The publication is effective from Tuesday 7th February 2017, we will be reviewing take up of the service at the end of M
Linton Rd Langshaw Rd
Lyndhurst Ave
Foggyley Gardens
Park House Hotel Coupar Angus Rd
Brantwood Ave Byron St Alpin Rd
Hill Street
Kilberry St
Leaflet by RChan
Cobden St
Carmichael Street
The Howff Departure >
Bus Shelter, Meadowside
GOOD TO GO FREE DROP-OFF SERVICE This leaflet contains details of the Good to Go Bus DropOff service. This is a pilot service for older and disabled passengers. This 15 seat bus, journeys from the city centre with departures from The Howff Bus Shelter at 4.15pm and 5.15pm and will drop passengers along the route shown above. Passengers will need to join the Good to Go Travel Club before using the service (this is free to join). TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY & FRIDAY First pick up: Second pick up:
4:15pm 5:15pm
1st stop Carmichael Street 2nd stop Hill Street 3rd stop Byron Street 4th stop Alpin Road
The Howff Bus Shelter, Meadowside, Dundee City Centre
5th stop Brantwood Avenue 6th stop Kilberry Street 7th stop Cobden Street 8th stop Park House Hotel (Coupar Angus Road)
9th stop Langshaw Road 10th stop Linton Road 11th stop Lyndhurst Avenue 12th stop Foggyley Gardens
The publication is effective from Tuesday 7th February 2017, we will be reviewing take up of the service at the end of March 2017. Section 19 permit requires that all passengers must be members of the Good to Go Travel Club. For more information please and to join the Travel Club contact the Good to Go service at: Email:
[email protected] Telephone: 01382 504848