Google Drive for Microsoft Office1 - Google Docs

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plugin you will need your Google Apps for Education login (​[email protected]​) and your password for this logi
ACC Learning Technologies Team


Google Drive for Microsoft Office1 If you use Microsoft​® Office programs such as Word​®​, Excel​®​, and PowerPoint​®​, you can save your files directly to Google Drive, open them from Drive, or share them, all from within your Office programs. The Drive plug-in for Microsoft Office supports Word, Excel, and PowerPoint (2007, 2010, 2013, and 2016 versions), and Office 365 if you've downloaded and installed Microsoft Office on your computer as part of your Office 365 subscription. This plugin is installed on your Window computer and is available to use now as part of Microsoft Office. To use the plugin you will need your Google Apps for Education login (​[email protected]​) and your password for this login.

Where to find the plugin? Office ribbon The plug-in adds the ​Google Drive​ menu to the Office menu bar, and O ​ pen​, ​Save​, and ​Share​ options to the Office ribbon.

Office File menu​. The plug-in also adds a ​Google Drive​ submenu to the Office ​File​ menu. ●

(Office 2007/2010) Click ​File​ (Office 2010) or ​Office button​ (Office 2007) > ​Google Drive​, to access the same Drive options that are available in the Office ribbon.

(Office 2013/2016) Click ​File​, then an option (for example ​Open​ or ​Save​), to view the ​Google Drive submenu.

Authenticate with Google Drive The first time you access the plugin to Save or Open a document you will have to authenticate and agree to trust the Google Drive for Office Plugin. 1. Enter your Google Apps for Education email address when requested in the popup window that appears and click ​Next​. Enter your password on the next screen and click ​Sign in​.


Some details replicated from ​

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2. Google Apps will ask if you want to grant permission to the Google Drive plug-in so that it can know who you are an manage your files. You must click ​Allow​ to proceed.

Once you have clicked allow, the plugin will be able to access your Google Drive and the documents you have within it.

To Open A File From Google Drive 1. Click the ​Google Drive​ menu, then ​Open​ in the Office ribbon. Or click the ​File​ menu (Office 2010, 2013, 2016) or ​Office​ button (Office 2007), then choose ​Google Drive > Open from Google Drive​.

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2. In the ​Open from Google Drive​ dialog box, select the file to open. 3. The dialog box shows Office files and any native Google files (Docs, Sheets, and Slides files) stored in Drive. If you select a Google file, it opens in the appropriate editor in a separate browser window. 4. Click a file to select it, then click ​Select​ to open the file for editing in your Office program.

Save a file to Drive You can use ​Save to Drive​ in the Ribbon or on the File menu to save an Office file to Drive. Or, use ​Save As​ to make a copy of the file with a new name. 1. Do one of the following: Click the ​Google Drive​ menu, then ​Save to Drive​ in the Office ribbon. Click the ​File​ menu (Office 2010, 2013, 2016) or ​Office​ button to Google Drive > Save to Google Drive​.

(Office 2007), then ​Google Drive > Save

2. The saved file is uploaded to Drive. 3. (Optional) If you're saving a ​new​ file (not previously saved either locally or to Drive), name the file and select the folder on Drive where you want to save it. 4. Click ​OK​. If you open a file from Drive, you can also save it back to Drive using the ​Save​ button in the Office action bar, or the ​File > Save ​menu, just as you would save a local file. If you open a file from Drive, then want to save it locally to your computer, click ​File > Save as​.

Save a copy of a file 1. Do one of the following: Click the ​Google Drive​ menu, then ​Save As​ in the Office ribbon. Click the ​File​ menu (Office 2010, 2013, 2016) or ​Office​ button > Save As > Save As​.

(Office 2007), then ​Google Drive

2. Name the file and select the folder on Drive where you want to save it. 3. The prefix "Copy of" is added to the current file name by default when you choose ​Save As​. 4. Click ​OK​.

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Share a file 1. 2. 3. 4.

Open a file from Google Drive. Click the ​Google Drive​ menu. In the Drive options on the Office ribbon, click ​Share​. Enter the names or email addresses of the people or ​Google Groups​ you want to share the file with, and choose the type of access you want to grant. For more information on access options see ​How to share​. 5. Click ​Done​. Users will receive an email letting them know you’ve shared the file or folder with them.

Rename or move a file on Drive You can rename Office files stored on Drive from within your Office program, or move them to another folder on Drive. When you first save an Office file to Drive, you can choose the folder to place it in. You can use the ​Move​ option later if you want to change folders. To rename a file: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

In an Office program, open a file from Drive . Click the ​Google Drive​ menu. In the Drive options on the Office ribbon, click ​Rename​. Enter a new name for the file. Click ​OK​.

To move an Office file stored on Drive: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

In an Office program, open a file from Drive . Click the ​Google Drive​ menu. In the Drive options on the Office ribbon, click ​Move​. The ​Folders​ dialog box shows all your available folders on Drive. Click another folder to select it. Click ​Select​.

Moving a file into a shared folder shares it with everyone who is sharing the folder.

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