Groundwater Management in IWRM Training of the Trainers
Groundwater Management in Mozambique – Examples from Gorongosa
Dr. Franziska Steinbruch
[email protected] Lusaka, 23-27 April 2012
Contents 1.Water Resources Background 2.Water Resources Management 3.The Millennium Development Goals – Goal 7 4.Actions to meet MDG #7 5.Some Concerns
1. Water Resources Background Total area
801,590 km2 Water 17,500 km2 (2.18%) Land 784,090 km2
2,470 km
Water Withdrawals
33.23 km3/yr
Agriculture Water Use 87% Domestic Water Use 11% Industrial Water Use 2% Renewable Water Resources
~216 km3 (Waterwiki, 2012; FAO, 2012)
Water Resources Background – cont. Surface water: •104 identified river basins of which 9 are shared river basins •highly seasonal •66% from Zambezi River
2. Management of Water Resources National Water Council national
Provincial districtal
Urban area
Ministry of Public Works and Housing
Ministry for the Ministry of Ministry of Ministry Coordination of Mineral Agriculture of Health Environmental Resources Action
Institute for Coordinated Water Research
5 Regional Water Authorities Department of Water and Sanitation
Department of Irrigation
No water specific
Laboratory for Water and Hygiene
Investment Fund for Water Infrastructures River Basin
Ministry of Science and Technology
Dams Thermal Water and and Supply Irrigation Mineral Ground Schemes Water water
Water Quality
No water specific
Overall Monitoring of Threats to Environment
Research and Technology Development
3. The Millennium Development Goal #7 To Ensure Environmental Sustainability Component 1: Safe drinking water supply: 37.4% in 1997 56% in 2009 ---> 70% in 2015 & Improved sanitation: 12% in 2004 19.3% in 2008 ---> 32.1% in 2015 (target is 50%)
(UNDP-Mozambique, 2012)
MDG #7 cont.
– Component 2
Rate of consumption of safe drinking water Overall: 36% in 2004 43% in 2008 In urban areas: 66% in 2004 70% in 2008 Maputo City: 94.3% in 2008 In rural areas: 23% in 2004 30% in 2008 (UNDP-Mozambique, 2012)
MDG #7 cont.
-Component 3
Rate of use of improved sanitation Rural area: 4% in 2004 6% in 2008 ---> 9.5% in 2015 Urban area: 43% in 2004 47% in 2008 ---> 70% in 2015 Maputo City: 82% in 2007 84.6% in 2008 4 of 11 provinces do not show an improvement in the rate of usage of improved sanitation from 2007 to 2008 (UNDP-Mozambique, 2012)
4. Actions to meet MDG #7 FIPAG in urban areas: 13 water companies in Mozambique Growth in water connections from 2% annum in 2007 to 14% annum One single management platform Standardization of procedures and technologies Modernization of infrastructures
Actions…cont. In rural areas: One Million Initiative drilling campaign Funded by The Netherlands, UNICEF, and Mozambique Targeting rural areas in central Mozambique Began in 2007 450 boreholes sited -335 positive boreholes (115 negative) In Gorongosa 40 boreholes planned – 38 drilled (We-Consult/UNICEF;Diario de Moç, 2012)
5. Some Concerns Cost of Boreholes In Mozambique: average cost of a water borehole is: 15,000 USD The average in other African countries is: 6,000 USD
Some Concerns – cont. Water Quality Surface water: siltation, saltwater intrusions Water capture stations had to be moved to better locations (e.g. cities of Chimoio and Beira)
Some Concerns cont. Water Quality in Groundwater: Tested for bacteriological contamination, Arsenic, Fluor, and Iron However, in Gorongosa: 1 borehole: 8 g/L As (As3+ +As5+ )
1 private borehole: 2 g/L As (As3+ +As5+ ) Gorongosa National Park boreholes: 4 boreholes with Uranium concentrations: 17-70.9 g/L (15 g/L WHO, Moz) Action recommended, however not yet implemented (We-Consult/UNICEF; GNP, 2009)
References UNDP, Mozambique, accessed on 21 Feb 2012, accessed on 21 Feb 2012 Diario de Moçambique, 21 March 2012, accessed on 1 March 2012, accessed on 1 March 2012 We-consult, UNICEF, 2008, and 2009
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