Using area models to multiply. ⢠Multiplying multi-digit numbers. ⢠Estimating the product. ⢠Distributive propert
October 2017
GRADE 5 NewsLetter
ELA/SOCIAL STUDIES... Here’s the scoop in ELA and Social Studies! In 5th grade ELA and Social Studies, students will continue to explore Informational Text and Literature through their Wonders series. Through these readings, we will promote and develop students’ comprehension and vocabulary skills. Some of the tasks we are working on this month include sequence, context clues, as well as problem and solution skills while continuing to cultivate skills such as types of sentences and various parts of speech. As we progress through our lessons, we will begin to introduce figurative language such as idioms, personification, and metaphors. Social Studies students will also continue to explore current and past events that have shaped the United States. Next week, student will begin to check out books from the school library. Please encourage them to read at least [30] minutes a night.
Our amazing 5th grade students are demonstrating their knowledge of science, technology, engineering and math by diving deep into student-centered projectbased learning.
The students are collaborating in small groups, asking real-world
questions, researching background information, and creating solutions with certain criteria and constraints. Some of the inspiring topics include; How can we code a video game and create three levels of beginner, normal, and expert? During the electrolysis of water, which electrolyte conducts electricity the best? Can a homemade blood pressure monitor work effectively as a lie detector? Is it safe to consume wet or dry foods after they have been dropped on the school cafeteria floor after 5 seconds?
MATHEMATICS... We are at the halfway mark for the first quarter. Students are putting forth an effort to achieve the goal. Please make sure your students are practicing multiplication and division at home to help build on these concepts. In Ms. Scelonge’s class, students will be working on centers in groups. Make sure to ask your child about the fun activities they have done during their center time. Also make sure your child is completing the math homework daily. We have been busy working on the following skills: • Multiplication facts • Numerical expression • Order of operation • Problem solving In the upcoming weeks, we will be working on the following skills: • Using area models to multiply • Multiplying multi-digit numbers • Estimating the product • Distributive property • Problem solving Please take the time to study multiplication facts 20 minutes per night!