University of Vale do Itajaí (Univali); 6 FAO Consultant; 7 Embrapa Consultant. Figure 1: Mean of diffusive methane flux. (DMF) and ...
Greenhouse Gases In Aquaculture Marcelo Gomes da Silva¹; Ana Paula Packer2; Fernanda Garcia Sampaio2, Plínio Carlos Alvalá3; Luciano Marani3; Willian José Ferreira3; Juliana Lopes da Silva4; Gilberto Manzoni5; Katia Naomi Kuroshima5; Jose Gustavo Natorf5; Consuelo Marques da Silva6; Fabrício Flores Nunes6; Danilo Francisco Trovo Garofalo7 1 CNPq/Embrapa Scholarship; 2 Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa Meio Ambiente); 3 National Institute for Space Researh (Inpe); 4 Coordinator of planning and management of aquaculture in Brazilian waters; 5 University of Vale do Itajaí (Univali); 6 FAO Consultant; 7 Embrapa Consultant.
• Contribute through the development of methodologies and research protocols for analysis and quantification of Greenhouse Gases (GHG) emissions.
• Fish farming in Furnas Reservoir along the monitoring period showed a slightest influence on the CH4 emission (Figure 1). •
However, the main impact on CH4 emission in the sampled area was associated to the extreme drought, due to the reduction of flooded area (Figure 2).
Reservoir areas with shallow depths should be avoided when choosing favorable areas for fish farming.
Methods for analyzing the performance of aquaculture to ensure fish quality and environmental safety.
Fish Farming
Photos: Marcelo Gomes; Juliana Lopes
Figure 1: Mean of diffusive methane flux (DMF) and bubble methane flux (BMF) (A), and dissolved methane (DM) (B) at each embayment, without (Control) and without fish farming (E2, E3, and E4). Columns on the right side represent the total mean of DFM and BMF (A), and DM (B) considering all values measured along the monitored period. Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different from each other at p = 0.05.
Static Chambers (Diffusive Flux)
Marine aquaculture • Activity carried out in partnership with professors from the University of Vale do Itajaí (Univali), Gilberto Manzoni, Katia Naomi Kuroshima and Jose Gustavo Natorf. • Verify the contribution of molluscs and fish in the GHG balance through parameters analysis of sediment, water column and atmosphere.
Aquaculture monitoring network • One of the biggest problems in fish farming is environmental regulation and the licensing process, which needs more technical-scientific data to be able to move forward.
Photos: Marcelo Gomes; Fabrício Flores
Figure 2: Means of DMF (A), BMF (B), and DM (C) in each sampling campaign (columns), and Operational Storage Volume (OSV%) (▲) along the monitored period.
• Environmental and zootechnical monitoring of fish production systems using innovative methodologies, automated sampling methods and the creation of a systematized database for the management of aquaculture in Brazilian reservoirs and oceanic.