Dec 8, 2016 - World Strides. Please check the school website for information on how to register. If you or your parents have any questions contact Mrs. Zoerb ...
Good Morning Wolfpack! THURSDAY DECEMBER 8, 2016 Good Morning Wolfpack, today is Thursday December 8th. SNOW WARNING, ANYONE CAUGHT PICKING UP SNOW, THROWING SNOW JUST MESSING WITH THE SNOW IN GENERAL WILL BE SUBJECT TO A POSSIBLE STEP FOUR. Basketball teams 7 & 8 A will play against Desert Hills today at home. Dance team will also be performing. These are the last home games for the A teams so come join the fun. Wolves 7 & 8 White teams will play basketball against Enterprise at Enterprise. Bus leaves at 2:45 games begin at 4:00. Girls’ basketball and wrestling packets can be picked up from Mrs. Harris or in the office. Girls’ basketball meeting: Friday Dec 9th 2:40-3:00 in the Gym Wrestling Meeting: Friday Dec 9th 2:40-3:00 in the Gym
Chess Club meets today in Room 423 at 2:45 to 3:30. COMPUTER CLUB BEGINS TODAY, DECEMBER 8TH IN ROOM 431 AT 2:35 TO 3:35. STUDENT STORE WILL BE OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY DURING LUNCHES. HAVE FUN SPENDING YOUR CHINOOK BUCKS! Are you an 8th Grade student interested in going to Washington DC over spring break? There is still time to sign-up, January 11th is the last day to register through the World Strides. Please check the school website for information on how to register. If you or your parents have any questions contact Mrs. Zoerb the Chinook Librarian. The first Chinook Middle School Yearbooks are on sale now! The cost of a yearbook is $25.00 and may be purchased in the office. The deadline for purchasing books is December.
Happy Birthday wishes going out to Apollos Morris, Spencer Nickerson, Tommy Bridges, Fisher Long, Taylor Clark, and Jaiden Pulliam. For lunch today we have Chili, Chips & Cheese. Wolves, let’s remember to BE YOUR BEST AND NOTHING LESS! Please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance…