His second novel, Vita precaria e amore eterno (Mondadori 2006) won the Paolo.
Volponi Prize for ... Valerio Massimo Manfredi, IL MIO NOME È NESSUNO.
Carmine Abate, IL BACIO DEL PANE Mondadori, August 2013, pp. 184 A delicate tale of friendship and love lest in the South threatened by mafia On a sultry day in July, a group of young men decide to go for a swim by the waterfall nearby Giglietto. Piero is particularly excited² he has felt strangely drawn to that mysterious place since childhood. The group, along with their childhood friend, Laura, ride their motorcycles from the hilltop town of Spillace down to the valley floor When they arrive at an old, dilapidated sawmill, Piero feels a chill down his spine. He tells Laura about what had happened a few months earlier on Easter Monday: he had come across a wild-looking man. Seeing Piero, the man had scrambled back into his hiding place in the sawmill, muttering in gibberish, and stuffed his belongings into a duffel bag then disappeared...As the group of friends roughhouse under the raging waters of the waterfall, their fatigue from the trip disappears. As does Piero's memory of that strange man. He never would have imagined seeing that stranger again, especially not in front of Laura, with a dog DWKLVIHHWDQGDJXQLQKLVKDQGV« Carmine Abate was born in 1954 in Carfizzi, a Arbëresh settlement in Calabria. He emigrated to Hamburg when he was a young man and now lives in Trentino. He began his writing career in Germany with Den Koffer und weg! (1984), and in 2012, his novel La collina del vento won the Premio Campiello. His books have been translated and sold in France, USA, Germany, the Netherlands, Greece, Portugal, Albania, and Kosovo, and are now being published in Arabic. A delicate tale of friendship and love lest in the South threatened by mafia. Rights with Mondadori Federica Bosco, NON TUTTI GLI UOMINI VENGONO PER NUOCERE Mondadori, October 2013, pp.200 $IXQUHDGIURP,WDO\¶VPRVWSRSXODUURPDQFHZULWHU )HGHULFD %RVFR GHOYHV ZLWK JUHDW LQVLJKW DQG VHQVLWLYLW\ LQWR VRPH RI WKH %LJ ,VVXHV IDFLQJ WRGD\¶V -year olds. &ULVWLQD LV DQG VKH¶V MXVW DV IODZHG DQG DZHVRPH DV WKH UHVW RI XV But she has an amazing knack for VWD\LQJXS ZKLOHWKHZRUOGDURXQGKHUDSSHDUVWR EH IDOOLQJGRZQ6KH¶V KDG KHUVKDUHRIGLVDSSRLQWPHQWV EXWWKH\¶YHJLYHQKHUWKHZKHUHZLWKDOto turn her life around and dodge an emotional bullet using wit ± and her wits. Federica Bosco lives in Rome, gave Italy its first taste of Chick Lit;; her books have sold a million copies and have been translated into ten languages: Russia (Azbooka 2500), Brasile (4BM), Francia (City Editions), Spagna (Editorial Planeta), Serbia (I. P. Jovan),Germania (Goldman), Croazia (Znaje), Polonia (Zielona Sowa). With Newton Compton she has published eight QRYHOVDQGWZRµVXUYLYDOPDQXDOV¶IRU\RXQJZRPHQ They have proved popular with the public and her writing has been acclaimed by the critics. Her latest book, Pazze di me (Mondadori) has been made into a movie. You can read about her in her blog www.federicabosco.com. Maurizio de Giovanni, BUIO Einaudi Stile libero, November 2013, pp. 238 The Bastards of Pizzofalcone are back in the second episode of a new series by Maurizio De Giovanni. 7KH\RXQJVRQRIDZHDOWK\EXVLQHVVPDQLVNLGQDSSHG7KHRZQHURIDZHOOQHVVFHQWUH¶s home is mysteriously burgled. A lonely investigation searches for a serial killer that nobody believes actually exists. Maurizio de Giovanni, I BASTARDI DI PIZZOFALCONE Einaudi Stile libero, June 2013, pp. 260 30 000 copies sold The implausible demise of a wealthy middle-aged woman at her home in a beachside town. A beautiful girl who refuses to be unshackled from slavery. A string of suspiciously similar suicides.
And, forming the backdrop to investigations by six cops struggling to plumb the depths of the city as well as their own souls, a stormy sea during a long, harsh winter that refuses to yield to spring. Six individuals confronting the joys and disappointments of life, four men and two women that everyone GLVSDUDJLQJO\FDOOV³WKHEDVWDUGVRI3L]]RIDOFRQH´IRUFHGWRZRUNVLGHE\VLGHLQDFLW\LQZKLFKEHKLQGHYHU\ door, lie murkier shadows than anyone has bargained for. Foreing Sales: France/Fleuve Noir, Germany/Rowholt Maurizio de Giovanni, an up-and-coming talent in Italian thriller writing, has hit the big time with his popular Commissioner Ricciardi series, already translated in 7 territories. Mario Desiati, IL LIBRO DELL¶AMORE PROIBITO Mondadori November 2013, pp.252 A tale of desire, forbidden love and waiting. Francesco, also known as Veleno, is a shy, lonely fourteen-year-old. His world is capsized by the arrival of a new teacher, Donatella, who gets a little too close for comfort with Veleno and a few of his school mates, turning their lives upside down. However, public opinion findV'RQDWHOOD¶VEHKDYLRXUXQIRUJLYDEOH7KHZRPDQLVWDNHQWRFRXUWDQGWKHER\V return to their morally unsullied lives. Now plunged into even deeper solitude, Veleno continues to wait for Donatella, in the belief that she loves only him. Mario Desiati was born in 1977 in Martina Franca and lives in Rome. His first novel was Neppure quando è notte (Pequod, 2003). His second novel, Vita precaria e amore eterno (Mondadori 2006) won the Paolo Volponi Prize for Social Commitment. In 2008 his book Il Paese delle spose infelici (Mondadori, Mondello Prize 2009) was published, followed by Foto di Classe, a non fiction book (Laterza 2009). Ternitti (Mondadori, 2011), finalist at the Italian most important literary award Premio Strega 2011, sold over 30.000 copies. The movie based on Il Paese delle spose infelici has been presented with success at the international "Festa del cinema di Roma". The movie (Poison in France) is directed by Pippo Mezzapesa and featuring young french actress Aylin Prandi. Paolo Di Stefano, GIALLO D¶AVOLA Sellerio April 2013, pp. 331 7 reprints. A whodunnit in the style of Truman Capote and Emmanuel Carrère, winner of the Premio Viareggio. The gripping story of a miscarriage of justice. Who? two farmers, brothers Paolo and Salvatore Gallo;; Where? a farmhouse in Avola Antica, Sicily. In the early hours of dawn, on October 1954, Paolo Gallo vanishes leaving a blood-VSDWWHUHG EHUHW DQG D WUDLO RI EORRG VWDLQV +LV ZLIH QLFNQDPHG ³9HQRPRXV´ LPPHGLDWHO\ accuses Salvatore and his son Jano of the murder. But where is the body? Police Chief Luminoso knows what went down, but to be sure detains the two main suspects, who are eventually convicted of murder in 1956. But along comes a stubborn reporter, and in October 1961 a truck happens to run over a cow, somewhere QHDU WKH 6LFLOLDQ FLW\ RI 5DJXVD« HYHQWXDOO\ WKH WUXWK DERXW SRVW-ZDU ,WDO\¶V PRVW EL]DUUH PLVFDUULDJH RI justice comes to light. Paolo Di Stefano, born in 1956, correspondent of "Il Corriere della Sera" has been chief of cultural pages. +HG GHEXWHG LQ MRXUQDOLVP DW ³,O &RUULHUH GHO 7LFLQR´ LQ /XJDQR +H KDV ZRUNHG IRU O¶(LQDXGL DQG ³/D 5HSXEEOLFD´+HSXEOLVKHGVHYHUDOQRYHOV+LVQRYHOVDUHWUDQVODWHGLQ)UHQFKE\0HWURSROLV Gianni Farinetti, REBUS DI MEZZA ESTATE Marsilio May 2013, pp. 368 15.000 copies sold Could there possibly be a killer on the loose in the hilly Langhe area of north-western Italy ± a place as surprisingly inaccessible as it is welcoming?:HOO WKDW¶V ZKDW LW ORRNV OLNH $PLG JUDFLRXV FRXQWU\ KRPHV glasses of sauterne, pots of garlicky bagna-cauda washed down with well-rounded Barbera, posh weddings, mismatched marriages, some fabulous ± and a few very frumpy ± fashion addicts, cop cars, ancestral piles, crumbled farmhouses, gloomy marquises, young cheese-makers, street-smart counterfeiters, widows, dogs, cats, deer, boars, foxes, badgers and dormice, woodlands, pizza parlours, yachts under construction in the shipyards of Savona, fake authoresses and country bumpkins, lingering hatred between neighbours, inheritaQFHVERWKSXUORLQHGDQGH[FHHGLQJO\ZHOOSURWHFWHG«DPLGDOOWKDWDP\VWHULRXVPXUGHUHUEXPSVRII half a dozen victims within hours of each other.The case is of course solved by the unflappable Maresciallo Giuseppe (aka Beppe) Buonanno, chief of the Carabinieri station in Monesiglio, with the help of Sebastiano *XDULHQWL D VFUHHQZULWHU IURP %UD D WRZQ EHWZHHQ 7XULQ DQG &XQHR ZKRP IDQV RI )DULQHWWL¶V VDJD KDYH come to know...all too well.Finale, dunque nella tradizione.A most traditional finale is nigh. Forse.Or is it?
Gianni Farinetti (Bra, 1953) published his first novel with Marsilio (Un delitto fatto in casa, winner of the Grinzane Cavour Prize for the best debut book, 1997, and the Premier Roman Chambery award, 1997). Marsilio also published L'isola che brucia (Selezione Bancarella prize, 1998), Lampi nella nebbia (2000), Regina di cuori and La verità del serpente (2011). Mondadori has published In piena notte (2002), Prima di morire (2004) and Il segreto tra di noi (Via Po prize, 2009). His books have been translated into several languages. He lives in Turin and the Langhe district. Valerio Massimo Manfredi, IL MIO NOME È NESSUNO IL GIURAMENTO VOL. I Mondadori, November 2012, pp. 353 IL RITORNO VOL. II Mondadori, September 2013, pp.335 The first volume has already sold over 150.000 copies in trade plus Book Club A new saga devoted to Ulysses. ³0\ QDPH LV QR RQH´ LV DQ HSLF WDOH LQ WZR YROXPHV WKDW QDUUDWHV WKH VWRU\ RI 2G\VVHXV WKH KHUR ³RI WKH FRPSOH[PLQG´PDQRI³XWPRVWSDWLHQFH´DQGWKH³GHVWUR\HURIFLWLHV´WKHPRVWPRGHUQRI+RPHU¶VKHURHV We first meet Odysseus in the prologue, as he struggles through the final journey prophesized for him by the seer Tiresias in the eleventh book of the Odyssey, where Tiresias famously calls up the souls of the dead. The never-told tale of this journey is one of the most intriguing mysteries of world literature. From that moment RQWKHQRYHOVSLQVEDFNLQDWRWDOIODVKEDFNDQFKRULQJDWWKHPRPHQWRI2G\VVHXV¶VELUWKDQG then building up, year by year, moment by moment, in an extraordinary ride leading up to the outbreak of the Trojan War, the first true World War. As the tale of the King of Ithaca unfolds, the reader is plunged into a vortex of extraordinary adventures set during the same era or just before the cycle of the Trojan War: the labours and DGYHQWXUHVRI+HUFXOHVWKHH[SHGLWLRQRIWKH$UJRQDXWVWKHOHJHQGRIWKH6HYHQDJDLQVW7KHEHVRI$OFHVWHV¶V return from the underworld and countless other tales, populated by titanic figures, the immortal symbols that breathed life into the story of humankind. The novel creates a gigantic fresco spanning the entire epic of archaic Greece, rich with colour, tension, extreme pathos, magic and oniric imaginings, expressed over the backdrop of grandiose scenes. The story is told by the hero himself and so the narration surprisingly unwinds LQ D UHDOLVWLF ZD\ QRW OLNH D IDEOH RU P\WK DFFHQWXDWLQJ WKH WDOH¶V YLEUDQW DFWXDOLW\ In other words, epic elements are explored in possible facts that might have actually triggered the events of the epic recounted by Homer. The gods therefore exist, but they are represented, and perceived, as images which are fleeting, but very pure and extremely powerful, capable of conditioning the great events of that wild, archaic world. 7KH ILUVW YROXPH HQGV ZLWK WKH IDOO RI 7UR\ 7KH VHFRQG QDUUDWHV 2G\VVHXV¶V DGYHQWXURXV UHWXUQ WR ,WKDFD FXOPLQDWLQJ LQ WKH VODXJKWHU RI 3HQHORSH¶V VXLWRUV DQG GHOYHV LQWR 2G\VVHXV¶V ILQDO VWUXJJOH WKH MRXUQH\ announced by Homer through the voice of a ghost, Tiresias, but never set down. Or perhaps merely never found. Everyone who read the Alexander trilogy will love this story.An unforgettable adventure in which each one of us will recognize himself and re-experience the tragic and heroic dawn of our own civilization. Valerio Massimo Manfredi (Modena, 1943) is an archeologist and scholar of the ancient Greek and Roman world. His Alexander trilogy has been translated into 38 languages and published in 62 countries. He has also written screenplays for film and television, has contributed journalistic articles to many magazines in Italy and abroad and has written and conducted cultural programmes and television documentaries for important international producers. Rights sold to Macmillan/UK;; Overlook/US;; France/Lattès;; Random House Mondadori/World Spanish;; Netherlands/Athenaeum;; Greece/Psichogios;; Romania/Editura Allfa;; Brazil/Rocco;; Turkey/Pena English translation available Bruno Morchio, LO SPAVENTAPASSERI Garzanti, October 2013, pp. 250 Bacci Pagano, for whom feelings are an unknown quantity, falls in love like a starry-eyed adolescent. Who would have guessed the effects it would have on his investigations. Cesare Almansi, at the top of his game as an attorney, moves into politics and stands for election. When he receives threatening phone calls he turns to Bacci Pagano, an old school mate from way back when both were heavily into political activism, to discover who is making them. Investigations take a complicated turn when WKHGHWHFWLYHIDOOVKHDGRYHUKHHOVIRUWKHFDQGLGDWH¶VEHDXWLIXOSXEOLFLVW%DFFLHYHQWXDOO\GLJVXSDQVZHUVLQ the deepest, darkest recesses of his own past. And along the way makes the disheartening discovery that love and friendship sometimes lead to excruciating disappointment, and that dredging up long buried truths is a lonely exercise. Bruno Morchio (Genoa, 1954) lives in Genoa, where he is a practising psychotherapist. His publications include the popular Police Commissioner Bacci Pagano series, including Colpi di coda (Garzanti, 2010), Rossoamaro (Garzanti, 2008) Le cose che non ti ho detto (Garzanti, 2007) and Con la morte non si tratta (Garzanti, 2006), translated in Germany/DTV.
Cristina Obber and Amani El Nasif, SIRIA MON AMOUR Piemme, May 2013, pp. 250 A story of rebellion and a new beginning. Amani was born in Syria and grew up in Italy. At the age of 16, on a pretext to do with some official GRFXPHQWV$PDQL¶V PRWKHUVHQW KHU EDFNWR6\ULD$PDQL LVIRUFHGWROHDYHKHUER\IULHQGKer girlfriends, and the new job she adores. After the first days in a fascinating, fragrant, and entirely different environment that stirs long-lost memories, Amani makes a shocking discovery: she has been promised in marriage to a much older cousin. Her life takes a terrible turn: she yearns for freedom but is locked into a society in which women are objects under the guardianship of men. Amani decides she must take her destiny into her own hands. Cristina Obber LVDMRXUQDOLVWZKRZULWHVDERXWZRPHQ¶VLVsues. Her latest book entitled Non lo faccio più is being studied in Italian schools and has given rise to a blog: www.nonlofacciopiu.net Amani El Nasif was born in Aleppo in 1990, but when she was three she moved to the Italian town where she grew up, Bassano del Grappa, with her family. Amani recently had a baby, a little girl she named Vittoria. Rights sold to Alpress/Czech Republic Claudio Paglieri, /¶ENIGMA DI LEONARDO Piemme April 2013, pp. 300 ³3DJOLHULZLOOVRRQEHUHFRJQLVHGIRUZKDWKHUHDOO\ LV,WDO\¶VEHVWWKULOOHUZULWHU´$OGR&D]]XOOR From the alleyways of old Genoa to the Riviera of Camogli on the track of a mysterious portrait It was one of the most blisteringly hot summers on record, even for the Ligurian Riviera. At Villa Moncalvo, tKH&RXQWJULSVKLVPRVWYDOXDEOHDVVHW³$SRUWUDLW$SURILOHWKDWWULFNV\RXLQWREHOLHYLQJ\RXFDQORRNDWLW XQVHHQ%XWWKDWIDFHFDQVHHGHHSLQWR\RXUVRXO´%XWQRZWKDWKLVHQGZDVQHDUZLWKQRZLIHRUFKLOGUHQ the old man had no one to answer to. Except his treasure;; a treasure he had kept hidden his whole life and now wanted to protect from all too eager hands. Those of Agnese, for instance, his Polish live-in carer, who ZDVVRNHHQWR³FOHDQXS´DIWHUKHGLHG ,W ZDVQ¶W WKH VWLIOLQJ KHDW WKDW kept Commissario Luciani awake during that unbearable summer, but the heartwrenching sobs of his new boss. Alessandro had arrived about three months earlier, in a basket left on the doorstep of his Camogli home. And since that day Luciani's life hasn't been his own. But even with the end of his tether fast approaching, the Commissario's instincts were just fine, thank you. Deaths often appear WR EH IURP QDWXUDO FDXVHV EXW VRPHWLPHV WKHUH¶V PRUH WR WKHP WKDQ PHHWV WKH H\H (VSHFLDOO\ ZKHQ D priceless masterpiece is involved that seems to have vanished into thin air. Claudio Paglieri is a journalist and author. Journalism began to fascinate him at the age of 16 and he now ZRUNV IRU *HQRD¶V GDLO\ QHZVSDSHU ³6HFROR ;,;´ 3LHPPH KDV SXEOLVKHG VHYHUDO RI KLV ERRNs including Domenica nera (winner of the Bancarella Sport prize), Il vicolo delle cause perse and La cacciatrice di teste. His books have been translated into German and published very successfully by Aufbau. Alessandro Perissinotto, LE COLPE DEI PADRI Piemme April 2013, pp. 322 Longlisted for the 2013 Premio Strega literary award 50000 copies sold A book about what we are and what we might have been. Forty-six year old Guido Marchisio from Turin is a successful executive in a big multinational, where the top EUDVVWKLQNVKH¶VWKHEHH¶VNQHHV+LVJLUOIULHQGLVGURS-dead gorgeous, and a much younger woman. Life is a ERZO RI FKHUULHV %XW DOO WKDW FKDQJHV RQ 2FWREHU ZKHQ *XLGR¶V OLIH WDNHV D GHYDVWDWLQJ WXUQ 7KDW morning, an unexpected meeting has him wondering: does he have a double? An identical twin he never knew about? A mysterious doppelgänger ? With every passing day he becomes more and more obsessed, and the existence of an engineer by the name of Marchisio soon begins to follow the same disastrous path as his own business and even his home town. Once bursting with confidence, nothing now remains of his old certainties and his old self. Skilled in cutting headcount, ever the top-QRWFK PDQDJHU DOZD\V WKH FKDUPHU«VXVSLFLRQ GUDLQV KLP RI DOO WKLs, as if embodying the slow demise of Italian industry. Before Guido gets to the bottom of this bizarre situation, he will teeter on the brink of disintegration and accept the unacceptable. Alessandro Perissinotto is a grand master at blending human nature with social conflicts, in an epic story that will leave its mark. Alessandro Perissinotto teaches at the University of Turin and had written a number of essays. In 1997, he wrote his first novel, a police procedural - /¶DQQR FKH XFFLVHUR 5RVHWWD (Sellerio). Then he wrote La
canzone di Colombano and Treno 8017 (Sellerio). In 2004, he published with Rizzoli Al mio giudice (2005 Grinzane Cavour Prize for Italian Fiction) a noir in epistolary form, followed by Una piccola storia ignobile, L'ultima notte bianca and /¶RUFKHVWUDGHO7LWDQLF. His thoughts on police procedurals were turned into a non fiction book, published in 2008 - /D VRFLHWj GHOO¶LQGDJLQH (Bompiani). He continued writing fiction, publishing Per vendetta in 2009. His novels have been translated into several European languages and into -DSDQHVH+HDOVRZULWHVIRU³/D6WDPSD´DQGLWVVXSSOHPHQW³7RULQR6HWWH´ Rights sold: Netherlands/Serena Libri Raffaella Romagnolo, TUTTA QUESTA VITA Piemme, October 2013, pp. 224 An awkward teenager from a wealthy family morphs into a young woman capable of loving herself, others, and life. Paoletta, a somewhat unusual sixteen year old, gradually changes as her story is told with wit, intelligence and a rapier-VKDUS ZULWLQJ VW\OH 2K DQG WKHUH¶V D KHDOWK\ GRVH of suspense thrown in for good measure. Paoletta loathes the social networks and abhors sit-FRPV SUHIHUULQJ VHULRXV DXWKRUV¶ DQG ILOPV IURP WKH Golden Age of Cinema. She cares not a whit about her figure and would far prefer an outing with Richi, her 12-year old wheelchair-bound little brother, to an afternoon with her girlfriends at the mall. She finds everything wretchedly fake, cruel and unbearable. There are quite a few skeletons in the family closet, and fleeing her jail-like home seems to be the only way to save herself and her brother. Their escape ± disguised as an innocent stroll ± takes them to a neighbourhood that is nearby yet light years away from their glitteringly affluent environment.. This is where Paoletta meets Antonio, a boy whose actions speak louder WKDQKLVZRUGVDVKHWHDFKHVKHUWKDW\RXFDQ¶WORYHOLIH³ORFNVWRFNDQGEDUUHO´ Raffaella Romagnolo is the author of /¶DPDQWHGLFLWWj (Fratelli Frilli, 2007). Piemme published her novel La masnà (2011), which was acclaimed by both readers and critics. Brunella Schisa, LA SCELTA DI GIULIA Mondadori, October 2013, pp. 312 This is a family saga. Naples is the backdrop for a secret love that will change the destiny of generations. A precious heirloom is handed down to Emma: a ring that once belonged to her great grand-mother. The increasingly disturbing history of the ring, and her own family, gradually emerges from crumpled papers, faded photographs, and the tales of her great-aunt Carolina. That summer Emma leaves her girlhood behind anGGLVFRYHUVORYHDQGEHWUD\DOLQKHUIDPLO\¶VSDVW Brunella Schisa is a journalist, literary critic and author. Her novels include La donna in nero (2006), a fictionalised biography of Berthe Morrisot, which has won numerous awards including the Rapallo Carige Prize;; Lo Strappo (2008), a thriller co-written with Antonio Forcellino and published in Spanish and Taiwanese;; Dopo ogni abbandono (2009), a literary reconstruction of the life of Countess Lara. La scelta di Giulia *LXOLD¶VFKRLFH LVWKHILUVWQRvel she has set in her own home town of Naples. Alessio Torino, URBINO, NEBRASKA Minimum Fax September 2013, pp. 237 ³$OHVVLR7RULQRHVFDSHVIURPWKHGRPLQDQWEODFNPDLOLQJRIFRPPHUFLDOSXEOLVKLQJWKDQNVWR the authenticity of his inspiration and his conVFLHQFHDVDVWRU\WHOOHU´*RIIUHGR)RIL± Internazionale. One day in 1987, within the walls of the magnificent Renaissance town Urbino, a tragedy occurs. Two young sisters, Esther and Bianca, are found dead on a bench in a park, with needles in their veins. Ten years later, twenty years later, today, Esther and Bianca still live in the stories of many ordinary people in Urbino. A XQLYHUVLW\VWXGHQWZDQWVWREULQJFRPIRUWWRWKHVLVWHUV¶DLOLQJHOGHUO\PRWKHU6RPH\RXQJPXVLFLDQVVHHPWR be inspired by their record collection. A failed writer decides to use them as characters in his next novel. And some old objects survive, linking the troubled Eighties to the first decade of the new century²a photo on a kitchen shelf, a rock song, a clipping from an old newspaper about the tragic event, the ring traded by the two sisters for their last dose of heroin. Consisting of four tracks linked by the common thread of the story of Esther and Bianca, the new novel by Alessio Torino describes a physical place, Urbino, which becomes, little by little, a universal place of the heart. Alessio Torino (Urbino, 1975) debuted in 2010 with the novel Undici decimi (Bagutta Prize for the first novel;; Frontino Award), which was followed in 2011 by the novel Tetano (Finalist at Tropea Prize 2012;; winner of Lo Straniero Prize 2012) published by Minimum Fax. Rights with Minimum Fax
Alberto Vigevani, I COMPAGNI DI SETTEMBRE Endemunde Settembre 2013, pp.160 ,WDO\¶VILUVWQRYHODERXWWKH5HVLVWDQFH Time: the Second World War. Place: the Italian-Swiss border. A young artist leaves the city and his wife and new born son to join a small group of partisans in the mountains. His story is told with documentary-like accuracy. We learn how the Resistance distributed weapons and organized guard duty. How civilians were URXQGHG XS $QG KRZ WKRXJKWV RI GHDWK ZHUH QHYHU IDU IURP SHRSOH¶V PLQGV :LWK KLV XQGHUVWDWHG HDUO\ Neorealist style, Vigevani reconstructs the insecurities and hopes of a young middle class man facing the need to kill, and to save his own life. German translation available. Alberto Vigevani (1918- ZDV RQH RI ,WDO\¶V IRUHPRVW WK &HQWXU\ ZULWHUV $IWHU HPHUJLQJ IURP KLV 1HRUHDOLVWSHULRG9LJHYDQLYHQWXUHGLQWRZULWLQJVHQVLWLYHDQGKLJKO\SHUVRQDO³OLWHUDU\PHPRLUV´+LV best- selling and critically acclaimed novels Estate al lago, /¶LQYHQ]LRQH Il grembiule rosso and Un certo Ramondès earned him countless prizes and awards.
NON FICTION Fabrizia Tasca Lanza, TASTE OF SICILY, THE BEST OF SOUTH ITALY CUISINE Mondadori Electa, September 2013, pp.192 Marchesa Fabrizia Tasca Lanza from Palermo worked as an art historian in a number of museums for many years, but in recent times has successfully taken over the running of the school of cookery founded by her mother, Anna Tasca LDQ]DDOPRVWWKLUW\\HDUVDJRRQWKHIDPLO\7DVFDG¶$OPHULWDHVWDWHZKLFKLVQRWHGIRU its excellent wines. The school enjoys a considerable reputation in Europe and the USA, thanks to its setting, the stunning Sicilian countryside, to the unique style of its cookery tuition based on traditional Sicilian FXLVLQHDUHJLRQZKLFKERDVWVVRPHRI,WDO\¶VPRVWYDULHGDQGGHOLFLRXVGLVKHVDQGWKDQNVDOVRWRWKHXVHRI QDWXUDOLQJUHGLHQWVVWUDLJKWIURPWKH0DUFKHVD7DVFD/DQ]D¶VRZQILHOGVDQGYHJHWDEOHJDUGHQ The book is divided into themed chapters, each one dedicated to a particular style of cooking: noble cuisine, cooking for parties and celebrations, country cooking, sweets and cakes from the convent, street food. Ideal for discovering or rediscovering Sicilian cuisine, both at its most traditional and most contemporary. Giovanni Ziccardi, ENTRO 48 ORE Marsilio Winter 2014, pp. 144 How to recover time, job quality, family relationships and friendships: a tale of technological downshifting. Eric Clapton, tKDQNLQJDJXHVWDWWKH&URVVURDGV*XLWDU)HVWLYDOVDLG³+H¶VDJUHDWJX\ Every year he replies to my invitation within 48 hours." ,QWRGD\¶VGLJLWDOZRUOGKRXUVLVDQHWHUQLW\ We have less time than ever, and we devote it largely to technology. :H¶Ue constantly connected to our smart phones and tablets, and silently communicating via social networks. Our new lifestyle has made us neglect the very values that used to make human beings the most social of all living beings. Without casting aspersions on the world of today, Ziccardi ± who has first-hand experience in disconnecting from technology ± teaches us how to reclaim lost space and time. Our 48 hours. Giovanni Ziccardi is a professor of legal Information Technology at the University of Milan (Italy). He has worked in computer crime, freedom rights, hacking and digital dissidence for over 20 years. Marsilio has published his essay on hacking entitled Hacker - Il richiamo della libertà, and a technothriller entitled /¶XOWLPRKDFNHU. His official website is www.ziccardi.org
Gianni Biondillo, IL MIO AMICO ASDRUBALE Guanda, October 2013, pp. 112 An ecological fable on uncontrolled urbanization, the bond between children and our cities and their need of real friends rather than virtual ones. Marco is nine years old and he is a great hunter: he smashes his rivals, kills his enemies, vanquishes dragons, shoots zombies and, if necessary, he even sets fire to warlocks. Of course, he does all this with his 3OD\6WDWLRQ:LLRU1LQWHQGR,QRWKHUZRUGVJDPHVIRUER\V*DPHVIRUWRGD\¶VER\V1RWOLNHWKRVHVWXSLG JDPHVIRUJLUOV,W¶VVXFKDVKDPHWKRXJKEHFDXVHWKHUHLVDJLUODWVFKRRO0LUNDZKRVHHPVUHDOO\QLFH«,Q
DQ\FDVHLW¶VIDUEHWWHUWRVSHQGWKHDIWHUQRRQVDWKRPHKDYLQJIXQLQIURQWRIDVFUHHQ8QWLORQHGD\PXP¶V FDU GRHVQ¶W ZDQW WR VWDUW VKH FDQQRW GULYH 0DUFR WR VFKRRO DV VKH XVXDOO\ GRHV DQG KH KDV WR ZDON 7KXV Marco discovers that there is a park on his way to school, and that Mirka has a special friend in the park: it is DYHU\WDOOJUHHQIULHQGZKRVSHDNVWRKHUDQGZKRLVHDJHUWREHFRPH0DUFR¶VIULHQGWRR$WHUULEOHWKUHDW KRZHYHUORRPVRYHUWKHLUIULHQGWKHWUHH« Gianni Biondillo (Milan, 1966) is an architect and essayist. He writes about cinema and television and is a journalist for Nazione Indiana. Among his titles, published by Guanda, are: Per cosa si uccide (What to Kill for, 2004), Con la morte nel cuore (With Death in Your Heart, 2005), Per sempre giovane (Forever Young, 2006), Il giovane sbirro (The Young Cop, 2007), Nel nome del padre (In the Name of the Father, 2009), I materiali del killer (.LOOHU¶V0DWHULDOV, 2011), the collection of essays Metropoli per principianti (Metropolis for Beginners, 2008) and the collection of short stories Strane storie (Strange Stories). Biondillo wrote, in collaboration with Severino Colombo, Manuale di sopravvivenza del padre contemporaneo (A Modern 'DG¶V 6XUYLYDO *XLGH, 2008), with Michele Monina, Tangenziali (Ring Roads, 2010) and edited the collection of short stories 3HQHG¶DPRUH(/RYH¶V3DLQV, 2008), all published by Guanda. Le gabbianelle, WKHQHZVHULHVGHYRWHGWRFKLOGUHQ¶VERRNVSXEOLVKHGE\*XDQGDLQFOXGHVWLWOHVE\/XLV Sepulveda and Paola Mastracola. Among the forthcoming titles there will be novels by Marco Vichi and Aharon Appelfeld Anne Tyler.