GRAMMAR LESSON: "should have + past participle ... - TESOL Tips

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GRAMMAR LESSON: "should have + past participle". Intermediate I High Intermediate Level. (45-50 minutes). Time &. Interaction. 3-4mins. Open class. Stage. 1.
GRAMMAR LESSON: "should have + past participle" Intermediate I High Intermediate Level


Time & Interaction

(45-50 minutes)


1. 3-4mins. Open class

Icebreaker & Vocabulary Check

6-8 mins. Open class


Ask the students about the job situation in the USA and about how to go about getting a job. During the discussion, check that they understand "unemployed" and "interview". If necessary, teach these two words.

2. Tell the class that a friend of yours was looking for a job last week. He had an interview at a bank. This is what he looked like before the interview: Put a picture of a badly dressed, unshaven person on the board. Elicit some things that were wrong with his appearance: e.g., He wasn't wearing a tie. His shoes were dirty. He was wearing a T-shirt. etc. Tell the class you gave him some advice about what to do before the interview. Point to different parts of the picture to elicit the advice: You should shine your shoes. You should wear a suit. etc. Tell the class you saw your friend again right after his interview. Show the same picture and say, This is how he looked. Ask, What do you think? Did he get the job? Say, No, he didn't. Point to the T-shirt and elicit /give the model sentence:

He should have worn a tie.

Concept Checking

Ask the class: Did he wear a tie? (No.) Was this a good idea? (No.) Why not? (He didn't get the job.)

3. Oral Modeling

4mins. Open class

Oral Drilling (chorus -7 individual)

Without writing anything, say the model sentence (He should hove worn 0 tie) several times while students just listen. Have the class repeat the sentence a couple of times in chorus. Ask individuals to repeat the sentence and help them to correct any mistakes they make.

4. 3 mins. Open class

Oral Controlled Practice

Do a substitution drill by pointing to parts of the picture and eliciting different sentences from various individuals: e.g., He should have worn a suit. He should have shined his shoes. etc.

5. 4 mins. Open class

Written Modeling

Note that to this point you have not written anything on the board I Elicit the items from the drill into a substitution table on the board:


should've should have

worn shined shaved.


tie. suit. his shoes. etc.

Check the grammar pattern by eliciting that: • "He" could be e.g., "The man" or "She" or "They" etc. • "should've / should have" is always constant • The main verb is in its past participle (not Past Simple) form.

3 mins. Individual

6. Providing a Written Record

7-8 mins. Pairs

7. Oral Controlled Practice

The students copy down the table. Check they have copied accurately.

Show the class the picture of The Dead Rat Cafe. (It is on the Practice Materials page if this site.) Tell the students that the cafe went out of business. Tell them to make sentences about things he needed to change for the cafe to succeed. Ask for one example about the cafe's name and help students to produce: He should have changed the name. Tell the students to look at the picture and read the sentences below it. Then in pairs they tell each other sentences starting with He should have ... Give one copy of the worksheet to each pair. Monitor the pairwork.

3-4 mins. Open class

6-7 mins. Pairs 3 mins. Open class

Elicit sentences from pairs and help them to correct any mistakes. 8. Personalized Oral Freer Practice

Oral Freer Practice Students tell each other 4-5 things they should have done (but didn't) in the past month. ............................................................................................................. The teacher elicits one example from each person, with corrections if necessary.


This lesson introduces only the positive statement form of the grammar structure. If you feel your students could handle more, you could easily incorporate the negative form (shouldn't have). One way is to elicit the negative into the substitution table in Stage 5 above, perhaps doing oral modeling and drilling of an example sentence (e.g., He shouldn't have worn a T-shirt). Students could then include examples of negative statements in Stages 7 and 8.


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