Granular jamming transitions for a robotic mechanism

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Jun 24, 2014 - pressure within the granular jamming mechanism for a variable stiffness finger ... the shear stress τ acting on the joint should first be estimated.
Granular jamming transitions for a robotic mechanism Allen Jiang, Tomaso Aste, Prokar Dasgupta, Kaspar Althoefer, and Thrishantha Nanayakkara Citation: AIP Conference Proceedings 1542, 385 (2013); doi: 10.1063/1.4811948 View online: View Table of Contents: Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Statistical mechanics of dry granular materials: Between fragile solid (jamming) and dry fluid (rheology) AIP Conf. Proc. 1542, 329 (2013); 10.1063/1.4811934 Note: Dynamic analysis of a robotic fish motion with a caudal fin with vertical phase differences Rev. Sci. Instrum. 84, 036108 (2013); 10.1063/1.4795550 Introducing the fractional order robotic Darwinian PSO AIP Conf. Proc. 1493, 242 (2012); 10.1063/1.4765496 Actuation of a robotic fish caudal fin for low reaction torque Rev. Sci. Instrum. 82, 075114 (2011); 10.1063/1.3611002 Jamming in granular matter AIP Conf. Proc. 742, 279 (2004); 10.1063/1.1846487

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Granular Jamming Transitions for a Robotic Mechanism Allen Jiang∗ , Tomaso Aste† , Prokar Dasgupta∗∗ , Kaspar Althoefer∗ and Thrishantha Nanayakkara∗ ∗

Centre for Robotics Research, King’s College London, London, WC2R 2LS, UK † Computer Science, University College London, London, WC1E 6BT, UK ∗∗ Robotic Surgery and Urological Innovation, King’s College London, London, SE1 4XA, UK Abstract. The jamming transitions for granules growing field of interest in robotics for use in variable stiffness mechanisms. However, the traditional use of air pressure to control the jamming transition requires heavy vacuums, reducing the mobility of the robot. Thus, we propose the use of water as a hydraulic fluid to control the transition between free and clustered granules. This paper presents comparative studies that show that a hydraulic granular jammed finger joint can both achieve the same stiffness level and maintain the same hysteresis level of a pneumatic system, with only a small volume of fluid. Keywords: granular jamming, finger, assemblable hand, medical, robot, compliant, variable stiffness, hydraulic, pneumatic PACS: 87.85.St

INTRODUCTION As a growing field in robotics, granular jamming is a variable stiffness mechanism where particulate media encased in a membrane can change from a compliant to rigid state [1]. This ‘fragile matter’ phenomenon can be utilized in a broad spectrum of applications [2]. Already, jamming is the key component to a universal robotic gripper [3], a tendon-actuated elephant-like trunk [4], a small morphing robot [5], and a layer jammed tube [6]. However, the above groups require vacuum pumps to continuously maintain a low air pressure within their mechanisms. These pumps can be loud, cumbersome, expensive, and inhibit granular jamming from being mobile. This paper introduces the use of water to control the pressure within the granular jamming mechanism for a variable stiffness finger on an assembable hand, as seen in Fig. 1. Our previous work on the robot joints involved examining granule types [7] and actuation techniques [8] for a minimally invasive surgical tool [9]. However, our previous work involved a vacuum pump and pressure sensor to regulate the internal pressure of the joints, as seen in Fig. 1(B). Thus, while the granular jamming finger itself could be miniaturized, the overall system was not mobile. By converting granular jamming from a pneumatic system to a hydraulic system, we could begin to untether the fingers. The pneumatic granular jamming finger was initially designed as part of an assemblable minimally invasive surgical hand [10]. For medical robotics, a tethered flexible manipulator is not uncommon, such as with current robotic endoscopes [11] and catheters [12]. In particular, the forefront of robotic surgical tools are tendon-based,

FIGURE 1. The granular jamming finger, part of an assembable hand robot for minimally invasive surgeries. (A) Three unjammed fingers on the hand. (B) The system setup for one finger, including a vacuum chamber and pump. (C) The finger jammed at 90 degrees.

which require a significant backend space [13]. However, with the increasing favor for laparo-endoscopic singlesite surgery (LESS) and natural orifice translumenal endoscopic surgery (NOTES), such large backends can cause clashing and obstructions for the surgeons. Thus, designs such as intracorporeal assembling robotic systems are also becoming favored [10, 14]. For these systems, a granular jamming module would ideally be a self contained system, allowing each finger to be attached or detached without the possibility for the pneumatic lines to be contaminated by blood or other liquids. Thus, a hydraulic system’s low volume requirements can be used to design such a self contained, granular jamming module.

Powders and Grains 2013 AIP Conf. Proc. 1542, 385-388 (2013); doi: 10.1063/1.4811948 © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC 978-0-7354-1166-1/$30.00

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SIMULATIONS Though the experimental granules used were halfspheres, they were treated as whole spheres for the simulations, as the half-spheres tend to align to create whole spheres. The following approximation is based on this assumption. From [15], the packing density of the granules depends on granule diameter, interparticle friction, and density difference between granules and surrounding fluid. Indeed, the pressure level of the fluid within the finger joint affects the stiffness of the joint; a so-called low pressure of fluid (evacuated) increases the granular packing density [16]. To predict the bending force of the joint when jammed, the shear stress τ acting on the joint should first be estimated. The shear stress, as [17, 18] describe, can be found in terms of the solid fraction f , hydrodynamic ˙ interparticle static friction μs , viscosity ηH , shear rate γ, and particle pressure Ps . The relationship for liquid τl and air τd systems are as follow: τl = (1 − fl )ηH γ˙ + fl μs Ps τd = (1 − fd )ηH γ˙ + fd μs Ps


P μk



where μk is interparticle kinetic friction, I is the inertial number for dry granules, d is the diameter of each granule, and ρ p is the density of each granule. From [17, 19], particle pressure Ps is defined as the “mean normal stress exerted by the particles,” and is calculated as follows: Ps = (1/3)σ (4) where σ is the pressure differential on the joint (e.g. in the case of full vacuum, σ = 101 kPa (14.6 PSI-A)). Finally, the conversion from shear stresses in Eqn. 1 to the external bending force Fext is as follows: (5) Fext = τA where A is the cross-sectional area of the joint. Table 1 outlines the parameters used to calculate the load force at the fingertip. For the hydraulic simulation, σ is estimated to be full vacuum, thus it is set to 101 kPa (14.6 PSI-A). This results in a force of 0.53 N. For the




τ (kPa)



σ (kPa)



A (mm2 )



ηH (kPa-s)



γ˙ (mm/s)









Ps (kPa)



ρ p (kg/m3 )

fd ≈

Simulation Results

Fext (N)

d (mm)

For dry granules, fd can be estimated as: I=

pneumatic system, the internal finger joint pressure level is known to be 18 kPa (2.6 PSI-A), and thus σ was set to 83 kPa (12 PSI-A). This results in a force of 0.43 N. Thus, the hydraulic system is estimated to exhibit higher stiffnesses than its pneumatic counterpart. TABLE 1.

where fl and fd the equilibrium solid fractions f = Nc /N for granules in a liquid and granules which are dry. Nc represents the number of granules in transient solid clusters per unit volume, and N is the total number of grains per unit volume. For granules in liquids, fl can also be estimated by the following: 1 Nc fl = ≈ (2) ˙ N 1 + ηsH γ 1 1+ μI k ˙ √ γd Ps /ρ p

FIGURE 2. Experimental setup for the hydraulic test. For the pneumatic experiments, a pressure sensor was attached to the port hole.

1 1180

METHODS The variable stiffness finger joint is a 10 mm diameter by 30 mm long cylinder made of a 0.2 mm thick latex membrane and filled with 0.5 mm radius half-sphere, acrylic granules. The experiments consisted of deflecting the tip of the joint 10 mm perpendicularly and measuring the resulting force. The deflection was motor controlled, and the force was measured by an ATI Nano17 Force/Torque sensor. The first of the two experiments was an unjammed stiffness test, where the pneumatic joint was set to an internal air pressure of 101 kPa (14.6 PSI absolute). Similarly, the hydraulic joint for this test was filled with just enough water to fill the spaces between granules. The second test, the jammed stiffness experiment, consisted of continuously vacuuming the pneumatic joint to an internal air pressure of 18 kPa with a Mastercool 90066 Vacuum Pump. Pressure was measured in-line by a Honeywell 0-30 PSI pressure sensor. The hydraulic version

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FIGURE 3. A comparison of the pneumatic and hydraulic joints when unjammed, with internal pressure at a neutral pressure.

FIGURE 4. Experimental results of the pneumatic joint with internal pressure set to 18 kPa (2.6 PSI-A) and the hydraulic joint with 0.5 mL of water evacuated via a syringe.

consisted of a 10 mL syringe installed in place of the vacuum pump. 0.5 mL of water was removed with the syringe to stiffen the variable stiffness joint. The main characteristics examined in this study are the stiffness range and hysteresis of the systems. The hysteresis value H for each experiment is normalized and is calculated by the difference in area of the pushing and returning curves divided by the area of the pushing curve A −A (H = pushA return ).

Jammed Stiffness


EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS In order to validate the simulation results in Tab. 1, and to compare a hydraulic granular jamming system to a traditional pneumatic system, several experiments were performed. 5-10 trials were performed for each experiment to examine the stiffness range and hysteresis of the given setup.

Unjammed Stiffness Figure 3 shows the results of the pneumatic joint “softness” test, where the variable stiffness joint is deflected without a pressure differential to the environment. Here, the granules are in a minimal state of static equilibrium, in which they are settled, but are easily perturbed. This is taken to be the φRLP factor for the pneumatic joint. There is a very low amount of hysteresis at 11%, and low stiffness as well. The peak force measured was 0.06 N. There is a fairly linear behavior to the curves. For the hydraulic version, there is a hysteresis level of 21%, and a peak stiffness of 0.04 N. The profile of this experiment is similar to the pneumatic one. However, the higher hysteresis and lower stiffness indicate that the water has a different influence on the granules.

With a continuous vacuum draw of 18 kPa, the variable stiffness joint is able to achieve 0.32 N at the 10 mm deflection mark, as shown in Fig. 4. Hysteresis was found to be large at 80%. Unlike the unjammed stiffness test in Fig. 3, there is a visible cutoff point in the return phase for the vacuum test. In Fig. 4, the measurable force reaches 0 N at the 5 mm point. At this point, the joint is no longer in contact with the force sensor, as the joint has permanently deformed to this state. In the experimental procedure, the joint was reset before the subsequent trial. Also unlike the unjammed stiffness test, the pneumatic system, while under vacuum, exhibits a logarithmic plot for both the pushing and returning curves. The pushing curve in Fig. 4 does not peak until the 8 mm point. In contrast to the pneumatic systems, evacuating a 0.5 mL volume of water achieved a peak force of 0.24 N, as shown in Fig. 4. Hysteresis for this system was marginally improved to 78%, and displayed a similar logarithmic tendency for both the pushing and returning curves.

DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS In this paper we demonstrate a novel means of regulating the stiffness of a granular jamming joint by the use of water. The hydraulic system is able to achieve a similar stiffness profile as a pneumatic one. The simulation results for maximum stiffness differ from the experimental results. While the numerical model from Eqn. 1 and 5 predict the force Fext to be around 0.53 N for the hydraulic system and 0.43 N for the pneumatic system, the experimental data results were 0.24 N and 0.32, respectively. It is possible that the dis-

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crepancy may be from the assumption that the granules are in an optimally jammed state or that all of the granules are a clustered state ( f = Nc /N = 1). Friction losses and particle motion were also not considered in the simulations, which could also account for the difference in forces. Figure 4 shows that, with a small extraction volume, a hydraulic system can achieve the similar stiffness levels as a pneumatic system. The incompressibility of water creates a vacuum effect when the fluid is evacuated, and because the joint is 80% granules by volume, the amount of water, and therefore the evacuation chamber, is small. However, while the use of water has this advantage over air, there are also several disadvantages. In an pneumatic system, leaks within the system would decrease the granular jamming performance, but not render it unusable. For a hydraulic system, leakages quickly manifested into problems the syringe could not overcome. Thus, when air entered the hydraulic system, the variable stiffness joint could no longer stiffen. Additionally, the weight of water can be a disadvantage for the manipulator in an atmospheric pressure environment, as each section would be required to carry the additional weight of the sections before it. However, the effect of the additional weight in water did not have an impact on the single joint experiments carried out on this paper, as the stiffness characteristics of a water-filled joint in a unstiffened state were the same as an air-filled joint, as seen in Fig. 3. It should be noted that it may be possible for the hydraulic system to achieve a higher stiffness if the syringe in the experimental setup were more robust. During the experiment, while the motor and linear module were able to actuate and hold its position, the brackets supporting the syringe were subject to flex, which could have offset the experimental results. The novel use of water in place of air for a granular jamming mechanism opens a new field in granular jamming research for robotics, as a hydraulic granular jamming system can be used for mobile and field robotics, as well as in intracorporeal assembling robotics for the medical field.





7. 8.



11. 12. 13.



This work was partly funded by the Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital Trust Foundation, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), UK, under grant agreement EP/I028773/1, and by the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Commission under grant agreement 287728 in the framework of EU project STIFF-FLOP.

16. 17. 18. 19.

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