Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service - Fire Authority

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requirements of the Civil Contingencies 2004; including Business Continuity Management. The team satisfy a number of oth



ACFO Paul Argyle Contact Details: Email : [email protected] Desk 0161-608-4016 Mobile 07961-140806

The role of the Director is to deliver the Authority’s statutory obligations and the Corporate purpose and aims.

The Directorate is currently structured under 3 Area Managers. However, all parts of the Directorate structure are interconnected and work together on a daily basis to facilitate a coordinated approach. This allows for effective risk analysis and development and delivery of strategies and tactics to ensure an effective Emergency Response service to our public.

The Directorate cannot do this in isolation and so relies upon the support and cooperation of all the other Directorates. Also, in the same manner, the Emergency Response Directorate supports other Directorates in the delivery of corporate aims they lead on.

The Directorate has responsibility for ensuring Safe and Effective Emergency Responses, Operational Health and Safety, Resource Management and Deployment, Operational Support, Contingency Planning and Operational Assurance.


Area Manager Andy Brookes Contact Details: [email protected] Desk : 0161 608 4051 Mob: 07879 667470

Resource Management is a function within the Emergency Response Directorate. It is directly responsible for the following departments and functions:Control - Control is responsible for receiving emergency calls from the public and mobilising appropriate resources to deal with the incident. In addition to this they assist in the management of incidents and ensure that all matters operational are supported. Central Crewing – Central Crewing ensures that are appliances are crewed with appropriate staff with the right skills. They also assist in managing leave, training and other absences. Emergency Response Administration – Recently this department has been restructured to ensure that it provides efficient and effective administrative support to the boroughs and Fire Service Headquarters. In addition to the functional role each Area Manager has a responsibility for the management and performance of boroughs. At the moment I am responsible for Bury, Rochdale and Oldham boroughs.


Area Manager Warren Pickstone Contact Details: [email protected] Desk: 0161 608 4147 Mobile: 07768 763 638 I oversee the Contingency Planning Unit, whose main responsibilities are to satisfy the legal requirements of the Civil Contingencies 2004; including Business Continuity Management. The team satisfy a number of other legal requirements :-

The Control Of Major Accident Hazards Regulations 2005

Pipeline Safety Regulation 1996

Radiation Emergency Preparedness & Public Information Regulations 2001

Ionising Radiation Regulations 1999

Fire & Rescues Services Act 2004 in respect to the management of incident involving hazardous material and incidents involving CBRNe.

The team also carry out pre planning activities for events, either long term plans, such as Party Conferences or quickly evolving events such as the recent Civil Disturbances. My team also coordinate the Urban Search and Rescue and DIM capability (Detection Identification and Monitoring). In addition to the functional role each Area Manager has a responsibility for the management and performance of boroughs, and I am responsible for Salford and Trafford Boroughs.


Area Manager Tony Hunter Contact Details: [email protected] Desk: 0161 608 4013 Mobile: 07734275772 The role of Head of Operational Policy and Performance is to manage the effective coordination of:  Operational Risk Control - formed with the specific task to review and create procedures, which assist in safe systems of work, and fulfil the GMFRS responsibilities under current Health and Safety legislation.  Operational Support Section - responsible for the development and review of operational policy, the provision of expert advice on operational matters and the provision of water supplies for firefighting. It also has responsibility for the provision of high quality operational and personal protective equipment, which through effective evaluation, is serviceable, safe and fit for purpose.  Operational Assurance Department – supports the continuation of the strategic drive to achieve ‘Operational Excellence’, by monitoring of safe systems of work, incident command and the performance of individuals and crews at operational incidents so as to confirm the effectiveness of operational policies, procedures and equipment.

In addition to the functional role each Area Manager has a responsibility for the management and performance of boroughs. At the moment I am responsible for Manchester Borough.


PFCO Liz Drummond Contact Details: [email protected] Desk: 0161 608 4230 Mobile: 077687 63643 Brigade Control is responsible for: 

The efficient receipt and handling of all emergency calls.

The provision of Fire Survival Advice to members of the public who are trapped in fire situations.

The provision of safety advice and guidance to members of the public depending on the type of emergency being reported.

The identification of any risk information on receipt of an emergency call (where possible) to operational personnel, other emergency responders or agencies.

The mobilisation of appropriate resources and/or services/agencies to deal with the emergency. As well as ensuring adequate fire cover is maintained.

Effective management of the incident to bring it to a safe & quick conclusion

To provide additional risk information where applicable to crews and officers proceeding to or in attendance at incidents.

The receipt of all emergency calls and mobilisation of appropriate resources for Lancashire County Fire Brigade in the event of communication failure or evacuation.

The efficient handling of non emergency calls i.e. flooding or structural damage, giving advice and direction for support services.

The input of statistical information relating to incidents sifted by Control.

To promote the Fire Safety message to the media of the efficient actions of control and operational personnel when managing incidents.


Group Manager Steve Thomas Contact Details: [email protected] Desk: 0161 909 0369 Mobile: 07771 947 782

Key Policy responsibilities 

Satisfy legal all requirements of the Civil Contingencies 2004; including Business Continuity Management

Satisfy legal the requirements of the Control Of Major Accident Hazards Regulations 2005

Satisfy the legal requirements of the Pipeline Safety Regulation 1996

Satisfy the legal requirements of the Radiation Emergency Preparedness & Public Information Regulations 2001

Satisfy the legal requirements of the Ionising Radiation Regulations 1999

Satisfy the legal requirements of the Fire & Rescues Services Act 2004 in respect to the management of incident involving hazardous material and incidents involving CBRNe

Physical responsibilities and resources 

1 Group Manager

4 Station Managers

1 Assistant Contingency Planning Officer


Group Manager Garry Jones Contact Details: [email protected] Desk: 0161 608 Mobile: 07764 156 715 As the name suggests, the role of the Department has been defined, so as to focus exclusively upon operational aspects of the Service. The role of Operational Assurance Department, like those of individuals and managers is to pursue a culture of responsibility and ownership of the improvement in safety, operational and organisational standards, development and assurance. To support this it is essential that organisational standards are developed, understood and implemented in a transparent and consistent way, so that all staff are aware of what is expected of them. This presents itself in a concentrated focus on the monitoring of safe systems of work, incident command and the performance of individuals and crews at operational incidents so as to confirm the effectiveness of operational policies, procedures and equipment. Operational Assurance Officers are integral to Command Support, acting act as a critical friend and mentor to the Incident Commander they continue to observe and report on information gathering, use of equipment, compliance with standard operating procedures, safety issues (including compliance with legislation) and other performance related criteria.


Group Manager Martyn Ward

Contact Details:[email protected] Desk: 0161 608 4070 Mobile: 07768 181470

The Operational Support Section is responsible for the development and review of operational policy, the provision of expert advice on operational matters and the provision of water supplies for firefighting. It also has responsibility for the provision of high quality operational and personal protective equipment, which through effective evaluation, is serviceable, safe and fit for purpose. The Primary aims of the Operational Support Section are:

The development and review of operational advice, guidance and policy.

The provision, advice and policy concerning equipment and personal protective equipment

Be the main conduit for Operational Personnel into various Departments across the organisation.

The Operational Support Section has to be dynamic, flexible and capable of responding instantly to situations as they arise. This requirement has a major influence on the work commitments of personnel within the section as it is difficult to predict with accuracy the number and type of operational situations which will require immediate involvement in terms of operational support. Therefore, continuous monitoring, reviewing and updating of operational activities occurring locally and nationally is necessary to ensure that GMFRS remains at the forefront of change in such a diverse environment.


Station Manager Kevin Brogden

Contact Details: [email protected] Desk: 01204 905125 Mobile: 07879 667499

As the Head of Central Crewing I am responsible for all crewing matters within GMF&RS and ensuring that the crewing function is operated efficiently and effectively at all times, using the most suitable systems.

I ensure uniformity of standards around the various Boroughs and departments within GMFRS for reasons of fairness. It is vital to ensure clear communication channels and working relationships between the Crewing team and boroughs and other departments, to ensure the most appropriate working practices.


Melissa O’Neill

Contact Details: [email protected] Desk: 0161 608 4030 Mobile: 07769 931942

The Admin Manager is responsible for leading the newly formed central teams of Cluster Admin Managers to provide a generic administration facility across the Emergency Response Directorate. The Directorate consists of several departments with varied activities: 

Operational Assurance

Contingency Planning Unit


Resource Management

10 Borough Command Teams and Operational Staff

As Admin Manager I am responsible for streamlining, re-evaluating and improving administration activities making sure these meet our aims by means of avoiding duplication, the introduction of electronic efficiencies and ensuring all admin involvement is carried out by the admin team members.

All directorate financial management and monitoring is provided our Admin Manager.