Graduate Programs in Geographic Information Systems - CiteSeerX

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environmental data to solve problems – from the development of school bus routes, to the solution of ... advertising beyond word-of-mouth. Approximately 30 ...
THINKING SPATIALLY: CURRICULA K-16 AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR EDUCATORS Harriett S. Stubbs, (North Carolina State University, Raleigh North Carolina, USA, [email protected])

Hugh Devine, (North Carolina State University, Raleigh North Carolina, USA,

[email protected])

Rita Hagevik, (North Carolina State University, Raleigh North Carolina, USA, [email protected])

Abstract The study of spatial distributions and relationships has expanded to almost every discipline over the past 25 years. Geographic Information Science (GISc) has itself emerged as a new discipline. At North Carolina State University, seven colleges currently offer coursework in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), the application sub-discipline of GISc. Both graduate and undergraduate programs are offered. In 1996, the College of Education offered professional development activities for educators; participants learned about and have been introducing these concepts to the students in their classrooms in grades K12, in nature centers, museums, and at other non-formal locations. In this paper, we will describe three different, yet connected, programs: 1) GIS certificate programs offered to undergraduate and graduate students at North Carolina State University, 2) a 5-step conceptual plan and methodology to introduce GIS to educators state-wide, and 3) a specific application and research study for science teachers in a professional development program. All three of these programs are interconnected with the goal of supporting individuals in their use of environmental data to solve problems. A collaborative network has been developed over a period of years, of individuals from state government, university, corporations, and schools K-12. This network is expanding as more and more individuals take classes, workshops, and seek additional experiences. This network is vital to the growth of knowledge and technology application in universities, schools, non-formal organizations, and communities. We are at the beginning of an explosion and expansion of the use of environmental data to solve problems – from the development of school bus routes, to the solution of crimes, environmental controls, city and open-space planning, flood and fire mapping, emergency management, and many more. It is important that all students learn how to use technology in their every-day lives and to be technologically prepared for the jobs of the future. We wish to share the work of this collaborative network developed over a period of years, of individuals from state government, university, corporations, and schools K-12. We seek your comments and look forward to your communications.


Keywords: geographic information systems (GIS), professional development, curriculum development, technology applications, environmental data (Partial support has been provided by the US Environmental Protection Agency, Region 4, and by North Carolina State University.)

Graduate and Undergraduate Programs in Geographic Information Systems The ability to reason spatially is vital to the understanding of natural and cultural phenomena. Once exclusive to Geography Departments, the study of spatial distributions and relationships has expanded to almost every discipline. This is evidenced at North Carolina State University with over 30 departments active in varying applications of spatial analysis within their respective fields. The expansion has developed over the last 25 years to the point where a new discipline, Geographic Information Science (GISc), has emerged complete with its own academic and professional organizations and journals, a separate program office in the National Science Foundation, academic programs at over 50 universities, and a large job market. North Carolina State University (NCSU) has been exceptionally active in this new scholarship field. Seven of our Colleges currently offer coursework in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), the application sub-discipline of GISc. NCSU’s Libraries are a national leader in the provision of campus and community GIS data services and training, and our Instructional Technologies Program has one of the largest distribution networks of GIS software in the academic world. NCSU’s GIS program has now matured to the point where further expansion to meet the staggering student, research, and professional needs is warranted (e.g., projected professional shortfalls of 3,000 to 4,000 positions per year for the next 10 years). We will establish an internationally acclaimed Graduate GIS Certificate and GIS Minor program to compliment our traditional degree programs–a joint effort of 8 colleges, the NCSU Libraries, the Graduate School, and the IT program. The program, which will be a new venture for graduate education at NCSU, centers on a 15-credit hour graduate level certificate available to both non-degree (i.e., certificate only) and graduate students enrolled in traditional disciplines. The program is supplemented by a 10-hour graduate minor available to degree program students only. Enrollments in the current GIS courses are running at about 250 students per year and this occurs with no advertising beyond word-of-mouth. Approximately 30 percent of the students in the beginning courses are nondegree, indicating a great opportunity to significantly expand university graduate enrollment with relatively little financial investment - to perhaps as much as the equivalent of 30 full-time graduate students per year. This program coordinates with each of the university’s goals. First, GIS by nature is multidisciplinary. It develops broad ranging partnerships across the university and beyond. We have received support and/or active participation in the program from over 30 different NCSU departments in 8 of our Colleges. We have extensive partnerships with federal agencies, GIS software and application firms, foundations, and an extensive network of K-12 assistance programs throughout the state. Second, our university business plan is impacted in that by implementing this program we stand to significantly increase graduate enrollment. Currently, one GIS course is offered entirely through the web and another has substantial web dependence, thus the program also will enhance NCSU’s distance education presence. Finally, we have had successful trial programs with Pembroke University, North Carolina Central University, North Carolina Agriculture & Technology University, and several community colleges and have the potential to employ GIS as a mechanism to raise underrepresented populations on our campus. Thanks to substantial investments by NCSU Colleges, Libraries and Graduate School, foundations, and a very successful research program, the infrastructure (software, hardware, and key personnel) is in place to support this program. Phase 1: The initial phase will last three years and a full evaluation of program results will be developed and delivered during the spring of the third year along with recommendations for continuation and adjustments.


Phase 2: It is anticipated that the initial phase will be an overwhelming success. Additional faculty, technical support, and additional laboratory and support staff space will be required in this next phase. We seek to establish a Graduate Certificate in Geographic Information Systems that will provide NCSU graduate students the opportunity to develop recognized academic credentials in Geographic Information Systems in addition to their major area of graduate study. In addition, we will provide non-degree graduate level students the opportunity to develop recognized advanced expertise in Geographic Information Systems. We also seek to establish a Graduate Minor in Geographic Information Systems, by providing NCSU graduate students the opportunity to develop a recognized minor academic credential in Geographic Information Systems in conjunction with their major program of graduate study. If you are interested in the specific academic requirements and coursework, please contact Dr. Hugh Devine.

A Five-step Plan and Methodology to Introduce GIS to Educators State-wide GIS Consortium. The North Carolina GIS Consortium formed in 1996 represents a dynamic partnership between state agencies, universities, GIS users in municipalities, and software companies. Central to the Consortium is SCILINK, an educational initiative that links research scientists with teachers and students to bring cutting-edge environmental science directly to the classroom in the most pedagogically sound and engaging way. SCI-LINK represents NCSU’s College of Education, College of Natural Resources, and the Center for Earth Observation. Other partners include the NC Center for Geographic Information Analysis, NC Department of Public Instruction, many entities in the NC Department of Environment & Natural Resources (DENR), including the Office of Environmental Education and its Divisions of Water Resources and of Water Quality, Urban and Regional Information Systems Association (URISA), and Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI). The Director of the DENR Office of Environmental Education chairs our consortium’s semi-annual meetings. Consortium members function as the Steering Committee for this project and will continue to provide professional expertise and resources to support the ongoing educational program. Non-point Source Pollution. Polluted runoff in wetlands, a form of non-point source pollution, raises many serious environmental concerns related to water quality—community issues that are of great and growing importance to the health of the environment and to the people of North Carolina. How can we learn and teach about the vitally important environmental topic of non-point source pollution? How can we prepare teachers and students to extract information from different sources and employ a range of emerging technologies, while we simultaneously enable and empower each teacher to shape a classroom/site application plan that incorporates national, state, and local standards and frameworks? Our goal is to pilot a model program that integrates these multiple goals and strategies, utilizing emerging GIS technologies as tools to collect, access, and then to analyze environmental data for use in all curriculum areas, based on environmental education principles. Activities will include professional development opportunities for teachers, environmental monitoring, and research conducted by educators and students, and the “APlans” that educator-participants will develop for each educational site.

Non-point sources include lawn herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers, oil residues from city streets, and agricultural runoff–any pollution that is general in nature, as distinguished from “point source” pollution from factories and waste treatment plants. Our state’s increased urbanization, which has accompanied our 19.5 percent housing unit growth rate (6th nationally) and has led to more impervious surface area, thus generating more runoff that leads to increased flooding. Flooding can bring overflow from hog waste lagoons and sewage treatment plants and contaminate sources of drinking water. However, because it is often 3

difficult to pinpoint the source of such non-point pollution, it is challenging for communities to address. The topic also presents unique challenges for those who prepare environmental educators, the educators themselves, and their students. The need for better integration of education about non-point source pollution has been recognized by our state government. Secretary Ross of the NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources has asked every division within the agency to include raising public awareness of polluted runoff as a major goal for 2002. The environmental consequences related to wetlands and polluted runoff are central to our proposed model program. These environmental issues are of great and growing importance to North Carolina communities, as they have a direct impact on the health of the environment and of the people of North Carolina. In the graduated workshop series that we have been piloting and that we plan to transform into a model program, answers may be found to such questions as, “What is my ecological address at home? at school? In what river basin do I live? Where does my drinking water come from? Where does the water from the washing machine go? What are wetlands? How close am I to a flood plain? What happens to the water from a parking lot? If I were to look from a satellite, what does my schoolyard look like? What is a topographic map? Can I make one?” Education about the Environment. This project focuses on building knowledge in education about the environment, new innovations in technology, and current scientific research. From Pilot Study to Model Program will build a critically needed capacity in North Carolina’s education community to increase educators’ knowledge about and interest in non-point source pollution; improve their access to environmental data collection, analysis, and display; and prepare them to develop integrated plans of application for use in their schools or at other educational sites. The model will become institutionalized over time, with each institution using applications for their locale.

We have piloted a series of graduated workshops that overcome barriers for teachers to master these technologies and integrated uses in the classroom, but have conducted this to meet short-term needs rather than build capacity for the entire state of North Carolina. We need to marshall our partnership resources to move these piloted workshops into a visionary plan to introduce environmental topics, the use of environmental data, and environmental education to a much broader audience, even beyond the state. This program takes into consideration the barriers teachers have encountered, the experience levels of teachers using technology, and the availability of classroom computers. We will test this model. We will rely on our formative and summative evaluation to help us make necessary changes and form final recommendations, so that other educational institutions will be provided with a practical, working model for dissemination. Master Teachers, former participants in this ongoing program will become Workshop Leaders.


The NC Education and Environment Roundtable developed a strategy that embraces “five proven educational practices: integrated interdisciplinary instruction; collaborative instruction; problem-based learning; student-centered, constructivist methods; and cooperative learning.” This approach also reflects the Guidelines for Excellence in Environmental Education as proposed by the North American Association for Environmental Education. In North Carolina and in many other states, the envisioned model program can be a cornerstone in the design of learning and teaching programs focused on many environmental topics and has implications for the teaching of GIS and related technologies. In addition, environmental education as promoted through our project cultivates the teaching skills and learning habits necessary for deeper learning in many other subjects. In addition, as is well-documented, technology can be a key enabler of inquiry learning, And studies have demonstrated that appropriate uses of technology can improve student achievement. In our project, different technologies are utilized to maximize understandings. Teachers can fulfill requirements for technology credit in new and different ways. And they can utilize these technologies for the state’s new Earth/ Environmental Science requirement for high school graduation. For example, one student in a local high school who had had no hope of going further in school worked with one of our former participating teachers. He was so intrigued with ArcView as a Junior that he became highly proficient in the software applications and has just received a full scholarship to a local university upon graduation. Week-end, two-day, and one-week workshops and follow-up sessions are components of the graduated model program. Consortium members will be important components of the workshops. Teachers, students, and non-formal educators will present their work at a range of meetings, including at their own sites, faculty and PTA meetings, and at NCSTA, NCEEAC, URISA, GIS Teacher Day (in conjunction with GIS Day), and other NC meetings. Presentations will also be made at national meetings sponsored by NSTA, NAAEE, ESRI, URISA, and others.

After evaluation and revision, the model will be disseminated throughout our state by the 16-campus UNC system’s Mathematics and Science Education Network and by our other partners. However, we believe our model will have broader implications for national dissemination. In North Carolina and in many other states, the model program can be a cornerstone in the design of learning and teaching programs focused on the many different facets of polluted runoff. Each school, university, or non-formal site will be able to address the environmental topic of most concern in that region. A GIS Users Group will enable participants to communicate across the state to share their findings. A website will provide contact for calendars for future workshops, presentations, publications, and findings, and serve as a way to communicate and provide a network for educators.


We will continue announcing the workshops within our proposed model program through the SCI-LINK website, newsletter, and listserv (comprised of 1000+ individuals), the Environmental Education network, the NC Science Teachers Association newsletter and annual meeting, graduate classes, and other various means. (In North Carolina, we’ve found that word of mouth is most important.) Two individuals are already signed up for SCI-LINK Summer Workshops 2002, and we anticipate having a waiting list in 2002. With a few additional requirements, graduate, continuing education, environmental education, and technology credits are available for the participants. Our project is structured to leverage our prior GIS workshops by identifying and cultivating master teachers from them as well as building on our knowledge of how this material is best learned—through a graduated series of workshops. Our intent is to capture, over a year, a group of teachers who are cycling through the more advanced workshops, while also recruiting and reaching teachers and other non-formal educators to attend entry-level workshops. The more advanced teachers (master teachers) will assist us in delivering the entry-level workshops. Wake County is leading the pilots of the project, sponsoring two entry level (Step I) weekend workshops for teachers in Spring 2002 and two in Fall 2002. Participants from previous GIS workshops with strong track records will serve as Master Teachers. The Wake County Public School System (the 5th largest district in the U.S.) has a long-standing tradition of excellence. Over 100,000 students attend its 123 schools, with over 89 percent of its students going on to postsecondary education. According to Wake County Science Supervisor, Mike Tally, “this grant proposal is a strategy that will help us identify exemplary models of teacher preparation that, if successful, can be widely replicated. This ongoing professional development model using GIS/GPS will improve the quality of mathematics and science teaching in kindergarten through grade 12.” Evaluations and results from these workshops will serve as a vital component of the pilot project. The Model Program. The Model Program is a graduated program. It involves a five-step workshop series. A skeletal overview of the workshops follows: Step I Workshop is an introduction to maps, spatial thinking, and non-point source pollution using ArcVoyager. Step II focuses on a specific school or other site and advances the ideas and concepts from Step I. Mapping a 10-meter site, monitoring various parameters (including cover, temperature, animals, plants, and run-off) using GPS, GLOBE protocols, and CityGreen provides knowledge of a specific area. Step III focuses on the community, with field trips to compare polluted run-off and other environmental factors. Agency personnel present research on specific sites. GPS units, data from the internet, and beginning use


of ArcView is introduced. These workshops include project and inquiry-based learning, and all require use of critical thinking skills. From our previous experience, we think most educators will take these three workshops within a year. Step IV and Step V workshops are more advanced. Most likely, educators will take these during a second year, after they have had the opportunity to utilize the experiences from the Steps I-III workshops in their classrooms/sites. We think that the graduated program is the most realistic strategy and will appeal to most educators. We believe a positive outcome for each participant is much more possible using this graduated approach. Only the evaluation and participant reactions will indicate this. Using the new conceptual overview associated with principles of teaching and learning, we seek to facilitate the learning process using environmental data with these new technologies. This approach requires testing and evaluation of each workshop to develop a final model for future dissemination throughout the state. It is hoped that this will be successful, and that other states will want to make use of this model. A required final component of each workshop is what we are terming the “APlan,” which reflects the participant’s integrated response to and use of all components of our program in their educational setting. Can each participant apply what they have learned in a workshop and carry it out in their own classroom/site? Using information, techniques, strategies, methods, resources, and outcomes of each Step workshop, educators must define objectives within their own curricula that they will meet when they return to their classroom/site. How will they teach in their classroom or in their nature center? These lesson plans must be aligned with the National Standards for Science Education, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Standards, Technology Education Standards, EPA’s Guidelines for Excellence in Environmental Education, and each state’s frameworks. Timeline, methods, materials, and community must each be addressed in the APlan. How has each participant related their APlan to run-off pollution? To environmental education concepts? To technology? Are there anticipated problem areas? Each participant will present their APlan the last afternoon of the workshop and share it with others. During the Follow-up Day (about 3-4 months later), each participant will bring an evaluation of their individual APlan, sharing their student’s reactions, feedback, and student work. The revised APlans will be put on the web to share with others. Evaluation of the pilot program will 1) measure the project’s effectiveness (summative), and 2) apply evaluation data gathered during the project to strengthen the program (formative). The evaluation will have both quantitative and qualitative components and will take place during and after all workshops as well as the Step I workshops. Evaluation will focus on pedagogical practices, 7

workshop content, and participant understanding of content areas. Particular attention will be paid to the learning of new technologies by the participants. After each workshop, a customized instrument will be administered to gather data about how participants felt about the content and teaching strategies used within the workshop. Information will also be collected, upon implementation of materials back in the classroom, about the workshop’s usefulness. A standardized test will be administered thereafter to assess crosscomparisons of knowledge gained and the role of teachers’ learning styles and differing backgrounds in how effectively they apply new information. A final part of the evaluation process will include interviews of randomly selected participants to receive feedback on the process and structure used during each workshop and recommendations for future workshops. Contact Dr. Harriett Stubbs for more information about this project. Description of a Specific Application and Research Study for Science Teachers Mapping Our School Site (MOSS) using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is a project in which teachers and their students monitor a 10-meter by 10-meter site on their school campuses. The data collected is used to formulate and analyze the relationships between the abiotic and biotic components of the environment. Problem questions formulated by student research groups are analyzed using GIS, phenomena are modeled, and results are communicated visually. “MOSS is multi-disciplinary and embraces science, technology, biology, geography, and math. It allows students to work in cooperative groups and experience hands-on science.” (Nain Singh, Carrington Middle School, Durham, NC) “MOSS helped show me how to engage students in inquiry-based learning.” (Belinda Hogue, Anna Chestnut Middle School, Fayetteville, NC) In the MOSS project, the 3 X’s of technology are experienced using GIS - eXplore, eXpress, and eXchange. These three fundamental skills are necessary for digital equity in the 21st century (Hardel, Idet, In the MOSS project, teachers use a website to teach the unit ( Procedures for monitoring the components of the 10-meter by 10-meter study site, grading rubrics, GIS instructions, spreadsheets, and base map files are all downloadable from the website. “We are using the website as a guide and information management system.” (DeeDee Whitaker, Southeast Guilford High School, Greensboro, NC) “Students can download the spreadsheets and enter data. There is a virtual wealth of information here such as an on-line picture insect identification guide.” (Ginny Owens, Ligon GT Middle School, Raleigh, NC) Management strategies, alternative assessment examples, examples of problem questions and final maps from various school sites are also pictured on the site. A problem-solving section contains a verbal map and graphic organizer for formulating good problem questions and a guide for solving problems skillfully. Depending on the problem investigated, other data may need to be collected. This allows flexibility and a focus on specific curricular content such as soils, light, or air temperature. There are many other environmental data collection procedures available such as those from GLOBE ( or others contained in the curriculum. Each data collection point has a locational attribute. It is entered and saved in a data management program such as EXCEL and further analyzed using GIS. The geodatabases are visualized and results communicated. One problem question can be investigated by a group of students or several different questions can be investigated by many small groups. The project allows teachers to choose what is most important for their teaching and learning. Teachers then use CityGreen (an extension to ArcView), GIS, and aerial photographs of their school to create an ecological analysis of their school site based on trees and tree canopy cover. CityGreen involves students collecting data on trees, buildings, impervious surfaces, grasslands, and shrubs. GIS formulates statistics on the school site and reports carbon sequestration and storage, pollution removal benefits, energy conservation, and tree growth models of 8

their school site. Informed decisions can then be made regarding management of the outside environment. “It is as important for us to manage our green environment as our building environment. We are planning a nature trail through our school campus. We have received grant money to plant trees removed due to building renovations.” (Ginny Owens, Ligon GT Middle School, Raleigh, NC) “We can do tree-loss counts now due to the construction on our campus.” (Sarah Hanawald, Greensboro Day School, Greensboro, NC) “My students have learned how to collect data, make observations, formulate hypotheses, solve problems, and ask questions through these projects.” (Pat Schweiger, Leesville Middle School, Raleigh, NC) “My students have studied the impact of human development and the consequences of population density.” (Val Vickers, Greensboro Day School, Greensboro, NC) “This project has shown me how to take science outside and relate it to the local environment. It has shown me how to integrate technology into the science curriculum in a new and better way.” (Carolyn Moser, Leesville Middle School, Raleigh, NC) Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is a powerful technology for schools. It is an interdisciplinary approach that enables teachers and students to become techno fluent by focusing on problem-solving using real world data. Technology skills are learned and practiced but the task itself is central with the technology as substrate. Teaching using GIS alters the environment for thinking, learning, and communicating. It enables teachers and students to demand and articulate their technology needs. Teachers in the MOSS program have received new computers, color printers, scanners, and plotters for their classrooms, some provided by their school systems and others donated by businesses and industries. Community partnerships with universities and Urban and Regional Information Systems Associations (URISA) have developed and continue to provide ongoing GIS technical support for the schools. School projects have been presented by teachers and their students at conferences in science (NCSTA, URISA), technology (GIS in Education, NCAECT), and education (National laptop schools). A video made of the MOSS project in one school was broadcast to over ten states as an example of effective technology use in science (STAR network, NCDPI). Finally, multiple school projects are beginning to evolve in which GIS is used to investigate a community environmental problem. Four schools in the Walnut Creek watershed, Raleigh, NC, are working to preserve a wetland; two high schools are monitoring water quality on the Deep River in Greensboro, NC. GIS has provided the framework for all of these projects and allows schools to teach through technology. In the future, teachers and students in more schools would like to participate in the MOSS program. They want to develop networks with each other and compare their school sites with other school sites in different parts of the country, possibly the world. They are interested in preserving and monitoring their outside environment on a continuous basis and are becoming more active in the decisions made regarding the green space in and around their schools. GIS allows students to learn real world skills that they will be able to use to solve many types of problems in the future. The website is: Contact Rita Hagevik for more information about this project. Conclusion:

In this paper, three of us, one a university professor in natural resources and technology, one a professor in science education, and one a Ph.D. student in science education, each describe three different, yet connected, programs: 1) GIS certificate programs offered to undergraduate and graduate students at North Carolina State University, 2) a 5-step conceptual plan and methodology to introduce GIS to educators state-wide, and 3) a specific application and research study for science teachers in a professional development program. All three of these programs are interconnected with the goal of supporting individuals in their use of environmental data to solve problems. For example, teachers may attend a workshop, they then return to their classrooms, apply


and use environmental data with their students to solve problems. Teachers may return to the university to become part of the certificate program. The students of the teachers may then become undergraduates in the environmental degree programs at the university. A number of the graduates in the GIS certificate programs support the educational K-12 programs, such as: present in workshops and support teachers, provide maps for classroom use, serve as guest speakers in classrooms, load software, provide and find data for the teachers to use, and are a resource to educators. A collaborative network has been developed over a period of years, of individuals from state government, university, corporations, and schools K-12. This network is expanding as more and more individuals take classes, workshops, and seek additional experiences. This network is vital to the growth of knowledge and technology application in universities, schools, non-formal organizations, and communities. We are at the beginning of an explosion and expansion of the use of environmental data to solve problems – from the development of school bus routes, to the solution of crimes, to environmental controls, city and open-space planning, flood and fire mapping, and emergency management. It is important that all students learn how to use technology in their every-day lives and to be technologically prepared for the jobs of the future. We seek your comments and look forward to your communications. References Alibrandi, Marsha, Candy Beal, Anna Wilson, Ann Thompson & Rita Hagevik. Chapter in book, Improving Social Studies Teaching and Learning through School/University Collaborations, (in press). Alibrandi, Marsha, Ann Thompson & Rita Hagevik. Chapter in book, GIS in Schools, “Historical Documentation of a Culture”, ESRI Press, 2000. Argentati, Carolyn, H.A. Devine, and Hal Meeks. “The Student-Directed, Information-Rich SDIR) Undergraduate Education Project,” CONNECT, No. 26, Fall 1996, pp:7-9. Devine, H.A. and Stephen O. Morris. “From Experimental Undergraduate Course to Graduate Degree Program: The Development of GIS Instruction at North Carolina State University", Proceedings of GISED98, Ypsilanti, MI, 1998, pp: 83-96. Devine, H.A. and Deborah S. Savage. “On-line GIS Instruction at North Carolina State University's College of Forest Resources,” Second Biennial Conference on University Education in Natural Resources, Logan, UT, 1998, pp: 167- 175. Baron, P.K., Hugh A. Devine, and Carolyn Argentati. "A Comprehensive GIS Data System for Public Participation in Regional Planning in North Carolina: The Research Triangle Prototype", National Urban and Regional Information Systems Association Meeting, Charlotte, NC, 1998, pp: 234-252.


Devine, H.A. and Leslie L. Armstrong. "GIS in The National Park Service", The 10th Conference on Research and Resource Management in Parks and on Public Lands, Asheville, NC. 1999 (In press) DuBay, Denis, and Harriett S. Stubbs. “Geographic Information Systems and Environmental Education”. In Environmental Education for the Next Generation: Professional Development and Teacher Training, Selected Papers from the Twenty-fifth Annual Conference of the North American Association for Environmental Education, San Francisco Bay Area, Calif. November 1-5, 1996. NAAEE, Troy, Ohio. 1997. Stubbs, Harriett S., Denis T. DuBay, Norman D. Anderson, Hugh A. Devine, and Rita A. Hagevik. 1999. Environmental Science Utilizing Geographic Information Systems (GIS). In Proceedings of a Conference, North American Association for Environmental Educators, Annual Conference, South Padre Island, TX. October 2000. 4pgs. CD-ROM. NAAEE, 410 Tarvin Rd., Rock Spring, GA 30739, USA.