Greater Toronto Area Commercial Real Estate ... - Avison Young

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First Quarter 2018 / Commercial Real Estate Investment Review. Greater .... 2018 Avison Young Commercial Real Estate (On
First Quarter 2018 / Commercial Real Estate Investment Review

Greater Toronto Area

GTA Investment Activity by Sector and Dollar Volume 7% 11% Q1 2018



$4.3B 18%

Q1 2018

Q4 2017

Q1 2017















Partnership. Performance.

Greater Toronto Area (GTA) commercial real estate investment sales increased 28% quarter-over-quarter to $4.3 billion in the first quarter of 2018. Bolstered by strong office property sales (in particular that of Bay Adelaide Centre), this total represented the region's best firstquarter tally since 2014 – and an 80% year-over-year increase. This followed another record year in 2017, when $14.5 billion of GTA commercial property – including office, industrial, retail, multiresidential and ICI land assets (>=$1 million) – changed hands. However, the strong total masks reduced quarter-overquarter volumes in four of five sectors. Investors remain hungry, but cap rates flattened from year-end 2017, indicating possible re-pricing of some asset types. OFFICE The office sector was the most active and alone in cracking $1 billion in firstquarter sales as dollar volume more than quadrupled quarter-over-quarter to almost $2 billion (46% of the GTA total). For perspective, $4.2 billion worth of

office product changed hands in all of 2017. The biggest office trade during the quarter in terms of dollar value was the sale of a 50% non-managing interest in Brookfield Properties’ 2.2-million-squarefoot (msf ) two-tower Bay Adelaide Centre complex in Toronto’s Financial Core to foreign buyer Dadco Investments for $850 million (representing 43% of office sales). This surpassed Dream Office REIT’s sale of a 50% interest in the 2-msf Scotia Plaza in 2017 to KingSett Capital (with partner AIMCo) for $682 million. Meanwhile, Cominar REIT executed on its disposition strategy, selling more than $348 million worth of office buildings to Investors Group and Slate Asset Management (Slate). RETAIL After posting its best quarterly result of the year and being the top-performing asset class in the fourth quarter of 2017, retail investment sales declined 12% quarter-over-quarter to $781 million (18% share) – however, sales were up 75% over last year’s opening-quarter

Greater Toronto Area

First Quarter 2018 / Commercial Real Estate Investment Review




GTA-wide total investment dollar volume since the Great Recession

Office sector's share of total first-quarter 2018 GTA dollar volume

GTA Investment Volume

Six first-quarter investment sales exceeded this threshold

GTA Select Capitalization Rates 8.5%




$ in billions (CAD)





5.5% 6




'04 '05 '06 '07 '08 '09 '10 '11 '12 '13 '14 '15 '16 '17 Q1'18

'04 '05 '06 '07 '08 '09 '10 '11 '12 '13 '14 '15 '16 '17 Q1'18





Downtown Class AA Office

Single-Tenant Industrial



Tier I Regional Mall

Multi-Tenant Industrial

ICI Land

Partnership. Performance.


Greater Toronto Area

First Quarter 2018 / Commercial Real Estate Investment Review

$850M Dadco Investments purchased a 50% non-managing interest in the 2.2-msf Bay Adelaide Centre complex from Brookfield Properties Pictured: Bay Adelaide Centre (L and R) and Scotia Plaza (centre)

tally. The top five asset sales by dollar volume comprised a mix of urban and suburban single-asset and portfolio sales, with a diverse vendor-purchaser profile. Cominar REIT was also busy on the retail front, selling two properties for more than $278 million, including the biggest retail deal of the quarter – Dixie Outlet Mall, sold to Slate for almost $181 million. On the portfolio front, the Toronto portion of Main and Main’s urban income and development properties located in Toronto and Ottawa sold to Trinity Development Group for $45.5 million. INDUSTRIAL Buoyed by solid leasing fundamentals and a nationwide record-low firstquarter 2018 vacancy rate of just 1.7%, investors are looking to boost their industrial allocations. Coming off a record-setting $3.5 billion in sales last year, investment for industrial product fell a modest 8% quarter-over-quarter to $780 million (18% share) in the first quarter of 2018, but was up marginally year-over-year. The top industrial transaction during the quarter came

in March as KingSett Capital reacquired American Business Park (33 acres, 553,000 sf, 13 properties) in Mississauga from Cominar REIT for almost $91 million after having sold the portfolio for $63 million in May 2014. This helped the Region of Peel to regain its position as the most active in the GTA, with $368 million in sales (47% of overall volume) in the opening quarter of the year. ICI LAND ICI land sales slipped 22% to $492 million (11% share) in first-quarter 2018 from $628 million in fourthquarter 2017. However, sales were up 36% year-over-year. The quarter’s top deal was Sun Life’s acquisition of a 101-acre future commercial development site on the edge of Milton, with the rest of the top five transactions comprising a mix of agricultural, commercial- and industrial-zoned future development sites, sold to a mix of institutional, user and private buyers. Strong sales in Markham, Whitchurch-Stouffville and Vaughan ranked York Region as

the most active of the GTA’s regions by dollar volume, with $174 million in sales (35% of overall volume). York also accounted for 46% of total acreage traded during the quarter, although Caledon (in Peel) was the municipality with the greatest acreage sold. MULTI-RESIDENTIAL In a market starved for product, multiresidential was the only sector not to approach or set a new high for sales volume in 2017. The shortage was reflected in first-quarter 2018 sales, which plunged 47% quarter-overquarter to $288 million (7% share) – a four-quarter low. Though Realstar, Homestead and Akelius remained active buyers (combining for almost $101 million in sales during the quarter), retirement provider Sienna Senior Living was the top purchaser. Sienna acquired a 10-building seniors’ residence portfolio from BayBridge Senior Housing – the GTA portion (3 properties / 300 units) amounting to just over $67 million. Strong demand and scarcity of product have kept cap rates at historic lows.

Partnership. Performance.

Greater Toronto Area

First Quarter 2018 / Commercial Real Estate Investment Review

Significant Transactions by Sale Price Sector


Total Price

Price psf



Bay Adelaide Centre (50% interest)



Dadco Investments

Brookfield Properties

483 Bay Street (50% interest)



German investment fund

Northam Realty Advisors

55 University Avenue



Investors Group

Cominar REIT

Dundas Edward Centre



Crown Realty Partners / Crestpoint Real Estate Investments

NorthWest Healthcare Properties REIT

Cominar – Slate Office Portfolio



Slate Asset Management

Cominar REIT


Total Price

Price psf



American Business Park & 6325 Northam Drive



KingSett Capital

Cominar REIT

Granite – Sun Commercial Portfolio



Sun Commercial Real Estate

Granite REIT

1880 Matheson Boulevard East



Cosa-Nova Fashions Ltd.

H&R REIT / Crestpoint Real Estate Investments

1000 Steeles Avenue East



Hargobind Tower Holdings Ltd.

Bacardi Canada

1001 Thornton Road South



Lotus Capital

OPTrust Realty


Total Price

Price psf



Dixie Outlet Mall



Slate Asset Management

Cominar REIT

Woodside Square Shopping Centre



2624237 Ontario Corp.

Cominar REIT

Main and Main – Trinity Development Portfolio



Trinity Development Group

Main and Main

Thickson Centre




Sun Life / Fieldgate Commercial

Sun Life – Savills Portfolio



Savills plc

Sun Life


Total Price

BayBridge – Sienna Portfolio



Sienna Senior Living Inc.

BayBridge Senior Housing

35 Valley Woods Road



Realstar Group

Valleywoods Rentals Inc. / Brookbanks Towns LP

1285 Lakeshore Road East



Homestead Land Holdings Ltd.

Wise Group

55 & 56 Eccleston Drive



Akelius Fastigheter AB

Eccleswift Apartments Inc.

1570 Lawrence Avenue West



1570 Lawrence Avenue West Inc.

Lawrcul Apartments Inc.

ICI Land

Total Price

6712 Fifth Line



Sun Life

2060859 Ontario Ltd.

8217 Winston Churchill Boulevard



Maple Lodge Farms Ltd.

Private individual(s)

10534 Hurontario Street



2598918 Ontario Inc.

NYX Capital Corp.

1675 St. Johns Sideroad East



Weslie Creek Development Inc.

721312 Ontario Inc.

70 Superior Boulevard



Buffalo Group

Rogers Media

Price per unit Purchaser

Price per acre Purchaser



Bill Argeropoulos Principal & Practice Leader, Research (Canada) 416.673.4029 [email protected]

18 York Street Suite 400, Mailbox #4 Toronto, ON M5J 2T8 416.955.0000

© 2018 Avison Young Commercial Real Estate (Ontario) Inc., Brokerage Some of the data in this report has been gathered from third party sources and has not been independently verified by Avison Young. Avison Young makes no warranties or representations as to the completeness or accuracy thereof. Investment sales data sourced from Avison Young, RealNet Canada Inc. and Altus InSite.