GOODS, BalioryJ

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For she's nobody's nobody's darling. Irtit mine: She would lose her charm and become less ... Now she's nobody's darling but mine! .... "When the baby died-t- he.








MrsrCaptain'RawdoninvasHheresew? iug and heard it all. Oh, how cruel to fall iu love with a poor girl at sucli a time! And he asked me to be his wife. And mother aiuijFrinnyj shall always nave a nome, ne bays, ami you kuow howipoor we are, J.nd they're angry at


22, 1872.


Xiibody" Dnrllnjr. mcjfor.saying no.; ,5ud how can I, how nnd poor afid shy. wllid. and Utile canOSvheU luy'lTearfiis iu the sea witli in her Mft gray eye; Willi a downcast look 1V111IU.-- . No scornful toss ol n queenly head; Hut a drooping bend of the head Instead; . said, and I "Ganlain Kincaid!" No ringing laugh aud no dancing feet, No subtle wiles and alwndon sweet. couldn't say any more: she" took' my ik garments fine No Jewels oreatuaway. cue was a uicc, preuy She is nobody's darling bnt mine! giri; ujut-iiiuapiainwos ricii,.eiegani "TVvllr Varden" cooueUlsh airs: and 'stylish!. An old family he came of, booth to th row her down stairs; d No too. "irwos au honor for Milly Jiore. No ystchlng Jacket and nautical style, the calls her "Met" With a bailor hat that upon "Not just yet," said T, after a while. quiet stamped brow; her Is But 'Perhaps you'll feel better. He's old, I And she crept Into my hesirt 1 can't tell how; know, but lie's a splendid man." Not made to dazxle not burn to shine Nobody' nobody" darling but mine! "You too!" said she. "You too! No saucy, ravishing, grace. Nobody understands. It isn't as if I Hut a nettled calm on the sweet, iale ftiee; had made up my mind like all the rest. No sparklWg chatter and repartee; Will will always be a living man to my Very silent and still Is she. White and still my pearl of pearl, mind. I don't think anyone ever loved Yet she seemeth to me the queen of girls; but me. Nobody understands no.A T Mint Ati.. It'll. 1 For she's nobody's nobody's darling Irtit body."


eo-.ll- -,




"Thfeomonths!" Iaill"MillyT''OIiT

how can I wait?" And then says I: "Milly, forgiveapooroldstupid goose. That letter has been lying under my best coffee crushed three months and a day. And there's a vessel iu the ofliing now " So' it teas Will after all; and Job and I wont in flio wrxMlnif with happy hearts. And no need to pity Captain Ivincald either, for he married Fanny More before the year was over. Ledger.


I'm Aunty GuiiterT Job Gunter Is my liusbaml. We keep the Anchor Port post office and a store, and sell groceries and garden sass, calico, shoes, and medicines, like other folks in our line, when anybody asks for 'em. "When a ship comes in, and the sailors come home to their wives and mothers, trade grows brisk. The housekeepers do their best, and the raisins and dried currants and cgs and butter go of! finely, and it's worth while to lay in-- ribbons for the girls, and smoking tobacco and long pipes for the men. Jack aud wages make old Anchor Port brisk for a while, but at last he sails away, and all the women seem to ask for will be letters letters, letters, letters when they have a right to expect them, and when they haven't all the same. It's "Please, Aunty Gunter, look over them aud see if there aren't one for me;" and it's "Please, Aunty Gunter, it might have got mixed upand overlooked somehow;" often and often God help the poor souls! after Jack lies at the bottom of the sea, and nothing will ever reach them but the news of his shipwreck. But plenty of letters come after all, and sometimes we have to read them for the folks, Job and T, aud we do get to Know sometmng m tucir lives. Milly Moro could read and write her self, but still I always knew when she had a letter front Will Massett. I knew it by the handwriting, and I knew it by her blushes, aud by that happy look in her face. When ho came home she bought ribbons aud bits of lace by the apronful; and I knew where the pack-ace- s of candy that lie boucht were to no to. And I used to keep Job from fishing uown in raiman's creek ol aiternoons, because I knew that was where Milly and Will liked to walk. Courting time comes but once m a lifetime, anil 1 like to see it prosper. At last he sailed away, second mate of the Golden Dovo; and when lie came back from that voyage they were to be ya


It was a sad day when that ship sailed. Mrs. Captain ltawdou aud her girls were cryingon the shore. Twenty women from the Port and five from the Hill were there to see her set sail. It was a grim, gray day, and the voyage was to be a long one. It was under our old sycamore that Will took Milly to his breast. "Don't fret, darling!" he said, "I'll come back safe aud sound. I couldn't drown now; I've too much to live for." Poor boy! in spite of that, the Golden Dove went down in mid-seaand only three men reached Anchor Port to tell how Captain Itawdon and the rest were lost, at dead of night, iu a most woeful storm. Captain Kincaid brought the news up to Mrs. Itawdon. He stopped at our store to tell about it. A nice old man. t, A bachelor still, at anil as handsome, witli his white hair and red cheeks, as a picture. That was twelve months ago, the night I went into tliestoro to sort things out, as I always did Saturday nights. Through the week Job used to get everything mixed up letters in my tea boxes, candles in the letter box, eggs where they oughtn't to be, and all the place askew. It was a warm autumn night, and Captain Kincaid's vessel was in port, and wo had plenty of custom. Job served the peoplo while I tidied up. I found half the last mail in a sugar box, and clothes pins in the ground coflec canister, and I just dumped them out. "Gather up your letters, Job," said I. "What possesses you, old man?" And he laughed, and piled 'cm tip. And I made a vow to mysolf that I'd keep the sugar box full after that, so that ho shouldn't use It for the mail. I had twenty-fou- r pounds of sugar known as "collee crushed," because it was nrenared esnec.In.llv tn ns in ir That was tho linest sugar Anchor Hill folks often bought, though I had a little cut and Jiowdercd by me, in cose Mrs. Itawdon, or Mrs. Dr. Spcer, or the minister's lady should scud iu; and I took the paper up and ti ted i t o ver the japanned box, pouring it in in a nice smooth stream, when who should come running into the shop but Milly More. She was not dressed carefully, and her eyes were red with crying. Siic asked for some tea, and while Job was weighing it, she whispered to me: "Oh! Aunty Gunter, have you looked y ? Isn't there a letter from Will? He said lie couldn't die. I don't feel as if he could die. Mightn't lie write, after all? Do look." "My pet," says I, "it's a year ago that tllO Goldnn Tlnvrt ieii I .Inieti If len'f likely. And He don't lot those live that want to, always, It isn't likely, dear, s,




but I'll loot the ,eltcrs " "'J' hand one by U,em would niakc ''carts Xd mhthmriU,e rf,,,u" were up that

her into mv T' but f lok 1,arlor,and ade her si t do wn there. I talked as good as I could to her buf what good does talking do? "Oh, Aunty." said she, "I know seems as if I was a fool; but I waked it hoping this morning. I j01lt he is gone. I can't, I can't." "When the baby died-t- he only one we ever had I thought I never Miould believe it," said I. "But I had Job; and you have your mother and sister, vim



Milly." At this she burst info tears, and put her head on my knee. "I must tell you," said she. "They want me to marry Captain Kincaid. He's courting me. He Ml in love with jut the night he brought the news to

.- -I



Thc,..1 ,&.t?MKK,,l "ouBht

Let It

is called for, aud she'll lie Mrs. Cant. Kincaid. with imr tiu-her velvets, and her fine house her carnage, ail the same. This and comes irum usmp-wrecKc-u poorer sailor, now than when he went away. "l'eriiaps I'd better wait until the wedding is over," said I. And my old man came across the room and put his arm around my waist. ".Nancy," says lie. "vou and T was vounjr folks once. I used to think tiling was better man money and fine doings then. And though wc old folks may get a little hard though to bo up in tne worm seems so mucn, anu all that old sweetness so silly, why. it will come back sometimes. You remember how lie kissed her there under the syca more; and Nancy, wo wouldn't wait until after the wedding, cither of us." I put my arms about Job's neck, and I Ktsseu uim; anu men l got on my sun bonnet and ran over to Mrs. More's. Captain Kincaid was there. I stood at the door with my letter behind my back. "Won't vou walk in?" says Mrs. More. I I haven't time," says I. "It'sonly au errand. It's a little singular. --Milly, there's a lcllcr! y letter!" cried Milly. ..r'.'i' 'It lias come at last!" How she knew itr Heaven knows. She hadn't had a glimpse of it a was the old sailor's story; lsIanJ wretched months '"""Ping for succor, and a sail at ci "utwani bound Had 7.5' P.h5d.. ,!m,up- would be home In llltuv IJ1UIUMB.








TRULY- WONDEBFUL MF.DICIXF. X is warranted to expel all worms from the lviwcls and btomach, except Tape and Chain Morrns. Tlie proprietor lias taken much pains to test li'eJi0inpa T mcrJ,8or , "f princlpnt Worm "".-"numerous as the ' ""J. lmr .... Kntozoa .V themselves. laud. each claiming lor ilwirtlio .in,..'.,i- clllc and, wlille-yfrankly acknowlelee.that manyoi ineiiiiireoiiensnccessful.nrTddcrcrcat c wv mn this combines advantages possessed by no mat other wonn medl- ,a,c Ul U!J" would "ot Zi: i,, The i)loa.mnt tnsfn nts.,1 quantity orthli? medlclno reTpUred to lest the from the system-I- ts operating In a few hours. It one of the mast rrJn'li?' ?,f ettech ron,t'lluie ofthe ace. j Ilncji we space hero, scores of certincatc 1k adduced to show lis progressive and rapidly Increasing remiintinn n,.. r... years; hut to promulgate Its Tamo and establish Its character, we only ak Tor a trial Its speedy operation in nil... MiMn otnirc nc . SAtlVlllDlnMS fit,1 r spasms, gives iin 11 all i i !jV i i . ' uy lu iiiuini express on re upviiuriiy. neni







OregdiiStateTalK ilU









Steam Book and Job Printers, who Inlend Ail ing it with an advertisement as soon ns tlfey get time to write one.

In. the, mean. time call on

them atOJ.Front;StJlyou want any kind ol Printing done.



flesh, sickness or tho stomach, vomitlnjr, n Promoting TUB nr.ST GOODS! the Appetlto and Invigorating the. short and dry cough, appetite sometimes whole Digestive Appuratus, thus bulldnm up at other times feeble, bowels sometimes and THE LOWEST PRICES! strengthening- tu Rvstnm. riiit nt tii vora-cjou- s,






Chetcoe, Kllcnsbunr, Port Orlord.


Canyon City, Cnmp Watson, Grant, JolinDayClty DayvlIIe, l'ralrlc City.


Applecate, Ashland Mills, Central Point. Eagle Point, Grant's Iliss, Hot Springs, Jacksonville, Mnkvlllc, J.nigell valley, PIiomiIx,

la'iuina. ClnrknmnH.

Itock mint, ' Table Bock, Willow Spring's, Yanax.

iiaoKamas Creek,

KIrby, 1claml, Slate Creek, Waldo.


Barlow, lienver, Butte Creek. Canby,

Clear Cuttlnzsrllle, Damascus, Kagle Creek, KladTidlngx, Hlchlnnd, Molalla, Milwaukee, Needy. Norton, Oregon City, Oswego.



Columbia City, Ciatskaulne, Hauler, su Helens, Sunvle's Island, Scappoose.

Douglas. North Cnnyonvllle, Camas Valley, Drain, Hlklon. (inleivlllc, Card tier,



Myrtle Creek, Oakland, Kass Creek, Itoscbiirc, Sootlsburg, Ten Mile,



Butto Disappointment, uuuj;o urovc. Coast Fork. Camp Creek, Cart Wright's, Kugcne City, Franklin, Junction, Ing Tom, Mohawk, Pleasant Hill, Hattlesnake, Suislaw, Springlield, Willamette Forks. I.I n ii. Albany, Brownsville, Crawfordivlile, Diamond Hill, Harri.burg, Halpcy, TiCbanou, Peoria, Pine, Sclo, Soda Springs, Shedd's.


Aurora, Aumsville, Buttevillej Brooks, Falrtleld, Fair Ground, Gcrvuls Hubbard', Jefferson, Marlon, Monitor, Newcllsvllle, Salem, Sllverton, 8U Iritis, Stayton, .Sublimity, Turner, Vernon, Waeonda, Wbodburn.

New Dunginess, Port Angelos.


Battle Ground, Brush l'ralrlc. Martin's Bluff, Pekln, I'nlon Hi ver, Vancouver.


Cedarvllle, Chehalls Point, Mima, Iloqulam, Montcsano, Satrap, Sliaron.


Hock, Carrollton, Freeixirt, Kalama, Montlcello, Oak Point,



Coveland, Utsalady.


mrt Discovery. I"rt Ludlow,



Bethel, Bridgeport, Bucua Vista, "Dalla?, Kola, Elk Horn, Grand Hondo, Indccndcnce, Uueoln, I.ucklamute, Iwlsvllle, Monmouth, Perrydale, BIcreall, Zcna. Wnsco. Antelope, Bridge Creek, Deschuttes, Hood Blver, Prineevllle, Scott's, Spanish Hollow, "The miles, Wasco, Willoushby. Wash I ii k to ii. Beaverton, Ccntrcvllle, Cornelius, ForeU Grove, Glcncoe, Greenville, Hlllsbnro, Mlddletnn, Sholl's Ferry, Tualatin, Wapato. .

Block House, Columbus, Goldendale, KI117. Black Itlvcr, Knchu, 'Seatlle, Slaughter, Suoqualmle, Siiuak, White Illvcr.


Bolsfort, Cowlitz, Clamiato, Glcudcm, Grand l'ralrlc, lumphrey's landing, Skookumchuck. Mn so ii. Arcada, Oakland, Skokomish, Shenvood's Mills. Ellls. Stellacoom, Tacoma.


Bniceivrtf Chinook, Kuappton,


Illakelely, It'll Madison, Port William, Port Orchard, Sealieek. Teckaleu


Woodward's Landing.


Cascades, White Salmon.



Fort Colvllle, Bfjck Creek, Spokano Bridge. Union Flat. AVnhlakniii. Cathlamel, Eagle Cliff.

Lowell, Muklltoe, Skohomlsh, Tualallp.


Beaver, Gnind Mound, Mlnma Prairie, Olympla, Tumwater, Yelm. Coal Bank,


cos.t'.vel.nJ.?,,hcr.tlmc,t ,00C Breat fretrulness and Irritability of temper, pains In the stomach and bowels, colic, fits, convulsions and ialy. IBS, 3M, 170 and 172, Cor. IU value in removing masses or crudities Waek nooMS-N- os. from the stomach and bowels or children, even Salmdifnlid First St., Ilirtland, Oregon. Vrjirra no worms exlit, caunot be too lilzlilv esnun timated. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, by DB. VAN DEN UEKGH and Agents In all cities nnd towns. Dr. Van Den Bcrgh can be consulted on all diseases that tho human system Is heir to. His long- cxpcrlcnco In diseases or women and Importer and Wholesale Dealer In children cannot be surpassed by any physician In the United States or Europe. Dr. V. ad- .1 vles ladles troubled with any Irregularities or the Uterus to trv his new remtHlb ntn! mi DEL"3T cured. By coufulllng anil undergoing n simple examination the afflicted can learn ir their disease be worms or not. At nil events. Dr. Van MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS, Don Bersh can tell them from what disease . they are Consultations and examinations free of . . f' .. Hats and Gents Fubnishino Goods, charge OrricE Booms 3S and 39, over Postoirice, Oregon. Salem, Letters doscriblns the symptoms will be ' promptly answered, nnd persons livlmr at a LndlcV nntl Misses distance will he saved the expense and trouble TBIMMMED AND UNTBIMMED HATS AND of calling on the Doctor. Address DB. J. W. VAN DEN HE UGH, bonnets, 1'. O. Box 172, Salcnf, Oregon.

Wnlla Walla.

Delta, Pataha, Tukaiion, Touchct, Wallula. AVlintcoiu. Fldalco, Ij Conner, Kamlsh, Skaslt, Whatcom.

Attanum, FortSlmtw, Kouncwock, Kittitas, Mock seo, Selah, Yakima. 'Money Onler Ottlcei.

same time the volatile principle, being absorbed in the bl.xd, acts specifically on the Rheumatic Poison, removing It from the clreit- liiiiuii uiiu 13 stem. There are jWrcmedleskiiawnto the Medical Profession which will remove the Rheumatic Poison rrom the blood, but whose action Is so powerful In depressing the system or tho already enfeebled Rheumatic patient, that their use has to be abandoned before specific effects are obtainable, and hence the want or success In treating this prcalcnt and consequently heretofore Incurable disease. Unllku these medicines, already known, the UNK WEED RKMEDY.nlthoujth producing as active and as powerru! etrects on the blood nnd system In removing the Rheumatic Poison, also possesses a strong Tonic nnd Recuperating Element which admits of its continued use even by the most delicate and debilitated. Thus we have the combination ror the first time of these two necessary elements In one remedy, which account ror Its superior and eirects in Rheumatism, Rheumatic Gout nnd Rheumatic Pains of nil kinds. N. It. The UNK WEED REMEDY Is particularly APPLICABLE TO LADIES, In consequence of lUTonlc Qualities.







Frames, Ilrafds, Cords, Ornaments, Flowers Blubous, Trimmings, etc.




Call-lorn- la

Constantly on

:'" ,


Wnlcr-t'iir- e







hm II


- Opioslte the lienil of Sauvlc's Island, r vln-iti-















And all.klndsprPastry usuallyfound In a First MAIN STREET, DALLES CITY, OREGON. IJiOABD BY THE DAY, Week or Month.on j- - me inusi. rviiMiuauie terms-- . Superior accommodations tor families. dcllverwl to any part of the clt"' tUncord Coacli to and from the house rree. A large safe ror the keeping ot valuables. House ojh'ii all night. PORTLAND LIBRARY THOMAS SMITH, rroprletoi. ASSOCIATION. JR7 cir-Goo-



I'irst nnil Stnrk Sis..

ROOMS-Cor- uer

over Ladd Contains




Tllton's Bank. Thousand




& MAGNETIC MEDIUM, Congress Ilnll, Itnsli Street, Between Calirmin ,.! vrnnimnr.Room , second floor. Circles Thursday anJ ............j fH.'nnccs ior uusincss.

Over 100



and Magazines.

PRIVATE BOARDIHG HOUSE. AI.rtEItT A. MANNING A Firt!sTr.AR.s! liriA iiTirvn irniTsii; MEMBERSHIP FREE TO ALL. TT'EEPS for the accommodation or peoplo who pre- i it iuivi uume io tne coniusion ol a noiei, Terms moderate, olympla, W.T. n2itf. 0.unrIerly Monthly Dues 81 PORTLAND ADVERTTSEirEXTts. Dmiectous Wm. S. I.idd, V. r. Schuyler, Jr., M. P. Dcady, L. II. Wakefield. W. HBnickett, A. C Olbbs, O. H. Lewis, 3L W. Fochhclmer, H.

J. ic--


Officers : I II. WAKEFIELD P. SCHUYLKB.JH m w. rr.ciiiir.i.Mfci HENItY A. OXEB










aim nr.-v- i




ul ,our uhk. ecu iieinetiy, or Oregonuiiriic ninit.i( Rheumatic Cure." I mouths with a vary serious, or ln-. -. 11:1 ttllll'llAPI- - rl. .in t.i.i tt a ... ...... I . !...attack JU THE PLACE WIERE or the rheumatic remedies without President iV lwremvuuie. tried your i inmen i . e A'lce President me most nappy ii.iiiij,niiiun CUSTOM-MADCLOTHING, effects a iierfect cure.rrsmieu Truly yours. .Treasurer GENTS'






Falling, i ilium.










$45. HOME S45.



Mrs. It. Get Hint Fat Clilclteil

DONT "ITrllY. T ltat


Consultations in the English, French, Ger man aim iioiianii languages. ir(. CAKIW,

eS-D- id


JAMES F. BROWN, n; Attornoy, Conuscllor at Law and







"D ESIDENCE VND OFFICE THIRD r?T. XL between Salmon and Main, opposite, the ruuue square. t mis attenueu in any pan oi mociiy. Batteries for sale. nnd Instructions given on the Use of electricity as a Remedial Agent, nl.







JDK. 31A It Y' A.



fS. M. MILLER, Washington jfit., Ix;t. !Jtyondtan.l,TlilraS







Millinery Goods,





MISS MACNAMARA thighs, hiiw, shoulder blade Indeed In all the Joints or my Isody I Mirrored great pain OPENED A LARGE AND CHOICE and allcmlSll- - TWashtfcn.lei! hvV. nMnilfir tiltir. HAS of bieinn, Init Willi no effect. I was Induced to try your Unit Weed Remedy, and It Immcdlatelv cured me up. I consider it, rrom my exie-Known. nruiT, me iMx(.rcmiMviirr!icuiuuiis:i! ALFRED F. TtTtNER, Deputy Jailor. Tills is to certify that the above statement Is At 71 First St, beUirnNliinstou A Stark, Next door to Ladd A Tllton's Bank, correct 10 my owu Knowledge. JOHN P. WARD, Jailor. And hopes by attention to business and prompt.: ness In executing orders to meet a share of patAlta California Boole and Job PrlntlngOfflce,") ronage. 521 California street, s milliners wanted ImmediateTwo Kan Frannlsco. Jnnn 1. ls"7t. ly. To hands liighest wages paid. Dr. A. ZT. Tyirj'ea A Co.: For several vears I Also two small girls wanted as apprentices. subject to rheumatism In my right Apply at the store,71 First street, immediately have be-arm aud shoulder, rendering me unable tn apunouu worK. on a recurrence or tne attack, some time Mnce, I was Induced to try your "Unk Weed lteiiuslv." and the result was a perfect EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. cure In a few days. I took only of the contents of one bottle. Mv firm belief Is J. R. W1THERELL, that the l nk" Is a certain cure for rheuma- No. SO Front Street, Portland, tism in all its forms, and I would heartily recouimenu mi amicieu iwuii tiinL ureaurui Uls "WILL FIND EMPLOYMENT FOR ALL ease to Irj' jour "Remedy" and Is? cured. applying for situations In any caII those JNU. It. JICUSE. pacity down to a Fat from Certiflatte of .V. R. Shipley, Ksq.. special special attention to obtaining Farm Pay Hie 'Willamette Fanner," and Sec- - Help, House servants, Railroad Hands, etc, reuirj- in me urrgon Jioriicuuurai siocieiy: Irrespective of Nationality. Oswego, Oregon. Mnrch 2S. 1S71. parties sending orders lrom a distance musL Dr. A. M. Tiryeu: Some lour weeks ago I was bo explicit in their orders, stating Just what entirely prostrated witli rheumatism: in fart I they want, what they will iKiy, etc., (accompawas almost helpless. 1 sent to you for one nied by our office fees. S2 DO. which may de IxrtMe or the "Unk Weed Remedy." bv ducted from employee's wages), stating wheth the use or which I experienced almost Imme- - er mey win or win not oe responsime ior ol hired help. uiaie reiiei, anu oy lite lime ine oolite ras . gone the rheumatism was gone. From my j. ic w tin mvn exierlenee,and from what I have heard others sy who hnve nsetl the ITnk Weeil,-uenevc ii io oc n cenaiu eureiorrueumaiisin. HOW TO SAVE MONEY! Yours reiecirully, A. R. .S11IPIJ:Y. Cextifleate rrom Hon. Nat. H. Jane, Pilot Commissioner or Oregon, and a member or tho IN ALL Y'OUU City council ol Kast l'urtlaiid: 1)R.CTICE ECONOMYExamine the East Portland. April 19. 1S71. Dr. A. M. Loryea & Co.: I have lieen allllcted for M'veral years lmst witli "weaknesH In the back," and wandering rheumatic pains, accompanied by severe constipation, llv the use or one Untie or your Weed Bemedy,or Oretfon Rheumutic Curo,"I have been entirely SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE rPllevetl, nnd I cheerfully recommend it as & luosiTvcuuabie ana euectivo remeiiy. Before Buying. Then decide which Is BEST. N.VT. II. L.VNE. Its SIMPLICITY and DCRAUIIJTY give it the preference. Certlfleale from lion. Gideon Tihlictts, The ONLY LOW PRICED MACHINE using or City council East Portland: memberorthe the COMBINATION PATENT. Large supply East Portland. Anrll 7. 1871. GEO. IV. TIt.l)EIt. received. Just Dr. A. M. Lnryen & Co. Gents: This is to In Oenernl Asent. Ainu you that I have used your "Unk Weed" rjillailolphin Shoe Store, 112 Front St. nl2 for neuralgia ami rneumaiie pains, anu lounu rellel rrom the use or only one bottle, nnd can recommend It lo those in neeu oi suenarem SAX FRANCISCO. GIDEON TIBBETTS. edy. Y"burs, , Cerllfienle fmm TTon. F I Olllmby. exCounty Commissioner or Multnomah county, r80U East Portland, April 1, 1S71.' Iir A ai 1iirm.t Co.: I haveused the"Unk Remedy," and am satisfied It Is a valua Wed ble medicine, u reguinies aim uniKunurt svstem. This ts my experience with the RemE. L. QUIMBY. Truly yours, edy. THE. FLORENCE. SEWING- - MACHINE Certlfioate from Hon. A. J. Dufur, or the Oregon State Agricultural Society or Oregon:" and author or "statistics ; East Portland April 1, 1871. Dr. A. M. Loryea & Co.: I was atniclcd with a NKHDED IN WILTlSEW EVBRYTHiNG seve'rrsnttHclc or chronic rheumatism? was conthelIR7-fes- t to IhelJght- fined to my bed most or the time rrom January cstlaVrlc. ,. ,. r to July, when I used the Unk Weed and It cured me up. A. J. DUFUR. Certillcalc rrom James Bybee, the celebrated and "King or the Oregon Turf :" sauvle's Island, January 11, 1871.




Front .Street,


June 7, 1S7I. f Dr. A. M. Ioryca A Co.: I wus attacked with a severe ease of rheumatism. It was In my fingers,


latest stylus




has facilities for .successfully treating the sick unexcelleil by any cure, East or West ira,id.' , The I'HYsicians ure skillful, ami they have had long experience In the Hygienic treatment chronic discuses. They employ in addition my steamer. of to the common "Watcr-Cur- e or Hygienic treatment, electricity In baths and. otherwise, OS- PAIlTICULAn ATTENTION Paid to and INMiAi.ATio.N.s of oxygen, which prove uruers. ; valuable in manycascsoflungand throat nl very diseases. They also pay particular attention to dUenscs rwui.i ak to woiiBy. They an all ! . w a 1 - r. well known as editors, for the last three years, orthe'-PaclllJournal or Health," a eriodlc:il n-rJ which has high rank as one of the best popular plx--o Health lKijiers in the world. Wo therefore ismtldenlly assert that In no place Iu the woild the sick receive, fori he and money exponded, more substantial . lime nr. i, benefit than iu Ihe Nicakio WATBis-CriiD1L W.J. YOINO,






mings, Etc.




nit. j. KT

where they keep all kinds of Fresh Poultry, Game nnd Fish, and receive by overy TESTIMONIALS : steaincr a splendid assortment ot California Wo are aware of the fact that It is generally vegetables." .. Ii Consignments from the country solic- procure an matter to certificates attesting nlltf. the clllcaey of jwteut remedies rrom a certain lled. class or those who usothem. We lmve selete.1 the following tiecansc the names attached to MCItl'lIY A KELLY, them are those of men of the most carerul and scrupulous character, and because, the large DE.lI.tli IN class of their acquaintances In Oregon will not, iur ti iiiuiiirin, ucvuse ur susiccl iiieui 01 any lOVMUV rilODlt'CFKCnS AM) TtGKTABLES, csasseruiion in the statements they may iiiukc; Comer of Third and Washington streets op Presbyterian Church), Portland, Oregon. posite Certificate from the Deputy Jailor or MultGoods delivered to all parts of tho city FBEE uomiiu wouuiy jam OF CHABOE. nl City Jail, Portland, Oregon, 1

VTICASIO WATER-CUBIs situated in the healthiest state in the Union; Dress Goods, White Goods, Yankee Xo; In Marin county the healthiest In the State; and In Nlcnsln Valley a plnco combining all lions, hie. the advuntttges or climate and beauty or location. It is reached In a few hours rrom San Franvia cither Kan Itaf.iel or Petaluma, and Cloaks, CloaK Trim cisco, patients can, by special arrangement, have easy carriages, with bed. If desired, at very low rates, by application at Bay View Stables, San or to the livery stable of Unkless, AGENT OF THE ELI.ENDALE WOOLEN HanfacI, Washington Street, Petaluma, opposite BrookMILLS CO. lyn Hotel. Stages leave San Rafael, Mondays, Wednesdays aud Saturdays, at '1 v. jr., stages leave A''Ful'l Stoch of Blanket, 'YamsfBca-versIVialuma at the same fiour, Tuesdays and Fridays. Tweeds and Cttzsimcrcs


WASHINGTON TEBItlTOKV. Kllekllnf, Clnllnm Co.






Orogon Rheumatic


Wilbur, Job. Yoncalla. "Poor Will," says I, and I went on Multnomah. tidying, though it was a Friday. I East Portland, should be so busy next day. I got out Portland, my bur paper or sutrar. and I uot down Tllliimook. my japanned sugar box, never empty Garibaldi, Netarts, since that day I filled It up, And then Nestockton Job, sorting the letters, looks up at me. Tillamook, vNcver begrudged you anything so Trosk. much as I do that box," says he. "Best rmntllln. thing I ever put the mail into. This Cecils, here wooden tiling with aslide is a pesky Cnyuse, Mitchell's Station, bother." Marshall, "Iaw me!" says T, "if I'd knowed you Meadowvllle, wanted it you should have had it. I Pilot Itock, didn't think you had any plan in it; jest Pendleton, rmatllla, stick 'em anywhere, I thought you Weston, would. I'll empty the box; I've got l'u ion. one that'll do. Aud I'm glad you spoke Cove,(,mnde. f.i before I filled it up." North IViwdcr, So with that I spread a big paper on Oro Dell. the counter aud emptied out the sugar. Summervllle, It had packed a little, and came out in union. a sort of cake. There it laid, white and Amity,TnmlilU. shiny, and on top of it, white and shin- Bellerue, ier laid a letter a, letter with aship mark Dayton, Lafayette, upon it, and this superscription: "Miss Milly More, Anchor Port, MeMinnvllle, House, Mountain Maine, United States of America." North Yamhill, Three months ago poor stupid! I Sheridan, west Ulieliaum, had emptied my best colTee crushed in Wheatland, upon it, and there it was. ewoenj.

Three months ago she had como down to me and asked for a letter, mil I'd thought her half crazy; and I'd have given more money than there was in the till to have dared to tear that letter open on me spot and read It, though 1 A r t ,.. know' lltn a.uui li,wl ic AVIlt g. f IU liUKUlt "This can't wait," says I. "rNo," says Job, "it CHi't Willi Hint coming on


BEM-Ki- n


"To-morro- w


dniwsl-lnes- s.

Astoria, Nthmus, Kuappn, Nelialcm, Skipanon, Summer House, Westjiort. wiut mm. A year and thice months since the Comilllc,Coos. Golden Dove went down. Well, no one Empire City, can tell what changes a little while will Knclianted l'ralrlc, Bend, bring. I used to hope tliat hadn't had North Bandolph.

much hand in it after all, when I thought it over, and remembered poor Will, and how he took her iu Ills arms under the sycamore. But then, you see, Mrs. More's sight had failed, so that she couldn't do line sewing, and Fanny wasn't of much ac count except to look at. It wasaliard life that lay before Milly. It was good for her to marry Captain Kincaid, and have rest and comfort; wasn't it? Is the wedding," said I to Job. "It's going to be in the church. Miss Salsbury is finishing my silver-gra- y poplin. It sets splendid. We'll havefJen Barns in to keep store, and go, won't we? You'll like to see Milly oil; won't you ?" "I wisli it was Will Massett," says






fter that she stopped talkiug much to me. She used to cive me strance looks though. I knew all about it. I Knew mat lier Heart was m tne sea; but Will was gone, aud why should she refuse what Providence otlered? Tho Captain staid at the port tlireo mouths, and at last wc worried her into promising to be his wife old Mrs. More, Fanny and I. She just gave up at last. "it don't matter inuci), alter nil," sue said. "I must be going out of my mind, for I never cau stop watching and hoping. I shall die soon, I suppose, wnctuer l marry .or not." After that 6he never spoke of Will. and Mrs. More told me she was engaged; aim sue wore a uiamonu ring upon her linger, ami tne uay ueiore tne snip sailed she was to marry Captain ICin- caid, so that she might go to l'tirope






tain ttawuon. sue uncut nave a car Augusta. riage, too, and a pair of ponies. And I "IkikcrClty, liked Milly, aud wouldn't have envied Clarksville, itancn, her luck one bit; aud I didn't wonder at KXprcss Kldorado. Ucm, Mrs. More and Fanny. Humboldt Basin. Once havinc civen me her confidence. Jordan Vulley, Milly didn't ston: and Mrs. More came uyc vaucy, Wingvllle. over to talk about it, too, until at last I Benton. iainy up ami slued witn tuc old iauy. Alsca Valley. "Milly." says I. "Will is cone, and Corral Is, you aren't his widow, to wear weeds all Kind's vauey, your life not that many do, if they can Liberty, IJttlo Elk. help it, seems to me and Captain Kin- Newport, caid is as good as man can be, and you'll Newton, be happy with him. You can't help 1'hllomath, Point, loving him as much as there's any need Starr's Summit, to love."














ix PoliTin: UNrAitwN.uir.K Sin party HISTORY: cau leader, no IMPOltTKUS AND tics. No political iv is criMpnsF.ri nw tupj atrord to have recourse to an Impure DIKnCT orevery variety of ballot-bo- x or a corrupt canvass. The lliaSDllim 'irlnt.itinrff.!nfc. rit.Ttiilfnnnntia potential voice of the people can be PABLOn, Jl4Jrtson,GriUK.iuasuabuudaullyaud.perrectly In Washington county. heard in no way except through the omu.i.. ballot. For an elector to sell his vote, .DINING, Inone therefore, Is for him insomuch as dividual can, to murder his country. LIBltAUY AND There is not a voter in the land so poor make not PROPERTIES, ETC.: that the sale of ids vote does 5 H him poorer. There Is no elector so IT XI It contain an rkififf'oIaTlie Principle, , U afreally extract;! by Kiher, and a bitter Tonic Pringreat, so strong, that he can ciple. ford to purchase a vote. It is in politics ptinishmeut the unpardonable sin. The Osk, Walnut, KostHood, Chestnut, Kir. would not be too severe if the elector forever were MEDICAL who sold his vote once cclptofprlce. AND PROPERTIES USES: .IJLH.-..- . r. :n- disfrancheil from the exercise of the MOULDINGS, MIRRORS, BLACK' WlfUTjlJIMSER, i BTMPT0M8 OP WORMS. ror most Hire speedy cure and priceless right What gives cheap govAlternate nallng and flnciiino r i, iii ..... ........ i. ,, iiiicumaiic i.out ami Kiieumaiic tenancc, dull expression of the eyes, I'ulii, Ilnlr. Moss. Kxrelslor Glue, ernment, low taxation, schools, proplMlnsot all kinds that wasever Introduced Into Itching or the nose, upperllp. ileillca. The1 UNIC.WEED erty, political equality? What makes tongue whltcly furred anda swelled thickly sitekled 'J'.sVMaterla Etc., Etc., Etc.. , , ., , .4 .aspreparetl by lis. In consequence or the life safe, marriage secure? What prowltlirpd polnts.feted enlarged bolly, existing bitter principle, possesses the neces- a. partial or general swelling or puftlngnessot tects property? The ballot, honestly rj wrme oi being a J OS.. the skin, n starting In the sleep and grinding ot cast honestly counted. It is our royal Till: I.ARGF.ST STOCK t th teeth, a sensation as If something was l?OM-cr-fifamily our all. San Joaquin Repub lodged In the throat, a gradual wasting of the Toiilc,

kissed her and coaxed her; and I said no word about her changing her She would lose her charm and become less mind, but for all that I kept thinking of fair; it in a kind of maze. 'Were ring; to shine on those angers small. "Captain Kincaid! such a gentleman They could not add to their grace at all; She wnuld Intrn tn smile and sneak bv rule. that! Old as he was, could she fail In the foolish book of Dame Fashion's seliool as And the world to spoil Iier would soon com to see the honor?" Job, says lie: But when I told bine; Now she's nobody's darling but mine! "Jerusalem! a young, pretty girl like Milly! Why don't he go after some Tuo day has come when tlx cooing dove widder or an oldish gal ? Milly is too Croons to his mate a song ot love; When nature stirs, and Hie copses ring. young for liini. Poor Will! What ft In all thejoyance of dawning sprimr. pity! They jest suited each other." lican. The day has come when 1 dare to up If, To watch the blush on the once iiale cheek, it though. Mrs. CapI couldn't help To whisiier low on Saint Valentine, tain Kincaid would have things that "Ikirllng! Nobody's Darling but mine!" Milly More could never dream of: silk LIST dresses and velvet cloaks, jewelry, and stuffed chairs in her best rooms, a sliver Milly Uore's Letter. if she chose, like Sirs. Cap Auburn, mine:


it does .tioiti: Work. MoniKixiWoiMvoitii",

Hoys mill Y'ontlis' ('101111117,

n CertlficBlc from merchant, - tho . r. s. ai-,1.- it-MUltUt.CSl.i - ' :Axri' nnTTr.R tVoiiic Tlie Dalles, May ZJ, 1S71. FiuTusiBg.j(Goods, tHats and Caps, Dr. A. M. Iryea A Co.: 1 have il the "Unk Weed Remedy," and em cheerfully recommend It to persons allllcted with Inflammatory BOOTS AND SHOES, rheumatism. It cured me of that disease. My Atkinson, Woodward '& Co., Tlmn any oilier Mehlne hands, wrists, ankles Indeed, all my Joints-w- ere swollen aud very painful. O. W. Etc., WEAVER. (Late Atkinson & Woodward,) Etc., Ktc, Certificate rrom Jho celebrated musician. AGENTS, REAL CiVX BE HAD AT ) Prof, otto Vieuxtemps: Oregon Musical Institute, 1 NO. 102 FRONT STREET Portland, May " 1S71. f If tlicrc.'ls a Florence Sevlng Machine within A Co.: I was attacked with M A. Dr. Portland, Oregon, severe Inaammatory rneuiniiiism, sunenng one thousand miles of San Francisco not work . .... was A VII l'N'IM great and was so prosiraieu ma. i bot-tln..r. e ing well or giving entire KatUfnctlon, . nimble to tend to my business. I used one If I am HTXroiTtrslreet.-'I'orlln'iHland Washington nmroi r..n.i. .. iir,-'iOregon WeedRejnedy, or ot "Unk jwir Territorry- ftisT entirely by curwl ; Jniill It, It will be attended to without of Informed Cflre," Rheumatic T!48TJ?a ' . QA Alw, CHOICE CITY PBOPEKTAfor Sale f?iA 1.4tWW OTTO VlEUXTEMl-Sit alone. . Harris .& r expense of any kind to tho owner. We attend to Buying and Selling Ileal Estate InCltyandCountrv. S.VJIlfEI. IIILI., Agent, to the L. PRAOint, WM.'HAnni, .Special attentloii clvcn Bents, lonkl nenHM Property and Collection of E I'Drtlnnd.' BOTTLES, 2n7 PUT UP Sail Francisco. IN 1! New Montgomery St., In or TJies on ITopcrtj Ucpalrs and i j our hands when desired. Grand Hotel Building, Legal papers written and acknowledgments taken. Finy.CentH er Bottle. O.ATF6rVvl?QlS),l , One Dollarmul SeSun Francisco. Estate LOANS NEGOTIATED on Ileal " IS-'X-' curity. Parties having Money to Loan are Invited to give us a call. . WO.kDEKUJK'.TJCILDING, ROOM NO. Jilitr ATKINSON, WOODWARD PREPARED AT THE Cr. First nnd Washington . 0jTG0NirxI)Ic5l? LABORATORY, ROOMS, HENDEE'S PHOTOGRAPHIC HAD A NUMBER OP YEARS' HAVING A.VU SlUI'lKS OK WORK. FrancIsco.I San In hOD lOUillIMlLAia fceIcoinetenl S. W. Cor. Morrison nncl J'lrst Stsv, St&2,rtsATOT KN11 to do First Class. Workn all Dental Opera r " .i .i PORTLAND, OBEGON. tions. A;' ' J '.' Katlswctlon paranteed. . J- -TJ XXiZ In all thq latest and most NltrousOxideadmliilstercd.' IJICTUBES taken on OREGON. PORTLAND, styles, and not Inferior to any InFiST ' the coast. Wort well done and completed References) : side of twenty-fou- r hours. Active. Agents Wanted rvorywhora. Rev. Wm. Roberts, Judge O. N. Denny, Drr Ciin.riHE.N should le brought and In between the hours of 10 and I.always dressed Dickson. .Messrs uiiimoy ami rerKius, anil am. nv DRCoaisTa Dunlway.of theNEW Jan.2G,l71-nS310For Nohtuweut. Balk lull nl Mrs. light in clotlms.

J. U Atkixsox, Notary rubllv- J VI. Ell D. Wv Wakefield.

i .





Sail ITi'aiieisco Prices



















