The Interrogative Pronouns ask questions : Eg. Who did that ? Whom did the dog
bite ? Whose book is it ? To whom did you give it ? Who are they ? What did he ...
Grammar - the Interrogative and the Indefinite Pronouns __________________________________________________________________
The Interrogative Pronouns ask questions : Eg. Who did that ? Whom did the dog bite ? Whose book is it ? To whom did you give it ? Who are they ? What did he do ? The Indefinite Pronouns are usually best translated as someone, something, anyone, a certain person. The difference between the Interrogative and the Indefinite Pronouns in Greek is that the Interrogative Pronouns have an accent, and the sentence ends with a Greek question mark ; Masculine and Feminine have identical endings. Masculine/Feminine Singular Nom Acc Gen Dat Plural Nom Acc Gen Dat
ti/j ti/na ti/noj ti/ni
who ? whom ? whose ? to, for, by, with, from, whom ?
ti/ ti/ ti/noj ti/ni
ti/nej ti/naj ti/nwn ti/sin
who ? whom ? whose ? to, for, by, with, from whom ?
ti/na ti/na ti/nwn ti/sin
Masculine/Feminine Singular Nom Acc Gen Dat Plural Nom Acc Gen Dat
what ? what ? of what ? to, for, by, with, from what ? what ? what ? of what ? to, for, by, with, from what ?
tij tina tinoj tini
someone someone someone's to, for, by, with, from, someone
ti ti tinoj tini
tinej tinaj tinwn tisin
some people tina some people tina some people's tinwn to, for, by, with, from some people tisin
something something something's to, for, by, with, from something some things some things somethings' to, for, by, with, from somethings
The Indefinite Relative Pronoun "whoever" is a combination of In the New Testament it is found mainly in the Nominative :
Plural oi(tinej
o(j and tij ai(tinej
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