Directions: Please complete this graduate student learning outcomes
assessment plan for your. Doctoral ... Students will conduct novel, significant
research that.
Graduate Assessment Plan (Doctoral program) DUE Dec 15, 2011 to Gita N. Ramaswamy, Director of Assessment
Directions: Please complete this graduate student learning outcomes assessment plan for your Doctoral program (PhD) with the distinct learning outcomes in your unit. Be concise, but provide as much information as needed to give a snapshot of your assessment plan/process. If you have questions, please contact Gita at 7-2180 1. Program Information: Program Doctor of Philosophy Department Botany and Plant Pathology College College of Agricultural Sciences Report Submitted by Lynda M. Ciuffetti, Dept. Head
2. Program Outcomes Provide the Graduate Learning Objectives/Outcomes for your PhD program. Outcome 1: Will be able to demonstrate mastery of subject material in an area of plant biology Outcome 2: Will have demonstrated teaching competence in the classroom Outcome 3: Will be prepared to conduct scholarly activities in an ethical manner. Outcome 4: Will have produced and defended an original significant contribution to knowledge in the area of plant biology.
3. Measurement – Provide a detailed narrative or schematic to articulate how all the outcomes will be measured. 1
a) Describe the methods you will use to assess each outcome. Outcome 1: Students will complete the graduate coursework as assigned by their graduate committee in their plan of study. All coursework will be completed with a minimal acceptable grade of 3.0. Students will successfully complete their oral and written preliminary examinations as evaluated by their graduate committee. Students will conduct novel, significant research that will be described in a written thesis and will successfully describe and defend their work to their graduate committee. Outcome 2: All students will teach a minimum of two quarters. Students will complete the teaching assistant workshop presented each fall before starting their teaching appointments. In addition, students will be periodically reviewed during their teaching activities. Outcome 3: All students will enroll in BOT 508 Graduate Student Orientation, which covers topics including Research Expectations, Research Ethics and Academic Freedom. Students will participate in group discussions of case studies as presented in the NSF publication “On Being a Scientist” and other relevant sources. Outcome 4: Students will conduct novel, significant research that will be described in a written thesis and will successfully describe and defend their work to their graduate committee.
b) Describe and attach any measurement tools to be used (exam results, performance criteria, evaluation/performance rubrics, etc.,) In addition to tracking the assessment indicators described above, the Department will be responsible for collecting and maintaining information including, but not limited to: • • • • • • •
Number of applicants, offers, and acceptance Characteristics of incoming students including previous degrees, GPA, GRE scores Retention and graduation rates Employment rates and characteristics of employment (e.g., sector, position) Student satisfaction/feedback (as measured through an exit interview) Continued support and funding from the college and university and from extramural funding sources Results of external reviews
4. Please provide a skeletal assessment plan (Mapping Guide) for your program: Provide a skeleton plan describing the specific activities and assessment method for each outcome. Map all required courses (with their learning outcomes) and assessments to the program outcomes. Coursework required for completion of degree is defined by the student’s Graduate Committee. Students must file a program of study within 5 terms of their matriculation. Assessment of student success in coursework is based on grades and written and oral examinations. Students are required to teach a minimum of two quarters. Students must take the Departmental Teaching Assistantship training course to participate in teaching. Students are assessed for teaching through direct classroom observation and student evaluations. Student are required to conduct research. The student is responsible for identifying their research mentor(s). Evaluation of student research is conducted as described above.
5. Other activities that have informed decision making: Please report on any other activities that you feel fall under assessment that were not captured above. This may include general satisfaction surveys, employer input, or other initiatives that contribute to student learning or program improvement.