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Chapter 22

Groundwater Recharge and Contribution to the Tana Sub-basin, Upper Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia Anteneh Z. Abiy, Solomon S. Demissie, Charlotte MacAlister, Shimelis B. Dessu and Assefa M. Melesse Abstract The Tana sub-basin exhibits one of the huge groundwater reserve zones in Ethiopia. While there is effective three months of precipitation, Lake Tana receives year-round recharge from the four major rivers in the sub-basin: Gilgel Abay, Gumara, Ribb, and Megech. Hence, the groundwater contribution to the Lake Tana is quite important to the aquifer-dependent ecosystem and environmental flow requirement in the area. However, the contribution of the groundwater resource to the Lake Tana water body is not well studied, and useful information for development planning and management is not available. The purpose of this study was to develop information that can better inform decision making on groundwater abstraction and/or lake water uses in the Tana sub-basin considering the volume of the groundwater contribution to the Lake Tana water body. Accordingly, the study combined stream flow simulation and baseflow separation. The stream flows at the junction of the lake water body are generated by the application of Soil and Water

A.Z. Abiy Abbay Basin Authority, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia S.S. Demissie Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles 90095, CA, USA e-mail: [email protected] C. MacAlister International Research Development Center, Ottawa, ON, Canada e-mail: [email protected] S.B. Dessu Department of Civil Engineering, Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia e-mail: [email protected] A.Z. Abiy (&)  A.M. Melesse Departments of Earth and Environment, Florida International University, 11200 SW 8th Street, Miami, FL 33199, USA e-mail: A.M. Melesse e-mail: © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016 A.M. Melesse and W. Abtew (eds.), Landscape Dynamics, Soils and Hydrological Processes in Varied Climates, Springer Geography, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-18787-7_22



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Assessment Tool (SWAT). The groundwater contribution of the streams is defined by baseflow separation using a reclusive digital filter method. The groundwater contribution to the Lake Tana water is through lateral flow from the vadose zone and return flow to shallow aquifers. The contribution of the four major rivers’ catchment area; Gilgel Abay, Gumera, Ribb, and Megech Rivers, is 718, 414, 451, and 350 mm/year, respectively. This accounts up to 60 % of the total annual in flow to the Lake Tana water body through stream flow.


Keywords Lake Tana Baseflow Groundwater Reclusive digital filter Blue Nile River


 Recharge  SWAT  T-plot 


The Tana sub-basin exhibits one of the huge groundwater reserve zones in the country (Tenalem et al. 2008). The groundwater contributes a wide array of socioeconomic importance including a source of water supply to the people in the sub-basin, maintains a sustainable aquifer-dependent ecosystem in the wetlands of the sub-basin and recharge to the Lake Tana water body. Groundwater uses in the sub-basin are rising at an increasing rate. Likewise, the dry season stream flow, which is the discharge of groundwater as baseflow, is declining. Hence, knowledge that would reasonably estimate the overall groundwater contribution to the stream flow and Lake Tana water body is important to develop a systematic water resource planning and management. The knowledge of recharge–discharge relations of aquifers in the Tana sub-basin is of primary importance in defining the impact of water resources development in the stream flow and overall recharge to the Lake Tana water body. Most importantly, it is useful in defining the dry season flows for environmental flow requirements analysis and other water allocation scenarios. The annual recharge– discharge analysis would be important for devising exploitation and management strategies of the aquifers by linking water management and recharge facilities. This includes, but not limited to integrated planning and implementation of water supply projects, groundwater pump irrigation projects, and watershed management practices. The Lake Tana receives water from direct precipitation and year-round recharge from the following four major rivers: Gilgel Abay, Gumara, Ribb, and Megech. The lake water body has an area of 3,000 km2, and the total sub-basin is 15,000 km2. Studies indicate that the sub-surface interaction of the Lake Tana water body to the surrounding aquifers is imminent (Kebede et al. 2011; Zemedagegnehu et al. 2007; SMEC 2008). Therefore, the portion of the groundwater contribution to the Lake Tana water is through baseflow. Hydrology of the Nile River basin has been studied by various researchers. These studies encompass various areas including stream flow modeling, sediment


Groundwater Recharge and Contribution to the Tana Sub-basin …


dynamics, teleconnections and river flow, land use dynamics, climate change impact, groundwater flow modeling, hydrodynamics of Lake Tana, water allocation, and demand analysis (Melesse et al. 2009a, b, 2011, 2014; Melesse 2011; Abtew et al. 2009a, b; Abtew and Melesse 2014a, b, c; Yitayew and Melesse 2011; Chebud and Melesse 2009a, b, 2013; Setegn et al. 2009a, b, 2010; Dessu and Melesse 2012, 2013; Dessu et al. 2014). A comprehensive review of the studies on the hydrology of the Tana sub-basin is reported by consultants under the Ministry of Water Resources of Ethiopia. This review (Sogreah and Geomatrix 2013) indicates that the groundwater potential in the sub-basin is a significant part of the water balance. However, most studies consider the upper small gauged part of the sub-basin in their water balance calculation. Others that calculate the water balance for the entire sub-basin focus on the surface water part of the sub-basin water balance. Other recent studies on the hydrology of the lake and groundwater systems show Lake Tana stage variability and fluctuations, and the contribution of the groundwater (Chebud and Melesse 2009a, b, 2013). However, water resources management and sustainability of water resources development require information derived from time series patterns that would indicate alternative directions of development in space and time. In this study, we have considered hydrological modeling approach to calculate the groundwater contribution to the Lake Tana water body using the concept of top model described in Beven and Kirkby (1979) and Schneiderman et al. (2007). The goal of the study was to develop information that can better inform decision making on groundwater abstraction and/or lake water uses in the Tana sub-basin. Accordingly, the specific objectives of the study reported in this chapter were to (1) model and simulate river flows at the mouth of the rivers, (2) estimate groundwater contribution through baseflow separation, and (3) analyze baseflow trends over time.


Study Area Description

The Tana sub-basin, located in the northwestern highland of Ethiopia, is the source of the Blue Nile River, and it is one of the sixteen sub-basins of the Abay River Basin.1 Uni-modal rainfall patterns, ranging from 865 mm/year to 2300 mm/year, characterize the sub-basin1. The annual average areal maximum, and minimum temperature varies from 22 to 29.5 °C and 8.5 to 16 °C, respectively. The topography of Lake Tana varies and the elevation ranges from 1780 to 4000 m. a.s.l. Four major physiography classes control the drainage pattern of the sub-basin1.


For details, readers are referred to read Chap. 21.


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The soil and land uses of the Blue Nile basin, developed by the Ministry of Water Resources Ethiopia (BCEOM 1999), were used to characterize the Lake Tana sub-basin1. Detailed study area description is shown in Chap. 21 of this book.



The study reported in this chapter attempted the following. First, using Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) (Arnold et al. 1998), river flows are calibrated and validated for four major river basins contributing to the Lake Tana using gauged data. Second, based on the calibrated model, river flows at the mouth of the rivers (entry point to the lake) are estimated. Third, the baseflow component of the river hydrographs was separated from the direct flow, and groundwater contribution to the lake is estimated. Finally, trends of the baseflow over the period of time are analyzed. Figure 22.1 shows the flowchart of the methodology followed.

Historical stream flow record (1996 to 2005)

Physical Data

Weather Data

ArcSWAT 1 year warm-up and 10 years simulation

Calibrated SWAT Parameters

SWAT SWAT CUP SUFI-II Calibrated stream flow at the gauging stations Evaluation of Model Performance Fig. 22.1 Methodology flowchart

Simulated Stream flow @mouth of rivers

Water Balance

Baseflow separation


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22.3.1 Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) The SWAT (Arnold et al. 1998) considers multiple inputs of the physical environment and the hydro-climatic parameters. The physical data required for hydrological modeling with SWAT include digital elevation model (DEM), soil and land use/land cover data. Global Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) DEM data of 90-m resolution were used to characterize the topography of the river basins. Soil and land cover information of the area are extracted from the Abay River Basin Development Master Plan (BCEOM 1999). The hydrometeorological data used for flow estimation include daily precipitation and maximum and minimum temperature collected from the gauging stations in the area. The application of SWAT in predicting stream flow and sediment as well as evaluation of the impact of land use and climate change on the hydrology of watersheds has been documented by various studies (Dessu and Melesse 2012, 2013; Dessu et al. 2014; Wang et al. 2006, 2008a, b, c; Wang and Melesse 2005, 2006; Behulu et al. 2013, 2014; Setegn et al. 2009a, b, 2010, 2011, 2014; Mango et al. 2011a, b; Getachew and Melesse 2012; Assefa et al. 2014; Grey et al. 2013; Mohammed et al. 2015). SWAT Modeling Design: The four major tributary rivers that drain into the Lake Tana are Gilgel Abay, Gumara, Ribb, and Megech (Fig. 22.2). As indicated in the figure, stream flows are generated for each river at the outflow points of the lake (1, 2, 3 and 4). The SWAT2 model is run for 11 years; one-year warm-up period, and 10-year simulation period from 1995 to 2005. Based on the gauged flow data, SWAT was calibrated at selected stations shown in green dot in Fig. 22.2. In Fig. 22.2, numbers indicate outlet points of the rivers, and the shaded area is the model boundary. Accordingly, outlet number 1 is outlet of the Gilgel Abay River, 2 for Gumara, 3 for Ribb, and 4 is for Megech River basins. The drainage area of the four rivers accounts for 8389 km2 terrestrial land of the Lake Tana sub-basin (Table 22.1). Each of the four rivers’ model outputs is calibrated in SWAT-CUP statistical tool with the application of sequential uncertainty fitting procedure (SUFI-2) (SWAT-CUP 2009). In every round of one thousand iterations, the SUFI-2 provides the most fitting range of the sensitive parameters. It also helps to knock out non-sensitive parameters. Table 22.2 shows the calibration parameters used based on sensitivity analysis. Once the model is calibrated in the SWAT CUP environment, the calibrated model package is transposed to the SWAT module to rerun the SWAT based on the calibrated parameters to simulate flows for ungauged sections of the basins.


The detailed description of the SWAT modeling process is not incorporated.


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Fig. 22.2 Drainage boundary of the four major rivers in the Tana sub-basin Table 22.1 Total modeled area of the major rivers

Major River basin

Area (km2)

Gilgel Abay Gumera Ribb Megech Total model area

4178 1418 2132 661 8389

22.3.2 Groundwater Recharge Analysis Baseflow is the genetic component of stream flow originating primarily from groundwater, springs, and seeps or other persistent, slowly varying sources. Baseflow is distinguished from surface and/or shallow subsurface runoff, which is generally assumed to be the direct response to a given precipitation event. During


Groundwater Recharge and Contribution to the Tana Sub-basin …


Table 22.2 Calibrated parameters used for SUFI-II Variable



Method of calibration




Groundwater delay (days) Replace 1-180 days Baseflow alpha factor (days) Replace 1-180 days Surface runoff lag time (days) Replace 1-180 days Threshold depth of water in the shallow Replace 1-200 mm aquifer [m] LAT_TTIME Lateral flow travel time (days) Replace 1–180 days ESCO Soil evaporation compensation factor Replace 0.2–0.99 EPCO Plant uptake compensation factor Replace 0.2–0.99 CN2 Initial SCS CN II value Replace 40–85 Depth Soil layer depths (mm) Percent 50–150 % BD Bulk density moist (g/cc) Percent 50–150 % AWC Average available water (mm/mm) Percent 50–150 % KSAT Saturated conductivity (mm/h) Percent 50–150 % RCHRG_DP Deep aquifer percolation fraction Replace 0–1.0 REVAPMN Depth of water in the aquifer for revap Replace 0–500 mm [mm] GW_REVAP Groundwater “revap” coefficient Replace 0–0.2 a “Replace” indicates values were replaced within an initial range published in the literature b “Percent” indicates values were determined by adjusting the base initialization default variables by a certain percentage

the dry season, unmanaged stream flow may be composed entirely of baseflow and thus consists primarily of groundwater discharge. Over all, in an area, the total annual baseflow is considered the total recharge to the groundwater during rainy season of the same hydrological year. The recharge of groundwater can be estimated by different methods, which includes the following: • Catchment Water Balance: The annual precipitation less annual runoff and annual actual evapotranspiration give change in storage of water underground. Most part of the change in storage is considered as annual recharge. The application of this method requires obtaining actual evapotranspiration data. • Baseflow separation/Hydrograph analysis: This method applies the separation of the dry season flow from mean annual hydrograph of a river at the given hydrometric station. The baseflow, which is normally considered as recharge, is the area below the line/curve that separates baseflow of the mean annual hydrograph. • Recharge area separation approach: This involves delineation of recharge and discharge areas in each groundwater basin and estimation of recharge from precipitation in the area. • Groundwater Flow/Darcy Approach: The product of transmissivity (m2/year) of the aquifer, the gradient of groundwater table, and the estimated flow channel


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width (m) for the aquifer gives the annual recharge of groundwater. The knowledge of the spatial distribution, homogeneity/heterogeneity of the aquifer, and the slope of the groundwater table is critically important in the application of this method. • Groundwater table fluctuation: This method estimates the annual recharge potential from the mean annual water table fluctuations and the aquifer parameter called storativity/storage coefficient, which is specific for each aquifer. According to this method, the product of mean annual water table fluctuation and aquifer storativity is equal to the mean annual recharge. Application of this method requires regular monitoring of groundwater, knowledge of the storativity of the aquifer, and a long-term recording of the water table depth in the aquifer. In this study, catchment water balance and baseflow separation/hydrograph analysis are implemented successively. The steam flow is generated by the water balance approach, after simulating the four rivers’ hydrology using SWAT. SWAT is used to simulate hydrology of the four major rivers of the sub-basin by locating the outlet at the junction of the Lake Tana. With the first approach, the annual water budget of every major river at the junction of the Lake Tana, including recharge to shallow aquifers, deep recharge, and evaporation from the groundwater resource, is evaluated. With the second approach, the annual distribution of the volume of the contribution of the shallow groundwater aquifers to the four major streams of the sub-basin and to the Lake Tana is evaluated.

22.3.3 The Baseflow Separation Method The aim of baseflow separation is to distinguish two stream flow components: baseflow (groundwater discharging into the stream) and quick flow (surface runoff and interflow). This process provides considerable smoothing. Hence, in the frequency spectrum of a hydrograph, long waves will be more likely to be associated with baseflow while the high-frequency variability of the stream flow will primarily be caused by direct runoff. It should therefore be possible to identify the baseflow by low-pass filtering of the hydrograph. In this study, to estimate the groundwater contribution to the major rivers in the Tana sub-basin, a baseflow separation by recursive digital filtering technique (Eckhardt 2005) is considered. This technique partitions the hydrographs into two components: direct runoff and baseflow, as defined by the following mass balance relation: yk ¼ fk þ bk


where y = total stream flow, f = direct runoff, b = baseflow, and k = time step number.


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The shape of a hydrograph is determined by factors such as topography, climate, seasonal variations, bedrock geology, land use, surface water storage such as lakes, and any artificial controls on stream flow. The recursive digital filter applies the baseflow separation process using statistical filtering of the low flows, which are mainly baseflows. The low flows are assumed totally generated from the shallow aquifer groundwater. Accordingly, the recursive filters are also called “infinite impulse response filters,” which conduct a geometric progression of a single disturbance that echoes around the feedback loop. For the purpose of evaluation of the contribution of the baseflow component from stream flow, Eq. (22.2) as described by Nathan and McMahon (1990) is used as follows: fk¼/ fk1 þ

ð1þ /Þ ðyk  yk1 Þ 2


where fk is the filtered quick response at the kth sampling instant, yk is the original stream flow, and α is the filter parameter. The filtered baseflow is thus defined as yk − fk.


Result and Discussion

22.4.1 Stream Flows There is widespread agreement that good correspondence of measured and simulated stream flow at the catchment outlet is not a sufficient criterion for the validity of a physically-based hydrologic model, but that additional knowledge concerning catchment internal processes is needed (Beven and Kirkby 1979). Yet, for many catchments, such information is not available and the model’s performance can only be assessed by comparing simulated and measured stream flow. The stream flows at different locations were generated and calibrated with a reasonable level of accuracy measures (Table 22.3). Figure 22.3 shows the modeling result of the flows for the four river basins. Accordingly, the model indicates reasonable agreement that would be fairly enough to generate information for regional planning. The Nash-Sutcliffe Table 22.3 Efficiency of estimation of the flows of the SWAT model Major river catchment

Gauging station



Gilgel Abay

Gilgel Abay @Pikolo Bridge Koga @Merawi Gumera @ Bridge Upper Ribb Lower Ribb @ Bridge Megech @Azezo

0.70 0.40 0.61 0.38 0.69 0.38

0.67 0.30 0.58 0.37 0.62 0.37

Gumera Ribb Megech


A.Z. Abiy et al.

Efficiency (NSE) (Nash and Sutcliffe 1970) is used to evaluate the performance of the model in replicating the observed data for the four contributing river basins. The NSE is a normalized statistic that determines the relative magnitude of the residual variance (“noise”) compared to the measured data variance (“information”) (Nash and Sutcliffe 1970). NSE indicates how well the plot of observed versus simulated data fits the 1:1 line. Nash-Sutcliffe efficiencies range from −∞ to 1. Essentially, the closer to 1, the more accurate the model is. NSE of 1 corresponds to a perfect match of modeled to the observed data. NSE of zero indicates that the model predictions are as accurate as the mean of the observed data, and values of −∞ < NSE < 0 indicate that the observed mean is better predictor than the model. It is shown that the NSE values for flow simulated at Gilgel Abay @Bikolo Bridge, Gumera @ Bridge, and Lower Ribb @ Bridge are higher compared to the others indicating good model performance. Figure 22.3 shows predicted and observed flows for the four rivers at gauging stations and at the mouth of the rivers (lake entry point).

Fig. 22.3 Simulated flow based on calibrated SWAT at flow gauging stations and river mouths (RM): a Gilgel Abay, b Gumara, c Ribb, and d Megech Rivers


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Flow estimation at the bridge of every river represents the gauging stations as represented by green dots in the upstream of every river catchment in Fig. 22.3. Flow simulation at the “river mouth” (RM) represents the flow estimated at the junction of the lake, as referred by numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 for rivers of Gilgel Abay, Gumara, Ribb, and Megech, respectively, in Fig. 22.2.

A Recession Analysis/Baseflow Separation

The results of the application of the model for the four major rivers in the Tana sub-basin by using the flow data generated by the SWAT inverse model are presented in Figs. 22.4, 22.5, 22.6, and 22.7. As described by Nathan and McMahon (1990), the most acceptable baseflow separation conducted by several datasets was in the range of 0.9–0.95. For better evaluation of the baseflow separation, it is important that the low flows of the SWAT dataset are equal to the baseflow separation results of the TIMPLOT. Hence, several trials are applied to define the value of the filter parameter. Two interrelated curves are generated for every river flow at the junction of Lake Tana as shown in Figs. 22.4, 22.5, 22.6, and 22.7. The first curve is a detailed view of the curves’ overlap as the digital filter separates the low flow from the high flow. The importance of this model is to observe how the curves of the baseflow and total flow at the low flow and return flow conditions fit, so that the digital filter can explicit the total groundwater contribution during the high flow period. The assumption in this case is that the low flows and return flow that generates the recession curves are fully the contributions of the groundwater recharge.

Fig. 22.4 Baseflow separation for Gilgel Abay River basin: a curve fitting for the recession and low flows and b ten years, 1996–2005, daily flow at the mouth of the river


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Fig. 22.5 Baseflow separation for Gumera River basin: a curve fitting for the recession and low flows and b ten years, 1996–2005, daily flow at the mouth of the river

22.4.2 Baseflow Trends of the Rivers As indicated in Fig. 22.8, the Gilgel Abay River has the largest share of baseflow contribution to the Lake Tana. Also, the baseflow comparison curve entails that the Gilgel Abay flow persists longer for an extended period after the end of the rainy seasons. Figure 22.9 indicates that three of the rivers show a declining trend of baseflow contribution to the Lake Tana over the recorded period. Megech River shows a slight increase in the baseflow contribution. The Angereb River reservoir is upstream of the Megech outflow point to Lake Tana, and this might have some contribution to the groundwater contribution to the lake. The slope of the baseflow considered as the rate of change of baseflow decline or increase in the rivers entails that the Gilgel Abay River has the largest rate of decline of baseflow contribution. Considering Gilgel Abay is the largest contributor and the fastest running to dry, the groundwater contribution in the Lake Tana is declining considerably.


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Fig. 22.6 Baseflow separation for Ribb River basin: a curve fitting for the recession and low flows and b ten years, 1996–2005, daily flow at the mouth of the river

22.4.3 Water Balance and Groundwater Contribution The catchment water balance components help to evaluate annual recharge to deep groundwater aquifers, evaporation loss from the recharge water, and baseflow and interflow from shallow aquifers. This water balance, incorporating surface water parameters and deep groundwater recharge, is developed from the summary of the ten-year average water balance results from the calibrated SWAT model (Table 22.4). The groundwater contribution is the sum of the lateral flow (Latf) from the vadose zone, and return flow (Retf) contribution from the shallow aquifers zone. According to this, the total annual inflow into the lake, from the major rivers catchment area, is 1951.36 mm. This is generated from the total catchment area of the four major rivers of 8389 km2. Out of the total of 1951.36 mm, 717.94 mm is generated from the Gilgel Abay River catchment. Despite its smallest contribution of the groundwater to the lake, Megech has the highest share of the lateral flow contribution. It is remarkable that lateral flow is a shallow aquifers contribution and can be enriched by different practices of proper soil and water conservation exercises.


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Fig. 22.7 Baseflow separation for Megech River basin: a curve fitting for the recession and low flows and b ten years, 1996–2005, daily flow at the mouth of the river

Baseflow (m 3/s)

Comparision of Watersheds Baseflow 400

Gilgel Abbay Baseflow, cms

Gumara Baseflow, cms


Ribb Baseflow, cms

Megech Baseflow, cms

300 250 200 150 100 50 0

Fig. 22.8 Comparison of baseflows from the four river catchment areas


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Fig. 22.9 Temporal trend of baseflows: a Gilgel Abay, b Gumara, c Ribb, and d Megech Rivers

Table 22.4 Annual water balance of the major river basin at the junction (mouth of the river or lake entry point) of the Lake Tana Major River Catchment

Annual water balance components (mm) Pcp


Gilgel Abay










Total groundwater contribution





































Pcp precipitation, Latf lateral flow, Perc percolation, Retf return flow, Rdep deep recharge, Revap evaporation from shallow surface, and ET evapotranspiration

It was found that the deep groundwater recharge seems smaller compared to the shallow aquifer contribution. A study by Ministry of Water and Energy on the detailed groundwater investigation in Lake Tana and Beles River sub-basins indicates that the geological structures in all of the four river catchments are intricate and deep groundwater migration out of the Tana sub-basin is suspected. This is observed in the southern part at the boundary of Tana and Beles sub-basins. The large section of the Lake Tana sub-basin lacks detailed geological information for a better understanding of the deep groundwater circulation in the sub-basin.



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Conclusion and Recommendations

The SWAT model was used to estimate flows at the mouths of four major rivers and hence their contribution of the hydrology of Lake Tana. The baseflow component of this contribution was partitioned, and the groundwater flow recharge was estimated. It was found that the groundwater contribution from the total annual inflow into the lake is up to 60 %. Also, it is indicated that the groundwater contribution from the Gilgel Abay River basin is the highest of all the four rivers. Other rivers have relatively less but considerable volume of groundwater contribution to the lake water body. The baseflow contribution trends of the rivers in the Tana sub-basin indicated a decreasing pattern over time. The highest groundwater contributor, Gilgel Abay River, also showed the highest rate of decline of baseflow. This implied not only a decline in the groundwater reserve zone in the area, but also a gradual limitation of the annual recharge to the Lake Tana. This also shows the aquifer-dependent ecosystem of the area is highly threatened by the declining pattern of the streams’ low flow condition. Land management practice with focus on restoration of upland recharge is necessary for reducing the negative consequences of seasonal water shortages in the upstream catchments of the Tana sub-basin. As long as sustainability of the water resources is a major issue of concern in the area, we recommend that the watershed management practices in the region should reinforce the realism of sustainable recharging mechanisms. Also, we also recommend the importance of acknowledging groundwater resources monitoring in the area. Monitoring and legal enforcement of participation of all concerned stockholders are important to a sound groundwater information management system, so that the monitoring can be effusively utilized to devise timely solutions and management directions. Acknowledgments This hydrological model is developed by the use of data collected from the International Water Management Institute Addis Ababa. The World Bank funds the Tana Beles Integrated Water Resources Development Project. The results of the SWAT model are consulted with Professor Tammo S Steenhuis, Drs Zach Easton, and Daniel Fucka.

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