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asked the community on both Facebook and Twitter. The responses were ..... Mr. and Mrs. D. Andrew Portinga. Janice Postm
Grand Rapids Community Foundation 2010/2011 Annual Report | gifts, growth, grants & leadership |

Carlos Sanchez, Community Action Committee volunteer at Grand Rapids Community Foundation

Dear Friends: This has been a year of growth and innovation for Grand Rapids Community Foundation. Our grantmaking and fund development efforts were strong, and the endowment grew to pre-recession levels. We continued our work in ending homelessness, and we launched a ground-breaking education program. We worked on strengthening relationships with new, diverse and younger audiences through our Friends Advisory Council. This group has helped us understand the community and philanthropic views of our future donors. The Community Foundation was honored with a Pillar Award from the Women’s Resource Center for maintaining a workplace that empowers female employees. We also were named an Elite winner in West Michigan’s 101 Best and Brightest Companies to Work For competition and were nominated for several other awards. The Community Foundation staff is among the finest working professionals in Grand Rapids. In this report you’ll read stories about several grants we awarded thanks to your gifts. We encourage you to look at the entire list of grants and see the wide variety of causes the Community Foundation, its donors and donor advisors support. This year grants and scholarships totaled just over $10 million. You and other donors, as always, were generous with gifts. This fiscal year the development staff secured over $12 million in new donations. We welcomed 22 new funds to the Community Foundation. This was a sad year for us, too. Three longtime friends of the Community Foundation passed away—Bill Martindill, Peter Cook and Jim Carpenter. Bill was 100 years old; Peter was 96 and Jim 95. All three gentlemen loved Grand Rapids, served on boards and committees across the county and were model community philanthropists and leaders. We like to think their longevity and generosity are connected! As of June 30, 2011, our assets were $250 million, and the endowment experienced investment growth of 21.3 percent. That brings us to the asset level we were at when the market plunged in 2008 and 2009. As we write this, the market is still fluctuating, not favorably. We hope it will become more stable soon.

In June we launched a key education initiative with Grand Rapids Public Schools’ Harrison Park School. The Challenge Scholars Program will help create a college-going environment at the PreK to 8 school, starting with math and literacy coaches, a college pathway coordinator and after-school and summer programming for all fourth grade students. As this class moves on, a fourth grade class will be added each year. By the time the first class graduates from Union High School in 2020, more than 2,000 students will be tracking toward higher education. And yes, we’re providing college scholarships for Challenge Scholar graduates. This multimillion dollar leadership initiative was launched with a grant of $250,000 and your past support made it possible. The annual report this year incorporates a bit of social media. As you read through, you’ll see some word clouds. These clouds were created in response to questions we asked the community on both Facebook and Twitter. The responses were thoughtful and insightful. Thank you to all the people who took the time to respond. Thank you for your continued support, confidence and feedback.

Diana R. Sieger, President

Carol J. Karr, Chair of the Board

2010/2011 ANNUAL REPORT • 3

Financial Highlights Assets by Fund Type

contents: 6 12 18 34 37 38 42 43 45 46 47 48

grant profiles donor profiles gifts grants scholarships funds understanding the foundation financials board of trustees / leadership staff / committees for professional advisors becoming a philanthropist

Community Funds Designated and Nonprofit Funds Donor Advised Funds Field of Interest Funds Operating/Special Project/Building Scholarship Funds Unrestricted Funds Supporting Organization: Red Brick Building II Inc. Total Assets

Grants Authorized and Paid Academic Achievement Arts and Social Enrichment Economic Prosperity/ Vibrant Neighborhoods Healthy Ecosystems Healthy People Unclassified Total


22,353,381 25,689,057 60,330,885 24,401,488 6,977,155 16,797,601 87,545,946 6,122,048 250,217,561




2,869,525 456,888

2,464,355 730,817 3,447,628 60,515 $ 10,029,728

10% Designated and Nonprofit Funds 9% Community Funds

10% Field of Interest Funds 24% Donor Advised Funds

7% Scholarship Funds 3% Operating/ Special Project/Building

35% Unrestricted Funds

2% Supporting Organization: Red Brick Building II Inc.



2,110,666 841,365

2,976,563 651,367 4,105,266 60,515 $ 10,745,742

Net Annual Returns as of June 30, 2011

2007: 14.9% 2008: -3.7% 2009: -19.2% 2010: 13.4% 2011: 21.3%

4.6% Arts and Social Enrichment 28.6% Academic Achievement

7.3% Healthy Ecosystems

24.6% Economic Prosperity/ Vibrant Neighborhoods

0.6% Unclassified

34.4% Healthy People

Commmunity. What does this word mean to you? Is it the place you live? Is it a group of people with whom you share an interest? Does your culture define your community? Is community where you work or volunteer? However you define community, Grand Rapids Community Foundation likely touches it. Our fingerprint, voice and leadership is seen and heard throughout Kent County. Our grantmaking and leadership initiatives impact the lives of thousands of people in the community. As a reader of this annual report, you are part of the Community Foundation’s community, and we are grateful for your support.

> why is it important to shop at a local farmers market, and what do you like about it?


> what we’re doing to help people live healthier lives

Grant to Food Fair Network: $150,000 A grant to the Fair Food Network supported the Double Up Food Bucks program. Recipients of Food Assistance Benefits are eligible for tokens that can be used to buy Michigan grown fruits and vegetables. Each token is a twofer, giving people twice the amount of healthy food for the dollar. It is estimated that 100,000 pounds of Michigan-farmed produce will be sold through the program, and 109,000 Food Assistance Benefits recipients in Kent County will benefit from fresh local food. Tom and his two brothers farm 350 acres in Lowell, on land their dad bought in 1950. They grow berries, cherries, peaches and plums. Tom’s at Fulton Street Farmers Market each week until he’s out of fruit, so arrive early!

> what makes a successful entrepreneur?

creative problem solving skills

support and encouragement from fellow businesses entrepreneurs need strong community, community needs strong entrepreneurs

environment that embraces risk and reward


assistance with business plan

access to valuable market data

talent to grow beyond the start-up


robust physical and intellectual infrastructure

> what we’re doing to help grow our business climate here

Grant to FastTrac: $85,000 One of the great things about Grand Rapids is that entrepreneurs are recognized as valuable assets, vital to the community’s growth. Through grants like the one we made to FastTrac, we help people with great ideas create viable businesses. We also help support established enterprises like the Midtown Neighborhood Association, which manages Fulton Street Farmers Market. We made a $150,000 grant for market expansion. Urban Pizza is a year old take-and-bake pizza restaurant on Wealthy Street, near Cherry, featuring unique pizzas named for communities around Michigan. Malikah participated in FastTrac New Venture entrepreneur training at the Michigan Small Business & Technology Development Center— housed at Grand Valley State University—and honed her skills in marketing research, business legal structures and finance.

> what makes a volunteer experience meaningful, and where do you volunteer?


> how we’re helping experienced adults find great volunteer jobs ENCORE! Team Grant to God’s Kitchen: $10,000 Soup’s On! is a major fundraiser for Catholic Charities of West Michigan and God’s Kitchen. Before their popular gourmet soup supper, community members, students and visiting celebrities hand paint bowls, which are glazed, fired and then sold or given as Soup’s On! souvenirs. The take-your-bowl event generates significant revenue and exposure for the organization. God’s Kitchen was awarded an ENCORE! Team grant to bring the bowl making operation onsite and use experienced volunteers over age 50 to create a bowl making studio and gallery space for year-round sales. Richard is usually found in the kitchen, but lends a hand where needed. He helped prep the space for the God’s Kitchen Gallery and Studio, which opened in September. God’s Kitchen provides meals to people in the Heartside neighborhood.

John Wheeler doesn’t make music, he makes music happen. Last summer he designed and funded a program with the Community Media Center and Mackinaw Harvest Music Group, a professional recording studio. Master technicians and professional musicians teach a dozen musically inclined teens the basics of studio recording. “We teach them how music is produced and directed, how to blend instruments and make music behind the scenes,” John said. Students experience teamwork, attention to detail and dependability. “I’m hands on. I go to the studio, meet the kids and just mill around and see what they’re doing. I can see they’re enthusiastic and excited. If just one or two find a career and stay here, it will be worth it,” John said. John is extremely proud of his two sons, both professional musicians. He’s a longtime supporter of public radio station WYCE and its Hat Trick Concert Series. In the mid 90s John established a private foundation, and, when schools cut music programs, he tried to fill in with grants. But managing the details diluted his passion and fun of giving back, so he set up a Merrill Lynch Donor Advised Fund at Grand Rapids Community Foundation. “The Community Foundation helps solve problems and gets to yes with my ideas,” John said.



donor advised fund

solve problems


recordinghands-on studio students


Usha Singh recalls a quote from the Japanese poet Ryunosuke Satoro: “Individually we are one drop. Together we are an ocean.” It nicely sums up her views about philanthropy and community. Usha discovered Grand Rapids Community Foundation with the help of a friend. She became a donor because the causes she cares about personally align with Grand Rapids Community Foundation grants. She believes in the concept of collective giving and makes donations to the unrestricted Fund for Community Good. She is also a Friend of the Community Foundation. Usha is especially concerned about food security, education and the environment. “I have a deep desire in my heart to make sure that food is available to all. Education does not only help us make a living, it helps us make a better life. With education we look at life with different glasses,” said Usha. “I grew up believing this world is all one. We need to take care of our family members, and, if we have the means, we are obligated to help one another too. Even if we are not doing that well, we can set aside something for someone else.”


world is all one

Fund for Community Good

philanthropy and community education and environment

food availability

collective giving help one another

It is a tough question to ask and even harder to answer. In 1995, when Sally Coburn said yes to the question of organ donation after her son Jamie Hale died in an accident, she set a course for the rest of her life. The Jamie Hale Memorial Fund, a Donor Advised Fund at Grand Rapids Community Foundation, helps Spectrum Health healthcare professionals navigate the emotional and practical concerns of organ donation. Since 2001, the fund has made $30,000 in grants that help staff access conferences and create patient education materials about organ donation. Each year Jamie’s friends from East Grand Rapids High School and college organize a golf event to grow the fund’s principal. Some of these same friends gather at the Community Foundation to help Sally make grant recommendations. “After Jamie’s death, we were able to donate all of his organs. It took me some time to process that. As I became involved with Gift of Life, I realized how many people are waiting for organs. It is important we have enough donors to meet the needs of people waiting for transplants. As each of us has taken something from the community, each of us needs to give back,” Sally said. Sally is pictured here with her daughter Heather Hale.

give back

patient education


Jamie Hale Memorial Fund

Spectrum Healthcare

golf events

organ donation Gift of Life

We are always thankful to donors who believe in the mission and values of Grand Rapids Community Foundation and support us with their generous gifts. > july 1, 2010 to june 30, 2011 Lifetime Partners, Partners, Donors and Friends pledge or contribute support to the Community Endowments (fund for academic achievement; arts & social enrichment; economic prosperity; healthy ecosystems; healthy people; vibrant neighborhoods) or the Fund for Community Good. They have also created funds.

Metz Legacy Society recognizes people who have created a life income gift or have named the Community Foundation in their estate plans. The society is named for George and Mary Metz, whose $100,000 gift in 1929 was the first bequest to the Community Foundation.

Named Funds for Community Good allow donors to support a wide range of community needs.


Donor Advised Funds allow contributors to recommend grants for approval by the board of trustees. The Community Foundation completes due diligence, reporting, and administrative work, ensuring that people’s charitable goals and legal requirements are met. Some donors designate their children or relatives as donor advisors, making philanthropy a family activity.

Corporate Charitable Funds allow businesses to simplify giving, gain tax advantages and establish a permanent source of charitable contributions. The Community Foundation manages logistics and administrative tasks, allowing businesses to focus on giving.

Field of Interest Funds direct the Community Foundation to support projects and programs within the donor’s charitable interest area.

Scholarship Funds help students pursue educational goals. Donors may participate in the selection process or allow the community foundation to handle candidate approval.

Special Project Funds support specific charitable organizations and community projects.

Sponsors are contributors who have underwritten a Grand Rapids Community Foundation event.

In-Kind Contributors are contributors who have donated goods or services to Grand Rapids Community Foundation.

Lifetime Partners, Partners, Donors and Friends

Mrs. Noyes Avery

b. =LIFETIME PARTNER ($5,000+ cumulative) =PARTNER ($200–$4,999.99) =DONOR ($1–$199.99) =FRIEND (pledge)

a. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Aaberg Jr. Ms. Mary Abbott Stephen M. and Debra K. Abbott Rick and Loy Adamy Dr. Marc and Darcy Afman Jay Cooper and Eva Aguirre Cooper Natalia and Zeke Alejos Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Allen Jr. Andrew and Carolyn Alt Mr. James A. Alt Mr. Richard J. Alt Mr. Robert N. Alt Jr. Mr. William E. Alt Gasper J. Amodeo Mrs. Elizabeth L. Anderson Gwen and Mark Anderson Marty and Heather Anderson Betty Ladd Andre Mr. and Mrs. Loren M. Andrulis Ann Arbor Area Community Foundation Thomas Appel Mary M. Appelt MD Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. Arnold Paul and Marty Arnold Arthur J. Gallagher Foundation Lawrence M. and Mary E. Austin Employees of Autocam

John and Janet Baab Mr. and Mrs. Tod Bailey Carl and Claudia Bajema Ms. Barbara Baker Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Baker Lori J. Baker and David Koski Ms. Nancy Bamford Bank of America Charitable Foundation Dr. Dennis and Dr. Donna Banks Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. Barber Patrick and Mary Lou Barbour Kathi and Glenn Barkan Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Barkey Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Barnes Betsy and Jim Barton John and Kelli Basher Baudville Inc. Robert H. Beaman Laurie Finney Beard Mr. and Mrs. Gaylon H.* Beckemeyer Virginia S. Becker Dr. John and Carol Beernink Connie Bellows and Darlene Zwart Ms. Melinda M. Bendall Mr. George Bennett Ms. Rosemary R. Bennett Mrs. Viola Benthin Darlene Berghorst Ms. Christy J. Bergsma Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Berry Patricia D. Berry John R. Bertsch Dr. and Mrs. William H. Beute Mr. Mike Bieker

Ms. Jennifer Billiam-Boak Ruth E. Bishop John and Claire Bissell Mark and Cathy Bissell Matthew and Vicki Bissell Marjorie W. Bjork Lynne Black Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Blackwell Jr. Brad and Sherry Blair Mrs. Catherine L. Blake Tom Blandford Dr. and Mrs. Steve Bloom Lorraine Boer Bill and Anne Boersma Mr. Michael Bolt Nancy Bolt Alyson and Scott Booth Dianne Boozer Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Borowka Glen and Betsy Borre Mr. and Mrs. Nathan C. Bosma John and Sharon Bouma Todd and Gina Bovee Ms. Mary Bowman Janet and John Boyles Doug and Dawn Brackmann Jonathan and Grace Bradford Conrad and Molly Bradshaw John and Virginia Braley Jane M. Branston Karl and Darlene Braunschneider James and Sharon Breuker Fredrick “Fritz” Briscoe Andrew and Janay Brower Margaret Brower* Robert and Katherine Brower Jim and Susan Brown

John and Erin Brown Mr. and Mrs. Renwick Brutus Mr. and Mrs. Barry Bryant Mrs. Gretchen B. Burch Scott Burke Tom and Mary Burns Chuck and Mary Jo Burpee Eric and Kelly Buth The Honorable George and Nancy Buth Anna Moore Butzner Chet and Joan Byerly Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Bykerk Bill and Jackie Bylenga

Grand Rapids’ landscape is made up of wonderful, iconic places and events, photographed on the following pages by Bob Neumann and Rob Sackyta.

c. C & H Holdings Ms. Kathy Caines Ann and John Cameron Emily and Robert Campbell John and Marie Canepa Katharine Cangelosi Allan and Claudia Carlson Mr. James W. Carpenter* Michael Cary and Marjorie Loughrin Cascade Engineering David M. and Cara V. Cassard Olga Cassard Tracey and Rick Cassard Mrs. Camille Cebelak Mrs. Jane Chamberlin Ms. Rita D. Champion

*deceased GIFTS • 19


Iain Charnley Tom and Natalie Chase Stan and Margaret Cheff Colin Chelovich and Molly Tupper-Chelovich Henry Matthews and Timothy Chester Mr. and Mrs. Anthony L. Chopp Ms. Sharon A. Christensen Mr. and Mrs. F. Norman Christopher Steve and Lindsey L. Chrystan Roger and Sally Ciapara Jim and Pat Clay Toni and Gerald Clay Mr. and Mrs. Frederick R. Clemens Jr. Brian Cloyd and Agnes Kempker-Cloyd Dotti Clune and Jill Henemyer Ms. Sally L. Coburn and Mr. Chuck Carter Stephen and Mary Cohle Stuart and Nancy Cok Philip and Cynthia Cole Mr. and Mrs. Robert Collier Colliers International Mary and Paul Command Bob and Julie Connors David and Tip Conrad Dan and Linda Conway Steve and Sue Conway Mr. Peter C. Cook* Ann M. and Robert P. Cooper Richard C. and Shirley E. Cooper George and Peg Cope Anne H. Copps

Ms. Jeri L. Corey Mr. and Mrs. Jim Corl Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Corl Jr. Tripp and Kelli Corl Irma Cornelius Ralph and Sheryl Costanzo Council of Michigan Foundations Ed and Linda Cox Laurie and Crawford Craft Dr. and Mrs. Steven A. Crane Mal Cumming Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Cummings Tim and Anne Cusack Thomas W. Czerney Mr. Thomas E. Czerwinski

d. Randy Damstra and Julie Duisterhof Thomas C. and M. Lynn Dandridge Daniel and Pamella DeVos Foundation Joseph Daniels MD and Shirley K. Daniels Ms. Andrea J. Darling Bill and Margie Darooge Mr. and Mrs. Craig S. Datema Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Daverman Gilbert R. and Patricia K. Davis Lois J. Davis Ms. Sharon Davis Ms. Shirley A. Davis Doris Dean Mr. Robert Dean Larry and Sue* Deane John and Michele DeBlaay Joy and Jim DeBoer Ms. Mary K. DeBoer Norman B. and Mary M. De Graaf Allen and Vivian De Jonge Daryl and Connie Delabbio

Mr. Robert Delamar Judith A. and James P. DeLapa Mike and Carla Dells Sam and Toni DeLuca Harvey DeMaagd Tuti and Pete DeMaagd Barbara DeMoor Bill and Carolyn DeNeut David and Jennifer Denton David R. and Helene M. Despres Detroit Lions Charities Brian Deuby David and Bridget De Vos Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. DeVos Martha and Nick Dewey Mr. Alex J. DeYonker Mr. and Mrs. Timothy DeYoung Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Jameson Dick Kurt and Janet Dietsch Stanley and Betsy Dole Mrs. Elizabeth T. Donley Mr. and Mrs. Todd E. Dood The Doornink Foundation Beth and Ross Dornan Nancy L. Douglas Ms. Peggy Douthitt Douglas and Kristine Dozeman Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Dufendach David G. Dvorak MD

e. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Edgar John and Penny Edison Family Foundation Patricia H. Edison Brian Edwards Aaron and Aimee Einfeld Gloria M. Ellcey Frances S. Ellis

Ben and Susan Emdin Engineered Protection Systems Inc. Jean Enright Bill Essling Douglas and Christine Evans

f. Hank and Marcia Fairchild III Anthony and Diane Farage Sara Ann Farrugia Mr. Paul Faulkner Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Fee Valerie and Michael Feehan Marilyn and David Fernstrum Fifth Third Bank Ralph and Maureen Fischer Mrs. Edward C. Foote Mary and Bill Ford Barb and Mike Forseman Al and Laurie Forte Founders Bank & Trust Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Fox Jr. Thomas S. and Maxine J. Fox Ms. Winifred K. Fox* Jeffrey and Sheila Frank Chuck and Julie Frayer Mr. and Mrs. Randall Freeburg Paula and Michael Freed Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Freihofer Walter B. and Susan S. Freihofer Charles French Mr. and Mrs. Jack French Frey Foundation Mr. and Mrs. David G. Frey Mr. David G. Frey Jr. Richard Fry Chuck and Bette Fuller Mr. David Fuller *deceased




Margaret Gage Geoffrey and Carole Gaiser Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Garver Dan and Lou Ann Gaydou GE Foundation–Matching Gifts Program Pat and Patty Geary Brent T. Geers Jeff and Georgia Gietzen Gill Industries Inc. C. John Gill and Rita Williams Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gill Mrs. Richard M. Gillett Ms. Mary Gill-Thornton and Mr. Jeff Thornton Gene and Tubie Gilmore The Giving Tree Advised Fund of the Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee Karl and Cindy Glass Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Gleason Jim and Bebe Glerum Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Goaley Keith and Lisa Gohlke Thomas and Laurie Gole Gary Goode Goodrich Quality Theaters Grand Rapids Area Furniture Manufacturers’ Association Ken Grashuis and Lori Lockyear Ms. Gloria A. Gregory Drs. Thomas and Denise Gribbin Tim and Jodi Grider Doris G. Griffith Gumina’s Flowers Dr. and Mrs. James A. Gunn Rena and Gary P. Guttrich

Mr. and Mrs. James P. Hackett Sr. Lewis and Sheryl Haeck Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hagist Maureen P. Hale Mrs. Doris Hall Dick and Sandy Hansen Mr. and Mrs. William H. Hardy Jr. Kevin and Laura Harmelink Dr. Earl and Mrs. Clara L. Harper Mr. and Mrs. Tom Harrington Brian K. and Jody L. Hart Hascall Steel Company Richard Haslinger John and Betty Hausig Larry and Cindy Havard Jackie Haveman and Nathan Dwiri Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Hawks Janet A. Haynes Mrs. Doris B. Heartwell John and Jan Heerspink The Heethuis’ Mr. and Mrs. David Heldt Daniel M. and Pat Helmholdt Al and Liz Henry Ms. Deborah Herdegen Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Heuschkel Virginia W. Hewitt Mr. and Mrs. William R. Heyne John and Gwen Hibbard Jack* and Marge Highfield Barbara J. Hoag Dorothy Tegner Hodgkins David and Susan Hoekema Dirk and Victoria Hoffius Joan M. Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Hoffman Ken and Sandy Hofman

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Hogan Ms. Mary A. Holland Earl and Donnalee Holton Ken* and June Holtvluwer Mark and Wendy Holtvluwer Jane Hondelink Peggy and Doug Hoogerhyde Robert L. and Judith S. Hooker Mr. Robert Hoover Hope Global Consulting LLC Keith and Mary Kay Hopkins John L. Hornbach and Darva Boot Richard A. Horvitz Ms. Jeannie Hosey Mrs. Frances Housman Eleanore and Robert Howieson John and Janyce Huff Katherine Humphrey Ms. Bonnie Hunter Allen and Helen Hunting John Hunting Marilyn Hunting Mr. and Mrs. Dana Hushak David and Syma Hutchings Mr. and Mrs. Steven Huyser-Honig

i. Henry Idema II Mrs. William Wren Idema Integrity Business Solutions LLC

j. Sue Ann Jabin Mrs. Thomas J. Jack Thomas and Barbara Jackoboice Carlton and Wendy Jackson Phil and Cherry Jacobus Ms. Helen Jakeway

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jamula Don and Lois Jandernoa Russ and Leann Jelsema Gregory and Carol Jeltema Larry and Janine Jewell Virgil Johanningsmeier Glen Johnson and Thomas P. Merchant Linda Mae Johnson Mr. Mark Johnson Ms. Sarah Jolman Dr. Julian and Judith Joseph Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Junewick

k. Sheldon and Lois Kahn John and Mary Ellen Karcis Carol Karr and Kevin Briggs Mary Karrip Corrine E. Kass Jim and Amy Keane Mrs. Mary Ann Keeler Suzanne and Paul Keep Mr. and Mrs. Fred P. Keller Paul Kellermann and Pat Hartsoe Elizabeth M. Kelley Mr. and Mrs. John Kemper John and Nancy Kennedy Kent Charitable Trust Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Kian Roger and Ellen Kieras Kris and Katie Kimball Kurt and Randy Kimball Mr. and Mrs. Neil L. Kimball Katie and Bob Kimball Tom and Vicki Kimball William E. and Sue Kincaid Anthony King and Lisa Oliver-King Roberta F. King and Mike Miesch

*deceased GIFTS • 21


Rita and Jack Kirkwood Doug and Pat Klein Donald Klopcic Stephen and Mary Jo Klotz Kraig and Mary Klynstra Jim and Jane Knack Herbert and Glenna Knape Ms. Marilyn J. Knol Eric and Jamie Knoll Garry and Barbara Knott Mary Koenen Kate and Jeff Koeze Douglas and Louann Kohlbeck Michael E. Kooistra Jack Korff David A. and Phyllis E. Koslow John and Marnie Kotwick Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Kregel Ken and Melinda Krei Diane and Mike Kroll Blake and Mary Krueger Janet Krueger and Bruce Goodman Mr. and Mrs. Rex Kuhn James and Carrie Kuipers Mr. Paul Kutsche Mr. and Mrs. James Kwiatkowski Thomas and Sally Kyros

l. Mrs. Jane Lacks Kurt and Lori Lacks David and Paula LaClaire

Ladies Literary Club Ms. Jessica Lalley James and Mary Jane Lamse Vernon and Anna Marie Laninga Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Lanning B. Kenneth Larm Mr. and Mrs. Frederick G. Leaske Harvey Lemmen Joe and Katy Levan Norman J. and Marilyn Leven Family Foundation Mr. Gordon R. Lewis Mark and Marcie Lewis David and Susan Lipner Leo and Margaret Litowich John and Pat Littleton Mr. Nathaniel Lloyd Mrs. Ruth Loeks Ray and Nancy Loeschner Glenn and Claire* Lorch Ms. Bucky Love Ken and Jane Lovell Arend and Nancy Lubbers Marty and Cheri Luchtefeld Laurie and Larry Luciani The Lukens Family Foundation Peter and Barbara Lundeen Jan Lunquist Mike and Heather Lunt Mr. Jerry Lykins and Mrs. Elizabeth Welch Lykins Judson and Lynn Lynch David E. Lyons Mr. and Mrs. Eugene G. Lyons Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Lyons

m. Macatawa Bank

J. Scott and Beth Mac Gregor Frances Maghielse Mr. Michael M. Malinowski and Ms. Mary K. Swanson Ernest and Lorraine Malkewitz William and Janis Malpass Daniel and Deborah Mankoff Mr. and Mrs. James Manning Dayle Maples and David Kampfschulte Jon and Mary Ann March Richard and Brenda Marean Harold A. Marks Jean Marsh* Mrs. Selene V. Marsteiner Greg Martin and Jennie Browne Joseph and Sandy Martin Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Martin Bill* and Inetta Martindill Chet and Elaine Maternowski Betsy B. Mathiesen Bradford Mathis and Andola Mathis MD Gerald and Theresa Matthews Barbara Mayo-Johnson McBain Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Richard McConnon Kate and John McGarry Terry McGovern and Carol Paine-McGovern Jim McKay and Mary Caroline Frey Ms. Laura McKay Brenda L. McKean F. William and Beverly McKee Connie and David Medema Fred and Lena Meijer Hank and Liesel Meijer Meijer Inc. Mark and MaryBeth Meijer Merchants Service Bureau Inc. Frank Merlotti

Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Meuser Jeffrey and Susan Meyers Dr.* and Mrs. Edward J. Miles* Patrick A. Miles Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Wendell A. Miles Miller Johnson G. Michael and MaryAnn Minton Kim S. Mitchell Bill and Pam Mitchell Ronald and Karen Modreski Gordie and Jan Moeller Nancy Mogle Mr. James Molhoek Monaghan Associates Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Monaghan Monsma Marketing Corporation Rachel and Mike Mraz Peggy Murphy Judge Bill and Paula Murphy Jon and Carol Muth Patricia J. Muth Bruce A. Myers Mr. Robert Myers

n. Khan and Liza Nedd Valerie Nelson NETech Corporation Eileen Newman Alger J. Nielsen and Nancy Kehoe Nielsen Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nobel Jr. Gary and Peg Novosad Nucraft Furniture Company

o. Mrs. Samuel Oates Judy and Baldwin Ogden Patricia Oldt *deceased


Frederick Olert Jr. Mr.* and Mrs. Ralph A. Olsen Mr. Terrence E. Olson* Mr. and Mrs. Richard Oom Ken and Jan Oosterhouse Doug and Risa Oren Terry and Maureen O’Rourke Thomas and E. Lynne O’Rourke Timothy J. and Debra D. O’Rourke Matt and Beth Osterhaven Mr. and Mrs. John P. Ott Mr. and Mrs.* Armen G. Oumedian Cal and Ann Owen

p. Martin and Enid Packard Louis Padnos Iron & Metal Company The Louis and Helen Padnos Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Padnos Ms. Shelley Padnos and Ms. Carol Sarosik Page Family Mrs. Helen W. Palmatier Chris and Joan Panopoulos Paris Grange #19 Steve and Molly Parker Ms. Linda B. Patterson Ed and Linda Paul Kevin and Gina Paul Robert and Suzanne Payne Ken and Jill Peirce Peter and Carroll Perez Eugene and Janice Perkins Mr. Mark Peters Stephen and Marcia Peterson Mr. Larry R. Petrick Kate Pew Wolters Mr. Robert C. Pew II Harold and Phoebe Phelps

Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Phelps Mr. and Mrs. John H. Pimm Sr. Ms. Shirley A. Plaska Dr. James E. and Kathleen S. Ponitz Martha J. Porter Mr. and Mrs. D. Andrew Portinga Janice Postma John and Callista Potter Marlowe Pranger Jim and Marie Preston Amy Price Priority Health Mr. Tim E. Proos Scott and Annie Pruski John and Ann Puckett Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Pynnonen

Sally and Larry Robson Ms. Jo Ann Roche Deb and Ron Roden Marjorie and Bud Roegge Dr. and Mrs. Brian A. Roelof Mr. Jim Rogers and Mrs. Joyce A. French Rogers Milt and Barbara Rohwer Dr. Jack and Lija Romence


q. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Quinn

r. Marcia L. Rapp Mr. and Mrs. John Rasch Kerry and Jan Rasikas Daniel and Judy Rau Laura Readle Reagan Marketing & Design LLC Reliance Finishing Co. Mary Zoe Remien Dale and Sherri Remmelts Mr. and Mrs. Richard V. Rice Robert K. Richards and Ethel Z. Stears Carolyn Rietberg Leonard and Karen Rinke Susan and Phillip Rios Richard A. Roane Barbara A. Robinson Jacob and Delores Robinson

Steve and Amy Ruis Derek and Lynn Rummel Curtis and Colleen Ruppal Ms. Lenora Rus Mr. and Mrs. David M. Russell Alan and Margaret Ryan Ms. Beverly J. Ryskamp

The Blue Bridge spans the Grand River, connecting downtown and GVSU’s Eberhard Center.

Mr. Josh Rose Michael and Christina Rosloniec Dick and Esther Ross Helen Hutchins Rossano Abraham G. and Anne L. Rossi Bob and Marcy Roth Ms. Tamara M. Roth Mr. and Mrs. A. Rougier-Chapman Charles and Stella Royce Dan and Jane Royer Brian and June Rudy Keith and Myra Rudy

Emil and Nancy Sabolish Rebecca L. Sack Ellen Sadler Jim Sailors Elizabeth Sarafis Joan Sargeant David Sarnacki and Bridget Flynn Jerry Schaefer and Polly Hewitt Ms. Jacqueline A. Schafer Bob and Marcia Schaub Andrew and Amy Schmidt Harold and Carol Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schmieder Mr. and Mrs. Craig W. Schopf Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Schremp David and Jerri Schroeder Schuil Family Foundation Gladys Schuil Rana and Joseph Schwartz Ms. Nancy A. Scully Mrs. Audrey Sebastian Peter and Joan Secchia Melissa A. Seguin Seidman Family Foundation Margaret Sellers Walker Morris Marilyn and Budge Sherwood Mark F. Sherwood and Saralyn Coupe Stella A. Shields Abdou N. Sickrey

*deceased GIFTS • 23


James and Sheryl Siegel Diana R. Sieger Ms. Debra L. Sikanas Ms. Hermina E. Sikkema Mrs. Usha P. Singh Eva Sitek Ms. Maureen E. Slade Nancy and Doug Slade Mr. and Mrs. Brent Slay Mr. and Mrs. Steven Slee Brent Sloop Mrs. Judith Smith Lisa Smith Mr. Matthew Smith Mr. Richard E. Smoke Judge Sara J. Smolenski Mr. Nicholas V. Smylnycky Ms. Judith Sobol Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Soper Dr. and Mrs. Chris Southwick Paul and Sue Spindler William and Norma Sprague Jarv and Mary Spreng Amanda and Ryan St. Pierre Mitch and Belinda Stapley Terrence M. Start Steelcase Inc. Barton and Kathy Steindler Rick and Sue Steketee Stan and Norma Sterk Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Stevens Dr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Stewart

Helen C. Stiles Wendy Stock and Charles Howie MD* Susan A. Stoddard Mr. and Mrs. John Strauss Lee Strodtman Nicole and Michael Stroster Dennis and Deborah Sturtevant Jerry and Judy Subar Greg and Audrey Sundstrom Frank and Ruth Suskey Dr. Alfred B. Swanson and Dr. Genevieve de Groot Swanson Dell and Connie Sweeris Marilyn Sweers Ms. Karen K. Sweet

Ms. Elizabeth M. Topliffe and Mr. Mark A. Davis Ella M. Topp Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Tornga Phil Tower and Family Carol L. Townsend Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Trapp Ms. Patti Trepkowski Rick Treur Doug and Liz Triezenberg George and Kerstin Trowbridge The Trust of the GR Federation of University of MI Alumnae Tuesday Group Cheryl and John Tully

w. v.

t. Mr. and Mrs. Arvin L. Tap Jacqueline D. Taylor Michael and Susan Taylor Steele and Mary Taylor Dr. Ralph TenHave Mr. and Mrs. John E. Terhune Lanny Thodey Ms. Louise V. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Karl Thomasma Dorothy J. Thurston Jill and Art Tiefenbach Sue Tiggleman Mrs. Shirley J. Tillyer Donald Tilton and Denise Fawcett Mr. Martin Timkovich Ms. Patricia H. Timmer Vicki and Brian Tingley Daniel L. and Betsey M. Tinkham Ms. Marilyn Titche Wayne and Diane Titche Robert and Colleen Tobin

Bill and Barbara* Van’t Hof Vera and Dean Van Velsen Mr. and Mrs. Matthew VanZetten Marianne and Werner Veit Mr. and Mrs. Marvin C. Veneklasen Jacquelyn K. Ver Heulen Larry and Margaret VerMerris John P. and Lynn Vinkemulder Dr. and Mrs. Earl R. Visser Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Visser Mr. and Mrs. Phil Vogelsang Ryan and Angela Voshol Mr. and Mrs. Gary E. Vruggink

Geraldine M. Van Herp Doug and Kathy Vance Mr. Don VandenBos Jr. Lorrie and Dave VanderArk Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Vander Heide Rose and H. Lewis Vander Kolk Simon and Mary Vander Kooy Foundation Jan Vander Kooy Roger and Jacquelyn Vander Laan Mr. Scott A. VanderLeek Mr. Dale VanderMaas Mrs. Herbert Vander Mey Mr. and Mrs. Claude L. Vander Ploeg Mr. and Mrs. James Vanderschaaf Dan and Judy Vandersteen Mr. Leonard Vander Zee Rudy and Nancy Van Donk Ms. Barbara F. Van Ess Angel and Peter Van Gorp Randall and Laurie Van Houten Lewis and Norma VanKuiken Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Van Stee

W. K. Kellogg Foundation Marie and David Waalkes Bill and Pat Waanders Gary and Janice Walker Keith P. Walker Ms. Beverly Wall Anita Wallgren James P. Walsh Craig T. Wanke Warner Norcross & Judd LLP Roger and Luella Warnshuis Greg and Susan Warsen The Waters Corporation Wege Foundation Dixie Wege Peter M. Wege Mr. P. Craig Welch Jr. Ms. Cynthia Welton Barbara Wepman Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Werkema Terence D. West Brian Whalen and Jan Koopman Mr. Michael J. Whalen *deceased


Alice Wharton-Bickley Mr. John J. Wheeler Robert and Deborah White Mary White Jean M. Whittier Michael and Debbie Wiegand Ms. Beth Wierenga John and Dorothy Wiest Larry and Betsy Willey Drs. Chad and Kathy Williams Don Williams Sr. Jim and Sue Williams Mr. Jason Williams Greg and Meg Willit Joan Wilson Mrs. Kaye Wilsted Charles Winslow MD and Judy K. Sopeland Dr. and Mrs. Doug F. Wiseman James and Pamela Witte David and Susan Wittenbach Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Wolf Janet DeYoung-Wolffis Casey Wondergem Mr. and Mrs. Tim Wondergem Phil and Carolyn Wood Ms. E. Gabriel Works and Mr. John V. O’Connor John S. and Kathleen B. Woudstra

z. Marilyn and Garrett Zack John V. Zadvinskis Michael and Katherine Zago Ms. Linda Zarzecki Joan and Jim Zawacki Ed and Ruth Zeilstra Mr. and Mrs. Timothy F. Ziegler Chuck and Anne Zimmerman Ruth and Jack Zimmerman Mr. and Mrs. Larry F. Zimmerman William F. Zoellmer III George and Gretchen Zuiderveen Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Zweering Rev. David Baak and Betty Zylstra Mark A. and Urszula Zylstra Bob Zylstra and Gayla Jewell

Metz Legacy Society

a. Ms. Mary Abbott Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Allen Jr. Mr. William E. Alt Gasper J. Amodeo Gwen Anderson Betty Ladd Andre Mr. Willem Antonides Mrs. Noyes Avery

y. Marjorie Yardley Greg and Sarah Yoder Kurt and Sally Yost David and Kathleen Young Dick and Barbara Young

b. Janet R. Bacon Ken Bandstra John H. and Nancy Batts Robert H. Beaman Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Becker Lois Eberhard Beckering Ellen Bell

Mrs. Viola Benthin Tanya and Tom Berg Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bergsma John R. Bertsch Kristine Bishop John and Claire Bissell Lynne Black Ms. Bonnie L. Blandford Tom Blandford Glen and Betsy Borre Todd and Gina Bovee Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Bowers Jr. Janet and John Boyles Tom Braciak Mr. and Mrs. Laurence L. Bratschie The Honorable Hugh W. Brenneman Jr. Mrs. Richard F. Brush Mrs. Gretchen B. Burch Robert and Sandy Burnham Charitable Fund Jan Burns Ms. Ann Stuart Burroughs Anna Moore Butzner Sharon M. Buursma John and Linda Byington

d. Thomas C. and M. Lynn Dandridge Joseph Daniels MD and Shirley K. Daniels John and Edy Davies Gilbert R. and Patricia K. Davis Joy and Jim DeBoer Norman B. and Mary M. De Graaf Barbara DeMoor Bill and Carolyn DeNeut Wesley and Amy De Vries Mr. and Mrs. Phillip DeWildt Mr. Max Doering Mrs. Elizabeth T. Donley Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Dooge Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Ducharme Mr. Robert J. Dunlap Ms. Patricia S. Duthler David G. Dvorak MD

e. Mr. and Mrs Kenton H. Eavey Mr. and Mrs. Jay Egan Ben and Susan Emdin Ms. Elaine E. Emmons Bill Essling

c. John and Marie Canepa David M. and Cara V. Cassard Olga Cassard Mrs. Jane Chamberlin Ms. Libby Child Brian Cloyd and Agnes Kempker-Cloyd George and Peg Cope Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Cornetet Bill and Marilyn Crawford Mal Cumming Thomas W. Czerney Mr. Thomas E. Czerwinski

f. Hank and Marcia Fairchild III Anthony and Diane Farage Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Finazzi Mr. and Mrs. Michael Finton PhD Mr. and Mrs. John H. Foster II Mr. and Mrs. Ben A. Fowler David E. and Dawn O. Fowler Thomas S. and Maxine J. Fox Jeffrey and Sheila Frank Mr. Donald H. Freeman Ruth Freeman

*deceased GIFTS • 25

Walter B. and Susan S. Freihofer Charles French Ms. Ellie Frey Mary Meade Fuger Mr. Henry G. Fuhs

g. Mr. Jim Galer and Mrs. Marilyn Klyn Galer Iris-Naomi Garcia Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Gaston Brent T. Geers Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gilchrist C. John Gill and Rita Williams Ms. Anita M. Gilleo Mrs. Richard M. Gillett Gene and Tubie Gilmore Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Gleason Beth Goebel Gary Goode Mr. and Mrs. Philip W. Goodspeed Ms. Carol Greenburg Ms. Dareather Greer Franklin K. Gregory David and Marianne Grooters

Dirk and Victoria Hoffius Michael Hoffman Jane Hondelink Robert L. and Judith S. Hooker Mr. Robert Hoover Dr. David J. Horning and Mrs. Betsy R. Horning Gregg and Kim Hughes The Reverend Mary S. Hulst Katherine Humphrey Ms. Bonnie Hunter John Hunting Marilyn Hunting

Mrs. Selene V. Marsteiner Inetta Martindill Chet and Elaine Maternowski Max B. Matteson Kate and John McGarry Ronald and Karen Modreski Gordie and Jan Moeller David and Diana Morgenstern Rosemary D. Murphy Judge Bill and Paula Murphy Jon and Carol Muth

n. i. Henry Idema II

j. Sue Ann Jabin Phil and Cherry Jacobus Don and Lois Jandernoa Chuck and Carol Jennings Calvin Jeter Lynne Jarman Johnson and Robert J. Johnson Tom and Margy Jones



Mrs. Doris Hall Mr. and Mrs. Michael Handlin Mr. and Mrs. William H. Hardy Jr. Jackie Haveman Janet A. Haynes John and Jan Heerspink Mr. and Mrs. James Hegarty Mrs. Ruth S. Henkin Mr. and Mrs. William R. Heyne John and Gwen Hibbard Jean and David Hitchcock Barbara J. Hoag

Carol Karr Mary Karrip Mrs. M. S. Keeler II Mrs. Fred M. Keller Mr. and Mrs. Fred P. Keller Paul and Beth Kelly Roberta F. King Ms. Birgit Klohs Herbert and Glenna Knape Raymond E. Knape David A. and Phyllis E. Koslow Mr. and Mrs. Don Kosten


Ken and Melinda Krei Hoyt and Mary Ann Kremer Mrs. Sylvia G. Krissoff Ms. Marjorie Kuipers

The Gerald R. Ford Museum showcases the life and legacy of our country’s 38th President and Grand Rapids native.

Ardith V. Neath Adams Mr. and Mrs. Bradley D. Nelson Dale C. and Cynthia Dewees Nelson Ms. Pat Nevala Eileen Newman Alger J. Nielsen and Nancy Kehoe Nielsen

o. l. David and Paula LaClaire B. Kenneth Larm Sandra Last MD R. Lawrence and Marilyn Leigh Harvey Lemmen Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Lemmen Norman J. and Marilyn Leven Family Foundation Mike Lloyd Arend and Nancy Lubbers Jan Lunquist Mr. and Mrs. Eugene G. Lyons

m. Donald W. Maine Ernest and Lorraine Malkewitz Frank and Nancy Manning

Mrs. Samuel Oates Frederick Olert Jr. Ms. Norma Olsen Mr. Gerald Olson Mrs. Nancy V. Orr Mr. Armen G. Oumedian

p. Mrs. Helen W. Palmatier Steve and Molly Parker Richard A. Perkins Bert Pettis and Gary Hill Kate Pew Wolters Mr. Robert C. Pew II Cynthia Pimm Mr. and Mrs. John H. Pimm Sr. Dr. James E. and Kathleen S. Ponitz

Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Price Mr. and Mrs. Larry Purcey

r. Marcia L. Rapp Mr. Richard E. Riebel Richard A. Roane Dr. Jack and Lija Romence Helen Hutchins Rossano Owen Rottschafer MD Charles and Stella Royce Ms. Kathleen M. Russell Alan and Margaret Ryan

t. Michael and Susan Taylor Steele and Mary Taylor Dorothy J. Thurston Jill and Art Tiefenbach Mrs. Shirley J. Tillyer Ms. Patricia H. Timmer Ella M. Topp Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Trapp George and Kerstin Trowbridge

Mrs. Kaye Wilsted Jim and Connie Winter-Troutwine Mr. Thomas D. Wisnom Mike and Colleen Wolfe Dr. Richard J. Woltersom Bob and Aleicia Woodrick John S. and Kathleen B. Woudstra

y. Marjorie Yardley Dick and Barbara Young

u. Dr. and Mrs. Ghayas Uddin



Ellen Sadler Jerry Schaefer and Polly Hewitt Robert W. Schellenberg Mr. and Mrs. Craig W. Schopf Gladys Schuil Ms. Greta Schuil Mr. and Mrs. James R. Sebastian Jr. Peter and Joan Secchia Mrs. Elaine Shay Martin Shedleski Family Marilyn and Budge Sherwood Diana R. Sieger Ms. Maureen E. Slade Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Snyder Dr. and Mrs. Chris Southwick Robert A. Sprotte Mrs. Marvin Stahl Terrence M. Start Barbara D. Steil Stan and Norma Sterk Wendy Stock Ms. Patty A. Story

Mr. Don VandenBos Jr. Lorrie and Dave VanderArk Mr. Lou VanderHave Mrs. Herbert Vander Mey Mr. and Mrs. Rick A. VanHorn Bill Van’t Hof Ms. Robin E. Velte John P. and Lynn Vinkemulder Theodore J. Vogt Mr. and Mrs. Cecil S. Vorenkamp

z. Marilyn and Garrett Zack Mr. and Mrs. John H. Zwarensteyn Rev. David Baak and Betty Zylstra Bob Zylstra and Gayla Jewell

Meijer Inc. The Secchia Family Foundation Universal Forest Products Inc. Kent Charitable Fund Kent Charitable Trust William E. and Sue Kincaid Fund William E. and Sue Kincaid Jane and Sam Kravitz Fund for Community Good Norman and Barbara Kravitz Francis J. O’Connor Fund Francis J. O’Connor Estate Willard and Barbara Schroeder Fund Estate of Willard and Barbara Schroeder

Named Funds for Community Good Harvey and Margaret Brower Fund Margaret Brower Estate

Elizabeth J. Steed Johnson Fund Elizabeth J. Steed Johnson Estate

Allan and Claudia Carlson Family Fund Allan and Claudia Carlson

Graham F. “Deck” and Ruth B. Stewart Fund Graham F. “Deck” and Ruth B. Stewart Charitable Trust

Engineered Protection Systems Fund Engineered Protection Systems Inc.

Donor Advised Funds

w. David and Kay Wagner Gary and Janice Walker Anita Wallgren Mr. and Mrs. Russel Warner Dr. and Mrs. James K. Watkins Dixie Wege Peter M. Wege John and Martha Wert Mary White Mrs. Barbara Whittenberger John and Dorothy Wiest

Henry A. Fox Family Fund Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Fox Jr. William S. Martens Hundred Club Fund Consumers Energy Foundation Cook Charitable Foundation The Currie Foundation Fifth Third Bank

The ACH Fund Anne H. Copps Martin J. and Susan J. Allen Family Fund Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Allen Jr. Jeffrey and Barbara Arnold Charitable Fund Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. Arnold

GIFTS • 27

The Banks Family Charitable Fund Dr. Dennis and Dr. Donna Banks Allan R. and Claudia A. Carlson Advised Fund Mr. and Mrs. Allan R. Carlson Mr. and Mrs. Miles V. Schmidt Carpenter Advised Fund Greatland Corporation Waters Corporation/Cassard Family Donor Advised Fund David M. and Cara V. Cassard Center for Systemic Change Advised Fund Mr. and Mrs. Fred P. Keller Center for Systemic Change W. K. Kellogg Foundation Colliers International Fund Jeff and Susie Schreur Peter and Pat Cook Fund Mr. Peter C. Cook* Douglas DeBoer Memorial Fund Aetna Foundation Inc. Alan and Margaret Ryan Jackie Scott and Mike Donovan Achille and Irene Despres, William and Andre Fund David R. and Helene M. Despres

Engen Family Fund Mr. and Mrs. James H. Engen NETech Corporation C. John Gill and Rita Williams Family Fund C. John Gill and Rita Williams Jamie Hale Memorial Fund Ms. Sally L. Coburn and Mr. Chuck Carter Janet A. Haynes and Kelsey Haynes Advised Fund Janet A. Haynes Heerspink Family Advised Fund Bill Essling John and Jan Heerspink David and Ruth Vis David and Marilyn Hunting Fund Marilyn Hunting Allen I. and Helen J. Hunting Advised Fund Allen and Helen Hunting David and Phyllis Koslow Fund David A. and Phyllis E. Koslow Mankoff Family Fund Daniel and Deborah Mankoff Chester and Elaine Maternowski Family Fund Chet and Elaine Maternowski Patricia P. and Armen G. Oumedian Family Fund Mr. and Mrs.* Armen G. Oumedian

Louis Padnos Iron & Metal Company Fund Louis Padnos Iron & Metal Company Padnos/Sarosik Fund Ms. Shelley Padnos and Ms. Carol Sarosik Park Avenue Partners Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Padnos The Eugene and Janice Perkins Charitable Fund Eugene and Janice Perkins Leonard and Karen Rinke Fund Leonard and Karen Rinke Steele A. and Mary D. Taylor Advised Fund Steele and Mary Taylor Timothy Fund Estates of Mr. and Mrs. Titus J. Hager Simon and Mary Vander Kooy Fund Simon and Mary Vander Kooy Foundation Roger and Jacquelyn Vander Laan Family Fund Roger and Jacquelyn Vander Laan The Earl and Gert Visser Charitable Fund Dr. and Mrs. Earl R. Visser Windrift Fund Ms. Winifred K. Fox* WKKF Advised Fund W. K. Kellogg Foundation

Corporate Charitable Funds Warner Norcross & Judd Fund Ms. Susan Acklin Mr. and Mrs. Loren M. Andrulis Ms. Kristina M. Araya Mr. and Mrs. William Badgerow Mr. Jeffrey S. Battershall Ms. Andrea Bernard Mr. John Bissard Ms. Mary Blinkhorn Ms. Jill Bonter Ms. Julie Bonter Richard L. Bouma Conrad and Molly Bradshaw John and Debra Byl Mr. Bruce W. Christensen Ms. Melissa N. Collar Mr. J. A. Cragwall Jr. Mr. Cameron S. DeLong Mr. John D. Dunn Dustin Dwyer Mr. Daniel P. Ettinger Ms. Joanne Fallon Ms. Amanda M. Fielder Ms. Marilee Fisher Ms. Nancy Gravelin Mr. Peter L. Gustafson Andy and Cara Hakken Mr. and Mrs. William W. Hall Mr. Scott Hancock Mr. and Mrs. Shane B. Hansen Mr. James Hassett Ms. Christina Heyboer Mr. Timothy L. Horner Ms. Valerie Howard Mr. and Mrs. Scott D. Hubbard Ms. Marianne Hunderman Ms. Cara Jansma *deceased


Mr. Matthew D. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Mel Kantor Dick and Deb Kay Mr. R. Scott Keller Mr. Gregory Kilby Mr. and Mrs. Jonathon P. Kok Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Kretschman Mr. and Mrs. Nobert F. Kugele Mr. Joseph A. Kuiper Ms. Lisa Kunecki Ms. Julie Lam Ms. Madelaine Lane Mr. Gordon R. Lewis John and Susie Logie Mr. David Ludington Ms. Heidi A. Lyon Mr. and Mrs. Rodney D. Martin Mr. Brian J. Masternak Mr. and Mrs. Christian E. Meyer Jeffrey and Susan Meyers Ms. Laura Morris Mr. Melvin G. Moseley Ms. Anita A. Newsome Mr. Jeffrey A. Ott Mr. Mark B. Periard and Dr. Barbara Periard Mr. Christopher J. Predko Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. Rabaut Richard A. Roane Mr. Vernon P. Saper Mr. James L. Scott Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Sevald Mr. Todd Simpson Mr. Eugene E. Smary and Mrs. Anne Varner Mr. and Mrs. Jerome M. Smith Ms. Pamela K. Squire Ms. Elsa ter Kuile Cheryl and John Tully Ms. Beverly J. Turner

Mr. and Mrs. W. Michael Van Haren Ms. Karen J. VanderWerff Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Wagner Mr. Mark J. Wassink Mr. Stephen C. Waterbury Bruce Young Ms. Cheryl K. Zylstra

Field of Interest Funds African American Heritage Fund Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Maurice A. Barnes Sr. John and Marie Canepa Ann M. and Robert P. Cooper Huey G. and Mary Copeland Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Dawkins Win and Kyle Irwin George Ira James and Ellen James Ms. Louise J. Johnson Drs. Courtney and Ora Jones Ms. Birgit Klohs

The popular Frederik Meijer Gardens and Sculpture Park is located on the northeast side of Grand Rapids.

Committee to Retain Elias Lumpkins Dr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Mathis McClain Properties Messiah Missionary Baptist Church Gerald and Carole Redwine Margaret Sellers Walker Morris In memory of Bertha M. Smartt Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Smith Ms. Peggy Smith Edward and Leona Spencer Bob and Aleicia Woodrick Allen and Jonse Young Rev. David Baak and Betty Zylstra Cherry (Mrs. James) Carpenter Fund for Children Anonymous Gerald and Ruth Barnes Robert and Carolyn Bennett Dr. David Boyce Mr. James W. Carpenter* The Honorable Nanaruth and Mr. Steven Carpenter Carpenter Fund Bill and Margie Darooge Patricia H. Edison Mrs. Sonya Evenson Ford Mr. Donald H. Freeman Mr. David G. Frey Frey Foundation Win and Kyle Irwin JP Morgan Chase & Co. Ray and Mamie Kalliel Charles Law Harvey Lemmen Mrs. Karen Carpenter Millar and Dr. Dan P. Millar Mrs. Ruth Muir Steve and Molly Parker

Mary Zoe Remien Jeff and Kim Ridings Diana R. Sieger Jarv and Mary Spreng Mr. Walter G. Stecker Harvey E. Van Beek Marilyn and Garrett Zack Charles Evenson Fund for the Environment Ms. Valija Rauceps Homeless Prevention Endowment Fund Jolene DeLuca Bill Essling Greg and Kim Longworth Rev. David Baak and Betty Zylstra Meijer Good Schools for Grand Rapids Fund and Good Classrooms Fund C. Robert and Patricia Muth Fund Mr. and Mrs.* Armen G. Oumedian Mary I. and Robert C. Pew Donor Advised Fund Gordon and Janet Moeller Food Security Fund Anonymous Steven and Kathryn Bandstra Foundation Helen M. Bode Steve and Cindy Borders John and Suzette Buchan Jim and Cindy Burri Mr. and Mrs. Paul N. Chardoul Gene and Nyla Fonger Mr. and Mrs. Rudolf Hanka James and Ruth Holkeboer Ted and Leta Kubasiak Gary and Janeen Lemke Rob and Mary Miller

*deceased GIFTS • 29

Gordie and Jan Moeller Jeanne P. Moeller Bruce and Joyce Schlanderer Sparta Farmers Market Mr. Charles E. Strikwerda Chick and Carolyn Woodward Joan and Jim Zawacki Needy Children Field of Interest Fund Mr. and Mrs. Bradley D. Nelson Judith A. and Leonard R. Smith Herbert and Doris Vander Mey Fund for Treatment of Neurological Diseases Mrs. Herbert Vander Mey Youth Field of Interest Fund Anonymous Barbara and Ronald Feenstra Mike and Rachel Goorhouse Christine Kooyer

Ladies Literary Club Fund for Literacy Center of West Michigan Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Krombeen Fred Meijer Mid-West Michigan Rail-Trail Endowment Fund Fred and Lena Meijer Foundation

Scholarship Funds Noyes L. Avery Jr. and Ann E. Avery Fund Mrs. Noyes Avery Black Men Building Resources Scholarship Fund Susan J. Carl Cascade Engineering Bill Essling Drs. Courtney and Ora Jones Ms. Sylvia K. Lillard Mr. and Mrs. Elias Lumpkins Greg and Audrey Sundstrom Steele A. and Mary D. Taylor Advised Fund

Designated Funds David G. Dvorak MD Scholarship Fund David G. Dvorak MD

Country Fresh Scholarship Fund Country Fresh

George E. and Erma C. Evans Designated Fund for the Salvation Army Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Musch Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wolffis

Gerald M. Crane Memorial Music Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. David K. Dautermann Bill Essling Terry and Audrey McBurney James M. Stewart

Grand Rapids Urban League Fund Mr. John Gussenbauer Edward J. and Frances T. Frey Memorial Fund for St. Mark’s Episcopal Church St. Mark’s Episcopal Church

Achille and Irene Despres, William and Andre Scholarship Fund Achille and Irene Despres, William and Andre Fund

Donald J. DeYoung Education Fund Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Ron Apol Peter Armstrong Joanne Ash Richard and Frances Baker Janet and John Boyles Joan and Marvin Bunn The Honorable Nanaruth and Mr. Steven Carpenter Beth and Jim Casey Margot, Todd, and Jane Cavalier Dr. and Mrs. R. Jack Chase Ms. Judith A. Crombez’ Jean and Charlie Day Bob and Lois De Boer Gail DeYoung Mary DeYoung Mr. Max Doering Dollar Bank Foundation John and Marilyn Dooge Mr. David Henry Dorr Nancy L. Douglas Pat and Dan Esch Bill and Kay Farr The Honorable Patricia D. Gardner and Mr. Kim DeStigter Scott and Gail Haebich Anna Hagerman Barbara and Maury Hagerman Marvin and Delores Haight Mrs. Carl Hasselwander Janet A. Haynes Win and Kyle Irwin Wayne and Judith Jackson Ray and Mamie Kalliel William E. and Sue Kincaid Daniel and Mary Kozera

Rob and Linda Lalley Jeff Schad and Marilyn Lankfer Ms. Anne Lasker Dennis and Julie McCrary Lea P. Menko Hon. David M. Murkowski and Ms. Diane E. Goller Ann Nowak and Chip Chamberlain Ward Oliver and Catherine Grad Dale and Jane Rhoades Barbara A. Robinson Marjorie and Bud Roegge George and Vernis Schad Mr. F. Jay Schoettley Mr. and Mrs. James M. Shade Frances Shaw Mr. Thomas P. Sibley Diana R. Sieger Ms. Jan B. Skogstrom H. David and Ann Sullivan Soet William E. and Norma Sprague Charitable Fund Bill and Helen Stroh Michael and Susan Taylor Mr. and Mrs. John E. Terhune Cheryl and John Tully John and Diane VanderVeen Barbara and Bob Vos White, Smitter and Walters Richard and Ellen Wicks Chuck and Anne Zimmerman Economic Club of Grand Rapids Scholarship Fund Wade E. and Viola Sackner Foundation Dr. Carol M. Sanchez


Vernon and Johanna Ehlers Community Scholarship Mr. and Mrs. Jason E. Allen Tim and Anne Cusack Patricia H. Edison Bill and Kay Farr GE Foundation Matching Gift for Mr. and Mrs. James VanderWarp Ms. Mary Lou Heffron Ms. Peggy Helsel Phil and Cherry Jacobus Kent County Medical Society Kent County Osteopathic Association Jerry* and Kathy O’Bee Mr. Robert W. Partridge Ed and Linda Paul Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Rasmussen Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Spies Ms. Louise V. Thomas John and Lydia Tobian Universal Forest Products Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James VanderWerp Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Williams General Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Dale A. Crowley Lynn and Diane Hedeman Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kasmauskis Bob Overbeek for Congress Keith and Myra Rudy B. Margaret Voss Fund Grand Rapids Combined Theatre Scholarship Fund Actors’ Theatre Company Aquinas College Ms. Hilda G. Bok Broadway Grand Rapids

Dr. Patricia E. Newby Close Up Scholarship Drs. James and Patricia Newby

Romence Gardens and Greenhouses Ms. Barbara R. Shapiro The Brown Group of the Grand Rapids Federation of the University of Michigan Alumnae The Trust of the Grand Rapids Federation of University of Michigan Alumnae Ms. Aleta Wells

Forrest Arthur Pletcher Memorial Fund Ms. Carol Castineira Ms. Charlene Pletcher Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Tomsik Jr.

University of Michigan Grand Rapids Alumnae–Meta Prange Murphy/ Lucille Prange Fund Arthur J. Prange Jr., MD

Reach for Your Goal Scholarship Fund Anonymous

University of Michigan Grand Rapids Alumnae–Rosemary Scott Fund Ms. Kalista A. Castine

Calvin College Ms. Linda J. Carrington Mr. and Mrs. Robert Collier Community Circle Theatre Cornerstone University Dr. and Mrs. Frederick R. Deane Bill Essling Ms. Lynette Flynn Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Gerken Mr. and Mrs. Max Gowell Grand Rapids Civic Theatre Jewish Theatre of Grand Rapids Ms. Kathlyn Larson Ms. Alice O’Connor Ms. Deborah L. Quillan Dr. Darrel J. Rosen Mr. and Mrs. Donald Schuurman Mary Lou Smith Ms. Nancy A. Wagner

Harry J. Morris Jr. Emergency Services Education Scholarship Fund Mr. Daniel P. Hearld Mark and MaryBeth Meijer Ken, Sharon, Tyler and Taryn Morris

Hackett Family Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. James P. Hackett Sr.

Dr. William E. and Norma Sprague Scholarship Fund William E. and Norma Sprague Charitable Fund

Warner Norcross & Judd Scholarship Fund Warner Norcross & Judd LLP

University of Michigan Grand Rapids Alumnae Trust Scholarship Fund Ms. O’Linda L. Anderson Ms. Helen F. Bisbee Ms. Kalista A. Castine Ms. Barbara E. Cone Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Davis Ms. Andrea L. Essling Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Glaza Grand Rapids Federation of University of Michigan Alumnae Ms. Janet C. Jensen Jon and Mary Ann March Barbara P. Marcus

Elmo Wierenga Ottawa Hills Alumni Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Banta Mr. and Mrs. William C. Banta Fred and Deborah Braseth Mr. Milton L. Briggs Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Thorne J. Brown Dr. Charles D. Bukrey Mr. Robert Carpenter Rick Carr Mr. and Mrs. John C. Cary David M. and Cara V. Cassard Stuart Cheney

John T. and Frances J. Maghielse Scholarship Fund Frances Maghielse John Maghielse Family Fred and Lena Meijer Scholarship Fund Meijer Foundation Miller Johnson West Michigan Diversity Scholarship Fund Michael and Susan Taylor The Joshua Esch Mitchell Aviation Scholarship Fund Michael and Susan Taylor

Ronald T. Smith Family Scholarship Fund Mrs. Judith Smith

Chad Vollmer Scholarship Fund Daniel and Alice Trapp Family Advised Fund

*deceased GIFTS • 31

Cooperworks Mr. David L. Custer Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Deleeuw Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Drueke Mr. and Mrs. Ward Duyser Mr. and Mrs. James H. Eaddy Mr. Louis J. Educato Ms. Barbara Eggerding Thomas and Carolyn Fehsenfeld Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Grainger Fritz and Pat (Bright) Graves David and Denise Harmelink Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Hendrickson Ms. Anne K. Heyl Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick L. Hillary Sr. Mr. John F.* Hoekstra Mr. and Mrs. Gary N. Humphries Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hunsberger Mr. and Mrs. Larry Ike Mr. and Mrs. Dean C. Johnson Mr. Ernest Johnson Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Jones Mr. James R. Keller and Mrs. Jane Overmire-Keller Ruth Kemp Donald and Elizabeth Hager Kiel Mr. Michael F. Kiley Sr. Mr. Richard J. Kloote Ms. Sandra L. Laham Mr. and Mrs. David B. Lehnen Mr. Victor A. Leslie Mr. Richard K. Lilga Mr. and Mrs. William P. Lindhout Mr. Ralph H. Lock Mr. and Mrs. Thorne Brown Matteson McGriff & Bell Inc. Mr. Gary J. Mendels Mr. and Mrs. David L. Moberly

Fireworks at Celebration on the Grand are funded entirely by corporate sponsorships and philanthropic gifts.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Molenkamp Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Moore Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Moore Mr. Richard K. Muir and Mrs. Peggy Vroman Muir Mr. Andrew S. Muth Mr. Kevin T. Nauta Frederick Olert Jr. Mr. David E. Post Ms. Barbara G. Prather Mr. and Mrs. William R. Prescott Mr. Michael E. Razzoog Mr. and Mrs. William J. Rothwell Mr. John R. Ruhl Mark L. Salhaney DDS Mr. and Mrs. David Samrick Ms. Dorothy D. Sellers Sitties LLC Dr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Smiley Mr. and Mrs. J. Patrick Smith Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Smith Ms. Ellen Stanley

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Sterkenburg Mary A. Streeter Harmelink Mr. Donald Tassell Ms. Marcia A. Tiesinga Sue Tiggleman Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Treece Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. VanBelois Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. VandenBerg Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Vanderveen Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Veltman Mr. John Ver Heek Mr. Gerald M. Verheek Mr. Michael L. Volkhardt Dick and Barbara Young Mr. and Mrs. Leonard E. Zeabart

Cheryl F. Gillett Richard and Linda Gillett Mrs. Richard M. Gillett Mr. and Mrs. George F. Hartman Win and Kyle Irwin Christine Kooyer Leedy Holdings Inc. Rick and Sue Steketee Steele A. and Mary D. Taylor Advised Fund Robert and Deborah White

Michael J. Wolf Scholarship Fund Mrs. Mary Wolf Loiselle Mr. and Mrs. Andrew L. Wolf Mr. and Mrs. Christopher F. Wolf Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Wolf Mr. John M. Wolf Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Wolf

Building Community Philanthropy Campaign Fund Natalia and Zeke Alejos Baker Spindler Holtz CPA’s Lynne Black Todd and Gina Bovee Mark, Lisa, Nic and Alex Brown Jan Burns Colonial Consulting LLC Laurie and Crawford Craft David and Bridget De Vos The Doornink Foundation Paul and Celeste Doyle Mr. and Mrs. Decarto Draper Eastern Floral Barb and Mike Forseman Founders Bank and Trust Founders Fund Thomas S. and Maxine J. Fox Mr. C. John Gill and Ms. Rita Williams Maureen P. Hale Kevin and Laura Harmelink

Violet Wondergem Health Science Scholarship Fund Tom and Mickie Fox Family Advised Fund Youth Enrichment Scholarship Program Joanne Ayotte Mrs. William Beckman and Family Darlene Berghorst Jean S. Breay Thomas and Sandra Burr Capital Region Community Foundation George and Louise Egeler Fund Supporting YESP Don and Laurie Gardner

Special Project Funds Atlantic Philanthropies Community Initiatives


Janet A. Haynes Tom and Sharon Hilliker Michael Hoffman Integrity Business Solutions LLC John and Nancy Kennedy Christine Kooyer Harvey Lemmen Arend and Nancy Lubbers Kate Luckert Schmid Bill* and Inetta Martindill Bonnie K. Miller Miller Johnson Juan and Mary Olivarez Amy Price John and Ann Puckett Michael and Christina Rosloniec Diana R. Sieger Amanda and Ryan St. Pierre Michael and Susan Taylor Steele and Mary Taylor Dorothy J. Thurston Rick Treur Greg and Meg Willit Allen and Jonse Young Marilyn and Garrett Zack Cherry Street Health Services– Matching Campaign Amway Applied Imaging Systems Art Van Furniture Inc. Asian Health Outreach Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Barton John R. Bertsch Fund Mr. and Mrs. Laurence L. Bratschie Brigade Fire Protection Inc. John and Marie Canepa Allan R. and Claudia A. Carlson Advised Fund

Cherry Street Health Services Colliers International Mrs. Edward H. Daverman Dr. and Mrs. Gregory Dziadosz Farmers and Foremost Insurance Group of Companies Godwin Plumbing & Hardware Grand Rapids Lions Club John Hunting Mike and Sue Jandernoa Mr. and Mrs. Victor C. Krause Mr. Donald P. Lawless and Ms. Sherri A. Jones Lighthouse–Keuning Ins. Group Inc. Lions Club International Foundation Meijer Inc. Mojo Foundation Dr. and Mrs. W. David Moore Pioneer Construction Inc. PNC Quality Air Heating & Cooling Ritsema Associates Sally and Larry Robson S.A. Morman & Co. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick E. Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Chris Shea WKKF Advised Fund Trivalent Group Steve and Cindy Van Andel Foundation VanderWeide Family Foundation Vi-Chem Corporation Warner Norcross & Judd LLP Dick and Barbara Young Essential Needs Task Force (ENTF) Fund City of Grand Rapids Kent County College Access Network Michigan Nonprofit Association

Knight Foundation Citizen Journalism Fund John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Rosa Parks Sculpture Project Ms. Bobbie Butler City of Grand Rapids Concerned Citizens Council Congregation Emanuel Mr. Steven C. Ender and Mrs. Karen Gislason-Ender Greater Grand Rapids Branch NAACP Kuyper College New Hope Baptist Church Mr. and Mrs. Steve Nickell Tyree Mrs. Patricia Pulliam Gordon Schultze OD Dr. and Mrs. C. Eugene Sims Mr. A. Brooks Smith Jr. Wal-Mart Stores Inc. West Side Beer Distributing Nonprofit Technical Assistance Fund Amway Douglas and Maria DeVos Foundation DTE Energy Foundation Frey Foundation Mr. David S. Sebastian Steelcase Foundation VanderWeide Family Foundation Wege Foundation West Michigan Economic Development Planning Fund Community Foundation of the Holland/Zeeland Area Fremont Area Community Foundation Kalamazoo Community Foundation W. K. Kellogg Foundation

Youth Employment Fund W. K. Kellogg Foundation

Sponsors AMBS Investment Counsel LLC Crowe Horwath LLP Fifth Third Private Bank Grand Action Information Systems Intelligence (ISI) LaFleur & Godfrey Inc. Lambert Edwards and Associates Merrill Lynch Wealth Management Plante & Moran PLLC Rhoades McKee PC Varnum Attorneys at Law Warner Norcross & Judd LLP

In-Kind Contributions Custom Printers Inc. Ellis Parking Company Founders Brewing Company From the Heart Pillows Graphic Specialties Maplewood Flower Box LLC Modern Day Floral Ninth Bridge Market Plenty Creative Inc. Quimby-Walstrom Paper Co. Schuil Coffee Company Schuler Books & Music Vasaio Life Spa

*deceased GIFTS • 33

GRANTS The Community Foundation supports nonprofit organizations that help achieve its leadership goals, which include: fostering academic achievement, building economic prosperity, supporting healthy ecosystems, encouraging healthy people, supporting social enrichment and creating vibrant neighborhoods. Total grants and scholarships authorized: $10,029,728 > july 1, 2010 to june 30, 2011 THIS LISTING ALSO INCLUDES GRANTS MADE FROM DONOR ADVISED FUNDS HELD AT THE FOUNDATION

ACLU Acton Institute Actors’ Theatre Company Ada Christian School Alano Club of Kent County ALS in the Heartland Inc. American Cancer Society American Leprosy Mission American Red Cross of Greater Grand Rapids Aquinas College Arbor Circle Corporation Arts Council of Greater Grand Rapids Association for the Blind & Visually Impaired Asthma Network of West Michigan Behavioral Resources & Institute for Neuropsychological Services Bethany Christian Services Billy Graham Evangelistic Association Blandford Nature Center Blandford School Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp Gerald R. Ford Council–Boy Scouts of America Boys and Girls Clubs of Grand Rapids Youth Commonwealth


Bridge and Garden Works Calhoun Christian School Calvin College Calvin Theological Seminary Camp Blodgett Camp Geneva Camp Greenwood Camp Henry c/o Westminster Presbyterian Church Camp Roger Camp Tall Turf Campus Early Childhood Center Cape Eleuthera Foundation Catherine’s Health Center Catholic Charities West Michigan Catholic Diocese of Grand Rapids Catholic Secondary Schools The Center for Effective Philanthropy City High/Middle School Child & Family Resource Council Christian Reformed World Relief Committee City of Grand Rapids City of Grand Rapids–Rosa Parks Sculpture Project Community Development Impact Ministration Community Foundation Insights Community Media Center Community Rebuilders

Community Spay/Neuter Initiative Partnership Comprehensive Therapy Center Comprenew Environmental Cornerstone University Corporation for Supportive Housing Council of Michigan Foundations Council on Foundations Creston High School Creston Neighborhood Association DA Blodgett–St. John’s Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services Degage Ministries DeVos Children’s Hospital Foundation Diocese of Venice Disability Advocates of Kent County The Dock Outreach Ministry Dutton Christian School Dwelling Place of Grand Rapids Fair Food Network Family Promise of Grand Rapids Feeding America West Michigan First Congregational Church of Rockford First Presbyterian Church Frederik Meijer Gardens Friends of Michigan Veterans Homes Inc. Gays in Faith Together

Gilda’s Club Grand Rapids Girl Scouts of Michigan Shore to Shore Girls Choral Academy Goodwill Industries of Greater Grand Rapids Grand Rapids Christian Middle School GRACE (Grand Rapids Area Center for Ecumenism) Grace Episcopal Church Grand Haven Area Community Foundation Grand Rapids Art Museum Grand Rapids Children’s Museum Grand Rapids Christian Schools Association Grand Rapids Community College Foundation Grand Rapids Dominicans Grand Rapids Opportunities for Women Grand Rapids Public Library Foundation Grand Rapids Public Schools Grand Rapids Rowing Association Grand Rapids Sweet Adelines Grand Valley Metropolitan Council Grand Valley State University Grandville Avenue Arts & Humanities Inc. Greater Grand Rapids Chamber Foundation Greater Grand Rapids Interfaith Hospitality Network Guiding Light Ministries Habitat for Humanity Habitat for Humanity of Collier County

Hastings Area Schools Health Intervention Services Healthy Homes Coalition of West Michigan Heart of West Michigan United Way Heartside Ministry Inc. Help Pregnancy Crisis Aid Inc. Hispanic Center of Western Michigan Holland Historical Trust Holy Name of Jesus Parish Home Repair Services of Kent County Immaculate Heart of Mary School Immanuel Lutheran Church Indian Trails Camp Inner City Christian Federation International Aid Inc. Ionia Public Schools Jewish Federation of Grand Rapids John Ball Zoological Society Jubilee Jobs Kandu Incorporated Kendall College of Art & Design Ken-O-Sha @ Van Auken Ken-O-Sha @ Wellerwood Kent County Agricultural Preservation Kent County Department of Human Services Kent County Land Bank Authority Kent County Parks Department Kent Vocational Options Keystone Center Kids Food Basket Kids in Distressed Situations Inc. Killgoar Memorial Foundation Kent Intermediate School District Kuyper College Lakeview School District Lincoln Developmental Center Lincoln School Literacy Center of West Michigan

Living Word Christian Center Mel Trotter Ministries Metro Health Hospital Foundation Michigan Migrant Legal Assistance Project Michigan Radio Michigan State University Midtown Neighborhood Association Challenge Scholars Program Muscular Dystrophy Association of Grand Rapids Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America NCCS Camp Newaygo The Nature Conservancy Neighborhood Ventures New City Neighbors New Life Christian Fellowship North Kent Bible Church of God North Kent Community Services Opera Grand Rapids The Other Way Ministries Our Hope Association Ox-Bow Summer School of Art Planned Parenthood of West and Northern Michigan Porter Hills Foundation Porter Hills Retirement Communities & Services Inc. Potter’s House Christian School Project C.O.O.L. Public Museum Foundation Regional Economic Development Safe Haven Ministries Inc. The Salvation Army Schrems West Michigan Trout Unlimited SECOM Ministries Senior Neighbors Inc. Shoreline Christian School Sibley Elementary School South Church Southwest Community Campus Spectrum Health Foundation

Spring Hill Camps St. Alphonsus Catholic Church St. Amelia Parish St. Bernard Catholic Church St. Catherine Siena Catholic Church St. Cecilia Music Center St. John’s Home St. Mark’s Episcopal Church St. Mary’s Catholic Church St. Mary’s Doran Foundation St. Stephen’s Catholic Church St. Stephen’s Education Foundation St. Thomas the Apostle School State of Michigan Steepletown Neighborhood Services Inc. Sudanese Grace Episcopal Church Talent 2025 Inc. United Church Outreach Ministry United Way of Collier County United Way of Greater Battle Creek University of Michigan School of Law University Prep Academy Urban Institute for Contemporary Arts Van Andel Research Institute Visiting Nurse Foundation VSA Arts of Michigan-Grand Rapids Wedgwood Christian Services Well House West Catholic High School West Grand Neighborhood Organization West Leonard Early Childhood Center West Michigan Sports Commission West Michigan Strategic Alliance West Michigan Symphony Westminster Presbyterian Church WGVU Widowed Persons Service West Michigan Economic Development Project

West Michigan Environmental Action Council Women’s Resource Center YMCA of Greater Grand Rapids Youth Enrichment Scholarship Program In addition to these grants, the Community Foundation awarded 447 grants of less than $2,500 to nonprofit organizations.

Meijer Good Schools for Grand Rapids Grants Burton Elementary Coit Creative Arts Academy Shawmut Elementary

Grand Rapids Community Foundation Youth Grant Committee Grant Awards Association for the Blind & Visually Impaired Baxter Community Center Calvin College Certification for the Incarceration Comprehensive Therapy Center Grand Rapids Track Club Grand Rapids Wheelchair Sports Association Grandville Avenue Arts & Humanities Inc. Hispanic Center of Western Michigan Kids’ Food Basket Metropolitan Foundation The Other Way Ministries Wedgwood Christian Services

Distributions from Nonprofit Endowment Funds American Red Cross of Greater Grand Rapids The Arc Kent County Inc.


Belding Area Schools–School Service Fund Camp Blodgett Camp Fire USA West Michigan Council Christian Rest Home Foundation The Economic Club of Grand Rapids ENRICH of Ionia County Frederik Meijer Gardens Girl Scouts of Michigan Shore to Shore Grand Rapids Ballet Company Grand Rapids Children’s Museum Grand Rapids Opportunities for Women Grand Rapids Public Library Foundation Grandville Christian School Heart of West Michigan United Way Hudsonville Christian Schools Jenison Christian School Education Foundation Jenison Public Education Foundation John Ball Zoological Society Junior Achievement of Michigan Great Lakes Kenowa Hills Education Foundation Kent County Lakewood Education Foundation Lions Club–Grand Rapids City of Lowell Mental Health Foundation of West Michigan Opera Grand Rapids Pilgrim Manor Retirement Community Senior Neighbors Inc. Specialized Language Development Center St. John’s Home Unity Christian High School Variety Club of Grand Rapids West Michigan Dental Foundation West Side Christian School YWCA West Central Michigan


Grants from Community Funds youth =grant from Youth Grant Committee Fund

Southeast Ottawa Community Fund Council of Michigan Foundations Fair Haven Ministries Hudsonville Public Schools Jenison Public Education Foundation MSU Extension (Ottawa County) youth Water of Life Community Church Ionia County Community Fund City of Belding Belding Area Schools–School Service Fund Children with Hair Loss Classic Car Club of America Museum Inc. Council of Michigan Foundations Eaton Cummings Group First Congregational Church of Portland Friends of Lake Odessa Community Library Girl Scouts of Michigan Shore to Shore youth Habitat for Humanity, Portland Ionia County Commission on Aging Ionia County Community Mental Health Services Ionia County Intermediate School District Ionia County Intermediate School District youth City of Ionia Ionia Public Schools Ionia Public Schools youth Lakewood Public Schools Manna’s Market Portland Public Schools R.E. Olds Museum Relief After Violent Encounter Saranac Community Schools St. Patrick’s School The Hope for Sobriety Foundation of Ionia County Inc.

United Methodist Church of Portland Zion United Methodist Church

The Lowell Area Community Fund Alpha Women’s Center of Lowell City of Lowell Fallasburg Historical Society Flat River Outreach Ministries Inc. Gilda’s Club Grand Rapids Greater Lowell Chamber Foundation Kent County Youth Agricultural Association Lowell Area Arts Council Lowell Area Historical Museum Lowell Area Recreation Authority Lowell Area Schools Lowell Area Schools Education Foundation Lowell Friends of the Library Rockford Ambulance Inc Rotary Club of Lowell Community Foundation YMCA of Greater Grand Rapids Sparta Community Fund Alpha Family Center of Cedar Springs Council of Michigan Foundations Habitat for Humanity Mamrelund Lutheran Church Sparta Area Schools youth Sparta Cooperative Preschool Sparta Township Sparta Township Library Village of Sparta Wyoming Community Fund Camp Blodgett youth City of Wyoming youth Compass Arts Inc. Council of Michigan Foundations

Dispute Resolution Center of West Michigan The Dock Ministries Friends of Michigan Veterans Homes Inc. Grand Rapids Urban League Inc Hispanic Center of Western Michigan youth Michigan Restaurant Association Educational Support Foundation Planned Parenthood of West and Northern Michigan Planned Parenthood of West and Northern Michigan youth Pregnancy Resource Center The Traffic Squad Safety and Community Action Fund Inc.

Making a Grant Request: Grand Rapids Community Foundation’s Community Action Committee and the Board of Trustees award grants six times a year, after a comprehensive review by staff members. Grand Rapids Community Foundation accepts preapplications and grant applications throughout the year. Minimally, grant applicants must serve people in Kent County, must be a 501(c)(3) organization and work in the areas of academic achievement, arts and social enrichment, economic prosperity, vibrant neighborhoods, healthy ecosystems and healthy people. Our guidelines detail other criteria necessary for funding consideration. Teacher and student minigrant applications for classroom projects are submitted and awarded each fall. Scholarships are processed in the spring with an early April deadline for application and a June notification date. To learn more about submitting a pre-application, applying for a grant, minigrant or scholarship, please visit the Community Foundation web site at or call 616.454.1751.

scholarships This year, a total of 1,526 students applied for scholarships; 543 were awarded, for a total of $656,150.

Scholarship Funds Awarded Altrusa Scholarship Fund Noyes L. Avery Jr. and Ann E. Avery Fund Black Men Building Resources Scholarship Fund Geraldine Geistert Boss Scholarship Fund Harry J. Brown and Lucille B. Brown Scholarship Fund Orrie and Dorothy Cassada Scholarship Fund Llewellyn L. Cayvan String Instrument Scholarship Fund Paul Collins Scholarship Fund Country Fresh LLC Scholarship Fund Gerald M. Crane Memorial Music Scholarship Fund Achille and Irene Despres, William and Andre Scholarship Fund Donald J. DeYoung Education Fund Edwin F. Doyle Scholarship Fund Economic Club of Grand Rapids Scholarship Fund Virginia Valk Fehsenfeld Scholarship Fund Melbourne and Alice E. Frontjes Scholarship Fund Carolyn Gallmeyer Fund Mathilda Gallmeyer Scholarship Fund Grand Rapids Combined Theatre Scholarship Fund Grand Rapids Scholarship Association Fund Hackett Family Scholarship Fund Guy D. and Mary Edith Halladay Trust Fund Donald and Florence Hunting Memorial Fund The Jack Family Educational Fund Camilla C. Johnson Scholarship Trust Fund Miller Johnson Michigan Diversity Scholarship Fund

Peggy (Kommer) Novosad Scholarship Fund Kommer Scholarship Fund Ladies Literary Club Scholarship Fund Lavina A. Laible Scholarship Trust Fund Stephen D. Lankester Scholarship Fund Sherman L. and Mabel C. Lepard Scholarship Fund Lowell Englehardt/Runcimen Scholarship John T. and Frances J. Maghielse Scholarship Fund Fred and Lena Meijer Scholarship Fund Joshua Esch Mitchell Aviation Scholarship Fund Robert L. and Hilda Treasure Mitchell Scholarship Fund Patricia P. and Armen G. Oumedian Scholarship Fund Forrest Arthur Pletcher Memorial Fund Reach For Your Goal Scholarship Fund Josephine Ringold Scholarship Fund Margery J. Seeger Scholarship Fund Ronald T. Smith Family Scholarship Fund Gladys A. Snauble Scholarship Fund Christine Soper Scholarship Fund Dr. William E. and Norma Sprague Scholarship Fund Dorothy B. and Charles E. Thomas Fund in support of the Ringold Scholarship Dorothy J. Thurston Scholarship Fund Chad Vollmer Scholarship Fund Mildred E. Troske Scholarship Fund University of Michigan GR Alumnae Trust Scholarship Fund

University of Michigan Grand Rapids Alumnae– Margaret Appelt Kerr Fund University of Michigan Grand Rapids Alumnae– Meta Prange Murphy/Lucille Prange Fund University of Michigan Grand Rapids Alumnae– Rosemary Scott Fund Keith C. VanderHyde Scholarship Fund Roger and Jacquelyn Vander Laan Family Scholarship Fund Jacob R., Mary M. and Lenore K. VanLoo Scholarship Fund Warner Norcross & Judd Minority Scholarship Fund Donald W. Wells Scholarship Fund Elmo Wierenga Otttawa Hills Alumni Scholarship Fund Walter C. Winchester Scholarship Fund Violet Wondergem Health Science Scholarship Fund Audrey L. Wright Scholarship Fund Youth Enrichment Scholarship Program


FUNDS Total number of funds = 532 ; Total assets held = $250,217,561 Community Funds Cascade Community Foundation Fund East Grand Rapids Community Foundation Fund Ionia County Community Foundation Fund Belding Education Fund Belding Schools Fund George H. Bird Scholarship Burger Fund Frost Renaissance Foundation Don and Emma Goodell Scholarship Fund

Faith Community Christian School Fund Healthy Youth & Healthy Seniors Fund Ionia County Community Foundation–Youth Fund Ionia County Parks Preservation and Maintenance Fund Ionia Free Fair Fund Ionia Public Schools Scholarship Fund Lakewood Educational Foundation Fund Paul and Alberta Allen Scholarship Fund for Lakewood High School

George W. Romney Fund–Enrich of Ionia County Volunteer Center Saranac Community Schools Saranac Community Schools Scholarship Fund Paul and Alberta Allen Scholarship Fund for Saranac High School Edwin A. and Maxine Cahoon Compagner Memorial Fund Thomas P., Della and George Eddy Scholarship Fund Ben A. and Lucy C. Simons Memorial Education Fund

W. W. Sprague Family Fund The Lowell Area Community Fund Southeast Ottawa Community Foundation Fund Wayne D. Jones Community Fund Southeast Ottawa Community Foundation–Youth Fund


Sparta Community Foundation Fund Glenn S. Bradford Fund Clare and Helen Finch Fund Paul C. and Inez L. Miller Fund Sparta Community Foundation–Youth Fund

Wyoming Community Foundation Fund Tommy Brann Fund John and Margaret Kuiper Family Fund Wyoming Community Foundation–Youth Fund

Designated and Nonprofit Funds Actor’s Theatre Company Endowment Fund American Red Cross Agency Endowment Fund John Arnold Endowment Fund for Feeding America West Michigan Food Bank Aquinas College Frey Scholars Fund The Arc Kent County Endowment Fund Arts Council of Greater Grand Rapids Fund Association of Fundraising Professionals West Michigan Chapter Fund Frank and Ann Battistella Grand Rapids Art Museum Fund August and Anna Behrens Fund for Girl Scouts of Michigan Shore to Shore Anna Bissell Charity Trust Fund D. A. Blodgett Services for Children and Families Fund Estate of Minnie C. Blodgett for Clinic for Infant Feeding Calvin Christian School Education Foundation Endowment Fund Calvin College Service Learning Center Fund Camp Blodgett Endowment Fund

Camp Fire–Harriet D. and Mary Dively Fund Camp Fire–WoHeLo Fund Catherine’s Health Center Fund Cedar Springs Education Foundation Fund Center for Community Leadership Fund Cherry Street Health Services–Fund for the Disadvantaged Christian Rest Home Foundation Fund Dr. Edwin P. and Florence H. Creaser Fund David G. Dvorak MD Scholarship Fund The Economic Club of Grand Rapids Endowment Fund George and Louise Egeler Fund Supporting YESP George E. and Erma C. Evans Designated Fund for the Salvation Army Festival of the Arts in Grand Rapids Fund Gerald R. Ford Council Boy Scouts of America Fund Edward J. and Frances T. Frey Memorial Fund for St. Mark’s Episcopal Church Edward J. Frey Junior Achievement Fund Grand Rapids Ballet Agency Endowment Fund Grand Rapids Children’s Museum Fund Grand Rapids Civic Theatre Endowment Fund Grand Rapids Jaycees Foundation Douglas B. Wicks Fund Grand Rapids Lions Club Activities Commission Fund Grand Rapids Maya Lin “Ecliptic” Art Maintenance Endowment Fund Grand Rapids Public Library Foundation Fund Grand Rapids Symphony Mosaic Scholarship Grand Rapids Urban League Fund Grand Rapids Youth Commonwealth Endowment Fund Grand Rapids Youth Commonwealth– Harry Dolan Camp O’Malley Scholarship Fund Grandville Athletic Boosters Endowment Fund Grandville Christian School Foundation Fund GROW Bonnie Miller Endowment Fund Guardian Angel Homes Endowment Fund Karl Hascall Variety Club Fund Home Repair Service Endowment Fund

Hudsonville Christian School Foundation Fund Humane Society of Kent County Agency Endowment Fund Humane Society of Kent County– Elsie Eggebrecht Fund Humane Society of Kent County–Clarence and Catherine Thielman Endowment Fund Indian Trails Camp Endowment Fund Indian Trails Camp–Cabin Fund Indian Trails–Paul Clark Blanding Memorial Scholarship Fund Jenison Christian School Endowment Fund Jenison Public Education Foundation Fund John Ball Zoological Society Wildlife Conservation Endowment Fund Laureen Kennedy Child Care Fund Kenowa Hills Education Foundation Fund Kent County Agricultural Preservation Fund Kent District Library Fund Ladies Literary Club Fund for Literacy Center of West Michigan Lowell Area Historical Museum Endowment Fund Lowell Area Schools Education Foundation Endowment Fund LCTV Endowment Fund Fred Meijer Mid-West Michigan Rail-Trail Endowment Fund Meijer Wealthy Theatre Fund Mental Health Foundation of West Michigan Fund Noorthoek Academy Endowment Fund Northview Education Foundation Endowment Fund Opera Grand Rapids Fund Opera Grand Rapids–Betty Van Andel Fund Pilgrim Manor Endowment Fund Charlotte M. Raniville Fund for the Benefit of Mary Free Bed Guild Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) Fund

George W. Romney Fund–Heart of West Michigan United Way Volunteer Center Ronald McDonald House Fund Rotary Club of Lowell Foundation Fund Safe Haven Ministries Inc. Endowment Fund St. Cecilia Music Society Building Endowment Fund St. John’s Home Endowment Fund Senior Meals on Wheels of Western Michigan Fund Senior Neighbors Fund Douglas Leon Spalding Memorial Fund Spirit of Solidarity Fund Nellie H. Stevens Grand Rapids Teachers’ Travel Fund Kathryn and Dennis Sullivan Charitable Fund The Kathy Timmer Specialized Language Development Learning Center Memorial Fund Unity Christian High School Education Support Fund Wege Wealthy Theatre Fund West Michigan Center For Arts and Technology Fund West Michigan Dental Foundation Fund West Side Christian School Fund Women’s Resource Center Founder’s Circle Endowment Fund World Affairs Council of West Michigan Endowment Fund YWCA Women and Girls Development Fund in Honor of Judy Lloyd

Donor Advised Funds The ACH Fund Martin J. and Susan J. Allen Family Fund Robert N. and Catherine R. Alt Family Fund Anonymous Advised Funds (2) Jeffrey and Barbara Arnold Charitable Fund The Banks Family Charitable Fund Kip and Chris Barber Fund John R. Bertsch Fund John and Claire Bissell Advised Fund

Matthew and Vicki Bissell Advised Fund Armand F. and Gretchen B. Burch Donor Advised Fund Allan R. and Claudia A. Carlson Advised Fund Carpenter Advised Fund Center for Systemic Change Advised Funds Chris-Tina Fund Roger and Sally Ciapara Donor Advised Fund Colliers International Fund Peter and Pat Cook Fund Richard C. and Shirley E. Cooper Advised Fund Robert J. and Katherine M. Daverman Fund Douglas DeBoer Memorial Fund Eleanor Hager Defoe Fund DeLapa Family Fund Achille and Irene Despres, William and Andre Fund Richard and Helen DeVos Advised Fund Dyer-Ives Neighborhood Fund The Ebenezer Fund Engen Family Fund Fishell Fund Founder’s Fund Tom and Mickie Fox Family Advised Fund Walter B. and Susan S. Freihofer Fund The Jack and Jill French Charitable Fund Furniture Manufacturers’ Heritage Advised Fund C. John Gill and Rita Williams Family Fund Richard and Elizabeth Gillett Family Fund The Tim and Kerry Goaley Charitable Fund The Jack and Sue Hagist Charitable Fund Jamie Hale Memorial Fund The Brian K. and Jody L. Hart Charitable Fund Hascall Family Donor Advised Fund Janet A. Haynes and Kelsey Haynes Advised Fund Heerspink Family Advised Fund The David and Cathy Heldt Charitable Fund The Heuschkel Family Fund in Memory of Emilie Beverly and William Heyne Fund

Stuart and Barbara Hoffius Family Fund Thomas E. and Geraldine K. Hogan Fund Earl and Donnalee Holton Advised Fund Ken and June Holtvluwer Fund The Bart and Fran Housman Charitable Fund Allen I. and Helen J. Hunting Advised Fund David and Marilyn Hunting Fund William and Beatrice Idema Fund J & N Fund JCT Donor Advised Fund Thomas J. and Margaret L. Jack Fund Linn Maxwell Keller Donor Advised Fund Herbert and Glenna Knape Family Fund David and Phyllis Koslow Fund Lafayette Fund Loeks Family Fund Judson M. and Lynn E. Lynch Family Advised Fund The EWM Fund Mankoff Family Fund Chester and Elaine Maternowski Family Fund Wayne G. and Rosemary Martin Family Fund Barbara Mayo-Johnson Donor Advised Fund The Fred and Lena Meijer Fund Hendrik and Gezina Meijer Fund Frank H. and Virginia L. Merlotti Advised Fund Paul C. and Inez L. Miller Fund The Moore Brower Charitable Fund C. Robert and Patricia Muth Fund The Myers Family Fund Leonard and Eileen Newman Fund

FUNDS • 39

Patricia P. and Armen G. Oumedian Family Fund Louis Padnos Iron & Metal Company Fund Padnos/Sarosik Fund Park Avenue Partners Fund The Eugene and Janice Perkins Charitable Fund Peterson Memorial Fund Mary I. and Robert C. Pew Donor Advised Fund Virgil and Louise Phelps Advised Fund Pimm Donor Advised Fund Rimbaud Fund Leonard and Karen Rinke Fund River City Fund The Scott and Anne Rush Charitable Fund Nancy and Doug Slade Dynamic Donor Advised Fund Sligh Memorial Fund Richard E. Smoke Advised Fund William E. and Norma Sprague Charitable Fund Dr. Alfred B. Swanson and Dr. Genevieve de Groot Swanson Advised Fund Arvin L. and Pearl M. Tap Fund Steele A. and Mary D. Taylor Advised Fund The Fawcett Tilton Donor Advised Fund Timothy Fund Wayne and Diane Titche Fund Daniel and Alice Trapp Family Advised Fund Anne Heyboer Vander Heide Fund Simon and Mary Vander Kooy Fund Roger and Jacquelyn Vander Laan Family Fund The Earl and Gert Visser Charitable Fund The Timothy and Susan Visser Charitable Fund Warner Norcross & Judd Fund Waters Corporation/Cassard Family Donor Advised Fund The John J. Wheeler Charitable Fund The Sue and Jim Williams Donor Advised Fund The Miller Willit Family Fund WKKF Advised Fund Kate Pew Wolters Fund


The Beth Anne and Timothy F. Ziegler Charitable Fund

Field of Interest Funds Kathryn L. Adamson Fund for Children Kathryn L. Adamson Fund for the Elderly African American Heritage Fund George M. Ames Fund Lucy E. Barnett Trust for the Elderly John, Margaret and Maryellen Berry Fund Challenge Scholars Program Fund Cherry (Mrs. James) Carpenter Fund for Children Commercial Economic Development Fund Bruce Alexis Cornelius Memorial Fund for Mental Health Agencies George M. and Lucinda Ann Edison Memorial Trust Fund Anne Katherine VanLoo Eldred Education Fund Emma Sherwood Evans Trust Fund Charles Evenson Fund for the Environment William S. Folz Fund for Cancer Research Fund for Academic Achievement Fund for Arts and Social Enrichment Fund for Economic Prosperity Fund for Healthy Ecosystems Fund for Healthy People Fund for Vibrant Neighborhoods Healthy Youth & Healthy Seniors Fund Cecilia Hoagland Fund for Local Veterans Arthur H. Holmes Handicap Fund Homeless Prevention Endowment Fund Mary I. and David D. Hunting Family Fund Elizabeth J. Steed Johnson Fund for Healthcare and Community Health Ken, Melinda and Andrew Krei Youth Fund Ladies Literary Club Fund for Literary Arts The C. Lincoln Linderholm Trust

Duncan Littlefair Literary Fund for Children Gordon and Janet Moeller, Food Security Fund Needy Children Field of Interest Fund Estate of Annette Richards Social Venture Investors Fund Kathryn and Dennis Sullivan Charitable Fund Kenneth M. Sweers Fund for the Homeless Herbert and Doris Vander Mey Fund for Treatment of Neurological Diseases Youth Field of Interest Fund

Operating/Special Project Funds Administrative Fund Special Project Funds Atlantic Philanthropies Fund Building Campaign Fund Cherry Street Health Services— Matching Campaign Coalition of Community Foundations for Youth ENTF Fund Grand Rapids Police Department History Book Project Fund JEHT Foundation Reentry Initiative Fund Kent County College Access Network Knight Foundation Citizen Journalism Fund Meijer Good Schools and Good Classrooms Fund Nonprofit Technical Assistance Fund Red Brick Building II Inc. Rosa Parks Sculpture Project Fund Secchia Grove Project Fund Vandenberg Statue Project Fund WM Economic Development Planning Youth Employment

Charitable Gift Annuity Funds (49 funds)

Scholarship Funds General Scholarship Fund Altrusa Scholarship Fund Noyes L. Avery Jr. and Ann E. Avery Fund Black Men Building Resources Scholarship Fund Geraldine Geistert Boss Scholarship Fund Harry J. Brown and Lucille B. Brown Scholarship Fund Orrie and Dorothy Cassada Scholarship Fund Llewellyn L. Cayvan String Instrument Scholarship Fund Challenge Scholars Scholarship Endowment Fund Thomas D. Coffield Scholarship Fund Paul Collins Scholarship Fund Country Fresh LLC Scholarship Fund Gerald M. Crane Memorial Music Scholarship Fund Achille and Irene Despres, William and Andre Scholarship Fund Donald J. DeYoung Education Fund Edwin F. Doyle Scholarship Fund Economic Club of Grand Rapids Scholarship Fund Vernon and Johanna Ehlers Community Scholarship Virginia Valk Fehsenfeld Scholarship Fund Melbourne and Alice E. Frontjes Scholarship Fund Carolyn Gallmeyer Fund Mathilda Gallmeyer Scholarship Fund Grand Rapids Combined Theatre Scholarship Fund Grand Rapids Scholarship Association Fund Hackett Family Scholarship Fund Guy D. and Mary Edith Halladay Trust Fund Donald and Florence Hunting Memorial Fund The Jack Family Educational Fund Camilla C. Johnson Scholarship Trust Fund Kommer Scholarship Fund Ladies Literary Club Scholarship Fund Lavina A. Laible Scholarship Trust Fund

Stephen D. Lankester Scholarship Fund Sherman L. and Mabel C. Lepard Scholarship Fund John T. and Frances J. Maghielse Scholarship Fund Fred and Lena Meijer Scholarship Fund Miller Johnson West Michigan Diversity Scholarship Fund The Joshua Esch Mitchell Aviation Scholarship Fund Robert L. and Hilda Treasure Mitchell Scholarship Fund Harry J. Morris Jr. Emergency Services Education Scholarship Fund Dr. Patricia E. Newby Close Up Scholarship Fund Peggy (Kommer) Novosad Scholarship Fund Patricia P. and Armen G. Oumedian Scholarship Fund Forrest Arthur Pletcher Memorial Fund Reach for Your Goal Scholarship Fund Josephine Ringold Scholarship Fund Margery J. Seeger Scholarship Fund Ronald T. Smith Family Scholarship Fund Gladys A. Snauble Scholarship Fund Christine Soper Scholarship Fund Dr. William E. and Norma Sprague Scholarship Fund Dorothy B. and Charles E. Thomas Fund in support of the Ringold Scholarship Dorothy J. Thurston Scholarship Fund Mildred E. Troske Scholarship Fund Trust of the GR Federation of U of M Alumnae Club University of Michigan GR Alumnae Trust Scholarship Fund Margaret Appelt Kerr Fund Meta Prange Murphy/Lucille Prange Fund Rosemary Scott Fund

Roger and Jacquelyn Vander Laan Family Scholarship Fund Keith C. VanderHyde Scholarship Fund

Jacob R., Mary M. and Lenore K. VanLoo Scholarship Fund Chad Vollmer Scholarship Fund Warner Norcross & Judd Scholarship Fund Donald M. Wells Scholarship Fund Elmo Wierenga Ottawa Hills Alumni Scholarship Fund Walter C. Winchester Scholarship Fund Michael J. Wolf Scholarship Fund Violet Wondergem Health Science Scholarship Fund Audrey L. Wright Scholarship Fund Youth Enrichment Scholarship Program

Unrestricted Funds Fund for the Community Good Contributions Receivable (split-interest) John H. and Nancy L. Batts Trust, Mr. and Mrs. Max Doering Trust, Diane S. Farage Trust, Edwin R. Hondelink Trust, Clare and Grace Jarecki Trust, Ben Lee Jr. Estate, Millard M. Moore and Viola M. Moore Trust, C. Allen Payne Trust, Caroline P. Schoonbeck Trust, Dorothy Scholwalter Estate, Marvin D. Stahl Trust, G. F. “Deck” and Ruth Stewart Estate, Herbert E. Thurston Family Trust, Kenneth Vonk Trust

Marian A. Aldrich Fund American Box Board Community Fund Employees of Autocam Fund James and Margaret Black Estate John W. and Margaret Bertsch Fund Edward H. Blickley Fund Harvey and Margaret Brower Fund Orville and Jean Bulman Estate Allan and Claudia Carlson Family Fund William J. Chaille Fund Eugene D. Conger Fund

Louis A. Cornelius Trust Dallas and Helen Darling Fund Cornelia De Fouw Fund George and Louise Egeler Fund Engineered Protection Systems Fund Henry A. Fox Family Fund Mr. and Mrs. David G. Frey Fund Jim McKay and Twink Frey Fund Mrs. L. C. Gardner Fund Carol E. Greene Fund for Community Good Chester A. Hall Fund Leon W. Hall Fund Stanley C. Hall Fund Haslinger Family Fund Minnie E. Haven Fund Elizabeth Herkner Fund Edward M. Herpolsheimer Fund Karl E. Herpolsheimer Fund Dirk and Victoria Hoffius Fund Orianna D. Hooker Fund Arthur J. and Sue H. Hoover Fund Walter D. Idema Fund Walter D. Idema Charitable Trust Clare and Grace Jarecki Fund Elizabeth J. Steed Johnson Fund Kent Charitable Fund William E. and Sue Kincaid Fund Mary Jane Kirchgessner Trust Jane and Sam Kravitz Fund for Community Good Robert J. Kulms Trust Perry M. and Hazel A. Lawr Fund Ben H. Lee Jr. Fund Harvey E. Lemmen Fund Clara T. Limbert Fund Gertrude Lindberry Fund Charles W. Loosemore Fund Hale J. Mackay Fund William S. Martens Hundred Club Fund

Glen C. Mason Fund Geraldine F. Masters Fund Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. McCobb Fund Isabel McLeod Fund George and Mary Metz Charitable Fund Mary D. Morman Trust Estate of Melanie L. Muir Estate of Dr. Clifford T. Nelson Francis J. O’Connor Fund Charlotte M. Raniville Fund Leonard and Dora Rosenzweig Fund Theodore R. and Caroline Schoonbeck Fund Grace L. Schouten Memorial Trust Fund Willard and Barbara Schroeder Fund Margery Seeger Fund Erin Slade Memorial Fund Estate of Isabelle and Herman Slanger Eileen Slootmaker Fund Mary A. and Lenore G. Smith Fund Marvin Stahl Fund Paul L. Steketee Fund Graham F. “Deck” and Ruth B. Stewart Fund Joseph and Helen Tulos Fund Adrian Van Daalen Fund Earle Vande Poel Charitable Fund Keith C. VanderHyde Fund Biem H. and Irene G. Vandermass Fund Englebert J. and Lelah Sexton Vogt Trust Estate of Ralph A. Voigt Jeanette Shelly Warner Fund John C. Whitcomb Fund Marion Stuart White Fund Estate of Zoe F. Whitworth Trust Mrs. Imogene W. Wickett Fund Arthur D. Wolf Foundation Trust Charles D. and Irene A. Worden Fund Estate of Curtis M. Wylie George L. and Esther B. Young Trust

FUNDS • 41

Understanding the Foundation: Since 1922, Grand Rapids Community Foundation has led the community in making positive and sustainable change to benefit all people who live in Kent County. Our success is directly related to our wonderful donors and the expertise of local nonprofits. Helping Create a Magnetic West Michigan. Grand Rapids Community Foundation is an integral part of our dynamic region, we collaborate and connect with other many public and private organizations and other community foundations and their communities to create a West Michigan that attracts and keeps residents, businesses, students and resources.

Transparency. The Community Foundation meets the National Standards for Community Foundations. We have voluntarily adopted many policies and procedures to guarantee that we conduct business not only legally, but ethically. In addition to our annual independent financial audit, we have volunteer investment review and audit committees.

Leadership. The Community Foundation supports several community leadership initiatives. Leadership proactively addresses challenging and complex community issues. Leadership involves building a credible and diverse team of people who explore issues and solve problems boldly and creatively. True leaders understand that certain issues can be resolved only with great commitment of time, human and financial resources. Our leadership can be seen in education programming, the creation of community volunteer activities for people over 50 and citizen journalism.

Cultural Competence. For Grand Rapids Community Foundation to serve our community fully, we must welcome and accept people from many backgrounds and viewpoints. Culture deeply shapes who people are and how they think and react to situations. Our staff took part in a yearlong Council of Michigan Foundations pilot project to help us become more culturally aware and inclusive. This introspective process evaluated individuals as well as the collective staff. This year we began the rigorous process to be a racism-free workplace.

Areas of Funding. Through grantmaking and leadership initiatives the Community Foundation supports social enrichment, the environment, neighborhoods, health, academic achievement and economic prosperity.

Local Business Matters. Supporting local businesses (whom we know support local nonprofits) is also part of how we operate. Whenever the Community Foundation can do business with a local vendor we do so. We know that 72 percent of the vendors used for our day-to-day operations are local businesses. We are also a sponsoring member of Local First West Michigan.

Impact. Through our competitive grantmaking process, we help Community Foundation

A Great Place to Work. This year the Community Foundation was awarded a Pillar Award

grantees design methods to measure their impact. We also help nonprofits leverage millions of dollars each year ($18.5 million this fiscal year) from state and federal government, donors and other foundations.

from the Women’s Resource Center for having a workplace that encourages the growth and development of female employees. After six years of being named one of West Michigan’s 101 Best and Brightest Companies to Work For, the Community Foundation was also named an Elite winner for its workplace practices.

Donors. Gifts from many donors have built the Community Foundation to its current level

Governance and Staff. We are governed by an 11-member Board of Trustees that represents diverse community interests. Our staff includes professionals in grantmaking, development, communication, finance, administration and youth development.

of $250 million. The development staff works closely with donors to help them achieve their philanthropic goals and to ensure that their intentions are clear and achievable.


Financials 2010/2011

Statements of Financial Position, June 30



$ 229,277,057 2,408,129 4,338,312 3,497,581 2,627,002 4,692,804 51,000 2,550,593 467,735 307,348 $ 250,217,561

$ 189,872,234 2,994,681 4,457,172 3,660,518 2,986,299 4,912,363 0 1,320,190 436,340 362,213 $ 211,002,010

4,584,187 4,000,000 3,523,665 12,316,134 24,423,986

5,312,300 4,000,000 2,555,470 10,400,433 22,268,203

Assets Investments, at Market Value Beneficial Interests in Perpetual Trusts Split−Interest Agreements Receivable Pledges Receivable Notes Receivable Property, Furniture and Equipment, Net of Accum. Dep. Prepaid Expenses Reinsurance Contracts Cash Surrender Value of Life Insurance Financing Costs Total Assets

Liabilities and Net Assets Liabilities Grants and Scholarships Payable Long−Term Debt Charitable Gift Annuities Payable Funds Held on Behalf of Nonprofit Endowments Total Liabilities Net Assets Unrestricted: Designated Discretionary Donor Advised Field of Interest Nonprofit Funds Scholarships Temporarily Restricted Permanently Restricted Total Net Assets Total Liabilities and Net Assets



28,833,438 83,004,305 52,931,606 16,171,287 6,001,496 15,116,890 18,358,351 5,376,202

$ 225,793,575 $ 250,217,561



22,060,130 66,140,716 48,280,780 13,322,032 4,863,572 12,222,597 15,868,344 5,975,636

$ 188,733,807 $ 211,002,010


Statements of Activities, Year Ended June 30



Asset Allocation as of June 30, 2011

Revenues and Gains/(Losses) Investment Income (net of investment expenses of $1,175,009 in 2011 and $1,065,968 in 2010) Realized Gains/(Losses) on Sale of Investments Change in Market Value of Investments Bequests and Gifts Change in Value of Charitable Gift Annuities Change in Value of Split−Interest Agreements Less: Amounts Allocable to Nonprofit Activity Total Revenues and Gains/(Losses)



3,212,834 5,922,183 30,482,977 12,121,941 (209,058) 707,340 (2,534,344) 49,703,873



2,517,905 1,729,847 19,256,238 7,809,470 (290,561) 796,660 (1,710,750) 30,108,809

Expenses Community Leadership and Grants Grants and Scholarships Authorized Charitable and Philanthropic Services Community Initiatives Less: Amounts Allocable to Nonprofit Activity Support Services: Management and General Development Fund Management Property Management* Total Expenses Change in Net Assets Net Assets, Beginning of Year Net Assets, End of Year



10,029,728 847,175 155,474 (618,643) 940,974 884,939 38,351 366,107 12,644,105

$ 37,059,768 $ 188,733,807 $ 225,793,575



9,753,201 925,942 212,196 (461,449) 746,441 789,737 39,659 364,835 12,370,562

$ 17,738,247 $ 170,995,560 $ 188,733,807

as a % of Total Expenses

*Property Management represents expenses paid by our supporting organization Red Brick Building II, which owns our building and was established to utilize New Markets Tax Credit financing. The financing term is seven years and in 2015 will end. Expenses recorded are interest on loan, depreciation, financing amortization, and miscellaneous professional fees.

18% Support Services as a % of Total Expenses


17.8% 13.6% International Fixed Equity 8.7% 8.4% U.S. Equities Emerging Small Cap Markets

Audited financials have been given an unqualified opinion by our auditors Plante & Moran PLLC. If you would like a copy of the full audit, please call Grand Rapids Community Foundation at 616.454.1751.

1.2% Cash 28.4% Alternative

Long-Term Optimal Asset Allocation of Corporate Funds and Current Managers (June 2011) Large/Mid Cap U.S. Equities 22% Ambs Investment Counsel LLC American Funds LaFleur & Godfrey Inc. PIMCO StocksPLUS Steinberg Asset Management LLC Vanguard S&P 500 Index

Small Cap U.S. Equities 8% Chinook Capital Management DFA (Dimensional Fund Advisors)– Small Cap Targeted Value WCM Investment Management

International–Developed Equities 16% DFA (Dimensional Fund Advisors)– International Value Gryphon Investment Corporation Marathon–London International Silchester International Investors

Emerging Equities 9%

Analysis of Expenses 82% Community Leadership and Grants

21.9% U.S. Equities Large/Mid Cap

Aberdeen Emerging Markets Eaton Vance

Fixed Income 14% GRCF Fixed Income Account PIMCO Total Return Sankaty Senior Bank Loan Fund

Alternatives 31% Multi Strategy/Absolute Return 11% Dorchester Capital Partners Select Opportunities LP TIFF (The Investment Fund for Foundations) Commodities 4% PIMCO Commodity Real Return Wellington Management Company LLP Hedged Equity 7% Forester Offshore LTD Private Equity 5% Siguler Guff Distressed Opportunities Fund III LP TIFF (The Investment Fund for Foundations) Timber 1% Hancock Timber Resource Group Real Estate 3% Cross Harbor

Trustees and Leadership 2010/2011

2011 CHAIR

2011 VICE CHAIR Trustees:

Carol J. Karr Partner and Chair of Probate and Estate Planning Group Miller Johnson

Cecile Cave Fehsenfeld (2010 Chair) President Schuler Books and Music

Eva Aguirre Cooper

Paul M. Keep

Director of Community Affairs WOOD TV 8

Editor The Grand Rapids Press

Laurie F. Beard

Arend D. Lubbers

President & CEO Founders Bank & Trust

Retired, Grand Valley State University

Wayman P. Britt

Bonnie K. Miller

Assistant County Administrator Kent County Administration

Retired, United Bank

Paul T. Doyle Principal Paul T. Doyle & Associates LLC

Robert W. Roth President & CEO RoMan Manufacturing Inc.

Jenna T. Rood (not pictured) Student Trustee West Catholic High School


Diana R. Sieger President

Lynne M. Black

Marcia L. Rapp

Vice President Finance and Administration

Vice President Programs

Roberta F. King

Marilyn W. Zack

Vice President PR and Marketing

Vice President Development


Staff and Committees 2010/2011

Natalia Alejos

Molly Murray


PR and Marketing Intern

Ruth Bishop

Amy Price

Education Program Officer

Program Administrative Assistant

Gina Bovee

Ann Puckett

Development Director

Grants Administrator/ IS Associate

Lisa Brown Donor Services Associate

Amanda St. Pierre, APR PR and Marketing Specialist

Jan Burns Special Projects Coordinator

Jill Tiefenbach Program Administrative Assistant

Laurie Craft Program Director

Jonse Young Donor Services Director

Bridget De Vos Development Research Associate

Barb Forseman Finance Administrative Assistant

Rená Guttrich Executive Assistant

Kevin Harmelink Controller

Mary Karrip Development Administrative Assistant

Cris Kooyer Youth and Education Program Officer

Vaughn Love Mentor Michigan College Coaching Corps AmeriCorps Member

Kate Luckert Schmid Program Director

Advisory Council Bob Roth*, chair Christina Arnold Andrew Brower Tripp Corl Kurt Dietsch Floriza Genautis Jeff Gietzen Maxine Gray Jeff Hill Keith Hopkins Sonya Hughes Joseph Jones Linda McCarter Paul Moore Minnie Morey Mike Mraz Carol Paine-McGovern José Reyna Carlos Sanchez Emily Stoddard Furrow


Eddie Tadlock Dan VanKalker Beverly Wall Gina Bovee, staff Jonse Young, staff Audit Patrick Repins, chair Dori Danko Bonnie Miller* Kenneth Peirce** Lynne Black, staff Kevin Harmelink, staff Diana Sieger, staff Community Action Eva Aguirre Cooper*, chair Jeanne Arnold EdD Wayman Britt* Shavon Doyle Cecile Cave Fehsenfeld* Reneé Hampton Paul Keep* Carlos Sanchez Rick Treur Taylor Wondergem Marcia Rapp, staff Investment Review Michael Rosloniec, chair Jason Brinks Samuel Cummings** R. Jack Frick Benjamin Irwin Bonnie Miller* Bob Roth* Kerby Wallick Lynne Black, staff Kevin Harmelink, staff Diana Sieger, staff

Meijer Good Classrooms Selection Dorothy Armstrong PhD Beth Batts Allison Camp Sally Coburn Walter DeBoer EdD Cheryl Endres Jean Enright Casey Gordon Temprance Mann Diane McMillan Kathy Meuser Carole Morgan Williams Bernard Stanko EdD Thomas Visser Cris Kooyer, staff Meijer Good Schools for Grand Rapids Review Team Dorothy Armstrong PhD Ruth Bishop Susan Heartwell Dareather Greer Edwin Hernandez PhD Angela Morris Jacque Rhodes Matthew VanZetten Cris Kooyer, staff Meijer Good Schools Site Visit Team Dorothy Armstrong PhD Beth Batts Andrew Brower Sally Coburn Lynne Ferrell-Robinson Dareather Greer Lynn Heemstra Robert Kimball

Liz McCormick Diane McMillan Carole Morgan Williams Carol Paine-McGovern Julie Powell Robin Smith-Colton PhD Kevin Stotts Cris Kooyer, staff Scholarship Selection June Anderson Ron Apol Mary Appelt MD Kathy Boylon Reed Bretz Fredrick “Fritz” Briscoe Jack Clifford Clay Coleman John Darling Gail DeYoung Milton Ehlert Hugh Eisen Georgia Everse Patricia Gardner JD Victoria Gibbs Dareather Greer Kathy Hackett Janet Haynes JD Robert Hendrickson Randall Hoekstra Wendy Lewis Jackson Jennifer Jordan JD Cathryn Keating Rodney Lewis Tammy Looman Elias Lumpkins Marney MacAdam J. Joseph Mapes J. Stephen Marshall Rodney Martin

Diane McMillan Pam Mitchell William Mitchell David Mix Carole Morgan Williams Carol Muth Candy Novenske Peggy Novosad Helen Oudendyk Armen Oumedian Barbara Paneral Anke Pearson Salvatore Pirrotta Jane Plaisted Charles Pletcher Virginia Proctor Nancy Reahm Susan Rios Richard Roane Huemartin Robinson II Jamiel Robinson Fred Sebulske III Wendy Stock Dorothy Thurston Marilyn Titche Vert Trice Jacquelyn Vander Laan Lou VanderHave Jade VanderVelde Anita Watson-Phillips Barbara Wepman Carol Werkema James White Sr. Fredericka Williams Josephine Wislocki Ruth Bishop, staff

Trusteeship Arend Lubbers* Bonnie Miller* Diana Sieger, staff Youth Grant Tiffany Boorsma Max Boorsma Chaslyn Burt Hailey Dann Nnenna Ezeh Sarah Fagerman Aaron Fein Kyrstan Forseman Mary Jane Gallegos Jack Gould Tabitha Haight Elizabeth Herman Darryl Johnson Nick Kooyer Noah Lehmann Caroline Liske Markyshia Meadows Vlastibor Minarovjech Matt Norris Kathryn Nowicki Jenna Rood* Deja Smith Khaysirah Muhammad Smith Khayriyyah Muhammad Smith Victoria Smith Mackenzie Swart Alex Tarr Alondra Abigail Vergara-Diaz Leighton Watson Dakota Wolter Cris Kooyer, staff

*Trustee **through December 31, 2010

Community Foundation Services for Professional Advisors Planned Giving Design Center: This national online tool provides the latest information and resources regarding planned giving and charitable gifts. Subscriptions are free at A Guide To Giving Handbook: Discuss the range of giving options with your client by using these stories of Grand Rapids residents who have included the Community Foundation in their estate plans. The Community Foundation’s website,, has an extensive resource section for professional advisors under the “plan” tab on the home page. For more information, call the Community Foundation development staff at 616.454.1751 or visit

A Word of Thanks We recognize the 2010/2011 Professional Advisory Committee for its work to strengthen our organization and the community we serve. Daniel Baas Founders Bank & Trust Lori Baker Baker Spindler Holtz Glen Borre Miller Johnson Jason Brinks Oxford Financial Group Ltd. Robert Brower Jr. Miller Johnson Christopher Brown Willis Law Sharon Burtrum Northern Trust Bank FSB Pamela Cross Rhoades McKee PC Brian Downs Legacy Trust Christopher Edgar Miller Johnson Charles Frayer Crowe Horwath LLP Frederick Gaul Fifth Third Bank Paula Hampson Northwestern Mutual Dirk Hoffius Varnum LLP Thomas Jeakle Prangley Marks LLP

Carol Karr Miller Johnson* Neil Kimball Mika Meyers Beckett & Jones Bonnie Kopp Northern Trust Bank FSB Marilyn Lankfer Varnum LLP Daniel Miller Edward Jones Investments Jeffrey Power Warner Norcross & Judd LLP Thomas Roberts Macatawa Bank Robert Schellenberg Jr. Schellenberg & Evers PC Miles Schmidt Miles V. Schmidt CPA PLC Michael Taylor Miller Johnson Michael Van Haren Warner Norcross & Judd LLP Marilyn Zack staff


To determine your clients’ motivation for and knowledge of philanthropic giving, you might start with these questions: • • • • • •

What has been the most satisfying charitable gift you have ever made? Why? Have you volunteered anywhere? Which volunteer experience has been the most rewarding? Of your core values, which would you like to express through your giving? What would you like to accomplish with your giving? Do you think this is possible? What have you learned about your giving? Would you do anything differently if you could? When you think of the challenges facing our community, what are your greatest concerns? Are any of these the focus of your current or future giving? • Has philanthropy played a role in your family? Is it what you would like it to be or would you like to change it? Are your children and grandchildren aware of your philanthropy?

Philanthropy starts with a desire to make a difference. Grand Rapids Community Foundation provides the professional services to help you accomplish your philanthropic goals. Whether you make an annual gift to the Fund for Community Good, one of our Community Endowments or a major gift to create your own named fund, each will have enduring value. Giving cash, stock, real estate, retirement assets or even intellectual property are all ways to support the community you love. You can donate these assets during your lifetime or through a planned gift. The Community Foundation, working with your attorney, accountant or other advisor, can help create a plan that will achieve your philanthropic dreams. For more information, call Marilyn Zack, Vice President of Development, at 616.454.1751, ext. 127.


Art Direction/Design Jane Bock, 12below design co. Writing/Project Management Roberta F. King, Vice President, PR and Marketing Printing Custom Printers Inc.


Photography Robert Neumann, Big Event Studios Copy Editing Joan Huyser-Honig, Huyser-Honig Creative Services Paper Supplier Quimby-Walstrom

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Grand Rapids Community Foundation 185 Oakes Street SW Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503


Thank you again for reading through our annual report. Here are some other tools to stay in touch with us: visit us at or 185 Oakes Street SW follow us on Twitter at

friend us on Facebook at watch us at

Diana Sieger’s blog often talks about community issues, philanthropy and the work of Grand Rapids Community Foundation— found on the home page of the Foundation’s website.

Grand Rapids Community Foundation meets standards as set forth by the Council on Foundations.