Application for Advance/Withdrawal from G.P.Fund. 1- va'knkrk dk uke. Name of
the subscriber. 2- [kkrk la[;k. Account Number. 3- ewy osru ¼:0½. Basic Pay (Rs.).
Hkkjrh; d`f”k vuqla/kku ifj”kn
d`f”k Hkou] MkW0 jktsUnz izlkn ekxZ] ubZ fnYyh&110 001 Krishi Bhawan, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road, New Delhi 110 001
lkekU; Hkfo"; fuf/k ls vfxze@izR;kgj.k gsrq vkosnu i= Application for Advance/Withdrawal from G.P.Fund 1-
va'knkrk dk uke Name of the subscriber
[kkrk la[;k Account Number
ewy osru ¼:0½ Basic Pay (Rs.)
inuke Designation vH;kosnu dh frfFk dks va'knkrk ds [kkrs esa 'ks"k jde Balance at the credit of the Subscriber on date of application
cdk;k vfxze@izR;kgj.k Amount of advance/Withdrawal outstanding
vfxze@izR;kgj.k jkf'k Amount of Advance/Withdrawal is required
vfxze@ izR;kgj.k dk mn~ns'; Purpose for which the Advance/Withdrawal is required
d- fdl fu;e ds varxZr vkosnu fd;k x;k gS A. Rules under which the request is covered
[k- ;fn vfxze@izR;kgj.k x`g fuekZ.k ds fy, fy;k x;k gks rks tkudkjh nsa B. If Advance/Withdrawal is sought for House Building etc. information may be given
i. IykV dh yksds'ku o eki Location and measurement of the plot
ii. IykV Qzh gksYM gS ;k yht ij Whether plot is freehold or on lease
iii. fuekZ.k ;kstuk Plan for construction
iv. ;fn Q~ySV ljdkjh fudk;@ lkslk;Vh ls [kjhnk tk jgk gS rks mldh yksds'ku rFkk izca/k If the flat or plot being purchased is from a GB/Society, the location and management etc.
v. fuekZ.k ykxr Cost of construction
vi. ;fn Q~ySV Mh Mh , ;k fdlh vkokl cksMZ vkfn ls [kjhnk tkuk gS rks mldh yksds'ku rFkk eki vkfn fn;k tk, If the purchase of flat is from DDA or any Housing Board etc. the location dimention etc.may be given:
;fn vfxze@okilh dh vko';drk cPpksa ds fy, gS] fuEu fooj.k fn;k tk,%& If the Advance/Withdrawal is required for children follwing details may be given:-
iq=@iq=h dk uke Name of son/doughter
d{kk rFkk laLFkku@dkWyst tgka v/;;ujr gSa Class and Institution/College where studying
Ms Ldkyj gS ;k gkLVy esa jg jgk gS Whether a day scholar or hostler
;fn vfxze dh vko';drk ifjokj ds chekj lnL;ksa ds mipkj ds fy, gS rks fuEu tkudkjh nh tk, If advance is required for tretment of ailing family member, following details may be given:
jksxh dk uke@laca/kh ftldk mipkj gks jgk gS Name of the patient/relationship who is undergoing treatment
vLirky@fMLisaljh@MkDVj dk uke tgka jksxh dk mipkj gks jgk gS Name of the Hospital/Dispensary/Doctor where the patient is undergoing treatment
ckg~; jksxh@Hkhrjh ¼nkf[ky½ jksxh Whether outdoor/indoor patient
lesfdr vfxze dh jkf'k rFkk ekfld fd'rksa dh la[;k tks :0-------------------------- ds------------------------ fd'rksa esa iquHkqZxrku dh tkuh izLrkfor gS Amount of the consolidated advance and number of monthly instalment in which the Rs……………. is proposed to repay in………………instalments.
mu fo'ks"k ifjfLFkfr;ksa dk fooj.k ftlds fy, vLFkkbZ vkgj.k dk vkosnu fd;k tk jgk gS Full particulars of the peculiar circumstances of the application for the temporary withdrawal.
izR;kgj.k ds ekeys esa tUe frfFk o ljdkjh ukSdjh esa izos'k dh frfFk nh tk, In case of withdrawal given date of birth and Entry into Government service
igys izR;kgj.k dc Lohd`r gqvk Fkk rFkk fdl vk/kkj ij When was the withdrawal sanctioned earlier on what ground.
eSa djrk gwa fd mijksDr fooj.k esjh lokZf/kd tkudkjh ds vuqlkj lgh vkSj iw.kZ gSA I certify that particulars given are correct and complete to the best of my knowledge.
fnukad----------------------------vkosnd ds gLrk{kj/Signature of the applicant-----------------------------------------------'kk[kk@vuqHkkx/Branch/Section--------------------------------------------------------------------------------VsyhQksu la0-/Tel. No.----------------------------------------------------------------....................-
fiNys i`"B ls
jksdM+&1 vuqHkkx Cash-I Section
ys[kk ijh{kk&AAA vuqHkkx d`i;k fiNys i`"B ij fn, x, dkyeksa ea nh xbZ izfof"V;ksa dh iqf"V djsaA Audit-III section may kindly confirm entry against overleaf.
vuqHkkx vf/kdkjh Section officer ys[kk ijh{kk&AAA vuqHkkx Audit-III section fd;k tkrk gS fd :0-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dh jkf'k Jh@Jherh-----------------------------------------------ds [kkrs esa fnukad--------------------------------------rd cdk;k gSaA Certified that an amount of Rs……………………………………………………………………… is outstanding at the credit of …………………………as on date.
vuqHkkx vf/kdkjh ¼ys[kk ijh{kk&AAA vuqHkkx½ Section (Audit-III section)
jksdM+&1 vuqHkkx Cash-I Section
d`f”k Hkou] MkW0 jktsUnz izlkn ekxZ] ubZ fnYyh&110 001 Krishi Bhawan, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road, New Delhi 110 001 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Qk0 la0@ F.No ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
fnukad@Dated % --------
lkekU; Hkfo"; fuf/k fu;e 15¼1½, ds varxZr vkaf'kd vafre vkgj.k nsus gsrq
Jh@Jherh ------------------------------------------------------------] Hkk0 d`0 v0 i0 dks muds lkekU; Hkfo"; fuf/k ys[kk la[;k -------------------------------------------@eq[;ky; ls --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ds laca/k esa [kpsZ iwjs djus ds fy, ,rn~}kjk l{ke izkf/kdkjh dh Lohd`fr nh tkrh gSA Sanction of Competent Authority is hereby conveyed under Rule 15(1)(A) for the grant of GPF part-final withdrawal of Rs. ………… (RUPEES ……………………………….….) to Sh. ………………………, ICAR from his ICAR GPF Fund Account No………../Hq. to enable him to meet the expenses in connection with ……………………………………….
vuqHkkx vf/kdkjh@SECTION OFFICER jksdM+&A vuqHkkx@Cash-I Section izfrfyfi vxzsf"kr@ Copy forwarded to :1-
Jh@Jherh----------------------------------------------------------------] Hkk0d`0v0i0A mUgsa rhu ekl ds Hkhrj iznku Lohd`fr iznku djus okys vf/kdkjh dks larq"V djuk gksxk fd muds }kjk yh xbZ jkf'k mlh mn~ns'; ds fy, [kpZ dh xbZ gS ftlds fy, ;g Lohd`r dh xbZ gSA Sh./Smt…………………………………..,
He should satisfy the sanctioning authority within a period of three months that the money has been utilised for the purpose for which it is being sanctioned.
fcy lfgr ys[kk&ijh{kk&AAA vuqHkkx@Audit-III Section alongwith bill. ys[kk&ijh{kk&AA vuqHkkxA@Audit-II Section.
vkxs dh vko';d dkjZokbZ gsrq jksdM+&A vuqHkkxA@
Cash-I Section for further necessary
xkMZ QkbZyA@Guard file.
vuqHkkx vf/kdkjh@SECTION OFFICER jksdM+&A vuqHkkx@Cash-I Section
d`f”k Hkou] MkW0 jktsUnz izlkn ekxZ] ubZ fnYyh&110 001 Krishi Bhawan, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road, New Delhi 110 001 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Qk0 la0@ F.No ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
fnukad@Dated % --------
dk;kZy; vkns'k@OFFICE ORDER
lkekU; Hkfo"; fuf/k fu;e 12¼1½, ds varxZr lkekU; Hkfo"; fuf/k vfxze iznku gsrq Jh@Jherh ------
-------------------------------------] Hkk0 d`0 v0 i0 dks muds lkekU; Hkfo"; fuf/k ys[kk la[;k ----------------------@eq[;ky; ls --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ds laca/k esa [kpsZ iwjs djus ds fy, ,rn~}kjk l{ke izkf/kdkjh dh Lohd`fr nh tkrh gSA Sanction of Competent Authority is hereby conveyed under GPF Rule 12 (1)(A) for the grant of GPF advance of Rs. ………..…… (RUPEES ………….……………………………………….….) to Sh./Smt. ………………………, ICAR from his ICAR GPF Fund Account No………………………../Hq. to enable him to meet the expenses in connection with …………………………………………………………………….
--------------------------- ekg ds nkSjku Lohd`r dh xbZ :0 ------------------- dh jkf'k eas ls :0 ------------------------ dh vfxze dh olwyh vHkh rd ugha gqbZ gSA bl jkf'k lfgr vc Lohd`r jkf'k dk dqy ;ksx :0 --------------------------¼:i;s ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ek=½ gSA bl jkf'k dks :0 ---------------------------------- dh ,d leku -------------------------- fd'rksa esa olwyk tk,xkA igyh fd'r ---------------------------------------------- ekg ds osru ls olwy dh tk,xhA A sum of Rs. …………………. out of advace of Rs. ……….………………. sanctioned to him during the month of ………………..… has not been recovered as on date. This amount together with the advance now sanctioned aggregating Rs……..………….. (Rupees……………………………………………………..only) will be recovered in …….. installments of Rs……………… each. The first installment will be recovered from his/her pay for the month of ……………………………..
vuqHkkx vf/kdkjh@SECTION OFFICER jksdM+&A vuqHkkx@Cash-I Section
izfrfyfi vxzsf"kr@ Copy forwarded to :1-
Jh@Jherh----------------------------------------------------------------] Hkk0d`0v0i0A@Sh./Smt……………………………, ICAR.
fcy lfgr ys[kk&ijh{kk&AAA vuqHkkx@Audit-III Section alongwith bill.
ys[kk&ijh{kk&AA vuqHkkxA@Audit-II Section. vkxs dh vko';d dkjZokbZ gsrq jksdM+&A vuqHkkxA@
Cash-I Section for further necessary
action. 5-
xkMZ QkbZyA@Guard file.
vuqHkkx vf/kdkjh@SECTION OFFICER jksdM+&A vuqHkkx@Cash-I Section