny Canavese and Deirdre Fox (Administration and finance and library) Grounds: Kuno Berghout Bus: Steve Cadman, Kuno Berghout, Bob Baskerville Business Manager: Graeme Hoklas Pastor: Greg Fowler
Strategic Plan: School Council have an extremely important role in the governance of the school. Last year in this report I referred to the Strategic Plan and accompanying Action Plan which guides the work of School Council. Some of the highlights of the past twelve months include: •
• • • •
Partnership Covenant: A joint forum was held mid 2017 (congregation members and School Council members) which focused on Lutheran schooling in today’s society and the significance / impact of this on the school / congregation relationship, a joint ‘Partnership Covenant’ was written to outline the expectations of, and to define the relationship between, the school and the congregation. This was strongly endorsed by both School and Church Council and has been published in a recent edition of ‘Life in the Vine’. It is great to have a document such as this so that there is a shared understanding of the relationship of the two bodies. Joint Use Agreement: The Agreement between the Education Department and GGLPS on the joint use of the library expired last year. We are now in the final stages of formalizing a new Agreement. This will be available in the coming weeks should you wish to peruse it. Essentially we have clarified a couple of areas. The Agreement will now be for a period of five (rolling years). Capital works: a) Earlier this year the breezeway between two of the classrooms was enclosed and is being used for group and partner work. b) School Council are in the final stages of completing plans for a further classroom to be added on to our current three classroom block (south western corner of the school). It is hoped that this will be completed early next year. Constitution: School Council are currently reviewing the school’s constitution. LESNW (formerly LSA) are leading us through this process. Any suggested changes will be placed before members in due course. Masterplan: The Council recently adopted a new Masterplan for the next ten year period. Uniform review: We are in the final stages of a uniform review. Marketing: Through an initiative of LESNW the school has received a significant amount of demographic data for this area. This data highlights areas which we could strategically target for enrolments and age and economic demographics; rich data from which we can make some decisions about the future direction of the school. Over the coming months this information will be analysed and strategic action taken in response to it.
The Teaching and Learning program of the school continues to grow and expand. Staff continually reflect on their teaching with the aim of supporting each and every individual whom God has placed in their care. Initiatives this year include: new online platforms for planning and reporting to parents, further exploration of inquiry as a teaching method and the teaching of maths. I look forward to the continuing involvement we have with each other and the support that is offered both ways as we model Christ to this community. Together in His service, Shane Paterson (Principal)
Worship The Worship Team comprises Pastor Greg, Pastor Dennis, Margey Knapp, Lesley Friedrich, Natasha Jaeschke, Ivan Schmocker and myself. Firstly I would like to pay tribute to all the people whose work makes our weekly worship possible. Many tasks are done “behind the scenes” and sometimes are taken for granted. Worship is one of the cornerstones of our congregational life and our thanks goes to anyone whose work contributes to it. Thanks to those who write rosters, clean the worship centre, act as ushers and organise morning tea, provide flowers each week, ensure that our supply of consumables is maintained, provide the banners and other aspects of the displays for special occasions, assist with communion, including cleaning up afterwards, and those who take care of counting and securing the offering. Thanks to Judith for her thoughtful use of images to enhance the power point presentation each week. Thanks to the PA and Powerpoint people, the readers and prayers. God has blessed our congregation in the past 12 months. We began with the planning of our 30th anniversary service and the blessing of our new altar and sanctuary furniture. What a wonderful time we had celebrating and thanking God for the way He has guided our congregation over the past 30 years! We were brought together with a rousing worship service, involving all of our past ministers and Pastor Greg, and using musicians from all the bands involved in our services, including the school. This was followed by a time of fellowship and reminiscing. We pray that God will continue to guide our congregation into the future. Over the past year the team has met regularly to plan our worship services and associated activities, such as the children’s ministry. We are guided by the energy and enthusiasm of Pastor Greg, who keeps us Christ- focussed, and inspires us with a devotion about worship at the beginning of each meeting. Sunday morning services have followed the LCA lectionary, with themes being based on the readings for the day and the season of the church year. Songs are chosen by the band leader for the week, a task that is shared between Allyson Dutschke and myself, to correspond to the theme of the service. At a recent worship team meeting Pastor Dennis pointed out that music and singing form and express our Christian identity. The challenge is to provide songs that are singable, inspiring and reflect God’s word. We pray for continued guidance in choosing songs for the congregation that are enjoyable to sing yet remain God directed. Thank you to all our musicians and singers, for their humble service. It is exciting to see a number of new musicians participating regularly. The children’s address has been removed to allow more teaching time during Biblesong sessions. Children are often invited to present their “makings” at the end of the service, along with a description of what they have learned that day. We are blessed to have Natasha to organise this programme. Her enthusiasm and efficiency has led to a wonderful programme that the children can’t wait to get to each week. Natasha also co-ordinates the playgroup, which is very well attended. New volunteers to assist on Friday mornings after chapel, are always welcome. Another programme she runs, with Pastor Greg, is CCs. This involves a number of Friday evenings over the term at which fun and games in a supervised environment, are offered to primary school-aged children. The aim is to foster a closer relationship between the school and the church, and to introduce the children to the youth leaders, in the hope that
this will facilitate their transition to youth as they get older. Please keep these ministries in your prayers, and consider becoming involved. The change to the way we carry out communion, with the ushers offering the individual cups as people queue to receive the bread, has made the process more efficient. All wafers are now gluten-free and there will be a move to using reusable glass individual cups once the current supply of disposable cups runs out. Morning tea is now usually held in the corner of the worship centre, and it seems that many more people stay to enjoy fellowship after the service since the move. We wait in anticipation for the opening of the café!
Salt Factory services These are held weekly from February to December and are led by a team of people, with the format varying according to that week’s leader. Formats include healing and prayer services monthly, campfire services and quiet, meditative times of worship. The music team varies from week to week but have developed a style that fosters meditation and contemplation of God’s word. The meal that is held prior to services during school terms, is an integral part of the fellowship that is fostered by these services. Thanks to all who serve on the teams that make Salt Factory possible. Some “highlights” from services in 2017 include: • • •
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The confirmation service in late November. The theme of the service was “Faith” and the Faith statements given by the young people being confirmed were moving and inspiring. The congregation decorating the Christmas tree during the last service in Advent. A new tradition has begun. A moving service of readings, carols and a short drama on Christmas Eve. This was the first time in many years that we were not able to assemble enough people to produce a Christmas play, but many people appreciated the telling of the Christmas story using bible verses and carols inspired by them, along with Margey’s excellent drama, and the candlelight. Our Palm Sunday service led by the children of our congregation, the first of four planned for the year. A wonderful series of Easter services
We look forward to the year ahead and where God will take us, Yours in Christ, Jacquie Schutz May 6th 2018
Pastoral Care The major areas of focus for the Pastoral Care Team over the past 12 months have been:
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Welcome Sheets. The purpose of Welcome Sheets is to allow people to advise Pastor Greg of any specific needs or requests. They also allow Greg and the Pastoral Care Team to recognise when people are absent for some time – creating an opportunity for follow up if necessary. Unfortunately not many forms were being completed so they weren’t achieving their purpose. In their place a spreadsheet is now being used on a tablet which allows us to see who’s been away for a while and who therefore might require follow up if they’re not well or have a problem etc. Greg has already found this to be particularly valuable. Welcome Packs. These have taken longer than expected but are nearly complete. The Pastoral Care component will be included in the overall congregation pack for new members. Small Groups. In mid-2017 a survey was conducted by the Pastoral Care and Christian Education Teams to better understand the needs of members of the congregation. o One of the major responses from the survey was the number of members indicating a very strong desire to be connected in small groups. As a result the small groups ministry is being re-invigorated. o The term “connect” was frequently used in the survey responses, as well as in the follow up Congregational Forum that was held, so the logical conclusion was to call these new groups “Connect Groups”. o To adequately meet the needs of our congregation we would need a minimum of 15 groups – each of which requires someone to act as the “leader”. At the moment we only have about 10 definite leaders, so please pray that God will encourage more to come forward. o Leaders don’t need to be theological experts etc, they simply need to be prepared to coordinate their group’s meetings and help facilitate discussions. We’ll be working closely with the Christian Education Team to provide training and support, so if you think you might be able to lead a group please pray about it and speak to Greg or me. Please note: The Connect Groups are seen as such an important ministry within GGLC that Pastor Greg would like to be personally involved in developing leaders for each group and helping to determine the members of each group. Unfortunately the timing didn’t allow this to be achieved before he went on leave, so we’ll be following up to establish the groups when he returns.
As happened in the previous year, God has blessed us again with a number of new people over the last 12 months who have since become active members of Golden Grove Lutheran Church. It’s exciting to see so many people seeking a spiritual home with us, and we pray that God will continue to guide us all as a congregation, so that we can welcome these people, as well as care for our existing members, and that we can all feel and share the love of Jesus, and the joy of the salvation he provides.
Yours in Christ, Dave Shrowder
Christian Education The Christian Education Team was a new addition to GGLC in early 2017. The Christian Education Team is responsible for ensuring that Christian education needs of Congregational members are being delivered by the various ministries of the Church. In April 2017 the team met and mapped out the established programs beginning from Baptism through to Seniors that are currently running at GGLC. Strengths and any potential issues of each program were also identified and discussed. The following programs were identified; • • • • • • • • •
Mainly music Bible Song Step up to Communion CC’s Confirmation Youth Women’s retreat GGAF Fellowship/Friendship groups
In examining the current ministries, it was acknowledged that GGLC had deliberately focussed on and strategically developed a number of strong programs to support the children and youth ministries in the congregation and that this has continued to be monitored over the last year. Both Paul and Natasha have provided additional details about some of these programs in their reports. As stated in the CET Report last year, the CET team had also identified that while the children and youth ministries were the current focus in 2017, planning for other age groups and their needs in the congregation would be the next logical step and In June/ July 2017 a survey was developed and distributed to all congregational members inviting feedback in relation to Pastoral Care and Christian Education needs at GGLC. The feedback in the survey in relation to Christian Education has provided the Christian Education Team with some valuable insights regarding the needs of the congregation. Feedback also identified that there is strong commitment from congregational members in regard to their willingness to be involved in and support Christian Education at GGLC. A Congregational forum was held in August to share the survey results. At the forum, members were also invited to work in small groups to brainstorm practical suggestions in relation to implementing different programs, courses, bible studies etc. that had been identified in the survey. The clear message received from the survey and forum is that members are eager to participate in the study of God’s word. Time however is a precious commodity and the idea of a one-day Christian Education event across all ages to be held twice each year was well received. The first Christian Education Saturday was held on January 20, 2018 with Dr John Kleinig providing an overview of the Bible. The second day will be held on Saturday 21st July with the focus being on Spiritual Disciplines. The other focus for 2018 will be a Christian Education month in September. Yours in Christ, Ruth Zimmermann
Team members: Chairperson: Ruth Zimmermann, Pastor: Greg Fowler Children’s Ministry worker/Playgroup Co-ordinator: Natasha Jaeschke Youth Worker: Paul Voigt ChildSafe Co-ordinator: Allyson Dutschke/Judith Whaites
Kids@Heart, CC’s, Mainly Music Playgroup My current role as Children’s Ministry Worker includes:
• • •
managing and facilitating Kids @ Heart using the program Bible song organising and leading CC’s (Children of Christ) involving R- Year 6 children from GGLC and GGLPS setting up and leading playgroup using the Mainly Music program.
Kids@Heart Kids @ Heart takes place during Sunday morning worship services at Golden Grove Lutheran Church. Through worship, teaching and engaging in a variety of activities children are exposed to God’s word and challenged to grow in their own relationship with God. The 40 minute religious education program is aimed at school age children, allowing them to explore the lectionary reading of the day through visual arts, enquiry, sharing and listening to others ideas. The children are asked to analyse, critique and draw upon learnt knowledge through reading the bible, and apply this to a linked craft activity to share at the end of the service with the congregation and then take home.
CC’s Two or three activities are planned and programmed each term of the school year. CC’s activities are offered to R- Year 6 school age children at Golden Grove Lutheran Church and Golden Grove Lutheran Primary School. This has worked well in establishing a connection and building relationships between congregational members and their families with GGLPS children and their families. Specific connections have also been established through the GGLC meals ministry team as a result of providing parents with coffee and a snack while their children were participating in CC’s activities. Paul (Youth Ministry Worker) and Youth leaders are also involved in the CC’s program where they lead specific groups in planned activities. This has enabled the upper primary school children to meet and liaise with Paul to assist their transition to Youth in the next few years.
Playgroup- Mainly Music During the last year the plans for establishing the Mainly Music program that forms part of weekly Playgroup session for children from birth to 5 years have been successfully implemented. Playgroup takes place each Friday morning at 9:30 after chapel, beginning with Mainly Music involving 30 minutes of music and movement. Parents and children form a circle, watch the screen and leader and copy a set of actions involving instruments and props. The aim is to engage children in thematic based music in conjunction with developing a deeper understanding of God. The songs “You are special” or “God made you” are used to share the message with the children that they have been created and designed by God and that their life has a special purpose. Morning tea for the children and parents is offered after Mainly Music, providing parents with the opportunity to interact while their children participate in Playgroup activities.
I am truly blessed with support of my team in assisting the continuity and delivery of playgroup success each week, I wish to thank Pastor Greg, Christiaan, Judith and Paul for all their contributions help. Thank you, to all that have assisted me with my various tasks within the church. I ask you all to pray for all those involved in our Children’s Ministry Programs, including leaders, volunteers, participants and youth. Please continue to pray for our members of Golden Grove Lutheran Church and for the families of Golden Grove Lutheran Primary School. May we continue to work harmoniously together and walk as disciples of the Lord.
Natasha Jaeschke Children’s Ministry Worker
Youth Youth this last year has been great we have kept the same format as last year that includes a games and devotion night and a study night the only difference is this year we have gone with youth alpha for our study nights and already have a lot of more interested youth in joining the program. Pastor Greg still comes out for these nights to be involved in the spiritual growth of our youth and is very useful having him around these nights. We have also had some great volunteer’s come in and cook a meal for the youth to have at the start of the night a few members from the congregation as well as some visitors who wanted to help out and we are always looking for people who would be interested in helping out in this way. The games and devotion nights are still run by the youth leaders with Lachlan Ahrens taking over the overseeing the devotion side of the night and he has done a great job of that. We still offer JR leaders to those interested in yrs. 11-12 and have about 5 at the moment 4 of which will finish school this year and can take up a senior leadership role next year. We are also very excited with the partnership with Para Vista this year and already having lots of positives from both leaders and youth and we are excited to see how this relationship grows. And we will be having a conjoint event once a month to be held at both churches. A number of our youth leaders also help with the CC’s nights and are already making strong connections with the kids who will soon be our youth in the coming years. We will also be having our first youth retreat this year where we will be going to camp Kedron in Barmera for a couple of days for our youth and Para Vistas with organizing already underway. We have also started to have combined worship nights twice a term now that is open to anyone who is interested the main churches involved at this stage is Para Vista, Tea Tree Gully, ST Pauls Enfield and Salisbury with Joel Schiller running these with support from Luke Wachtel and myself and each church helps in some way being promotion, child safe or helping with sound and power point. So from my point of view youth has been going great we have had over 40 youth come through this year so far and get around 15-20 on average per night and I believe that a big part of that is to our presence in the schools both primary and endeavour college.
Paul Voigt Youth Coordinator
Property Thanks to pastor Dennis who ignited the flame for new sanctuary furniture which was unveiled at the 30th anniversary and thanks to Jon and Denise for making that happen. Many thanks to all involved with the preparation and running of the 30th anniversary celebrations. During the year there have been issues with the kitchen ovens and dishwasher requiring the dishwasher to be repaired and the ovens replaced. Thanks to all involved. The banner mechanism has been replaced with an electrically controlled version. Pedestals provided to help with used communion personal plastic cups. Ongoing items: 1. Asset Register: We will get on to this once new works are completed. 2. Retaining wall and ramp: Hope to see some action in the near future. regards Roger Kloeden
GOLDEN GROVE AMATEUR FISHING (GGAF) Mission Statement: Giving all people opportunities to fish in a Christ centred environment
2017 was the 16th year since GGAF was established. This year the Club had 59 financial members including 14 Juniors. Our enthusiastic and hardworking Committee members were: Louise Sumner - Vice President, Christine McCulloch - Secretary, Chris Simanis - Treasurer, Committee Members Ian Zimmermann, Geoff Hill, Dennis Arthur and new Committee member Rob Pointon. We have been blessed with a stable and enthusiastic Committee and I thank all of them for their great support of myself and the Club. In addition to the AGM the Club organised 10 events including the Fish Cooking Night (the last being in 2008) – thanks to GGAF Masterchef Geoff Thiel - Annual Camp and the annual camp at Meningie Caravan Park. The Club was blessed with good weather and attendances for almost all of the events and revisited Cadell and Semaphore Jetty (6am start). The Presentation Night in November was successful and well attended. The Senior Winner for 2017 was Chris Simanis and the Junior Champion was Lachlan Caldicott. The Encouragement Award was presented to Mark & Leanne Caldicott . The Club again thanks Spot On Tackle for their ongoing support and sponsorship in 2017 including the Tackle Night.
February 2018 AGM The GGAF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING was held Sunday 11th February. The following were re-elected unopposed to the Committee: President – Graeme Hoklas Vice President – Louise Sumner Secretary – Christine McCulloch Treasurer – Chris Simanis Other Committee Members – Ian Zimmermann, Geoff Hill, Dennis Arthur and Rob Pointon. Events Program for 2018 - New to the program this year are Blanchetown on the River Murray, Rapid Bay Jetty and St Kilda Breakwater. Annual Camp destination this year is Kingston on Murray Caravan Park.
PROGRAM of EVENTS 2018 11th February (Sunday) – 18th February (Sunday) – 3rd March (Saturday) – 14th April (Saturday) 5th May (Saturday) – 26th May (Saturday) – 25th June (Monday) 13th-16th July (Fri-Mon) –
AGM 4.00 pm GGLPS Conference Room -Wynn Vale Crabbing @ Webb Beach 9am Cockling @ Goolwa Beach 9am Port Noarlunga Jetty & Beach 10am Waitpinga Beach 10am Blanchetown River Fishing 10am Tackle Night 7.30pm @ GGLPS Conference Room -Wynn Vale Streaky Bay (Eyre Peninsula) Fishing Trip
11th August (Saturday) – Rapid Bay Jetty 11am 9th September (Sunday) St Kilda Breakwater 6am–9:30am th st 19 - 21 October (Fri-Sun) – Annual Camp @ Kingston On Murray Caravan Park 17th November (Saturday) – Presentation Night @ GGLC 7:00pm Note: Events may be subject to change Annual Membership cost remains at $15 for Seniors and $5 for Juniors (15 years and under) GGAF merchandise for sale includes Caps, Polo Shirts, Sleeveless Jackets, Badges and Can Coolers. The Committee wishes to thank the Golden Grove Lutheran Church and the Golden Grove Lutheran Primary School for their continued support during 2017 and 2018 to date. Many thanks to GGAF members and their friends for coming along to our trips and events and making the Club the success that it is. A special thank you to the committee and their families for their enthusiasm and continued service. Graeme Hoklas
GGAF President
Meals Ministry This is a practical way we can share and show God’s love to others and having a meal supplied to them in time of need can ease the stress for that day knowing they don’t have to cook. Members who supply meals need to place the meal in a sealed container, with a list of ingredients and the date which it was made. They can then be placed in the church kitchen freezer. There are families on the roster each month who supply meals, but anyone can do it when they are free to make an extra meal or 2. If you know of someone who needs a meal, please let Jenny Rawolle know or Judith in the office, and I will try and fulfil that need. Thank you to everyone for all your time and care given in the past and we look forward to the future helping others when needed. Thank you Jenny Rawolle
New Baby People in need
Catering Committee During 2017 the Catering Committee, with the assistance of GGLC members, provided catering for a variety of functions. In February, Supper was provided for a 21st birthday catering for approx 70 people, and in October, afternoon tea was provided for approx 70 people, following a wedding at GGLC. Our major catering event was helping to organize catering for Synod on 20 May. The committee members helped in providing advice, as well as helping with setting up the worship centre the night before so that approx 300 people could be seated, as well as have easy access to morning tea and lunch facilities. With the assistance of many GGLC members, approx 1000 pieces of food were provided for morning tea for Synod, as well as help with morning tea, serving lunch and cleaning up on the day. Thank You. Thanks again to everyone who has assisted with catering. Your willingness to help and your generosity with preparing food is appreciated. The current committee members, Jenny Rawolle, Leanne Schiller, Dorothy Quick, Margaret Hancock, can be contacted if you have any catering queries.
Communications The Communications Team was established in 2017 with a mission to ensure effective communications both within the congregation and externally across all of our publication media, including social media, e-news, website, weekly bulletin, Life in the Vine, and so on. These fairly broad terms of reference also extend to such things as signage and café naming. Much of our first year has been involved in understanding our scope of work. Social media was one of the first areas of focus, and after testing with Facebook and Twitter for most of the year, it was decided that it was not effective use of time to continue to support Twitter. However, our Facebook audience has been steadily growing, which we take as an indicator that the material is being positively received. I would like to make a special note of thanks to Joel Schiller for his continued efforts in creating and finding useful and relevant material to share on Facebook. The proposal for the Café Name Competition originated with the Communications Team, and it was pleasing to see the level of participation in the competition from both congregation and school with ultimately 66 names put up for consideration. The winning name selected by Church Council, “Café Connect”, has been widely embraced. Looking at logos and brand colours for the café is currently on the team’s agenda. Toward the end of the year we turned our focus toward Welcome Packs for visitors, and also on trying to present a consistent brand image across all of our publications. These are still works in progress. Rosalie Hoklas has been producing the Life in the Vine publication for a number of years and has given us fair warning that she will be stepping down from this role at the end of this year. We are therefore looking for at least one person, but maybe several, to join the Communications Team and take the lead on Life in the Vine.
Jon Schutz Acting Communications Team Chairperson
Cafe Implementation Team The Cafe Implementation Team was formed late last year with the mission to determine the build and operational requirements for the cafe. The plan is that the cafe will initially be open from 8:30am to 11:30am weekdays and closed during Friday chapel. Ideally we would like to open earlier to service the teachers’ coffees first thing in the morning; timing can be adjusted in the future depending on demand and volunteer availability. The cafe will also be available for use outside of these hours, subject to certain guidelines. The menu will include the range of coffees and teas, hot chocolate, smoothies, packaged fruit juices, water and simple or pre-prepared food items such as cake, scones and toasted sandwiches. Details of the food are still to be decided but there will be a small number of fixed recipes. Initially we will be relying on the generosity of volunteer bakers, but once established we would expect to move to a more sustainable arrangement. Deciding on a layout for the cafe bar area has required significant research and consultation. There are several legislative and regulatory constraints in play, including food handling standards, food premises construction standards and trade waste controls. The various standards dictate details such as the number of sinks, temperature of water and refrigeration, flooring and cupboard construction, materials, layout of operations, and more - which in turn dictate the bulk of the costs. To construct the café bar area and install the required equipment will cost approximately $25k, which is the amount of the Mission Stimulus Grant, for which we are truly thankful! Ali Hoopman from Hahndorf has kindly made available many of the documents that they use in their cafe, such as menus, recipes, procedures and other knowledge-base items, which will provide an excellent foundation for us. Pastor Greg put out a general call for volunteers to staff the cafe and we have had 5 volunteers so far. We will need more – at least 10 in total, preferably even more. Training will be provided and no prior experience is required, just a willingness to donate some time and to enjoy the company of the people in our community. We are also looking for someone with a passion for this mission to take on a coordination role. For the moment, this will be a volunteer position, but as seen in the case of Hahndorf, in the fullness of time it may progress to a part-time paid position.
Jon Schutz (Acting) Team Coordinator
Treasurer Similar to the past few years, Golden Grove Lutheran faced some challenges in 2018. While the financial statements say we had a $5,000 surplus for the year, this includes $25,000 in grants from the LCA for the new café project, which if removed leaves us with a $20,000 deficit for the year. With the loan for the worship centre being paid off, this has seen a reduction in our loan expenses. However this saving has been offset by the increases in wages and we still have the manse loan to pay off. On the plus side, giving for the year increased on 2016, however is still below where we hoped it would be. This will need to be monitored over the next few years if we are going to be able to continue to afford our increased wages along with the loan payments for both the manse and café projects. So far in 2018, the main focus has been on the café project. Construction is well under way and we have started to draw down on the loan for the project. When the renovations are finished, it is hoped that we will be able to attract customers for the café along with new members, this increase in income will be needed to both repay the loan for the café as well as our wage expenses.
Simon Williams GGLC Treasurer
Receipts BankSA Opening Balance LLL Opening Balance
Payments $11,647.16 $41,186.94
Offerings (Services) Offerings (REG) Mission Appeals Donation Coffee Club Hire Reimburse Youth Catering Mainly Music Miscellaneous BankSA Interest LLL Interest
$33,768.20 $166,795.78 $0.00 $0.00 $4,311.40 $0.00 $4,225.00 $1,321.81 $0.00 $941.65 $128.75 $5,123.23 $6.42 $630.68
Total Receipts
Bank Reconciliation Balance as per Statement Less Outstanding Cheques 89164 89336 89343 89344 I31491367 Undeposited Offerings Total Outstanding Cheques Closing BankSA Balance
$17,574.43 $100.00 $6.44 $1,000.00 $367.23 $50.00 -$360.00 $1,163.67 $16,410.76
Wages Superannuation WorkCover Utilities Telephone Water Electricity/Gas Admin Software Property Cleaning Repairs/Maintenance Audio Equipment Council Rates Insurance Loan Repayment Security/Fire Administration Music/Copyright Stationary Photocopying Postage Guest Preacher Service Requirements Programs CC's Library Training/Conferences Youth Nurture Children's Ministry Worship Witness Other District Budget LCA Funds Consumables Asaroka Catering Mission/Outreach Mainly Music Miscellaneous BankSA Closing Balance LLL Closing Balance Total Payments
$109,566.96 $11,553.16 $2,131.65
$575.99 $1,328.50 $2,765.03 $0.00
$1,239.81 $2,891.02 $3,080.30 $1,021.30 $6,671.65 $19,354.66 $134.59
$1,102.65 $227.04 $1,025.67 $0.00 $0.00 $956.00
$0.00 $272.98 $642.85 $0.00 $0.00 $1,263.93 $0.00 $0.00
$11,000.00 $4,800.00 $581.50 $0.00 $604.32 $487.71 $435.00 $26,061.21
$16,410.76 $41,900.78
$58,311.54 $270,087.02
110,208 10,470 1,700 2,000 4,500
2017 ACTUAL 2018 BUDGET 109,567 111,257 11,553 11,242 2,132 1,676 4,800
3,000 1,000 1,200 300 1,200 3,000 6,000 13,100 500
3,000 1,000 1,200 4,600 1,200 3,000 7,000 20,000 500
3,080 582 1,240 1,021 6,672 19,355 135
1,103 227 1,026 0 0
643 0 0 273 1,264 0 0
500 1,125 1,000
CHILDREN'S MINISTRY Bibles for Receptions CC's
400 500 600
956 488
4,500 5,000
435 11,000
600 12,000
141,796 33,768 4,311
129 11,307 192,253
INCOME BUDGET REG WEEKLY OFFERINGS DONATIONS BUDGET APPEAL PLEDGES (2010) FUNDRAISING (Catering, Coffee Club, Events, etc. LIBRARY APPEAL PROGRAMS Youth, Fellowship, Mainly Music MISCELLANEOUS reimbursements, interest, hire charges
2017 Actual Notes: Mission Stimulus Grant ($25k) excluded from income for comparison purposes