Nov 26, 2012 - begins on the dates specified in column two of table 1; and. (b) ends on ... Fax. (03) 9600 0478 email ga
Victoria Government Gazette No. S 397 Monday 26 November 2012 By Authority of Victorian Government Printer
Road Safety Act 1986 ROAD SAFETY ROAD RULES 2009 Declaration of School Days Periods 1. Purpose The purpose of this notice is to declare ‘school days periods’ during which traffic control devices will apply for the purposes of rule 317A of the Road Safety Road Rules 2009 (in this notice referred to as the Road Rules). 2. Authorising provision This notice is made under rule 317A of the Road Rules, which allows the Roads Corporation to, by notice in the Government Gazette, declare a period to be a ‘school days period’ for the purposes of that rule. Rule 317A(1) states that if information on or with a traffic control device indicates that it applies on school days, it only applies – (a) on a declared school day; or (b) on any day indicated to be a school day by information on or with the traffic control device. Rule 317A(3) states that a declared school day means any day that falls within a period declared by the Roads Corporation, by notice in the Government Gazette, to be a school days period for the purposes of this rule, and that is not one of the following – (a) a Saturday or a Sunday; or (b) a day appointed under the Public Holidays Act 1993 as a public holiday in the place in which the traffic control device is located. Note: Information on or with a traffic control device may indicate times, days or circumstances when it applies even though the day is not in a declared school days period or does not apply even though the day is in a declared school days period. 3. Commencement This notice commences on 1 January 2013. 4. Declaration I, James Holgate, delegate of the Roads Corporation, declare each of the periods that – (a) begins on the dates specified in column two of table 1; and (b) ends on the dates specified in column three of table 1 – to be a ‘school days period’ (start and end dates inclusive) for the purposes of rule 317A of the Road Rules.
S 397
26 November 2012
Victoria Government Gazette Table 1 – School Days Periods
Column 1
Column 2 Start Date
Column 3 End Date
School Days Period 1
29 January 2013
28 March 2013
School Days Period 2
15 April 2013
28 June 2013
School Days Period 3
15 July 2013
20 September 2013
School Days Period 4
7 October 2013
20 December 2013
Note: Words and phrases in this notice have the same meanings as in the Road Rules. Dated 16 November 2012 JAMES HOLGATE Director Road User Safety Roads Corporation
Victoria Government Gazette
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26 November 2012
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26 November 2012
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