Cite this article as: Karami V, Zabihzadeh M, Shams N, Saki Malehi A. Gonad Shielding during Pelvic Radiography: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.
V. Karami, M. Zabihzadeh, N. Shams, et al.
Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Gonad Shielding during Pelvic Radiography: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Vahid Karami MSc1, Mansour Zabihzadeh PhD·2,3, Nasim Shams MD4, Amal Saki Malehi PhD5
Abstract Background: Gonad shielding has been extensively advocated during pelvic radiography at or below reproductive ages. The popular practice of gonad shielding is placement of a lead shield in the midline of the pelvis. The aim of this study was to address the prevalence of JRQDGVKLHOGLQJDQG¿QGRXWZKHWKHUWKHFXUUHQWSUDFWLFHRIJRQDGVKLHOGLQJFDQEHFRQVLGHUHGDVDQHIIHFWLYHPHWKRGWRUHGXFHUDGLDWLRQ exposure in patients undergoing pelvic radiography. Methods: 1DWLRQDODQGLQWHUQDWLRQDOHOHFWURQLFGDWDEDVHVLQFOXGLQJ3XE0HG0('/,1(0%$6(DQG*RRJOH6FKRODUZHUH searched up to January 2016. The database searches were supplemented with manual searches of reference lists. Two authors independently assessed the eligibility of all studies and extracted data. Results: 7KH VHDUFKHV \LHOGHG D WRWDO RI SXEOLFDWLRQV$IWHU DVVHVVLQJ HDFK LGHQWL¿HG VWXG\ DJDLQVW VSHFL¿F LQFOXVLRQ H[FOXVLRQ criteria, 18 studies were deemed as relevant for this review. The total prevalence rate of gonad shielding was estimated at 58% (95% CI: 40 to 74%). It was estimated that only 34% (95% CI: 25 to 44%) of the radiographs had correct positioning of the shield. Also, incorrect SRVLWLRQLQJRIWKHVKLHOGZDVVWDWLVWLFDOO\VLJQL¿FDQWO\KLJKHULQIHPDOHVWKDQPDOHVYVP-value