Grades7-12 Workbook 2013 - St. Mary and St. George Coptic ...

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Grades 7-12 Workbook. P a g e | 1. Direction: Please read ... 20) Which Psalm in the Prime and Ninth Hours of the Agpeya, make a reference to barren women ...
Direction: Please read the First Book of Samuel from the Bible and the explanations from the competition Book and then answer the following questions. 1) The name Samuel means… A. Grace C. God hears B. God creates D. Gift of God 2) The two books of Samuel were written by Samuel, until his death in the second book. The second book of Samuel was completed by the prophets _________ and _________. 3) Until the time of Samuel, who was the king of Israel? A. Saul C. Josiah B. David D. God 4) What is a major theme in the Book of Samuel? A. Prayer C. Respect of God‟s house B. How to become a king D. Choices A and C 5) The two wives of Elkanah were ____________ and _______________. 6) What did Elkanah do to show that he favored Hannah over Peninnah? A. Gave her double portion to make C. Gave her the better portion of the offerings lamb during the feast B. Brought her flowers on a weekly D. Gave her a multicolored robe basis 7) Why did Peninnah provoke Hannah severely about? A. She had a big nose C. She wasn‟t able to have children B. The Lord had closed her womb D. Choices B and C 8) Why was it shameful for women to be barren throughout the Old Testament? Mahragan 2013

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____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________ 9) The father of Samuel was…. A. Eli B. Elkanah

C. Dagon D. Nahash

10) What does Hannah mean? A. Grace B. Asked for

C. Pearl D. God hears

11) How was Hannah praying when she was in the house of the Lord? A. While weeping D. Choices A and C B. While speaking in her heart E. Choices A, B and C C. Moving her lips only 12) Who is Eli? A. The brother of Hannah B. A Judge of Israel C. A Priest

D. Choices B and C E. Choices A, B and C

13) What did Eli think when he saw Hannah praying and what did he say to her? Provide a reference for the verse. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________ 14) What did Hannah promise God if He gave her a baby? A. That she would give double tithes C. That she would give her baby boy next month to the Lord all the days of his life B. That she would never yell at her D. That she would get back at husband again Penninah and throw rocks at her

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15) What did Hannah wait for before she dedicated Samuel to the Lord? A. She didn‟t wait, but gave the boy C. She waited for him to be weaned right away D. None of the above B. She waited for him to have facial hair 16) What did Hannah bring with her, along with Samuel, to the house of the Lord? A. Three bulls D. All of the above B. One ephah of flour E. None of the above C. A skin of wine 17) Explain a lesson you learned from the first chapter and tell how you can apply it to your life. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ________________ 18) Write your favorite verse from Hannah‟s prayer of thanksgiving: ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ________________ 19) Who do the pillars of the earth belong to? (hint: look at Hannah‟s prayer of thanksgiving) A. The king C. The saints B. His chosen ones D. The Lord 20) Which Psalm in the Prime and Ninth Hours of the Agpeya, make a reference to barren women having children? Psalm __________ 21) What were two sins that Eli‟s sons committed that they were not supposed to do as priests of the Lord? 1. ________________________________________________________________ __ Mahragan 2013

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2. ________________________________________________________________ __ 22) How many sons and daughters did Hannah conceive and bear? A. Three sons and two daughters C. Four sons and two daughters B. Two sons and three daughters D. One son and four daughters 23) What did the man sent by the Lord convict Eli of doing? A. Being a bad priest C. Honoring his sons more than the B. Not working hard enough Lord D. Loving money 24) Fill in the blank: “For those who _______Me I will honor, and those who despise Me shall be lightly___________” (1 Samuel ____ :______). 25) What was the God‟s punishment for Eli the priest for his negligence? A. All the members of his family C. People would not listen to him would die young D. His wife could not bear any B. He would be kicked out of the more children house of God 26) What do you learn about parenting from the story of Eli and his sons? ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________ 27) What was the result of people leaving God and increasing in wickedness? A. Fire came down and smote them C. There was no widespread B. The word of the Lord was rare revelation D. Both choices B and C 28) Who did Samuel mistakenly run to after the Lord called him? A. Hannah C. Eli B. Elkanah D. Saul

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29) How many times did God call Samuel before he answered saying „Speak, for Your servant hears?” A. 1 C. 3 B. 2 D. 4 30) Samuel‟s response to the Lord calling him is a good verse to remember to pray before reading the bible. What was that verse? ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________(1 Samuel 3:9) 31) Why was Samuel afraid to tell Eli the vision the Lord revealed to him? A. He was afraid God might punish C. He didn‟t like to speak in public him for squealing D. He didn‟t speak the same language B. He didn‟t want to tell Eli how God as Eli was going to go against Eli‟s house 32) What did Eli say after Samuel told him about everything God had revealed? ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ________ 33) What lessons can we learn from Samuel and Eli the night the Lord called Samuel? ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ______________ 34) Why were the Israelites defeated by the Philistines at Ebnezer? A. They did not ask the Lord C. They didn‟t have a big enough B. They were not sanctified army D. Choices A and B

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35) How many people from Israel died in the loss to the Philistines during the FIRST battle? A. 3000 C. 4000 B. 30,000 D. 1500 36) What did the Israelites take with them to fight the Philistines after they were defeated? A. The Ark of Covenant C. The Ephod of Joshua B. Lucky bracelets D. The Tunic of Moses 37) What was/were the result(s) of the second battle with the Philistines A. The Ark of God was captured C. The sons of Eli died B. 30,000 soldiers died D. All of the above 38) What was the cause of Eli falling back and breaking his neck, leading to his death? A. He heard the ark of God was C. He heard the Philistines had captured slaughtered Israel in battle B. He heard his sons, Hophni and D. None of the above Phinehas, were dead 39) Who is Ichabod? A. Phinehas‟ son B. Phinehas‟ wife‟s son

C. The grandchild of Eli D. All of the above

40) Complete the following lesson statement from Chapter 4: Prayer without ______________ is superficial 41) Who was Dagon? A. The god of the Philistines B. A half man creature C. A half fish creature

D. A god whose name means „fish‟ E. All of the above

42) The second day the Ark was in the Dagon‟s temple, the palms and head broke off the statue. What part of the statue does the bible say was left? A. Torso C. Neck B. Fin D. Tail

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43) Why did the Philistines eventually decide to return the Ark to Israel? A. They wanted to be nice C. Israel defeated them in war B. God afflicted them with tumors D. They wanted to repent and seek and rats the true God 44) Explain what lesson we learn from the events of Dagon and the Ark. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________ 45) Provide a verse from the New Testament that explains why Dagon and the Ark could not coexist. (hint: St. Paul talks about fellowship between light and darkness) ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ________________ 46) How long did the Ark remain in the land of the Philistines for? A. A year C. Seven months B. Five months D. Seven weeks 47) What did the pagan priest suggest the Philistines do if they wanted to return the Ark? A. That the people carry the Ark C. To invited the Israelites to come themselves and take the Ark B. To pray to Dagon their god D. To return the Ark with a trespass offering 48) What city did the cows go towards to show that the Lord had brought the disasters on the Philistines? A. Ekron C. Beth Shemesh B. Gath D. Ashdod 49) What do the unyoked cows heading towards Israel symbolize? Mahragan 2013

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A. The colt that Jesus rode into Jerusalem B. The victory of Israel in the promise land

C. The Resurrection of our Lord D. The disciples preaching all over the world

50) Whose field did the cart with the Ark go in first? A. Joshua‟s C. Aaron‟s B. Moses‟ D. Jesse‟s 51) What did the people of Beth Shemesh do with the cart and the cows? A. Sent them back C. Split the cows and offered the B. Split the wood of the cart and cart as a burnt offering offered the cows as burnt offerings D. None of the above 52) Who did the men of Beth Shemesh send messengers to come take the Ark with them? A. Ekron C. Kirjath Jearim B. Judea D. Ephraim 53) What must we offer God that resembles the cart and unyoked cows? A. A new hundred dollar bill C. Tithes B. A new hairstyle D. A new heart 54) Who did the men of Kirjath Jearim appointed to keep the Ark of the Lord? A. Samuel C. Eleazer B. Jesse D. Abinadab 55) The Ark of the Lord represents what in the Old Testament? A. Wealth C. Presence of the Lord B. Source of blessing D. Choice B and C 56) What did the people do to show their repentance to God after Samuel told them to „return to the Lord with all their hearts?‟ (hint: 1 Samuel 7) ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ________________

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57) Fill in the blank: “And Samuel____________ the children of Israel at Mizpah,” (1 Samuel _____ : _____) 58) Give a bible verse that shows Samuel interceding on behalf of the people of Israel. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ________________ 59) How did the Lord help the people of Israel when they cried to Him to deliver them at Mizpah? A. He sent thunder to confuse them C. He sent locusts to devour them B. He sent fire to consume them D. He sent hail to drive them away 60) The only way Samuel could reform the people was through _____________. 61) What does Ebenezer mean? A. The Lord is with us B. The Lord is strong

C. He who is with us is mighty D. Thus far the Lord has helped us

62) What happened when the Israelites were reconciled with God? A. The Philistines were subdued C. There was peace between them B. The cities that were taken from and the Amorites them were restored D. Choices A and B E. Choices A, B and C 63) Fill in the blank: “And Samuel ______ Israel all the days of his life,” (1 Samuel 7:_____) 64) Samuel always returned to his home, which was in…. A. Gilgal C. Bethel B. Mizpah D. Ramah 65) The practical solutions to our troubles and afflictions are _________ and __________.

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66) What wrong thing(s) did Samuel‟s sons do? A. Turned aside after dishonest gain D. Ate of the burnt offerings B. Took bribes E. Choices A through C C. Perverted justice F. Choices A through D 67) What did the people of Israel ask of Samuel, which was a very big mistake? A. To kill his sons C. To get a new judge to judge B. For a king them D. None of the above 68) By asking for a king, who did the people of Israel reject? Provide evidence from the bible. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ________________ 69) Samuel warned the people that a king would do which of the following, if they appointed a king to rein over them? A. Take their sons and appoint D. Take their male servants, female them for his own chariots servants, and finest young men and B. Set some to plow his ground and put them to work. reap his harvest E. All of the above C. Take a tenth of their grain and F. Choices A, C and D vintage 70) What lesson can we learn from the Israelites wanting to be like all the other nations, yet not realizing the grace they were losing? ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________ 71) What does Saul mean? A. Jehovah gives B. God creates Mahragan 2013

C. Asked for D. The small one Grades 7-12 Workbook

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72) What tribe was Saul from? A. Naphtali B. Judah

C. Reuben D. Benjamin

73) What two adjectives did the bible describe Saul as? A. Short and ugly C. Muscular and diesel B. Tall and handsome D. Smart and witty 74) Saul and his servant went to look for…. A. A wife for Saul D. An autograph picture of Samuel B. His father‟s two donkeys the prophet C. A job 75) A prophet was formerly called a ________. (hint: look at 1 Samuel 9). 76) What did Saul and his servant give to Samuel? A. The two donkeys C. One-half of a shekel of silver B. One-fourth of a shekel of silver D. A full shekel of gold 77) We learn from Saul going to Samuel that we should not enter the Lord‟s house _______-________. 78) In the Old Testament, who was/were anointed by oil? A. Priests C. Kings B. Prophets D. All of the above 79) Explain the message God wanted to give to Saul in meeting the three men at Rachel‟s tomb. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________ 80) Fill in the blank: Mahragan 2013

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“Then the _______ of the LORD will come upon you, and you will prophesy with them and be turned into _______ man,” (1 Samuel 10:_____ ) 81) At what tree in Tabor did Saul meet the three men? A. Oak D. Terebinth B. Accacia E. Willow C. Mustard 82) What did Nahash want to put out in order to make a covenant with the men of Jabesh? A. The right eyes of the people C. The right big toes of the people B. The left eyes of the people D. The elders of the people 83) Provide a verse that shows that godly anger is not a sin (hint: look at the verse when Saul heard about Nahash‟s proposal) ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________ 84) How many men did Saul gather from Israel and Judah to fight against Nahash? A. 30,000 from Israel and 300,000 C. 3,000 from Israel and 30,000 from Judah from Judah B. 300,000 from Israel and 30,000 D. 300,000 from Israel and 300,000 from Judah from Judah 85) What does the right eye represent? A. Satan B. Earthly lusts

C. Spiritual insight D. Spiritual strength

86) What happened when Samuel called to the Lord in 1 Samuel 12? ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________

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87) Fill in the blank: “Moreover, as for me, far be it from me that I should _____ against the LORD in _______ to ________ for you; but I will teach you the good and the right way,” (1 Samuel ______ : _______). 88) How many chariots and horsemen combined did the Philistines have against Saul‟s 3000 soldiers? A. 3,600 C. 360,000 B. 36,000 D. 3,600,000 89) How many days did Saul wait for Samuel? A. 5 D. 8 B. 6 E. 9 C. 7 90) What BIG mistake did Saul do that we shouldn‟t have done as only a king of Israel? A. He took men for his army C. He fought with Samuel B. He went into the Holy of Holies D. He offered a burnt offering 91) All the people of Israel had no spear or sword in hand except for…. A. Samuel D. Choice A and C B. Saul E. Choices B and C C. Jonathan 92) Fill in the blank: “For ________ restrains the LORD from saving by _______ or by ________,” (1 Samuel _____:_____ ) 93) What sign did Jonathan look for while crossing over to where the enemy was to know whether the Lord had delivered the enemy into their hand or not? ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ________________ 94) How many men were killed by the first slaughter of Jonathan and his armor bearer? Mahragan 2013

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A. 20 B. 3

C. 30 D. 25

95) What was Saul‟s oath and who broke it? A. That all men should not sleep till they gain victory; Samuel broke the oath B. That all men should not eat till they take vengeance; Jonathan broke the oath C. That all men should praise the Lord for seven days straight; Saul broke the oath D. That all men should not drink any water till they gain victory; Jonathan broke the oath 96) Who rescued Jonathan from death for breaking the oath? A. Saul C. The people B. Samuel D. The Philistines 97) What did the Lord command Saul to do in 1 Samuel 15? A. To have Samuel offer burnt offerings B. To kill his son Jonathan C. To build the Lord an altar D. To utterly destroy the Amalekites 98) What did Saul actually do? A. He killed every person only B. He killed every person and beast C. He killed everyone except their king and the best of the cattle D. He did nothing 99) What did Samuel do to king Agag? ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________ 100) Write a brief paragraph about the verse: “Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, And to heed than the fat of rams,” (1 Samuel 15:22). What do you learn from this verse? How can we practically apply this verse in our daily lives? ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Mahragan 2013

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____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

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1) Under whose reign was the Jewish nation torn? (A) Solomon (C)Solomon‟s Son (B) David (D) Jesus 2) Why did God tear the kingdom away from Solomon and gave it to his servant? (A) He followed other gods (C) He married foreign wives (B) He build altars for the gods (D) He moved the ark of covenant to his house (E)All of the above (F) Choices A through C 3) What was the name of the Northern Kingdom? (A) Israel (B) Judah (C) Jeroboam (D) Abraham (E)Benjamin 4) What was the name of the Southern Kingdom? (A) Israel (B) Judah (C) Jeroboam (D) Abraham (E) Benjamin 5) The two tribes that made up the Southern Kingdom are ___________ and __________. 6) What was something unwise that Rehoboam did and what was its result? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________

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7) What did the Southern Kingdom think would protect them regardless of their behavior? (A) The Temple (C) The Tabernacle (B) Moses (D) The Northern Kingdom 8) Which prophet tried to warn the people of the Kingdom of Judah to repent? (A) Moses (B) John the Baptist (C) Jeremiah (D) David 9) Which kingdom destroyed Solomon‟s temple? ____________________________________ 10) How many years did the Babylonian captivity last? (A) 120 Years (B) 70 months

(C) 70 Years (D) 7 Years

11) Why did God allow oppression to His children by the hands of foreign nations? _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

12) Did Cyrus help the Jews at all in their return by supplying their needs? (A) True, Explain _____________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ (B) False, Explain _____________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 13) What does Sheshbazzar mean? (A) Christ (B) The one son Mahragan 2013

(C)Joy in Tribulation (D) Hope in Tribulation Grades 7-12 Workbook

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14) Who were the three people who returned the Jewish people back to Jerusalem? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ____________________ 15) Why could the call to come back to Jerusalem be considered a test for the people of Israel? (A) Because they journey back was long and difficult (B) Because they married Babylonian women (C) Because Jerusalem was forgotten and in ruins (D)Because the people were used to living in Babylon (E) All of the above (F) Choice A, C, and D 16) Fill in the blanks to complete the following verse The land of our ________ is upon all those for __________ who __________ Him. (________ 8:21) 17) In the first return to Jerusalem, did the people care about their own needs or the house of God, and explain how we know? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________ 18) What were some of the problems that Zerubbabel and Israel faced upon the first return from captivity? (Name three) 1________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 2________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 3________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________

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19) Fill in the blank: “The ________ of our God is upon all those for _______ who __________ Him,” (Ezra ___:____) 20) What are some things we should do to return to our Heavenly Father just as Israel returned to Jerusalem from Babylon? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 21) God‟s commandments are very difficult, but when God asks us to keep His commandments, he provides us with His ________ _______ to help us do so. 22) After some began to discourage the people and after Artaxerxes ordered them to stop the building, who did God send to encourage the people to finish the delayed work? (A) Darius (B)Zechariah (C) Zerubabbel (D)Haggai (E)Choices B and D 23) Name the two people who were sent to the people after Artaxerxes stopped the rebuilding and what they did. ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________

24) That did Ezra care for the most? (A) The Lord‟s Law (B) The Temple Mahragan 2013

(C) His Clothes (D) His Repentance Grades 7-12 Workbook

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25) What does Ezra mean? (A) Aid (B) Help

(C)None of the above (D) Both A and B

26) What role did Ezra have in leading the people to Jerusalem? (A) He was a priest (B)He was a scribe (C) He led the people in battle (D) He helped the people remember the forgotten Law (E) All of the above (F) Choices A, B, and D 27) What does Nehemiah mean? (A) The restorer (B) Comforter

(C) Comforted by God (D) invader

28) What was Nehemiah‟s job in the land of captivity? (A) A priest (B) A baker (C) A cupbearer (D) A rodeo clown 29) Name three things we learn from Nehemiah ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 30) Fill in the blank: “The God of heaven Himself will _______ us; therefore we His servants will arise and ________,” (Nehemiah 2:____) 31) The completion of the walls of Jerusalem was done on which leader? a. Nehemiah b. Ezra c. Zerubabbel d. David Mahragan 2013

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Direction: Please read the Epistle of St. James from the Bible and the explanations from the competition Book and then answer the following questions. INTRODUCTION

1. St. James is one of the _______________ ________________, among others: __________________________, _________________________________, _________________. 2. What does “Catholicon” mean? a. Catholics b. Romans

c. Universal d. Epistle

3. Catholic Epistles are written to… a. Everyone b. Gentiles

c. Romans d. Jewish

4. Who did St. James write his epistle to? a. Jews b. Gentiles c. Christian of Jewish origin 5. When is the Catholic Epistle read? a. After the Matins Gospel b. After the reading from Acts during the liturgy

d. A and B e. A and C

c. After Midnight praises d. Before the Acts reading and after the Pauline

6. Who is St. James I. Writer of St. James‟ Epistle II. Biological brother of Jesus Christ

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III. Cousin of Jesus Christ IV. Bishop of Jerusalem V. Head Council of Jerusalem a. I,II,V only b. I, III,IV,V only

c. I only d. I,III,IV only

7. What is St. James called? And Why? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ ______________________________ 8. Why were St. James‟ knees known as camel‟s knees? a. He sat on the ground a lot c. Rode on camel often b. He fell consistently d. Constant kneeling during prayer 9. Did the Lord appear to St. James? If yes, when and where is it referenced? ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________ 10.Where did St. James write this epistle? a. Israel b. Egypt

c. Jerusalem d. Rome

11.When and Why did St. James write the epistle? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ __________________________________ Mahragan 2013

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CHAPTER 1 1. When should you have joy? a. When you fall into various trials c. When you party b.When you get married d.When you spend time with friends 2. What produces patience? a. Trials c. Dealing with difficult people b.Obeying the Ten d.Faith Commandments 3. What will you gain, if you let patience have its perfect work? a. Lacking nothing c. Complete b. Perfection d. All the Above 4. What should you ask God for, according to St. James? a. Patience c. Hope b. Wisdom d. A and C 5. He who doubts is like…..(complete the analogy) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ ____________________________ 6. How does St. James define a double minded man? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ ____________________________ 7. A lowly person glories in his____________ and a rich person in his ________________. a. Exaltation ,Rich c. Exaltation, Humiliation b. Poverty, Family d. God, Money

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8. What does St. James liken a rich man to? a. Money c. Flower b. Tree d. None of the above 9. What will the man that endures temptation receive? a. A reward on earth c. Long life b. The crown of life d. Popularity 10.What has the Lord promised to those who love him? a. Crown of life c. Blessing b. Forgiveness d. A prosperous future 11.Can someone be tempted by God? a. Yes b. No Why? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ ______________________ 12.Desire gives birth to ________________. a. Death c. Thoughts b. Sin d. None of the above 13.Sin when full grown brings forth to __________________. a. Desires c. Sin b. Thoughts d. Death 14.Where does every good and perfect gift come from? a. Above c. All the above b. The father of lights d. Your success 15.Every man must be I. Slow to speak II. Swift to hear III. Slow to hear IV. Fast in making decisions V. Fast to speak a. I,V,II only Mahragan 2013

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b. I,II,IV,V only P a g e | 24

c. I,II only d. I,II,III,IV only 16.The wrath of man does not produce the _______________________ ______ __________________. 17.How may you deceive yourself? a. By being doer of the word, only. c. By being hearer of the word, only b. by false teachings d. A and C 18.Only hearing the word of God is like … a. Taking the word into one c. Man observing himself in a ear and out the other mirror b. When your mom tells you d. A tree without fruit to do something 19.Who will be blessed? a. Not a forgetful hearer c. Looks into the perfect law b. A doer of the work of liberty and continues in it d. All of the Above CHAPTER 2 1. How should we hold the faith? a. With partiality c. In strength b. Without partiality d. B and C 2. What does one become when one shows partiality? a. A judge with evil thoughts c. Enemy b. Classifier d. All of the Above 3. Has God chosen the poor of this world to be ___________ and heirs of the ____________________ which he promised to those who ___________________ him. 4. What is the royal law? a. Showing partiality c. You shall love your b. The ten commandments neighbor as yourself d. Turn the other cheek 5. What will happen if you show partiality? a. You are considered to have b. You will get in trouble committed a sin Mahragan 2013

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c. Convicted by the law as transgressors

d. A and C

6. For whoever shall keep the _____________ law , and yet stumble in one point, he is ______________ of all. 7. How will we be judged according to St. James‟ epistle? a. Harshly c. By the royal law b. By the law of liberty d. B and C 8. _______________ triumphs over _________________. a. Judgment, Mercy c. Mercy, Judgment b. Kindness, Judgment\ d. God, the Devil 9. Is faith alone enough or works alone enough? Explain and use examples from St. James‟ epistle for both the importance of faith and work. _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ 10.Body without spirit is dead , so _______________________ without ___________________ is dead. a. Faith, work c. Eternal life, Forgiveness b. Baptism, Repentance d. Communion, „Orbana‟

CHAPTER 3 1. Which of the following will receive a stricter judgment, according to St. James? a. Mother b. Father Mahragan 2013

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c. Priest d. Teacher Who is a perfect man? a. One who stumbles c. One who does not stumble b. One who tries his hardest d. One who repents What is the tongue? I. Little member II. Boasts great things III. Fire IV. World of iniquity V. Defiles the whole body VI. Full of deadly poison a. I,II,V,VI only c. II,IV,VI only b. I,II,III,IV,V,VI only d. I,III,IV,V,VI What can you liken a tongue to, according to St. James? Explain. _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ How should one show wisdom and understanding? a. In good conduct c. be successful in life b. Get good grades d. B and C If envy and self –seeking exist then …. a. Confusion exist c. All of the Above b. Every evil thing exist d. Good people exist What are the characteristics of wisdom? I. From above and Peaceable II. Pure and Willing to yield III. Gentle full of mercy IV. Good fruits V. Partiality

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a. I,II,IV,V only b. I, II,III,IV,V only

c. I, II,III,IV only d. I, V only

CHAPTER 4 1. Where do wars and fights come from? a. Desires b. Differences between one another c. Not obeying God‟s commandments and teaching d. Not reading the Bible 2. Why sometimes when we ask we do not receive, according to St. James? a. You ask amiss (incorrectly) c. You ask at the wrong time b. You ask to fulfill your pleasures d. A and B 3. Explain “… the Spirit who dwells in us yearns jealousy?” _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ 4. Who does God resist? a. The Proud c. The Sinners b. The Humble d. The Adulteress 5. Therefore ________________ to ____________. Resist the devil and he will _________ from you. Draw ___________ to __________and He will draw _____________to you. 6. Let your laughter turn to _______________ and your joy to ___________________. 7. What will happen if you humble yourself in the sight of the Lord? a. He will bless you c. He will prolong your life b. He will lift you up d. None of the Above Mahragan 2013

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8. According to St. James‟ Epistle, if you speak evil of a brother, you…. a. Speak evil of the law c. Commit sin b. Judge the law d. A and B

9. Who is the Lawgiver? a. Moses c. The White House b. God d. Joshua 10.What are the characteristics of the Lawgiver? a. To save c. All of the above b. To destroy d. None of the Above 11.What is your life, according to St. James? a. the relationship between c. It is a gift living and nonliving things d. All of the above b. A vapor that vanishes away 12.What should we say when we come to plan ahead? a. We will go to such and such a city b. Buy and sell and make a profit c. All of the Above d. If the Lord wills , we shall live and do this or do that 13.Therefore, to him who _________________ to do ________________ and does not do it, to him it is __________________. CHAPTER 5 1. While waiting patiently we must… a. Establish your hearts c. Judge each other b. Condemn each other d. Be nice to each other 2. Who should we take as an example for suffering and patience? a. Our parents c. The prophets d. The disciples b. The people in Egypt 3. Who do we count blessed? a. The rich b. Those that have a prosperous life Mahragan 2013

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c. All of the Above d. Those who endure e

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4. Above all things you must not …. a. Swear c. Show partiality b. Lie d. Be mean 5. But let your __________ be __________ ,and your __________, __________ ,lest you fall into ________________________. 6. One who is suffering should… a. Pray b. Sing psalms

c. Call for the elders of the church d. Be patient

7. One who is cheerful should… a. Pray b. Sing psalms 8. One who is sick should… a. Pray b. Sing psalms

c. Call for the elders of the church d. Be patient c. Call for the elders of the church d. Be patient

9. _______________your ________________ to one another, and _____________ for one another, that you may be ______________. The effective, ________________ ______________ of a righteous man __________________ much. 10.Give an example of the greatness of fervent prayer. _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ ____________________________

11.What is the reward for someone who returns a sinner from the error of his way? Mahragan 2013

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a.Cover a multitude of sins b. Save a soul from death

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c.Will not commit the same sin in his own life d. A and B

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1. What is the result of sin in our relationship with God, what does this separation result in? ______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ___________ 2. How did man misuse his freedom that God had given him? a. He didn‟t talk to God b. He ate animals which were forbidden c. He ate from the tree which was forbidden d. He wandered out of the garden without telling God 3. God is the Source of…. a. Life b. Light c. Creation d. Everything e. All of the above 4. What kind(s) of death does separation from God lead to? a. Spiritual b. Physical c. Eternal d. All of the above 5. How do we know that the result of sin is death? Please provide verses to support your answer. ______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

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_____________________________________________________________________ __________ 6. God‟s love and mercy is greater than anything in the world and He forgave the original sin with no consequences. True or False (support with verse in Romans) ______________________________________________________________________ ___________________ 7. Why could God not simply forgive man out of the abundance of His love? a. Because He though He is loving, He is also just and fair b. Because He wants to mean c. Because He wants man to suffer d. Because He didn‟t really love man that much 8. What did God have to do for us because we sinned, what happened to our nature as a result of God‟s actions? a. God forgave us and our nature was unchanged b. God was incarnate, restored our original image, and saved us from death c. Bond Satan and freed us from bondage d. God was merciful and gave us free will 9. Man disobeying God is like…. a. A boy who disobeys his father and drinks from a bottle that has poison b. A boy who disobeys his father and drinks from a bottle that has pure water c. A bunny jumping on a hawk to try and fly d. A father who yells at his son for doing nothing right 10.Man disobeying God is like…. e. A boy who disobeys his father and drinks from a bottle that has poison f. A boy who disobeys his father and drinks from a bottle that has pure water g. A bunny jumping on a hawk to try and fly h. A father who yells at his son for doing nothing right

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11.What did Adam sinning and death mean if God simply created another man? a. That God likes to recycle His creations b. That the devil was victorious over God c. That death would be the fate of all of God‟s creation d. None of the above e. Choices B and C 12.How many people (excluding Christ) have never sinned? a. None b. 3 c. 12 d. 40 e. 100 13.Who is NOT in need of God‟s salvation? a. The pope b. St. Mary c. Abouna d. None of the above, because all have sinned 14. What are the three steps to save man from eternal death? 1. ____________________________________________________________________ 2.____________________________________________________________________ 3.____________________________________________________________________ 15. Why didn‟t God just create another man instead of saving the old man? ______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 16.

“For all fall have _____ and fall _____ of the ______ of God” (Romans ____)

17. Prove with a verse that someone must die in place of Adam for his sin. ______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Mahragan 2013

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18.What are the features of the Redeemer: (list 5) ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 19.Who is the one who has all the characteristics of Man‟s redeemer? a. An angel b. An archangel c. A prophet d. God alone 20.What did the incarnation do to our nature? a. It made our nature have the divine power b. It sanctified our nature c. It made our nature automatically go to heaven d. None of the above 21.How can our Great and Holy God accept to take on a weak human body? a. God is unlimited and His power is unlimited b. Nothing is impossible for our God c. All of the above d. None of the above 22.God achieved redemption and salvation through… a. His birth form St. Mary b. His death on the Cross c. His burial and resurrection from the dead d. All of the above 23. Provide a verse that shows God‟s great love for us. (hint: John) ______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _______________________ Mahragan 2013

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24. For salvation we must have faith in…. a. Our Lord Jesus Christ b. Christ and that He is our Redeemer and Savior c. Our own abilities, that we can save ourselves d. Choices A and B 25. How do we live a life of purity and holiness? a. Through repentance b. Through wearing clean clothes c. Through repentance d. All of the above e. Choices A and C 26. What does regularly partaking in the sacrament of Eucharist do for us in terms of our own salvation? a. It allows us to abide in His grace b. It allows us to grow in His love c. All of the above d. None of the above 27. What do we need to be watchful for in order for us to obtain the salvation God has offered to us? a. We need to watch lots of TV b. We need to watch for the Second Coming of the Lord c. We need to watch where we‟re walking so we don‟t trip and fall on the ground d. We need to watch lots of videos on Youtube 28. Our Salvation is…. a. Given to us from God but we still need to do our part to not lose it b. Done by God and man can just sit on the couch and do nothing c. Done by man without the help of God d. None of the above

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29. How can we obtain this great salvation? What is our role in earning our salvation? ______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ______________ 30. “Therefore, my ________, as you have always _______, not as in my _________ only, but now much more in my absence, work our your _______ salvation with ______ and ________, for it is God who works in you both to _______ and to do for His good _________.” (Philippians ________)

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1. Complete the following: a. Tasbeha is a collection of

prayed before the

as preparation for the Liturgy (where we meet and unite with our Lord Jesus Christ, He abides in us and us in Him through the sacrament of b. During Tasbeha, we join, as 1 body in


, the



heaven in praising god, as the Bible says, “The heavens declare the glory of

(Psalms 19:1). c. Sharing in their praises, we remember that we are all one body in


, what “eye has not seen, nor ear heard,

we taste the beauty of life in

nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him” (1 Corinthians 2:9). d. “Let my mouth be ALL the

with Your

and with Your

” (Psalm 71:8).

e. “I will sing to the

as long as I

, I will sing

to my God

while I have my being. May my meditation be sweet to Him; I will be glad in the Lord” (Ps 104:33-34). 2. What are the spiritual benefits of Tasbeha? Why does our Church use Tasbeha? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

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_____________________________________________________________________ _______________ 3. It is important to remember to regularly


a. Participate in

c. Both A and B

b. Simply be an observer in

d. Not come to Tasbeha

4. In the Hymn of Ten Theno, the Church calls all Christians to


our Savior who granted us life. a. Pray, ask God for forgiveness b. Pray, ask God for help c. Wake up from their laziness, arise to praise d. Remember the poor, thank God 5. The word Hoos means to ___________ , “Marenhoos” means ____________ . Lobsh is a Coptic word that means _______________. 6. The First Hoos is a song of _______________, sung by _______________ after _______________ (exodus 15). a. Seeking forgiveness; Israelites; they left God and worshiped Baal b. Victory; Moses, his sister Miriam and all the Israelites; the Israelites‟ deliverance from Pharaoh‟s slavery and the crossing of the Red Sea c. Praise; the three youths; they were thrown in fire and the Lord was in their midst 7. In the First Hoos, Pharaoh symbolized _______________Crossing the Red Sea symbolized_______________ through _______________ after Christ saved us on the Cross. a. Egypt; power; Communion b. The devil; power; Eucharist c. The devil; crossing over from death to life; Baptism

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8. The Second Hoos is a song of _______________ for our _______________. This Hoos has 28 verses, each with the refrain he refrain “_______________”. a. Seeking forgiveness; sins; “His mercy endures forever” b. Thanksgiving; victory and salvation; “His mercy endures forever” c. Praise; victory and salvation; “Praise Him with … Alleluia” 9. The Third Hoos tells the story of


a. The three young men in the fiery furnace b. The Israelites crossing the Red Sea c. Incarnation and Salvation on the Cross 10. The story of the Third Hoos is a symbol of the _______________ we will face as Christians, and how through God‟s grace and help, we can ___________them. a. Victory; thank God for b. Numerous trials; overcome c. Blessings; serve God with 11. The Hymn of Aripsaleen is the song of _______________ as they were in the midst of the_____________ with the Lord, rejoicing in His presence and His power. a. The 3 youths (Shadrach, Meshack, and Abednego); lion‟s den b. Daniel; lion‟s den c. The 3 youths (Shadrach, Meshack, and Abednego- but NOT Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah); furnace d. The 3 youths (Shadrach, Meshack, and Abednego- also called Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah); furnace 12. The verses of the Hymn of Aripsaleen begin with the letters of the ___ alphabet in order, from


a. Arabic; Alef to Yeh Mahragan 2013

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b. Coptic; Alpha to Omega c. Greek; Alpha to Omega d. English; A to Z The Hymn of Ten-oweh Ensok which begins with the words, “We follow you


with all our hearts”, is an excerpt from prayer of _______________ in the midst of the _______________ a. Azariah; lion‟s den

c. Hanaiah; furnace

b. Daniel; lion‟s den

d. Azariah; furnace

14. In the Commemoration of the Saints, we who are still struggling to fight against the

, commemorate and ask for the intercession of the

who are our



a. Devil‟s adversities; victorious; protection b. Enemies; struggling; power c. Devil‟s adversities; victorious; role models 15. “Doxology” is a Greek word, which means _____________________________ 16. There are doxologies for

, and doxologies for


a joyful and thanksgiving tune. a. St. Mary alone; different occasions b. Our Lord Jesus; victorious occasions c. St. Mary, the angels , and the saints; different occasions 17.

The Fourth Hoos is a _______________ hymn consisting of the three Psalms,

It invites the _______________ to _______________ the Lord our God. a. Joyful; 149,150,151; entire creation; thank b. Joyful; 148, 149, 150; entire creation; praise c. Victorious; 148, 149, 150; unbelievers; believe d. Prayful; 149,150,151; sinners; repent to Mahragan 2013

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18. “Psali” is a Greek word, which means song or glorification of ____________. 19. During the Psali, we repeat the Name of _______________many times as it is the _______________ that protects us from Satan. a. Our Lord Jesus Christ; strong tower b. St. Mary; intercession c. Our guardian Angel; power 20. The 2 types of Psalis are: _______________ Psali (a short tune only sung on Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays) and _______________ Psali (a longer tune, sung on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays). a. Adam; Eve

c. Adam; Watos (which means bush)

b. Bush; Adam

d. Watos; Adam

21. True or False: Every day of the week, as well as every Church occasion, has its own Psali. 22. “Theotokia” is a Greek word, which comes from the word “_______________”, is meaning _______________. 23. Why is it important for us as orthodox worshippers to sing daily about the Mother of God? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________ 24. “Defnar” is a short account of the life of


a. St. Mary b. Jesus c. The saint of the day

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25. For the Conclusion of the Theotokia, on

days, we sing the hymn,

“Your mercies O my Lord,” remembering to live a life of

in God‟s

mercy and compassion. a. Watos; happiness b. Adam; repentance, confession and faith 26. For the Conclusion of the Theotokia, on

days, we sing the hymn, “Our

Lord Jesus Christ,” expressing our preparation for the yearning for

and our


a. Watos; exams; a break b. Watos; second coming; eternal life c. Adam; second coming eternal life 27. In the Conclusion of Tasbeha we recite the _______________followed by kyrie eleison, asking the mercies of the Holy God, and finally the _______________. If the priest is present, he prays the_______________. a. Lord‟s prayer; 3; Thanksgiving Prayer; Midnight Absolution b. Orthodox Creed; 3; Lord‟s Prayer; Midnight absolution c. Orthodox Creed; 41; Lord‟s Prayer; Midnight absolution

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