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Olympian High School
Graphic Design Syllabus Instructor
Steven Exum
(619) 656-2400
[email protected]
Course Rationale: This is a one year course and fulfills the UC/CSU “F” requirement. Pre-‐requisites: The pre-‐requisite for this course is Multimedia. Students should have a general knowledge of computer functions and file management to successfully complete this course. Course Description: This course provides entry and intermediate level training in computer graphics and design. Some modules can include advance training and/or specialized curriculums in such areas as animation. Students learn basic computer operating, terminology, peripheral use, and file management/integration. The creative and technical process of project management is taught with an emphasis placed on concept to completion planning. Instruction covers typography, design elements and color management. Students learn software packages covering page layout, illustration, and photo manipulation and scanning with some modules offering instruction in specialized software for web design and animation. Instruction may or may not include hand-‐drawing techniques. Course Objectives: 1) To learn the vocabulary associated with Multi Media. 2) To learn how to appropriately critique design pieces. 3) To explore the nature of creativity and the creative process. 4) To develop knowledge of safe working procedures in the design studio. 5) To learn and develop artistic studio skills and techniques. 6) To promote student awareness of design related career opportunities. Course Content and College Preparation: The course goals and objectives reflect the Visual Arts State Framework, the National Visual Arts Standards, and the Sweetwater Union High School District Content Standards. An emphasis will be placed on developing college readiness skills and this will be accomplished by promoting and supporting the Habits of Mind and the Academic Literacy Plan for success in college-‐level course-‐work.
College Readiness Skills: The College Readiness Skills that will be addressed in this course will be: 1) Describing and summarizing using discipline-‐ specific academic language, 2) Analysis (Comparing and Contrasting) in order to support inferences and draw conclusions, 3) Synthesis, in order to develop new insights and 4) Evaluation according to a set of standards or criteria. Recommended Student Materials: • 1 Google account for cloud storage and file transfers • 1 -‐9x12” Sketchbook, White Drawing Paper (50 sheets are sufficient for entire year, recommend spiral binding and hardboard cover, please no newsprint paper or gummed bindings). • Several #2 Pencils • A pad of tracing paper (9 x 12) • Black fine line felt tip pen/marker, i.e. uniball (NO SHARPIES OR PERMANENT MARKERS are allowed) • A good quality white eraser (No Pink Pearl). • A quality pencil sharpener (with canister to catch shavings preferred) • Set of (12) colored pencils and markers. • -‐1-‐ 12” ruler. • An 8 or 16GB USB Drive Computer Lab Student Expectations: This class is a production class that will require you to always behave in a responsible and mature manner. Because of the nature of this class (activity-‐based) it is important that every student understands and follows the rules and guidelines of this class. Equipment: • All equipment will be checked out to students. • I will return the equipment in the same working condition, as it was when it was checked out to me. If not, I agree to make arrangements for myself or my parents to replace or repair the equipment. Procedures: • At the start of class, each student will sign in at the teachers desk, or will be marked absent for the day. • Each student will clean the computer screen, desktop, keyboard and mouse of their station once per week. • The last 2 minutes of class each day, each student will straighten the monitor, keyboard and mouse as well as push in the chair of the station before leaving. Behavior: • All school-‐wide rules apply • No Food or Drink is allowed in the computer lab at anytime. Finish it outside of the classroom. • Phone calls and texting are not allowed at anytime • The Internet: Can only be used as a tool for the class. Everything else is deemed inappropriate use. It is not an invitation to view whatever you like. Violence, sex, drugs, alcohol, guns, gangs, vulgarity, racism or socially inappropriate material
are grounds for immediate dismissal from the class. Downloading, installing, using proxies etc is not allowed, and will be viewed as destruction of school property. A referral will be written as well as possible dismissal from the class or the school. Expectations As a student in the Graphic Design course, I understand that it is a time sensitive media. Attendance and arriving to class on time is essential for me to pass this class and is essential for my success and the members of any group that I might be a part of. If I miss class with an absence, or are tardy to class (in the door after the bell without a signed/dated note from a teacher/counselor/administrator)...I am NOT eligible for that day’s participation points. Students are expected to be on time every day, the school tardy policy will be followed; 3 tardies or more will result in an “F” in citizenship. I understand the subject matter in my projects cannot include: violence, sex, drugs, alcohol, guns, gangs, vulgarity, racism or socially inappropriate material. Failure to follow these criteria could cause you to fail the assignment and/or the class. The teacher will review all project proposals. The teacher, prior to presentation, will review all of my completed projects. My goal is to create a portfolio-‐quality assignment that can be used to demonstrate my skills to future employers or as a worthwhile addition to my potential college admission packet. A clean art room and work area is very important and every one is expected to participate in keeping their work space clean. In addition each week students will rotate clean up duty responsibilities and are expected to cooperate in a positive manner. Discipline Consequences Students are to follow all district, school and art classroom policies to create an environment conducive to learning. The following steps will be followed, although the teacher may skip a step depending on the severity of the infraction. 1) Verbal Warning 2) 15-‐20 minute detention with teacher/ call home to parent 3) Referral to counselor or Assistant Principal, call home to parent 4) Parent Conference *If student fails to show up to a detention, a referral will be written for follow up with the assistant principal. Website: This class has a website that you are required to utilize. This will be a part of your participation grade so posts, comments and other participation will help your grade. Homework and project assignments will be posted on the site as well as other useful information. The link for the site is : Home Work: Each student is expected to spend about 2-‐4 hours a week preparing for classes outside of a class time. The expected activities will include homework assignments, project preparation, presentation preparation, reading, online resource research, blog post assignments, etc.
Attendance: As a common and professional courtesy, please advise me in advance when you will miss a class, please email me if you will be either late or missing class for whatever reason. Anyone arriving late or leaving early will be considered tardy. Attendance will be considered greatly in terms of class participation grading. Students are responsible for obtaining any and all missed materials in case of an absence. Plagiarism: Plagiarism is the act of presenting work – either written, spoken or visual – that is not your own. This includes, but is not limited to, cheating on exams, not properly citing others’ work, or using some-‐ one else’s writing. I will not tolerate plagiarism of any sort and the penalty will be automatic failure of this project or course. Class Expectations: All students will be treated fairly and with respect. Verbal or physical abuse will not be tolerated. If these expectations are violated, the violator will be appropriately disciplined, which may include: a verbal warning, class suspension and/or expulsion from the class. Class Protocol: Make sure all cellular devices are turned off during class time. You must sign-‐in at the beginning of every class or you will be marked absent from the class. All equipment will be signed in and out. Any equipment missing or broken upon return will be your responsibility to replace. Class Participation: Every student is expected to participate in a variety of ways including: class discussions, feedback after each student’s speech, listening and staying engaged during each class period, speaking at scheduled times, and of course physical presence. Participation with the website is also a component of this part of your grade. Grades Project grading will be based on meeting all requirements and artistic control. All projects will be due at the time clearly stated by the instructor, all late projects may be dropped a full grade. If all requirements are met and the artistic element is good, then you will receive a “C” grade. If you go well above and beyond for the project you can earn a “B” grade. An “A” grade will only be given for outstanding, superior work. GRADE BREAKDOWN: HOMEWORK: TESTS FINAL: PROJECTS: PARTICIPATION:
10% of grade 10% of grade 15% of grade 55% of grade 10% of grade
Extra credit may be made available for any extra projects, assignments, papers, websites, Presentations, etc All extra credit must be approved by instructor before any credit will be given. Standing Extra credit will be posted on the site
Semester 1 Unit 1: Introduction/Basic Knowledge and Skills (2 hours) Unit 2: Basic Safety (2 hours) Unit 3: Introduction to Computer Operation (3 hours) Unit 4: Electronic Communication (2 hours)
Unit 5: Career Development (10 hours) Unit 6: The Creative Process (2 hours) Unit 7: Desktop Publishing (15 hours) Unit 8: Interactive Multimedia Production (10 hours) Unit 9: Digital Imaging (38 hours) Unit 10: Media Careers (3 hours) Unit 11: Educational Opportunities (3 hours) Semester 2 Unit 12: Computer Graphics (25 hours) Unit 13A: Computer Animation (Flash) (28 hours) Unit 13B: Web Design (Dream Weaver) Unit 14: Media Production Management (2 hours) Unit 15: Digital Audio Production (10 hours) Unit 16: Video Production (15 hours) Unit 17: Video Techniques (4 hours) Unit 18: Video Post-‐Production (3 hours) Unit 19: Media Careers (2 hours) Unit 20: Business Skills (1 hour)