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ART 331 Advertising Design. 3. ART 332 Graphic Design. 3. ART 336 Illustration. 3. ART 338 Advanced Typography. 3. ART 339 Book Design. 3. ART 430 ...
Course List

Minor in



Student Name: ________________________________

E-mail [email protected]

Please write the name and contact information for your advisor. If you do not have an advisor in your program, please contact one of the other professors on the following page to ensure that you have one in your area of study.

AGREED COURSE LIST Requirements (15 credits) Art 132—Rendering and Perspective Art 230—Introduction to Graphic Design Art 231—Typography Art 335—Web Design Art 373—History of Graphic Design

Selected Electives (9 credits) 3 3 3 3 3

Upper Division (9 credits) ART 331 Advertising Design ART 332 Graphic Design ART 336 Illustration ART 338 Advanced Typography ART 339 Book Design ART 430 Advanced Graphic Design ART 431 Motion Design ART 435 Advanced Web Design ART 492A Bus. Practices/Seminar Internship ART 492B Portfolio/Seminar Internship

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Art History

Studio Art

ID Number _____________________

E-mail Contact ________________________________ Minor Faculty Advisor _________________________

Graphic Design

________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________

Student Signature ___________________________________________ Date _______________________

“Graphic design is complex combinations of words and pictures, numbers and charts, photographs and illustrations that, in order to succeed, demands the clear thinking of a particularly thoughtful individual who can orchestrate these elements so they all add up to something distinctive, or useful, or playful, or surprising, or subversive or somehow memorable.” —Jessica Helfand A minor in graphic design will supplement majors from business, marketing, advertising and public relations and other fields of transactional practices. The minor in Graphic Design provides the necessary skill set needed in visual communication and the tools to contribute and work with information/ marketing campaigns and creative professionals. A graphic design minor will have positional advantage and opportunities including strategic planning, involvement in the creative process and opportunities in interdisciplinary work courses in visual literacy will help the student develop exceptional skills and ability to verbalize creative ideas on a variety of platforms. Students with a minor in Graphic Design will: Demonstrate ability to create and develop visual form in response to communication problems, have an understanding of tools and technology, understand the creative process, explore visual literacy, develop professional habits and skills that are essential in graphic design and related professions, and acquire the written, verbal and formal vocabulary to communicate effectively.

Faculty Signature ___________________________________________ Date _______________________

Catalog Year 2012-2013

The graphic design program has two 24-station Macintosh computer labs equipped with scanners, color printers, and plotters. The lab software is updated every year and computers are replaced every three years. The graphic design faculty are working professionals as well as experienced design professors. Students meet one-on-one with their professors for advising and mentoring and for committee meetings. Students must apply for a minor in graphic design by providing eight samples of their art and/or design work and a one-page written rationale describing the student’s interest in a graphic design minor. The fulltime graphic design faculty will review the application for approval. The graphic design minor is only for students majoring in another discipline at Chapman University. Before enrolling in certain courses, students have to formally be accepted and declare the associated minor to complete required prerequisites and/or get faculty approval. A minimum of 24 credits, at least 9 of which must be upper-division, are required for a minor in graphic design. The graphic design minor is only for students majoring in another discipline. Please feel free to contact: Professor Eric Chimenti, Chair [email protected] Professor Claudine Jaenichen [email protected] or the Department of Art office at 714-997-6729 for further information. If you do not have an advisor in your program, please contact one of the above professors to ensure that you have one in your area of study.

Tracking Sheet

Minor in Graphic Design




Program Opportunities

Graphic Design Internship Graphic Design AIGA Portfolio Review Graphic design club FALL SEMESTER COURSES OFFERED




Art 230 Intro. Graphic Design* Art 231 Typography*

Art 332 Graphic Design

Art 335 Web Design*

Art 393 Sustainable Design Travel course

Art 336 Illustration Art 338 Advanced Typography Art 373 History of GD*

Art 339 Book Design

Art 495

Art 431 Motion Design

Art 430 Adv. Graphic Design

Portfolio Workshop

Art 435 Advanced Web Design

Art 492 A Business Practices/ Pre-internship

Art 492 B Portfolio/Internship

Required Courses

(15 credits)

Three Of The Following

(9 credits)

ART 132 ART 230 ART 231 ART 335 ART 373

Art 132 Perspective & Rendering*

Art 331 Advertising Design

Artists’ lecture series Commpost newsletter Student-organized department exhibitions

Art 393 Sustainable Design

Rendering and Perspective Introduction to Graphic Design* Typography* Web Design History of Graphic Design

ART 122 ART 124 ART 233 ART 234 ART 235 ART 331 ART 332 ART 336 ART 338 ART 339 ART 393 ART 430 ART 431 ART 435 ART 492 A ART 492 B

Objects and Space Drawing and Planning Color Packaging Design Introduction to Information Design Advertising Design Graphic Design Illustration Advanced Typography Book Design Sustainable Design (travel course) Advanced Graphic Design Motion Design Advanced Web Design Business Practices/Seminar Internship Graphic Design Portfolio/Seminar Internship

Travel course Total

*Required course for the GD Minor.

Not all courses are offered every semester. Meet with a GD advisor as soon as possible.



(24 credits)