Golf Tournament 2ND annual - Eagle Baseball Club

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counties. (You can find more information about Camp Hill Challenger Baseball League at: ) www.
2ND annual

the tournament The 2nd Annual EBC Golf outing is a scramble format golf tournament that is held by the Eagle Baseball Club organization. Eagle Baseball Club provides young athletes in Cumberland County an opportunity to play baseball at a more competitive level. Our goal is to help our players develop skills, confidence, sportsmanship and teamwork, all while having lots of fun together. In the offseason we coordinate local volunteer opportunities for our players to serve their/ our community. Proceeds from the outing will be used to help cover insurance expenses, tournament fees, field rentals, and team equipment. ADDITIONALLY a portion of proceeds will be donated to the Camp Hill Challenger Baseball League. A baseball league for children with special needs residing in Cumberland, Dauphin, Perry and York counties. (You can find more information about Camp Hill Challenger Baseball League at: )

Golf Tournament Friday, September 29, 2017, 9 AM at Rich Val1ey Golf Course

SPONSORSHIPs PLATINUM SPONSOR..................$1,250 Includes 4 golfers, 3′ x 5′ company banner & hole exclusivity. LUNCH SPONSOR........................... $500 Includes company banner at lunch in Nolo’s restaurant. DRINK CART SPONSOR................ $300 Includes cart signage.

please join us For a day of GOLF & FUN For questions or inquiries, call Josh at (717) 571-0456 or email [email protected] To register online go to:

GOLD SPONSOR.............................. $250 Hhole sponsorship with 2′ x 3′ sign.

entry fees Individual – $75 / Foursome – $300 FEE INCLUDES: Range balls prior to event, green fees & cart, lunch at Nolo’s restaurant. Name:___________________________________ Company:________________________________ Address:_________________________________ Phone:___________________________________ Email:___________________________________ Player’s Names: 1._______________________________________

SILVER SPONSOR........................... $100 Hole sponsorship with 18″ x 24″ sign.

2._______________________________________ 3._______________________________________ 4._______________________________________ # of Golfers attending lunch__________________

2ND annual

# of NonGolfers attending lunch_______________ TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED:______________ Sponsor Name (if sponsoring a hole): ________________________________________ Type of Sponsor (circle one): PLATINUM GOLD SILVER FOOD DRINK

Golf Tournament

Please make checks payable to & mail to: Eagle Baseball Club, LLC 5805 Fawn Meadow Lane, Enola, PA 17025