Google Drive APIs Read oauth2 with Google Calendar APIs first.
Note: The only thing is that you have to change is the SCOPE for drive (i.e. Before starting the Integration make sure you have to enable Drivee API into your account (into specific project). If not please follow
below steps. After clicking on it you will be prompted to accept google policy (e.g. see below screenshot)
Once you accept this. You will see the Drive API on top of it.
Now we are going to integrate Google Drive API’s with RMP.
Connector config: 1. Create a folder (under the same provider)
Conector url: drive/v2/files Method: Post Content: { "title": "${title}", "mimeType": "application/‐apps.folder" } Once you launched the Connector you are being asked to pass acces_token and Title of the folder (which you wanted to create). Output:
Now to your Google’s account drive and will get the folder.
2. Create a Sub‐folder (under the same provider) Connector congif: Connector url: drive/v2/files Method: POST Content: { "title": "Testing1", "parents": [{"id":"${parent_folder}"}], "mimeType": "application/‐apps.folder" } Once you launched the connector you have to pass the Parent ID and access_token. Parent ID: you will get this while you are creating folder (from above method). Below is the screenshot from above connector (once successfully created forlder). You will get this from output.
Ouput of create sub‐folder:
Google Drive account (screeshot)
3. Upload files into GDrive (under the same provider) Connector config:
Here you have to use connector’s Advance parameter:
document_name is the name of the file which you wanted to upload into drive from RMP server. reference is the id of the file (which stored in the RMP server). →Once you launched the connector you will be prompter to pass access_token, document_name, reference,title(same as document_name) and the folder id (here sub‐folrder id).