answers-PDF A attached ... But the flip side of this statement is, Does only .... free Jio sim, all he did was give it f
Group discussion current topics HR interview questions with answers-PDF A attached
Group discussion Corruption Uprooted or just changing clothes! - HR interview questions with answers Part A 1.We know change is always necessary. But we have to view both prospectives. The change gives advantages such as new technology, new experience and many more. Also have cons such as miss use, an economical burden. As per my point of view when anyone trying to change a system then they should aware of the effects and solutions for different problems. When notes are banned by the government they are not at all aware of side effects from that. Actually, government systems are not prepared for such quick decision. Also, many non-literate people are. Apart from this students also faces many issues regarding college fees, accommodation fees etc. If government preplan all the event before the time it may result in a good growth of the economy. As my point of view, the government failed to achieve the desired goal.
2. I would like to say that banning 500, 1000 notes does not mean that corruption has been uprooted. It just means that the massive amount of money that was hidden earlier has just become unusable. The mentality of using corrupt means still remains. Thus it has just changed clothes. But that doesnt mean that this step by the government has been in vain. This step has ensured in some way that people will be apprehensive from now on before engaging in corruption practices.
3. I would like to add that no doubt demonetization was a great step by our government, but I just want to know that BJP government has taken this step and has backed with some other things, And bring back the black money was their primary motive which wasn't fulfilled in fact the outcome was good but it was not what the BJP government primarily wanted. And the point i.e. corruption has reduced tremendously but was not the after effect of Demonitazaton, but it has helped it a bit. And I would also like to appreciate the fact that Modi government took such a step which changed everyone's point of view but not to forget the fact that when demonetization took place still some people managed to get the currency changed. HOW? So people's point should be changed and not the currency. Even after changing the currency we know that there is corruption then whats the use of the problems that we have been through. 4. I agree with you all, demonetization was a very good decision but if 98% money is back to the rbi then where is the black money I think this is happen because every people wants black money back but many people doesnt wants to pay tax if we can't change ourself nothing will be change. 5. Hi all, I would like to say that demonetisation is a very good move by the government to fight against the corruption but it should be done in wellplanned way as we see middle-class family and poor people were lot affected by it. It leads to loss of many life and on the bitter note I will say that government failed in their motive too because RBI gave statement that more than 98% of money back to the bank so where the black money is gone and the only benefits am seeing that we get rid up of old notes with names and no written on it and we can say that it is just a changing of clothes. 6. According to me, Demonization is, just a threat that the government has took, but in the reality it says that, 98% of the currency has came back to
the RBI, so the demonetization is successful. But the flip side of this statement is, Does only 2% of the money was Black? No, The cheaters have, unique ways of investment in property and all. So, they are on the shore of safety. So, moreover, the effects of demonetization is short-run exactly. But it outweighs the effects of long run. Soo, a monetary economist says that banning a currency which is more than 70% in circulation is not feasible for a developing country like India. 7. The step was taken by our prime minister for decimate the corruption was good but not even more. The way of implement Demonetization was not proper because it torched to middle and lower class family's they bear this unwantedly. The corruption is still rife and rich become more rich so Nothing is changed by banning this 500-1000 notes. It's just like changing clothes. 8. In my views, demonetisation has neither uprooted corruption nor changed its clothes. It has just became created a trend. Before demonetisation, farmers used to get low incentives and even today they are suffering from the same problem. Rich is getting richer and poor getting poorer. However, it has provided a digital model through which India can progress. Less reliance on cash transactions has increased and almost all govt services are made available online. 9. The way I see it, corruption has not been uprooted by banning 500, 1000 notes. As people were able to exchange their black money against new notes. So we can say that idea of eliminating corruption through banning notes was right but the way it was implemented was not right. It made the situation worse. 10. I think corruption is just changing clothes after demonetization because the step taken was not planned efficiently and it had a very short-term effect
on corruption. There is no doubt that a huge amount of "Black Money" is retained but the corrupt person always finds a way to get it back. 11. RBI announced that the 98% of the banned money returned to the bank. In this 98% of all money, it includes the black money also. Somewhere in the conversation of this black money to accountable money, the poor people got bit benefit of it. We are newborn puppies we hope demonetization will give us bright and economical future. 12. According to my point of view, this is a good decision but poor people was suffered and uneducated people don't know anything banning 500 and 1000 notes no use for because I saw in my village any politician or rich people I didn't see in bank only suffered by common people. 13. In my opinion, I'd like to add up to this discussion that if we keep on thinking of "if's and but's" we can never proceed and progress is well. So it is true that the middle-class people suffered a lot in every aspect, but I think the rationale here has to be "plant a tree well before you need the fruits" which lacked and made a middle class to suffer which contributes to a major segment of our country. At last, I want to conclude that it's always better to be a part of change instead of merely thinking of it. 14. The process of banning notes was quick but reduction in corruption is slow process and it'll take some time but it is uprooting because government didn't only banned notes of 500-1000 but also they've also started to linking of adhaar everywhere and digitalization so together all these effort will surely eliminate corruption. 15. By banning 500 or 1000 notes flow of currency in the denomination of 500 or 1000 is completely restricted which means printing of new currency.
This would certainly disturb the business of fake currency and to some extent corruption shall be uprooted. 16. According to my view point, this is a very good and strong step taken against corruption by the govt of India. If every employee in the bank did their job with honesty the result would have been better, since some of them helped to exchange black money made the poor class peoples suffer. & lack of newly printed currency, also it is the responsibility of government to take strong action on them and make this step help the poor and against corruption. And thus it became golden step in Indian history. 17. To control the corruption of India, it's a good idea. But they are not implemented correctly. . This proved to be a powerful step but not a great one. There are several reasons to it. First of all, our poor class suffered a lot. Exchanging their small cash savings by standing in queues and lack of new currency notes was a backfire. There were also few instances where rich uses poor for exchange of money by offering a small amount of commission. Last but not the least, our people are in habit of making black money deposits and this has continued even after demonetization. 18. Actually Banning of 500, 1000 rupees notes wasn't a good decision. Poor remained as poor and rich remained as rich it dint make a major difference it was just like changing clothes. There was even decrease in GDP ratio. As well middle class people faced lots of problems and 50% of corruption was stopped with this banning. 19. In my opinion, ban of 500 and 1000 notes is just changing clothes. If the government had taken proper measurement of having the new notes printed way before banning the old notes would be better. Due to this many people were affected and those people were none other than the middle class people. The main reason for the ban was forgotten. The riches are still rich,
the poor are still poor. The government took action on only few people who were against this ban. The rest of the people with black money, still have the same money. For ex: Consider what happened with the introduction of free Jio sim, all he did was give it free and spend all his black money. But now we are paying him back 3 month once. So banning of the old notes is just change of clothes. 20. In my opinion, the decision is taken by govt to carve out the currency of 500, 1000 is appreciable. Yes, in real time it works but not effectively work to uproot the corruption due to the extension of the period. It was surprising to all the citizen to happen dramatically. As recently grab the no. Of bags of containing 500 1000 notes which were smuggled to Nepal. India may have many sources to convert the black money that is why income tax become attentive regarding loophole to carve out the sources.