Great. White. Goods. Sale. Social and Personal.
New Shoes
Social and Personal »♦♦*
Our Ladles' Fine Gun Metal Oxfords and Pump* Will Please You When You See Them and Hear the Price.
havei innnunced a special ong rime ,na' should Inter- Rock me to sleep, mother—rock me to sleep! ...
>-,■■■ ■-- ■■..■-iJJMttJ
Every new Novelty fabric In this department, colored bordered Marquisettes, plain and striped Voiles, Bordered Batiste, Zephyrs, Plaids, side band Poulards and many others. Prices from 12 1-2c up
White Goods, 10c Yard One vast assortment of White Goods, consisting of 40-inch Lawns, mercerized Persian Lawns, French Lawns, fine Swisses, Plaid Batistes, Dotted and Plaid Swisses; values to 25c, but choice of this collecton at 10c yard
purchase of Handkerchiefs enables us to throw out tomorrow OVER 150 FEET. An enormous Hand Embroidered Initials, Embridered corners and fine all linen hemstitched, values 18 to 25c on sale tomorrow at 10c each By Associated Press. Muelhausen, Germany, May 2.— Lieutenant Roser, of .the German army, who. recently obtained an aviation pilots license, fell with his aeroplane from a height of 150 feet today and was so seriously injured that there is no hope of his recovery. His machine was smashed to pieces. We have just received one lot of the latest models in Linen Suits, colors Natural Navy, Pink, White and Lavender. Prices .... S5.00 to $17.50 The Nfno Hour Day. McComb, Miss., May 2.—Starting yesterday the Illinois Central Railroad repair shops at this place began operations under the nine hour dayschedule, affecting about 1,000 skilled laborers. This departure will increase the payroll several thousand dollars a month.
Linen Coat Suits
White Serges, Suits and Skirts
"Though Your Sins Be As Scarlet." Feature picture of season. Edisonia.
All wool white Serge Suits, attractive styles....
Wash Dresses
Wash Skirts
Have you visited WOODLAWN and admired the original character of the charming bungalows we are building among the oaks in that beautiful section of the city? . Notwithstanding their beauty these houses are not costly. Equipped with every modern convenience, with a large shaded lot, they cost no more than others ask for less favored property. Our terms are reasonable.
The McClung Realty Co. 25 S. Tyon St.
Special, $7.50 values. $498
Attractive and nicely made, some wit\fancy borders, others plain; the kind others sell at $5.00. Our special price $3.50 and $2.98
Buy a Home That Is Different
$12.50 to $35.00
One lot all linen, and Anderson Gingham Dresses. fo»
We nlace on sale Monday our new line of Wash Skirts at
98c, $1.50, $2.00, $3.00, $4.00 and $5.00
Linens Another shipment of that 2-yard wide fine bleached Linen table Damask, and we will continue to sell it for 79c yard
liiB)|BS|fVaj^aj^Ba|a%^^a^aj^sk *
Five patterns in heavy double Satin Damask, 2 yards wide, values to $1.39, but as a leader we still sell at 88c yard
Silk Umbrella. SaJe We are going to place on sale Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock one lot of fine Silk Umbrellas. Not a one worth less than four dollars. You'la find the frames are very durable, and a good assortment of colors, and that we have put them out at a never-before price of your choice,
Hosiery Here is where quality surpasses price, same.
Our special numbers are always the
Children's plaid and striped top stocks great variety of patterns
in all the fashionable shades, in 15 and 25c pair
Just Arrived and on Sale New Handbags. Ladles' Neckwear. Belting, Ribbons, Kid and Silk Gloves. . Parasols, Cluny Laces, etc.
Millinery New things In 8ummer Millinery is being dally received1. I Jces $3.00 to" $10.00. Be sure and visit theis department before buying.
Masons Meet To-night
•i I
Wash Goods
"Though Your Sins Be As Scarlet." Feature picture of season. EdisOnia.
We Fill Your
Hot Weather
We Also Show a Line of Fine Vlci and Patent Colt at Same Prices. Bring Us Your Feet.
Mrs. Alston Brown and her motn11e a yard „ MrB Rlc6( ieft last night for their .home hi Florida, after a two weeks visit to Mrs. J. A. Yarbrough, 1 ~. at her home on North Tryon street. 1 They will atop over in Atlanta and Weak, delicate ladles need Cardui Memphis for a few days before reachto bring roses Into their pale cheeks ing their home. and snap into their weary frames. No other tonic or medicine can take the place of Cardui, because the prin**, . '■--■v unen Sh-tlng. cipal Ingredients are imported direct »W or more. Sale There will be a regular communica79e yard tion of Phalanx Lodge No. 31, A. F. from Europe where they are grown ft A. M.. at 8 o'clock tonight. Work and gathered especlall for us. NOTE in first degree. Visiting Masons corCardui can only be bought at the J,' ;; In full regular pieces dially invited to attend. drug store in original'Cardui bottles. . •'•