Graph theory and its applications [Book Review] - IEEE ... - IEEE Xplore

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Burham, and S.P. Baker, Edirors. Phone +1 800 722 4726. Artech House, Inc. Materials Research Society littp:// 685 Canton Street.

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Macromolecular Science and Engineering-New Aspects Y. 7L'aiialx,Editor Spriiigcr-Vcrlag New York, Itic.

333 Mcadowlniids Parkwily Secaucus, NJ07094

Phone + I 800 777 4643 ISBN # 3-540-64378-8 400pp. - $ 104,OO (Hardhack), '1999 Receiit d v a t i w s in polynier technology arc dctailed in this 1)otik. Thc fivc parts which makc up this hook a r c c11cinic;il i:eaccioiis, specialty polyMCI'S, pulymer processing, new mensurciiiciits, structiire ~ i i dpropertics. 'I'hc suction uti chemical i:eactioiis has four chapters dealing with inctall o c ~ n e catalysts. Maiiy polymerizntirin proccsscs, such as ring opening polymcrizatioti, adclitiori polyuierizatioii, :id condcnsntiuii polymerizations, are now hciiig widcly itwesrig;ited again with thc discovery of new reaction prriccsscs. Among these processes are stcrcospccifi c pr)lyrticrizations iisjiig iiietalloccilc and i:adical isoirierizati nti pol )imcri zatioiis. Otlicr processes rlcscrild ;ire biosynthesis and high-prcssurc polyiricriaatiou. V i e secoiicl section, specialty polyiims, coiitaiiis topics covering a w n s of iicw polymei: arcliitectii res, polynicr gels, scpai-ation and biomiinetic mcinbraiies, mctal-chi ster dispersed iiiatci-ia h , organic riiaguetic materials, a11d nun-linear optical inntcrials. In the field of polytnci: processing (scctiwi thrce),



rhe latest tccliaicluus for lascr processing of polyiiiers atid Iascr induced chciiiical rcnctioiis are described, Othcr top ios i n c h c k su I-face modi Cication, etching, :incl crcntiiig thin-films of iiitr;icrable polymers on substrates tli r o ~gli r mechntiica I deposition. The fourth section, ncw n i c m i r e nicnt iii cth ods, d escrilles tec hili qu cs for size cxclnsioii cliromarojii:apliy (gcl pcrtmation chromatograph y) for moIcculnr w i g h t iiieasurenients, atomic force iiiicroscopy, scanning tanneling inicroscopy, and a surface force n p p r n t w (oprical interferoinetry for measuring d i e forcc lwtwccti two well-definecl surfaces), Tlic striictim find propcrtics section of this h o o k contains 3 largc riiitiiber oE differcnt types of polymers. Receiit topics arc siriti~iial-ized iii sevcti clinptcrs. Various exatnples of organic thin-filius Jrc i1lustr;ltcd including the itiinging of chctnical bonds. Molecular dynamics are visualizccl and a iicw tlieory 011 glnss transition is presciitcd using coinpiiter simulations. Morphology dcvcloptiien I' d u1:iiig melt proccssI ng of irniniscihIc hlcnds is also described. Also criritaincd in tliis final section ;ire die theory niid rcccnt ~ncasurcmentsof till inerom electrical I y conduct irig polymers, ~ i c worganic elecrronic materials, mid organic clcctroluitiinesceiit dcviccs. The latest topics t ) n iicw tiinrcrials in tIic book arc orgaiiic thin-filiiis using pdy(p-plicnyluncv iiiylcne) derivativus for prodiicitig laser light aiid fullerenes and nniiotulxs properties a i d applications. 'l'his honk, having a wick range of copics in tlic ficld of polytiiers, cotdrl appeal t o nu nieroiis interested rcndcrs in the arcas of polyiuei: scienoc, chili-film tescnrchcrs, inatcri;ils science I-cscarchers, ciitliiiists, o r anytitic worlciiig iri tlic ficld o f polymer research,

Graph Theory and Its Applications J. Gross and j.Ycllen CIIC Prcss LLC 2000 Corporate Ulvd. NW lhtoii, FL 33431-9868 Phone + 1. 8 0 0 272 7737 ISEN # 0-8433-3982-0 585 pp. - $69.95 (Hardcowl-),1399 Graph tliuory is ii method to visually create :in nIgoritliIii for solvi~ig;1prol,lctri or representing a physical itiodd, siicli as :in cluctrical circuit, ronclways, or orgaiiic models. A graph consists of n configuraiion of iiodcs xiid coiiiiections with some typc of rclationships bctwcen the cmincctions that describes thc model. Pnr instatice, two atoms in 311 urgiiiiic moleculc may liavc inore thiin one imncl hctween thcm; and a computer pi:ograin is I ilcely CO have lotips. ~I'hcscexariiplcs ruqiiirc graphs with IIILI hip I c c o i uections ~ betwccn vertices, (11' with coiinectioris from 3 vcrtcx 1'0itself. This book covcrs n very wide range of graph theory topics. Algoiitlims are written iii a concise forinat for many different types of problems and irpplica~ioiis.Somc exnmples of the sixty-one algorithms that arc wiitten in a way t o bc easily coded f o r ;Icomputer application include fincling 311 augincticing path, binary search, coinponcnt finding, grccdy, atid niaxiniuin flow. l h c r c arc scvcnty applications dcscribcd, which ixtige f r o m archcologp, to extending [.atin rectarigres t n Latin squares. Soinc o f t h c niorc pel:tinctit applications t o (iur rcadcrs iriiglit iticludc those describing circuit design, circiiit hoards, coristrixtiiig efficiciit coniputcr code, physical dietinistry, aiicl traiisinittiiig photographs from spncce,

IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine

Tliis highly innthciiiat-ical b o n k wunlcl be of iiitercst to :ippliCd rriatticiiiacicians, cornpiitei: scicnce arid comtiinnicatioti cnginecrs.

Smart Structures and Materials Rriaii Culsliaw Artecli I-Iouse, Iiic. 68.5 Canto11 Strcct Norwood, MA 02062 Phone fl 6.17 769 9750 ~vw.artech-1ioiisc.coni ISBN #0-89006-68 1.-7 2(il)pp, - $70.00 (Hardback), 1996 In this agc aC i:;ipidly increasing tcchnology, one area that is also prngrcssiiig is that of “smart” m;itcrials. “Sitiart” iiintcrinls and “ ~ i i i ~ r st t”n i c tures are n o t nlile TO cnkc a test for y o u o r walk tlic dog or drivc a cw-yct. ‘I’oday’s “siiiart” striictiircs arc geiiei:allv ctirisidercd 1nccIiniiic;iI coiriponciits with einl,ed(lcd sensors, which iiietiSIII‘C tlic coiidiiion or state o f rhc coiupoiient. Somc exainplcs of “sillart” S t r u m i r c S can iiiclude A concrete bridge with eiribeddcd fiber optic seuscirs for 1iioiiicor:ing the xressw :wd coridition of rhe structure. Otlicl- ex:I it) 1’ ICs i iic I t 1d e i t i s t r Uiiie1it ed hu i 1ding in earthqndcc areas, hclicoptcrs, trains, ~ ~ i ~ t ~ ~ nand ~ ~aircraft. t ~ i l cI-IOWs, cvcr, ceceiit advances wciulcl allow tlic building i n an carthqunkc t o respond ta tlic forces appiicd to riiitigatc t h e c f fcct of the earthquake on tlic striictiirc. Thc author hegins by dcfiiiiiig “siii;irt” structures and iiiaterials tlien clescribcs instruinciitcil riiarerinls and various sciising tccliiioiogies. The insjority of the book covers how f i l m optic sciisors are uscrl for meiisuriiig pliysicd, thcrinnl, chcrnical, nnd 1hcIieiiiic;il quantities. A clxipier ( > I ) actiiator uccliniqiies iuci udcs piuoelcc t r ic mite I:i als, clcctrartieological fluids, clcctrascrictivc tnntci:ials, magnctostrictivc materials, elcctroinagiietic actuation, hydraulics, atid shape inerrlory alloys. Two chapters COVCI’ signal processing, concrol, and applications for “smiirt” structures. Thc filial two chapters deal with the fiitwc of ‘‘uimrt” iiiaterials xud a descriptioii of “si~iart”mnterials. Althougli v;iguc, the authors clescription t i l truly L‘sitinrt”tuaMarchlApriI2000 ~- Vol. 16, No. 2

tcl-ials sccin to b e hiological in iiatiirc. Tl~csciiintcrials liavc yct to bc crcntccl.

Fundamentals of Nunoindentation and Nanotribology, Volume 522 N.K. kh~cly, W.W. Gerbcrich, N. Bul-iiliam, aiirl S.P. Ihltcr, Edirors Mate1:iiils I