The allotted time to make up work or tests that have been missed. consists of one day for each day's absence. EIAB (Loca
ONE GRADE A WEEK WILL BE entered INTO THE GRADE BOOK. In accordance with campus grading guidelines, a student shall be permitted a reasonable opportunity to redo an assignment or retake a test within the grading period for which the student received a failing grade. The teacher shall define the opportunity, timeframe, and grade to be awarded.
Students shall receive a grade of zero for any assignment or test not made up within the allotted time. The allotted time to make up work or tests that have been missed consists of one day for each day’s absence. EIAB (Local) Students shall receive a grade penalty of 20 percent for make-up work after an unexcused absence. EIAB (Local) Teachers shall not impose a grade penalty for make-up work after an absence because of suspension. EIAB (Local) Students shall be permitted to take tests administered in any class missed because of absence. EIAB (Local) Students found to have engaged in academic dishonesty shall be subject to grade penalties on assignments or tests and disciplinary penalties in accordance to the Student Code of Conduct, EIA (Local). Grade penalties shall be consistent across campus Six (6) separate grades during a six-week reporting period must be recorded for each subject. An average of one grade for each subject will be recorded weekly in the District’s electronic grade book. METRO Four (4) soft skills must be recorded per six (6) weeks. Minimum of one project per nine weeks for metro classes. The policy for a chord in metro is that the student remain in the program up until the end of the first semester their senior year. PROMOTION Grades 6, 7, and 8 -- A final grade of 70 or above in each of the following: language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, and a composite average of 70 or above in all courses taken. High school credit is earned for certain courses taken in middle school based on a final grade average of 70 or above in the course. Failure of a student to earn credit in one of the high school credit courses will not cause the student to be retained. Grades 9, 10, 11, and 12 -- High school credit is earned based on a final grade average of 70 or above in the course.
NOTE: A “retake” on a failed assignment must be taken when scheduled by the teacher. Extenuating circumstances will be considered for rescheduling.