Graphic Communications I - Oswego

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(Mandatory) Graphic Design Solutions (4th Edition) by Robin Landa. ( Recommended) ... Meggs' History of Graphic Design by Philip Meggs. Lab & Printing Fees.

TR 6:30-9:30 PM 34 Lanigan Hall Kacie Haynes | [email protected] Office Hours: 6:00-6:30PM or by appointment Graphic Communications I Course Description * See Course Syllaus fo Deadlines Description

This course has a two-part mission. First is to further your understanding of graphic design. Second is to further your ability to demonstrate visual concepts and constructs in a desktop computer-driven studio environment. This course involves study and studio experience in the areas of planning and designing graphic products, integrating text and illustrations using computer hardware/software, preparing images for photomechanical reproduction, producing line and halftone images, preparing image carriers, and image transfer by offset lithography.

Methods of Instruction

Lecture and media presentations, class discussions, demonstrations, assigned readings, tutorial instructions and critiques


(Mandatory) Graphic Design Solutions (4th Edition) by Robin Landa (Recommended) Color Index by Jim Krause InDesign CS3 for Macintosh+Windows+Mac by Weinmann Becoming a Graphic Designer by Heller Meggs’ History of Graphic Design by Philip Meggs

Lab & Printing Fees

Students are required to pay a lab fee of $55. This is paid as part of tuition for the class. In addition to this, students are required to pay for each print they produce using the lab printers. A non-refundable base fee of $50 will be charged to your account on the third week of the semester. This includes a onetime fee of $10 for b&w prints, and a startup fee of $40 for color prints. If you exceed the $40, then you will be charged as follows:

Cost to print: 8.5x11-$1.50, 11x17/12x18-$3.00, 13x19/17x22-$3.00, Epson Matte- $4.00, Other $6/linear ft.


Points & Pica Ruler Three Ring Binder with Tabs (at least one tab for each project) Plastic Sheet Covers Sketchbook CD/DVDs to hand in projects and back up files Markers, Colored Pencils, Pens & Pencils Matte Board (for each project) “Color Mount” Dry Mount Tissue


Attendance in class is mandatory. Students are required to be present for the entire duration of the class period. More than three absences will lower your final letter grade. Tardiness and leaving early will be counted as an absence. Attendance during class critiques is mandatory. Missing class is NOT an excuse for handing in late assignments. For each day late a full letter grade will be dropped. All project components are due at the start of class, unless otherwise specified.


Papers, tutorials and projects are graded with the following lettering system A-Outstanding effort and extremely successful work, far better than average performance, understanding and participation with ease of verbally and visually communicating B-Good work exhibiting understanding, sometimes excellent, better than average performance and solutions with evidence of going beyond in problem solving C-Acceptable to good work, consistent work and an overall even performance, has potential but not particularly outstanding D-Poor work, lacking evidence of success, poor work habits, lack of organization, understanding, and effort and little participation E-Unacceptable Page 1

Grade Allocation

Participation/Self direction-Students are expected to be in class to participate in discussion and critiques. An “A” student shows evidence of self-direction and intellectual curiosity in solving problems. (5%) Exercises, Exams, Critical Analysis. (20%) Projects & Course Notebook (75%)

Course Requirements

This course requires of each student a 9 hour weekly commitment. Work is due on dates specified in the calendar but may be updated by the professor at any time. Printed work and electronic files will be submitted as specified for each project. Prints are due in folders and electronic files on the workstation specified.


• Engagement in illegal behavior using the studio equipment will result in permanent removal from the facility. • Students are expected to conduct themselves in a courteous and professional manner at all times. • Cell phones are to be TURNED OFF during class. • Facebook/ MySpace along with checking personal blogs & websites is NOT permitted during class time nor is Instant messaging. You will be given one written warning. After that you will be asked to leave class and counted as absent. • You are soely responsible for backing up all of your work! Losing your work due to lack of backup is NOT acceptable. * You are liable for any equipment you break. *D  o not operate equipment, use tools or materials until you are instructed in their use. * A ll forms of misconduct in the classroom as defined by the provisions in the Student Handbook may result in disciplinary action in the form of one or more sanctions listed in Section 44. When Misconduct occurs, the student will meet with the instructor and receive a letter documenting the misconduct and actions agreed upon by both parties, including a warning and further misconduct may cause more severe disciplinary action from the Office of Judicial Affairs.

Intellectual Integrity

Inellectual Integrity on the part of all students is basic to individual growth and development through college coursework. When academic dishonesty occurs, the teaching/learning climate is seriously undermined and student growth and development are impeded. For these reasons, any form of intellectual dishonesty is a serious concern and is therefore prohibited. Plagarism is unacceptable and will result in a zero as well as disciplinary action.


If you have a disabling condition which may interfere with your ability to successfully complete this course, please contact the Office of Disability Services 183 Campus Center, (315) 312-3358, Email: [email protected]. Accordingly please see me privately to discuss your accomodations in advance.

Common Criteria Specifics for handing in each project Thumbnails (using traditional media, pencils/markers/etc.) scanned in and printed on 8.5x11” pages B&W. Roughs (traditional media or computer) also printed on 8.5x11” pages COLOR. Sketches need approval by the instructor before advancing to the production stage.

Each project will entail specific requirements. Failure to hand in a project will result in a failing grade for that project. Turning in projects or project components late will negatively affect the grade.

All projects must use only original artwork. Photographs need to be accompanied by appropriate release forms. Each project will entail specific requirements from the Common Criteria. Failure to hand in a project will result in a failing grade for that project. Turning in projects or project components late or insufficiently will be accepted by the disgretion of the professor and will negatively affect the grade.