Intermediate. Grammar to go! 6 We form the present perfect continuous with have
/ has been + -ing form: I've been watching you. They haven't been playing long.
Grammar to go!
Oxford Living Grammar Intermediate
Present perfect Present perfect continuous
6 We form the present perfect continuous with have/ has been + -ing form: I’ve been watching you. They haven’t been playing long. Has he been travelling all day?
7 We use the present perfect continuous to talk about actions that started in the past and continue into the present: The earth has been getting warmer.
8 We use the present perfect continuous when the
emphasis is on the action being done. (To talk about the result of the action, use the present perfect – for more information, see p. 10.) Why is the kitchen in a mess? ~ Because Alan’s been making a cake. Emma’s tired. She’s been tidying her room all morning. (The job is not necessarily finished.)
Grammar in action 5 We use the present perfect continuous to talk
about an action we started in the past, and are still doing now: I’ve been working all day and I still haven’t finished.
6 We also use the present perfect continuous to talk
about an action we started in the past that finished a very short time ago: I’ve been waiting for you to call.
7 We can use the present perfect continuous for a
series of repeated actions, for example when we try to do something again and again: We’ve been trying to contact you all day to tell you that you’ve won a prize.
8 We use the present perfect continuous to talk or ask
about an action happening over a period of time up to now. We can use how long with for or since: Sally’s been cooking all afternoon. She’s been preparing for the party since lunchtime. (We are thinking of Sally doing the cooking.) We use the present perfect continuous to talk about recent repeated actions or for a repeated action that is different from usual. We use time phrases such as recently, lately, this week. My son’s been staying up late a lot recently – I’m rather worried.
9 We often use the present perfect continuous when a recent action explains why we look or feel a certain way: Jane’s tired because she’s been painting her room. (The action of painting explains why she is tired.)
D Waiting for the stars A journalist visits a film festival and talks to the fans waiting to see the film stars. JOURNALIST Good morning. How long have you been waiting FAN JOURNALIST FAN JOURNALIST FAN JOURNALIST FAN JOURNALIST
12 University | Verbs and tenses © Oxford Press 2010
0 (you, wait) to see your favourite stars? Well, we arrived at about 6 a.m. and it’s 10 a.m. now, so we 1 (wait) for about four hours. 2 And (you, stand) here all that time? No, a friend and I take it in turns because of the rain. 3 Yes, it’s pretty wet. (it, rain) long? No, only since about 9 o’ clock. And how about you? Are you a great film festival fan? 4 Oh, yes. I (come) to this one for six years now. 5 Six years? That’s as long as I (write) articles for my newspaper. I see you’ve got an autograph book.
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Grammar to go!
Oxford Living Grammar Intermediate
FAN Yes, I always bring it with me. I’ve got more than 200 autographs. JOURNALIST Whose autograph are you hoping to get today? 6 FAN Scarlett Johansson’s. I (try) to get it for years but I still
haven’t managed it.
Children Use the verbs in the present perfect continuous to complete the dialogue. build do
look play
JACK AND EVE Hello, Mummy. We’re home. MOTHER Thank goodness. I have been looking
for you everywhere. What (you)? 2 We in the park. But you’re all dirty. 3 Yes, I houses with the mud from the pond. 4 And I the ducks. 5 And I about where you were. Well, you can both go and have a good wash! 0
More party preparations Fiona is in charge of a big party but she arrives late, in the middle of the preparations. Complete the dialogue by putting the verbs into the present perfect simple or the present perfect continuous. 0 Hello, everybody. I’m sorry I’m late. I have been trying (try) to find a DJ 1 but so far I haven’t found 0 (not, find) one, though one 2 (promise) to phone me later. (you all, get on) with what we decided? 3 KATE Well, Tim and I (make) sandwiches ever since we arrived. 4 So far, we (make) about 50. 5 FIONA Charlie – (you, manage) to set up the sound system yet? 6 CHARLIE Well, I (work) on it all morning but there are a couple of 7 technical problems that I (not, solve) yet. 8 FIONA You look very hot, Mike. I suppose that’s because you (move) the chairs and tables. 9 MIKE That’s right. But I’ve almost finished, and my sister (wipe) all of them so they are ready for use. (RING, RING) 10 FIONA Oh, that’s my mobile. Hello … Yes, I (expect) your call … You can? Oh, that’s great! … See you about 9 o’ clock then. Bye! 11 FIONA Great news, everybody. That guy I mentioned (agree) to be our DJ.
OVER TO YOU Now go to page 122.
Verbs and tenses |
LivGram Intermediate 5P.indb 13
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6 hasn’t been 7 has often worked 8 ’ve managed
14 has just paid 15 has just asked
1 Ruth has just phoned
Grammar to go! 2 she still hasn’t left 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
she’s done have you bought I haven’t bought anything yet I’ve just ordered I’ve already asked She’s got she’s promised have you found I’ve asked still haven’t phoned back I’ve persuaded
Answers: Oxford Living Grammar Intermediate
03 14 Present perfect I’ve just checked AD BE F
1 1 2 2 3 3 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 51 62 73 84 5 1 6 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
all my life 4 ever 7 several times ’ve been waiting 4 ’ve been coming ever 5 never 8 yet have you been standing 5 ’ve been writing just 6 already Has it been raining 6 ’ve been trying ’ve had 9 has sent have you been doing 4 ’ve been feeding ’ve been 10 ’ve visited ’ve been playing 5 ’ve been worrying ’ve had 11 ’ve spent ’ve been building have found 12 ’ve written has promised solved still hasn’t graduated 13 7hashaven’t already sold Have you all been getting on 8 ’ve been moving hasn’t been 14 has just paid have been making wiped has often worked 15 9hashas just asked ’ve made 10 ’ve been expecting ’ve managed have you managed 11 has agreed Ruth has just phoned ’ve been working she still hasn’t left she’s done have you bought I haven’t bought anything yet I’ve just ordered I’ve already asked She’s got she’s promised have you found I’ve asked still haven’t phoned back I’ve persuaded
1 ’ve been waiting 2 have you been standing 3 Has it been raining
4 ’ve been coming 5 ’ve been writing 6 ’ve been trying
1 have you been doing 2 ’ve been playing 3 ’ve been building
4 ’ve been feeding 5 ’ve been worrying
LivGram Intermediate 5P.indb 133
1 2 3 4 5 6
has promised 7 Have you all been getting on 8 have been making 9 ’ve made 10 have you managed 11 ’ve been working
© Oxford University Press 2010
There rain last night. 8 ’ve was reallyheavy enjoyed 17 decided 3 corr It 9 was readhumid yesterday. 18 ’ve never climbed2 1 a so There was a shower in the afternoon. 2 take 1 has changed changeable. 6 have closed The weather’s 3 for t It’s 2 dry livedtoday. 7 got 4 woo we had a storm. 3 haven’t visited 8 didn’t agree 5 som 6 Answers an Argentinian person 4 hasfrom become 9 liked 6 for y 1 we have a lot of showers in the winter. 7 this 5 produced / used to produce 10 have brought 2 In winter it’s not always freezing at night. 8 tabl WOrd FOcus got rid of 3 The weather is the same all summer. True. 9 crea and humid. C It1 is’dhot created 7 had made 10 help 4 Once orseen twice a year we have 2 had 8 heavy had putrain for 24 hours. Unit 24 Answers: 3 ’d told 9 had fallen 5 It only snows in the west of the country. 1 1 Pork 4 ’dwinters been Oxford 10 and hadwet. noticed 6 Our are usually cold Word Skills 2 Lam 5 ’d neverhave caused 11lightning. hadn’t taken 7 we often thunder and Basic 3 Tuna True. 6 had … stolen 12 had apologized 4 salm 8 It is usually hot and humid in summer. 5 Cow D 1 had been 6 hadn’t arrived
04 22 Past simple 2 hadn’t finished and Unit
14 I’ve just checked
5 1 2 3 B4 5 6
3 had sent hurts past perfect 7
present perfect; 7 had phoned
8 had agreed flu 3 1 pork 4 got had received 8 Has 9 had left ‘ve 1feel 2 lamb 5 came had … written 9 ‘ve got 10 set off 2‘ve’ve met 11 did got 10 Has 4 Your ow 11 ‘s 3feelmet 12 ’ve eaten 12 haven’t13 gotrecommended Unit 25 4hurts stayed A 1 1 3 3 2 1 5cough 5 stomach-ache hasn’t slept 14 went5 1 1 grapes 2 got 1 4 2 6temperature 64 sick cherry, 15 have6you2 visited 3 hurt 7 flu B 4 7matter; 1 ’ve ’m been going to send 6 ’m not going to revise apple well 8 throat 16 was ’m really not going to write 717 ’mdecided going to revise 2 1 swee 82 ’ve enjoyed 4 1 you should to go to the chemist’s. 3 ’m going to do 818 ’m’ve going prepare 2 bitte nevertoclimbed 2 9Goread and lie you down for a while. 3 red 4 has ’s going help GP doctor.9Or going tosee show and seetoyour and B 3 1Go changed 6 ’mGo have closed 4 gree 5 lived are going to watch GP doctor. 2your 7 got 4 1 carro in the bed and don’t do anything. C 45 3stay 1 haven’t are … going 6 8 isdidn’t goingagree to disappoint 2 onio visitedto attract Go to bed for a day or two days. 2 has isshould going togo clean 7 9 are going to upgrade 3 pepp become liked 6 4you and to see your doctor. 4 cabb 3 produced isshouldn’t going to improve 810 ishave going to employ / used to produce brought 7 5you don’t go to work today. 8 WOrd Lie for the while. 4 down is going to renovate 9 Are … going to get 5 1 F 2 T FOcus gota rid of not going to install 10 are made not going to get6 Your ow answers C5 Possible 15 ’dare created 7 had 1 you should go and lie down for a while. D 2 2you 1 had will seen 6 will 8 had put 11 won’t Unit 26 should go to the pharmacy. 2 won’t 7 won’t will 3 ’d told 9 had fallen 3 you should stay in bed for a day or12two. 1 1 3 3 ’dwill 13 will 4 4you should down while. been go and8liewill 10 for hadanoticed 2 3 5 5you should go and9see your 4 ’dwill will won’t never caused 11 GP. hadn’t14 taken 3 butt won’t 15 will butt 65 had … stolen 10 will 12 had apologized 4 3 D 1 had been 6 hadn’t arrived 5 chee 2 hadn’t finished 7 had phoned Answer key | 133 chee 6 3 3 had sent 8 had agreed 1 1 2 A3 4 5 6
05 The future
4 had received 5 had … written
9 had left 3/2/09
05 The future A 1 1 210 Answer key 2 1
3 3 4 4
haven’t solved B 1 ’m going to send ’ve been moving 2 ’m210 not going to write 26 OSW(B) Answers FP.indd has wiped 3 ’m going to do ’ve been expecting 4 ’s going to help has agreed 5 are going to watch
2 1 beef 2 pork
1 2 3 4 5
1 will 2 won’t 3 will
are … going to attract is going to clean is going to improve is going to renovate are not going to install
6 will 7 won’t 8 will
5 1 6 2 6 7 8 9
’m not going to revise ’m going to revise ’m going to prepare ’m going to show
6 7 8 9 10
is going to disappoint are going to upgrade is going to employ Are … going to get are not going to get
page 3
11 won’t 12 will 13 will