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Science 10. ➢ Mathematics 10 (one of Apprenticeship & Workplace or Foundations & Pre-Calculus). ➢ Socials 11 (one of Socials 11 or B.C. First Nations Studies ...
GRADE 10 COURSE PLANNING GUIDE 2012 - 2013 KELOWNA SECONDARY SCHOOL 1079 RAYMER AVENUE KELOWNA, B.C. V1Y 4Z7 Phone: (250) 762-2805 Fax: (250) 870-5005 Website:

TABLE OF CONTENTS GRADUATION PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS …………………………………... HOCKEY CANADA SKILLS ACADEMY (HCSA) ………………………………... GRADE 10 COURSE CODES………………………………………………………… COURSE DESCRIPTIONS French Immersion………………………………………………………….………… English ...................................................................................................……………. English as a Second Language ……………………………………………………… Social Studies .......................................................................................…………….. Mathematics ...........................................................................................…….……… Science ...................................................................................................…….……… Languages ..............................................................................................…………… Physical Education………………………………………………………………….. ELECTIVE COURSES Art................................................................................................…………………… Business Education………………………………………………………………….. Computer Science…………………………………………………………………… Drama ....................................................................................................…………… Home Economics……………………………………………………………………. Leadership……….………………………………………………………………….. Media Production ......................................................................................…………. Modern Dance………………………………………………………………………. Music………………………………………………………………………………… Technology Education……………………………………………………………….

Kelowna Secondary School

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8 9 9 10 10 11 11 11 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 15 15 16

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GRADUATION PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS Students must meet all graduation requirements, totaling 80 credits, over the course of grades 10 to 12. A full course is worth 4 credits and a 10-week course is worth 2 credits. At least 16 credits must be at the grade 12 level, including Language Arts 12, and 3 other grade 12 courses. Students must also complete requirements for Daily Physical Activity. Students must successfully complete courses as noted below: SUBJECT AREAS A Language Arts 10 (English or English Honours) A Language Arts 11 (English, English Honours or Communications) A Language Arts 12 (English, English Honours, English AP, English First Peoples, or Communications) Social Studies 10 Social Studies 11 or First Nations Studies 12 Science 10 A Science 11 A Mathematics 10 A Mathematics 11 Physical Education 10 or Dance 10 Planning 10 (Incoming Gr. 10’s will take this requirement in Gr. 11) Transitions 12 *A Fine Arts and/or Applied Skills 10, 11 or 12

MINIMUM CREDITS 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Total:

52 credits

Total: Overall total:

28 credits 80 credits

ELECTIVE CREDITS Students must earn at least 28 elective credits. They can be for: Additional grade 10, 11 or 12 Ministry-Authorized courses External credits Board/Authority Authorized courses Post-secondary credits Independent Directed Studies *This Ministry requirement consists of any combination of courses to create 4 credits of fine arts and/or applied skills. ie. Art 11 Semester or full year = 4 credits Drama 10 10-week = 2 credits + Foods 11 10-week = 2 credits, totaling 4 credits All Grade 12 students will receive 4 credits for Graduation Transitions 12 once they have completed and presented the Transition Plan in the school-wide Presentation Day. This is a graduation requirement. Students will receive instruction through their Transition teacher/Career Coordinator using the District M.A.P. (My Action Plan). PROVINCIAL EXAMS Students will be required to write 5 provincial exams between grades 10 to 12 in order to graduate:  Language Arts 10 (one of - English 10 or English 10 Honours)  Science 10  Mathematics 10 (one of Apprenticeship & Workplace or Foundations & Pre-Calculus)  Socials 11 (one of Socials 11 or B.C. First Nations Studies 12)  Language Arts 12 (one of - English 12, Communications 12)

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Kelowna Secondary School

Kelowna Secondary School Elective:


20 credits



4 credits Fine Arts and/or Applied Skills: *Provincial exams are required for these subjects **KSS requires Grade 12’s to carry a minimum combined total of 88 credits.

Within electives in grades 10, 11 or 12, 4 credits must be a Fine Art &/OR Applied Skill course.

Grade 11 Total:




Grade 10 Total:




Required Credit Total

Planning 11


20 credits

*SS, SS(H), SCH 11 or FNS 12

a Math 11: AWM, FOM, FOMF, PREC or FPREC




Required Credit Total

PE or Dance 10

SS, SS(H) or SCH 10

*a Math 10: AWM, FMP, FMP(H), or FMPF

a Science 11: Bi(H),CH(H), PH(H), Bi, CH,PH,ESC or SCT 11

*SC , SC(H), SCF 10




*EN or EN(H) 10




**80 credits needed for graduation

Total Grad Credits:

Grade 10 Total:

Grade 11 Total:

Grade 12 Total:





(extra Gr. 12 course recommended)


Required Credit Total

Career Transitions 12

a Grade 12:

a Grade 12:

a Grade 12:

*EN, EN (FP), EN(AP), or COM 12



Min. 80**


20 credits

4 credits




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HOCKEY CANADA SKILLS ACADEMY (HCSA) Students enrolled in SD#23 have a unique opportunity to participate in a program that allows them to develop and improve their hockey skills and gain course credits. The Hockey Canada Skills Academy resulted from the 1999 Open Ice Summit on player development in Canada. The HCSA’s are based on a number of principles: • Strictly supplementary to Minor Hockey • To provide additional training for minor hockey aged players • Focused on individual skill development, offensive creativity, and academic achievement This program applies to any student, male or female, who is registered in their local Minor Hockey Association. There will be a fee for the program (2011-12 fee was $1,050.00) The KSS HCSA will operate in First Semester (September through January) and the student will be eligible for 4 course credits. Each student selected into the program will be assisted in planning of course selection based on individual academic goals. Selected students will attend the HCSA at the closest available arenas and will receive instruction from fully qualified Hockey Canada instructors. Applications can be obtained on the SD#23 HCSA website For further information please contact Dan Ruggiero via email ([email protected]) or phone at 250-212-7656.

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Kelowna Secondary School

GRADE 10 COURSE CODES Students must earn 4 credits in Fine Arts and/or Applied Skills () in Gr. 10, 11 or 12. *Courses marked with an asterisk (*) are offered outside the regular bell schedule. 4 CREDIT COURSES FRENCH IMMERSION Francais Langue Seconde 10 Fondements et Mathématiques Pré-Calcul 10 Sciences Humaines 10 Sciences Naturelles 10 ENGLISH English 10 English 10 Honours ELECTIVE ENG. COURSES *Debate and Speech 10 Journalism 10 ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE (ESL) Language Development 10 SOCIAL STUDIES Social Studies 10 Social Studies 10 Honours MATHEMATICS Appren. & Workplace Math 10 Foun & Pre-Calculus Math 10 Foundations & Pre-Calculus Math 10 Honours SCIENCE Science 10 Science 10 Honours LANGUAGES French 10 French 10 Honours Beg. German 10 Beg. Japanese 10 Beg. Spanish 10 PHYSICAL EDUCATION Dance Fitness 10 *Dance 10 (Honours) Dance Performance 10 *Dance Team 10 Physical Education 10 *PE 10: High Performance ART Art 10 COMPUTER SCIENCE Computer Science 10 Honours Web Design 10 DRAMA Drama 10 HOME ECONOMICS Textiles, Arts and Crafts 10 Textile Studies 10


Opt # Cr F / A


3 4

4 4

FSCH-10-4L FSCF-10-4S

8 503

4 4

MEN--10-4S MEN--10H4S

447 449

4 4


131 901

4 4




MSS--10-4S MSS--10H4S

577 579

4 4

MAWM-10-4L MFMP-10-4L MFMP-10H4L

10 36 37

4 4 4

MSC--10-4S MSC--10H4S

567 596

4 4

MFR--10-4S MFR--10H4S MBGE-11-4S MBJA-11-4S MBSP-11-4S

501 522 426 431 432

4 4 4 4 4

MPE--10F4L MPE--10H4L MPE--10D4L MPE--10C4L MPE--10-4L MPE--10E4L

140 20 19 341 126 900

4 4 4 4 4 4





540 594

4 4

MDRG-10-4S 445



4 4


600 587

Grade 10 Courses Offered Outside the Regular Bell Schedule: Debate & Speech 10 Dance Team 10 Journalism 10 Dance 10 Honours Dance Fitness 10 PE 10 High Performance

Kelowna Secondary School

4 CREDIT COURSES LEADERSHIP Rec. Leadership 10 MEDIA PRODUCTION Media Arts 10 *Yearbook 10 MUSIC Concert Band 10 *Chamber Choir 10 Choral Music (Intro 10) Jazz Band 10 *Jazz Studies 10 *Orchestra 10 *Rhythm & Blues Band 10 *Vocal Jazz 10 TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION Woodwork 10 2 CREDIT COURSES GROUP A Art 10 Drama 10 Drama Tech 10 Media Arts 10 Foods 10 Rec. Leadership 10 GROUP B Power Mechanics 10 (Intro) Drafting 10 Electronics 10 Metal Work 10 Technology 10 Woodwork 10 Foods 10 GROUP C Comp. Animation 10 Robotics 10 Web Design 10 Business Education 10 Bus. Comp. Appl. 10 Foods 10 GROUP D Tex. Arts & Crafts 10 Tex. Studies 10 (Intro) Foods 10 Metal Art Jewelry Design 10 Drama 10 Media Arts 10

Chamber Choir 10 Jazz Studies 10 Orchestra 10


Opt # Cr F / A 543


MVAM-10-4S 591 YCCT-0A-4L 184

4 4

MMCB-10-4L MIDS-0B-4L MMCC-10-4L MMJB-10-4L YVPA-0A-4L MMOS-10-4L MIDS-0C44L MMVJ-10-4L

156 281 157 203 204 205 375 176

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

MTEW-10-4S 582




Opt # Cr F / A

MVAG-10-2T MDRG-10-2T MDRD-10-2T MVAM-10-2T MIDS-0B12T YCPA-0A-2T

146 21 235 597 28 213

2 2 2 2 2 2


MTEC-10-2T MTED-10-2T MTEE-10-2T MTEM-10-2T MTEG-10-2T MTEW-10-2T MIDS-0B12T

227 225 236 228 224 44 28

2 2 2 2 2 2 2



230 623 234 233 231 28

2 2 2 2 2 2

MIDS-0A22T 86 MIDS-0C12T 33 MIDS-0B12T 28 MIDS-0A12T 622 MDRG-10-2T 21 MVAM-10-2T 597

2 2 2 2 2 2

Rhythm & Blues Band 10 Vocal Jazz 10 Yearbook 10

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There are 8 periods/blocks in the timetable at KSS, 4 blocks per semester. You must have a full timetable in grade 10 – NO SPARES.

Most courses are offered for a semester (4 credits) and will take up 1 period out of the 8; others are offered as 10-week courses (2 credits) and will fill the period for only half of the semester and therefore you will need to choose another 10-week course. 10-week courses must be chosen in pairs from Group A, B, C or D.

If you add up your credit total and it is more than 32 credits, then you have too many courses unless you are taking after school classes.

Below plan out your courses for next year.





_______________________________ English (4 credits)



_______________________________ Social Studies (4 credits)



_______________________________ Math (4 credits)



_______________________________ Science (4 credits)



_______________________________ PE or Dance (4 credits)



__________________________ OR ___________________&__________________ One semester elective (4 credits) Two 10-week electives from the same Group: A,B,C or D


__________________________ OR ___________________&__________________ One semester elective (4 credits) Two 10-week electives from the same Group: A,B,C or D



__________________________ OR ___________________&__________________ One semester elective (4 credits) Two 10-week electives from the same Group: A,B,C or D




__________________________________ See list of courses offered outside the regular schedule TOTAL CREDITS:

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Kelowna Secondary School


There are 8 periods/blocks in the timetable at KSS, 4 blocks per semester. You must have a full timetable in grade 10 – NO SPARES.

Most courses are offered for a semester (4 credits) and will take up 1 period out of the 8; others are offered as 10-week courses (2 credits) and will fill the period for only half of the semester and therefore you will need to choose another 10-week course. 10-week courses must be chosen in pairs from Group A, B, C or D.

If you add up your credit total and it is more than 32 credits, then you have too many courses unless you are taking after school classes.

Below plan out your courses for next year.





__________________________________ English (4 credits)



Sciences Humaines 10



__________________________________ Mathematiques or Math (4 credits)



__________________________________ Sciences Naturelles or Science (4 credits)



__________________________________ PE or Dance (4 credits)



__________________________ OR ___________________&__________________ One semester elective (4 credits) Two 10-week electives from the same Group: A,B,C or D



__________________________ OR ___________________&__________________ One semester elective (4 credits) Two 10-week electives from the same Group: A,B,C or D



Francais Langue Seconde 10

4 Must equal 32


__________________________________ See list of courses offered outside the regular schedule TOTAL CREDITS:

Kelowna Secondary School

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COURSE DESCRIPTIONS FRENCH IMMERSION In order to meet B.C. Ministry requirements, French Immersion students are strongly encouraged to take as many courses as possible that are offered in French. **Speaking French in the classroom at all times is an integral component of the program. •

• •

This program is designed for students who have been enrolled in French Immersion since Kindergarten. These students already possess a considerable degree of fluency in the French language. This fluency should exist in the oral, aural and written domains. Each course is conducted entirely in French. A student who completes this program should emerge with a level of competence significantly beyond that achieved in the regular FSL program. Parents should also note that every effort is made to parallel immersion courses with their Englishlanguage counterparts. Students will then have experienced the same content and skills as their peers in the English Program. In addition to the subject learning objectives, each course in French Immersion also includes target language objectives for which students are accountable. Teachers of mathematics courses have developed two instruments to help students develop mathematical understanding in both French and English a) French-English vocabulary lists of mathematical terms b) Chapter review exercises/tests in both French and English A French Immersion "Dogwood" will be granted by the Ministry of Education to students completing Sciences Humaines 10 & 11, Français 10, 11 &12, and one additional 4 credit course taught in French. Students will require 11 French Immersion courses from grades 8-12 to qualify for the District French Immersion certificate. Students are encouraged to take as many courses as possible in French to expose them to concepts and vocabulary that will better prepare them for the Provincial Exam in Français Langue Seconde 12.

FRANÇAIS LANGUE SECONDE 10 - FFRAL10-4L Content: Français 10 is an intermediate French language arts and literature course which develops more sophisticated aspects of speaking, reading, listening and writing. Cultural and attitudinal goals will be met in varied activities. In the literature section, the student will study Francophone authors and the socio-cultural context of their works. FONDEMENTS ET MATHÉMATIQUES PRÉCALCUL 10 - FFMPF10-4L Prerequisite: Mathématiques 9 Content: This course parallels the regular Math 10 curriculum. Attention will be given to mastery of both English and French terminology and opportunities will be provided to demonstrate mathematical competence in both languages. SPECIAL NOTE: This course has a mandatory provincial exam.

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SCIENCES HUMAINES 10 – FSCH-10-4L Content: This course covers the grade 10 Social Studies curriculum as outlined in the B.C. Social Studies curriculum guide. It will directly parallel the content and skills emphasized in the English language Social Studies 10 course. More sophisticated French language communication skills will be developed. SCIENCES NATURELLES 10 – FSCF-10-4S Content: This course is a mirror image of the English course but taught in French. It covers electricity, magnetism, nuclear energy, the cell, asexual reproduction, sexual reproduction, genetics, plate tectonics, geological ages, chemical naming and chemical reactions. SPECIAL NOTE: This course has a mandatory provincial exam.

Kelowna Secondary School

ENGLISH ENGLISH 10 – MEN--10-4S Content: Students will continue to develop an awareness of the conventions of language and to learn to communicate clearly and effectively in written and spoken English. Students will also have the opportunity to appreciate and interpret literature involving a variety of genres. SPECIAL NOTE: This course has a mandatory provincial exam. ENGLISH 10 HONOURS – MEN--10H4S Content: The objective of this course is to provide enrichment to the regular English 10 program and is meant to challenge the student with more demanding material. It is also intended to prepare the student who wishes to take on the rigors of the Advanced Placement program. Students enrolling in English 10 Honours must have a final mark of A or B in English 9. There is a strong emphasis placed on literary analysis in this course. Students will write the regular Grade 10 Provincial Exam. SPECIAL NOTE: This course has a mandatory provincial exam.

ELECTIVES: DEBATE & SPEECH 10 - YLE--0A-4L Content: This course is designed for students with a serious interest in current social issues, public speaking and law. Students will learn techniques of both crossexamination and national style debate, and formal and impromptu speeches. Research skills will be taught and practiced. Students will be expected to speak publicly in various situations, including debate tournaments. Attending and participating in at least one debate

tournament is a requirement of the course. Students will have the opportunity to compete regionally and provincially. Class will take place Monday afternoon, outside the regular timetable and is available to any student in grades 10 - 12 in the district. (Gr. 8 & 9 students who are interested may apply to the instructor to attend the course, and compete provincially at a novice level, but will not receive academic credit.) This is a rigorous course for students with strong academic backgrounds and interests. Debate & Speech 12 does

not replace English 12 as a graduation requirement. Contact: Mrs. J. Taylor [email protected] JOURNALISM 10 - MIDS-1C-4S Content: This course is for students with a keen interest in current events and strong time management skills. Students will contribute to and build the monthly KSS newspaper publication, Censor This. Students must be willing to write in a variety of genres, take photographs, manipulate and produce graphics, learn professional layout techniques, and master a high level of proficiency with the Photoshop, and the In Design programs. Further, because the newspaper must be selffunded, students must help with the sale of advertising in order to cover publication costs. This class is offered inside the timetable, but a second class may be offered outside the timetable if there is sufficient demand. Students who are interested in this second class need to contact Mr. Manderioli directly. NOTE: Students who cannot work on the school paper after school should not take this course. Journalism 12 does not replace English 12 as a graduation requirement.

ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE Content: English as a Second Language is a course for any student whose native language at home is not English and who plans to take regular English 10 based on teacher recommendation. STUDENTS MAY TAKE: 1. ESL10 – ESL Language Development 10 – YESFL0A-4S (4 credits) 2. ESL Cultural Studies – XAT--10ESL (0 credits) •

The emphasis for the beginner and intermediate classes will be on a combination of functional writing, reading, and speaking skills and supportive field trips.

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SOCIAL STUDIES SCIENCES HUMAINES 10 – FSCH-10-4L Content: Refer to French Immersion section. SOCIAL STUDIES 10 – MSS--10-4S Content: Social Studies 10 consists of 3 main units all related to the historical and economic growth of Canada. History topics include Canada's achievement of Confederation, the opening of the west, the fur trade, early settlement, British Columbia's early history, and the Riel rebellions. Economic topics include Canada's trading relationship to the United States and the Pacific Rim. British Columbia's major economic activities will be investigated.

Students who take this course should have an interest in history and social studies. Throughout the course, students will be expected to develop and utilize critical thinking and historical thinking abilities as they gain a deeper understanding of Canada’s development from independent British colonies to a fully independent country. Historical topics included in this course are the Rebellions of 1837-38, Canada’s achievement of Confederation, the building of the CPR, the development of the Canadian West, British Columbia’s history, Riel’s Rebellions and the Laurier Era. Economic issues are also an important part of the curriculum and students will examine the economy of British Columbia and issues of environmental sustainability and stewardship.

SOCIAL STUDIES 10 HONOURS MSS--10H4S Content: This course takes an inquiry-based approach to study the development of Canada from 1815 – 1914.

MATHEMATICS IMPORTANT INFORMATION – PLEASE READ Math, like many courses, requires students to have solid foundational skills in order to keep building on top of that foundation. Foundations and Pre-Calculus Math 10 and Apprenticeship and Workplace Math 10 are both math courses that will allow you to go to a variety of post secondary programs. It is your responsibility to check the websites to determine specific requirements for each institution. The KSS timetable is determined by your course selections. In consultation with your students’ middle school, we will be placing students in their math class. This placement will be based on a students’ demonstrated math skills to date. If you wish to make any changes, please contact KSS for a Math appeal form. APPRENTICESHIP & WORKPLACE MATH 10 MAWM-10-4L Content: This pathway is specifically designed to provide students with the mathematical understandings and critical-thinking skills identified for entry into the majority of trades at post secondary and for direct entry into the work force. Topics include algebra, geometry, measurement, number, statistics and probability. If your child has worked hard in Math 8 or 9, enjoys working on projects or “hands-on” activities, or intends to pursue a trade or technical job after high school, then choose the Apprenticeship and Workplace pathway. SPECIAL NOTE: This course has a mandatory provincial exam. FOUNDATIONS & PRE-CALCULUS MATH 10 MFMP-10-4L Content: This course introduces students to the mathematical understanding and critical-thinking skills further developed in the Foundations of Mathematics & Pre-Calculus pathways. Topics include algebra, measurement, number and relations and functions. The seven mathematical processes (communication, connections, mental mathematics and estimation, problem solving, technology and visualization) are interwoven throughout the mathematical topics. If your child has been very successful in Math 8 and 9, enjoys the

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challenges of Math, and is thinking about future education or a career that involves Sciences, Engineering, social sciences such as Economics, Geography, Psychology, Arts or Humanities, then starting the Foundations and Pre-Calculus Mathematics 10 will be the best choice. This course leads to Foundations 11 and PreCalculus 11. SPECIAL NOTE: This course has a mandatory provincial exam. FONDEMENTS ET MATHÉMATIQUES PRÉCALCUL 10 - FFMPF10-4L Content: Refer to French Immersion section. FOUNDATIONS & PRE-CALCULUS MATH 10 HONOURS – MFMP-10H4L Content: This course is part of the accelerated honours math program offered at KSS and is intended for students who have completed a Math 9 Honours course. It covers all the topics of Pre-Calculus Math 11 and prepares students for the Foundations & Pre-Calculus 10 provincial exam. Students must have a strong work ethic and commitment level. This is a challenging course that will develop skill necessary for theoretical calculus. SPECIAL NOTE: This course has a mandatory provincial exam.

Kelowna Secondary School

SCIENCE SCIENCE 10 - MSC--10-4S Content: This course covers velocity and acceleration, ecosystems, plate tectonics, radioactivity, chemical naming and chemical reactions. SPECIAL NOTE: This course has a mandatory provincial exam. SCIENCES NATURELLES 10 – FSCF-10-4S Content: Refer to French Immersion section.

SCIENCE 10 HONOURS – MSC--10H4S Content: This course covers the Science 10 curriculum along with the following extension topics: Chemistry 11 topics including the mole and stoichiometry; Physics 11 topics requiring geometry skills. Prerequisite: Students must have strong mathematical skills. This course is recommended for students with a high B or A average in Science 9. SPECIAL NOTE: This course has a mandatory provincial exam.

LANGUAGES FRENCH 10 – MFR--10-4S Content: This course offers a dynamic and interactive study of the French language. Students will continue to develop their communicative skills in order to express themselves accurately in French. The course introduces students to a variety of new thematic vocabulary and grammatical concepts in order to transfer their previously mastered skills to new situations in a creative manner. FRENCH 10 HONOURS – MFR--10H4S Content: This course offers an accelerated and enriched French 10 program. Students progress more quickly through the basics of vocabulary and grammar in order to spend more time on enrichment activities in the literature and culture of the language and in creative class work. BEGINNERS' GERMAN 10 – MBGE-11-4S Content: This course is an opportunity for students in grade 10, 11 or 12 to begin the study of the German language. This course is comprehensive and goes at a rapid pace.

BEGINNERS’ JAPANESE 10 – MBJA-11-4S Content: This course is an opportunity for students in grades 10, 11 or 12 to begin the study of the Japanese Language. This beginning level course will act as an introduction to the Japanese Language, writing systems, and customs. Students will learn how to write in hiragana and katakana, will be able to give and solicit basic information in polite language, make simple requests, and apply familiar linguistic and cultural knowledge to make sense of new unfamiliar situations. BEGINNERS' SPANISH 10 – MBSP-11-4S Content: This course is an opportunity for students in grades 10, 11 or 12 to begin the study of Spanish. This beginner level course will act as an introduction to language structure, vocabulary and grammar. Students will learn the conversation skills required to function in real life travel scenarios in Hispanic countries.

PHYSICAL EDUCATION DANCE FITNESS 10 - MPE--10F4L – (Linear) Content: This course will be similar to the Modern Dance class, but will focus more on your overall fitness and wellbeing. This is a non-performance class. If you are interested in becoming an aerobics instructor or a fitness trainer or just like working out, join this class! Indoor running shoes will be required for this course. Dance choreography will also be taught and at least four to five styles of dance/movement will be explored per school year. This course is offered in the morning (AM) for grades 10-12 as well as in the timetable for all grades. Indoor running shoes will be required for this course.

Kelowna Secondary School

DANCE 10 HONOURS – MPE--10H4L (Can be taken instead of PE or can count as a Fine Arts Course) Content: This is a challenging, nonperforming technique-based course, focusing on improving technique and choreography skills. Dancers have mastered base skills in jazz and ballet and will learn new, more challenging turns, jumps, and “tricks” to aid in their community studio progress. Students must have a minimum of 4 years recent studio experience for this course. The class will learn 2-4 new pieces of choreography in addition to creating his/her own pieces. Dancers are required to wear proper dance shoes and fundraise to assist with guest instructor costs.

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DANCE PERFORMANCE 10 - MPE--10D4L (Linear inside the timetable) (Can be taken instead of PE or can count as a Fine Arts Course) Content: This is a performance class for all levels! Students will develop new or existing skills, with a focus on learning 2-3 pieces of choreography to be performed in a full show. Students will be exposed to many different genres including jazz, ballet, contemporary, hip hop, and different styles of ethnic and social dance. Dancers will be required to fundraise to assist with production costs. DANCE TEAM 10 – MPE-10C4L (By audition) (Offered outside the regular timetable) Content: This is a linear performance and competition based course, focusing on developing new or existing skills. All levels welcome; students must be willing to commit to class from 3:30-6pm, Tuesdays after school. Students will be involved in a minimum of three performances, one competition, and one weekend travel. Auditions for team are held in June at KSS. White indoor running shoes and black jazz oxfords are required for this course. All dancers are required to fundraise to assist with travel and production costs.

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PHYSICAL EDUCATION 10 – MPE--10-4L Content: This course is comprehensive in scope and diversity. There is a great variety of expertise in our department to create interesting and enjoyable programs. The focus of the Grade 10 program is to offer each student a challenging positive experience. We strongly promote participation, the importance of being fit and encourage students to join our successful extra-curricular program. PHYSICAL EDUCATION 10 (High Performance) (By application only) MPE--10E4L Content: PE 10 is a grad requirement course in BC. This course is for those students who are involved with highly competitive year long sports programs outside of the school, such as provincial/national field hockey, basketball, soccer, ice hockey, speed skating, volleyball, tennis, or badminton. This class meets outside of the timetable where students must hand in journals outlining their training and or physical activity over the past week. Students also must show competencies in Active Living, Movement and Personal and Social Responsibility areas within the PE 10 Provincial Curriculum. Interested students should see the PE department head for the application form.

Kelowna Secondary School

ELECTIVE COURSES ART ART 10 - MVAG-10-2T (10 week) Content: This is a basic art foundation course which covers colour, line, composition, contrast and symmetry.

ART 10 - MVAG-10-4S Content: This full semester course is designed for students who already have an interest in art and a desire to develop their ability and knowledge of the subject.

BUSINESS EDUCATION BUSINESS COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 10 MBEC-10-2T (10 week) Content: Information technology is increasingly affecting our daily lives, changing the way we live, work, and play. Students need to be able to understand and apply various information technology tools to access and communicate information in their personal and work lives. This course provides students the opportunity to develop: personal and business communication skills (word processing), financial analysis (spreadsheets and charting), presentation skills (desktop publishing and

power point using music, graphics and video), web design (links to other files and websites). BUSINESS EDUCATION 10 MBEG-10-2T (10 week) Content: This course is an introduction to the world of business. It is a very practical, computer-based course. The course is divided into the following units: global contributions, buying a car, buying a house, investment planning, and taxation. Students who are enrolled for the entire semester will also participate in starting a business, innovation and marketing.

COMPUTER SCIENCE COMPUTER ANIMATION 10 MINT-10-2T (10 week) Content: In this introductory 10 week course using Lightwave 3D, students learn how to create, model and design objects in a 3D environment and also create animated movies with sound. This software was used in making “Titanic”, “Black Hawk Down”, and “Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones.” COMPUTER SCIENCE 10 - MICTX11-4S Content: This is a first course in computer programming. Students require strong computer and math skills for this course. Visual Basic, Java and object oriented programming ideas will be introduced.

ROBOTICS 10 – MIDS-1A12T (10 week) Content: This is a project-based course dealing with the design and implementation of behavior-based robots to accomplish specific tasks. Students will learn about the evolution of Robotics, use electronic tools and test equipment in order to build, test, and modify various types of circuits and simple robots. The course is a mixture of lectures, discussion, projects and class presentations. WEB DESIGN 10 YCAIS0A-2T (10 week) – YCAIS0A-4S Content: This course explores the skills necessary for web page design. A variety of software will be used in the course. Students work in groups as well as individually. Students may take this as a semester or 10 week course.

DRAMA DRAMA 10 MDRG-10-2T (10 week) - MDRG-10-4S Content: This course provides a foundation for theatre study in drama. Starting out with theatre games, students quickly progress to scene work and public presentation of their work. Students may take this as a semester course. DRAMA TECH 10 - MDRD-10-2T (10 week) Content: This course offers a 10 week introduction into the backstage world of theatre, and introduces students to

Kelowna Secondary School

lighting, sound, design, stage management and other technical theatre responsibilities. Students will have hands-on experience using equipment for both in-class projects as well as main stage and student directed productions throughout the year, which often happen outside of class time. Opportunities will be offered to work as a member of the crew in both school and community productions.

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HOME ECONOMICS FOODS 10 – MIDS-0B12T (10 week) Content: In this course students learn to cook fun and nutritional foods for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Labs include basic baking, pizza, stir fries and lasagna. TEXTILES ARTS AND CRAFTS 10 MIDS-0A22T (10 week) – MIDS-0A24S Content: In this course students will learn about design and create unique projects and gifts for you or your home: candle making, embroidery, beading,

quilting, hemp jewelry, cross-stitch and more! experience necessary. This is a “hands on” course.


TEXTILES 10 INTRODUCTORY MIDS-0C12T – MTXT-10-4S Content: This course is for the student with little or no sewing background. Students will learn how to use a sewing machine, serger and how to iron. Projects include children’s clothing, hoodies, PJ’s, skirts, dresses, etc., depending on sewing experience.

LEADERSHIP RECREATION LEADERSHIP 10 YCPA-0A-2T (10 week) – MIDS-0A Content: Choose to Lead! This course will offer the practical skills required to be an effective leader. Organizational skills, communication skills, team

building, and volunteering in both school and community will be part of the curriculum. The grade 10 team will also become very involved in the KSS intramural program. This course can be taken as 2 credits or 4 credits.

MEDIA PRODUCTION MEDIA ARTS 10 - MVAM-10-2T (10 week) Content: This is a hands-on introductory production course for students interested in digital, electronic and paper-based media. Students will explore activities relating to video production and graphic art and design. Some projects involve group work and students will be expected to function as a reliable group member. Note: Students who wish a more in-depth exploration (including photography) should take the full semester version of Media 10. MEDIA ARTS 10 - MVAM-10-4S Content: This is a hands-on production course for students interested in exploring a broader variety of digital, electronic and paper-based media. This full semester course offers students the opportunity to use a wider range of equipment, hardware, software and web tools while participating in a more in-depth exploration of film production, graphic art and design, and projects in photography and screen-printing. Note: Many projects

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involve group work and students will be expected to function as a reliable group member. YEARBOOK 10 - YCCT-0A-4L (Offered outside of the timetable) Content: This class designs and produces the school yearbook. Students will learn how a book is published, and will be responsible for all writing, design and photography that will appear in the book. In order to do this, students will learn in-depth skills in InDesign (page layout software) and Photoshop (photo manipulation software). As well, students will learn the business skills required to fund a book through sales to students. Students will be required to work outside of class time (approx.3 hours per month at noon or after school) to photograph events and sell and distribute books. Students will be interviewed and approved by the yearbook teacher during the first week of class.

Kelowna Secondary School

MODERN DANCE DANCE FITNESS 10 - MPE--10F4L – (Linear) Content: This course will be similar to the Modern Dance class, but will focus more on your overall fitness and wellbeing. This is a non-performance class. If you are interested in becoming an aerobics instructor or a fitness trainer or just like working out, join this class! Indoor running shoes will be required for this course. Dance choreography will also be taught and at least four to five styles of dance/movement will be explored per school year. This course is offered in the morning (AM) for grades 10-12 as well as in the timetable for all grades. Indoor running shoes will be required for this course. DANCE 10 HONOURS – MPE--10H4L (Can be taken instead of PE or can count as a Fine Arts Course) Content: This is a challenging, nonperforming technique-based course, focusing on improving technique and choreography skills. Dancers have mastered base skills in jazz and ballet and will learn new, more challenging turns, jumps, and “tricks” to aid in their community studio progress. Students must have a minimum of 4 years recent studio experience for this course. The class will learn 2-4 new pieces of choreography in addition to creating his/her own pieces. Dancers are required to wear proper dance shoes and fundraise to assist with guest instructor costs.

DANCE PERFORMANCE 10 - MPE--10D4L (Linear inside the timetable) (Can be taken instead of PE or can count as a Fine Arts Course) Content: This is a performance class for all levels! Students will develop new or existing skills, with a focus on learning 2-3 pieces of choreography to be performed in a full show. Students will be exposed to many different genres including jazz, ballet, contemporary, hip hop, and different styles of ethnic and social dance. Dancers will be required to fundraise to assist with production costs. DANCE TEAM 10 – MPE-10C4L (By audition) (Offered outside the regular timetable) Content: This is a linear performance and competition based course, focusing on developing new or existing skills. All levels welcome; students must be willing to commit to class from 3:30-6pm, Tuesdays after school. Students will be involved in a minimum of three performances, one competition, and one weekend travel. Auditions for team are held in June at KSS. White indoor running shoes and black jazz oxfords are required for this course. All dancers are required to fundraise to assist with travel and production costs.

MUSIC CONCERT BAND 10 - MMCB-10-4L Content: This course aims for a high level of musical performance. Students taking this course should expect to be involved in multiple performances, concerts and possible travel tours. CHAMBER CHOIR 10 (By audition only) MIDS-0B-4L – MIDS-1B-4L – MIDS-2B-4L Content: Participants in this course are taught the fundamentals of choral singing and emphasis is placed upon performance in a classical style.This group performs at least six times during the school year. Although the ability to sight-read music is a substantial benefit, it is not a necessity. INTRODUCTORY CHOIR 10 (non-auditioned) MMCC-10-4L Content: As opposed to the “Vocal Jazz” and “Chamber Choir” courses which take place “outside” of the regular timetable and requires an audition, this course requires no audition and occurs within the regular daily timetable. Emphasis is placed upon the development of good vocal technique which includes appropriate approaches to vocal warm-up, stance, breath support, development of tonal quality, enunciation, etc. This group performs approximately four times during the

Kelowna Secondary School

school year with Remembrance Day.





JAZZ BAND 10 – MMJB-10-4L Content: This music performance course explores a wide variety of jazz repertoire including swing, shuffle, the ballad, and various forms of Latin jazz. All students are provided with jazz listening, analysis, rehearsal/performance and improvisational experiences. In order to provide an even broader musical experience, all Jazz Band 10 students are also required to perform with the Gr. 10 Concert Band. They will also be registered in a 2-credit, outside the timetable class. Students may be required to audition in order to gain entry to this performance oriented course. JAZZ STUDIES 10 – YVPA-0A-4L Content: This course will give students an opportunity to work in small performance groups, and to study improvisation techniques. It offers soloists and rhythm section players an opportunity to develop skills as they are exposed to an extensive repertoire. Students should expect to be involved in extensive public performances and involvement with other professional musicians. Students must audition or receive permission from the instructor.

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ORCHESTRA 10 (By audition only) MMOS-10-4L Content: This course is open to all wind players and all string players. Wind players are auditioned at the first rehearsal in September. It will continue to explore all areas of traditional classical repertoire and orchestral techniques. This course requires intensive musical involvement and extra rehearsals, concerts and tours. Students must have permission of the instructor. The orchestra rehearses on a Tuesday evening and includes members of the community. RHYTHM & BLUES BAND 10 (By audition only) MIDS-0C44L Content: This high energy, performance oriented course is available to singers, rhythm players and instrumentalists who desire a more extensive musical experience which will prepare them for a career in the

area of music performance. Extra-curricular performances will be emphasized and potential students must also be registered in a large music performance class (jazz band, concert band, etc.). Repertoire explored will range from early Motown of the '60's to the latest Top 40 hits. VOCAL JAZZ 10 (By audition only) MMVJ-10-4L Content: Participants in this course are taught the fundamentals of choral singing and emphasis is placed upon performance in a jazz style. This group performs at least six times during the school year. Students are required to sing in a 4 credit Chamber Choir, Monday & Tuesday or Wednesday mornings at 7:30 am. Although the ability to sight-read music is a substantial benefit, it is not a necessity.

TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION APPLIED TECHNOLOGY ELECTRONICS 10 - MTEE-10-2T (10 week) Content: This course is designed to introduce you to the exciting world of electronics. Come and explore a subject that impacts almost everything you do on a daily basis. Electronics is a continually changing field that offers many different and fascinating careers. Projects and theory will focus on hands-on activities. Projects will include either a portable MP3 amplifier or a 40-watt stereo amplifier. METAL ART JEWELRY DESIGN 10 MIDS-0A12T (10 week) Content: This hands-on course has an emphasis on student-designed jewelry where student originality is encouraged. Students start with designing and creating a personal Aluminum pendant then make a sterling silver ring using the lost wax casting method. Students will also use a variety of metal forming and joining techniques to create projects of their own design. A variety of metals are used including silver, copper, brass, and stainless steel. A unit on stained glass and glass slumping/bead making is also included. Tentative projects include 3D stained glass objects, steel action scene, chain mail, ornamental metal flowers, wire frame figure, patio table and self-directed projects. METAL WORK 10 – MTEM-10-2T (10 week) Content: This course introduces you to several basic metalwork processes used in industry today. Students will safely learn to work with basic hand tools and power equipment. You will start with basic decorative projects, such as self-designed key chains and stained glass, then lead to more complicated process such as sheet metalwork, lathe machining and welding. This course is explorative to cover all aspects of the metal shop to prepare you for senior metal work.

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TECHNOLOGY 10 – MTEG-10-2T (10 week) Content: This introductory course will give students an opportunity to design, draw, build, test and evaluate a variety of projects which deal with engineering and electronics. The emphasis will be on problem solving. The practical problem solving is designed to tweak the interest and ingenuity of those with inventive and technologically focused appetites. Shop safety and tools, building and design, together with cooperative team oriented projects, all laced with a healthy dose of fun and excitement, make this a popular selection.

COMPUTER DRAFTING TECHNOLOGY DRAFTING 10 – MTED-10-2T (10 week) Content: This course is designed to introduce students to the fundamentals and basic concepts of CADD (Computer Assisted Drafting). It is a highly recommended entry point for the Drafting & Design 11/12 courses. Students will be introduced to and use the latest AutoCAD software during the first half of the course, where they will be exposed to isometric projections, oblique projections, orthographic projections, 3D and solid models. The last part of the course will see the students progress into an introduction to our Mastercam (CNC – Computer Numeric Controlled) software. Students will learn the 2D basics of Mastercam, and then actually produce three dimensional models/projects out of wood, plastic & metal on the CNC router. Students will be encouraged to be creative and explore their own design aspirations.

Kelowna Secondary School



WOODWORK 10 MTEW-10-2T (10 week) - MTEW-10-4S Content: In this introductory/early intermediate wood shop course students will be exposed to all the fixed power machines and to an array of portable power tools and equipment. There is an initial compulsory project designed to instill some strong and fundamental woodwork skills. Individual project selection will be permitted by students who attain adequate results in this first project. Safety is taught and stressed throughout the entire course. This course is also available in a 10 week, 2 credit option.

INTRODUCTION TO AUTOMOTIVE & POWER MECHANICS 10 - MTEC-10-2T (10 week) Content: This course is an introduction to automotive engines and other various power sources. Students study in depth the construction and theory of both two and four stroke small gasoline engines. Students will further understand how they work by rebuilding an engine and solving any problems that may be encountered when using small engines in real life situations. A brief introduction to automotive applications is also included. Some equipment to be worked on includes lawn mowers, chain saws, rototillers, bikes and go-karts. Students will also study one other power source during the course, ranging from hydraulics and C02 cars, to wind and solar power. Shop skills will be learned by working with both hand and power tools to build a final project. Lastly we will study how these power sources affected society in the past, the present and the future.

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Kelowna Secondary School