Group discussion current topics HR interview questions with answers-PDF B attached ... Instant of that just Identify the
Group discussion current topics HR interview questions with answers-PDF B attached
Group discussion Corruption Uprooted or just changing clothes! - HR interview questions with answers Part B 1.I think it was one of the worst decision in Indian history. It was bad for Indian people, economy we still see result of it. From small villager to metro city everyone has faced many problems. As far as corruption concern NOTHING HAS CHANGED. In fact all black money holder converted their money in white. The large amount of corruption happens in politics from Ministers to Government officials this amount varies from few to hundreds to thousands of Crore rupees. So if you really wants fight against corruption and black money. Find the corrupt politicians, official who is still holding position. Banning notes is not solution. Its like you think every single person in India holding black money at their homes. Instant of that just Identify the corrupt person and take action you have all power from CBI, ED, IT, Police etc. 2. I think the banning of 500-1000 notes, not a great step by Modi ji it is very painful for the village people to stand in a queue and replace those. Modi Ji again started 2000 notes which are again as an offer for the corrupt people. 3. In my opinion, demonetisation was a great move in the Indian history which was implemented by our government of India on 8 November 2016. The main aim for this demonetisation was to eradicate corruption and to remove the circulation of black money from our country but I personally feel
that the corruption has been reduced but not to that extent that it should be and if we talk about black money than Indian people will definitely find the new ways to counter this. And more over the implementation of demonetisation could have been definitely better. Our Prime Minister suddenly banned the currency in the evening due to which many people have faced a lot of difficulties. The one who were supposed to face trouble were quite comfortable with it as they were higher class and they have their agents and servants who were standing in the queue but the middle class and the common people had to go through a lot of difficulty, they had to stand in long question for hours to deposit their old currency in the bank and to withdraw the cash from ATM. Within a Span of two to three days there were a lot of downfall in the trade and due to which our GDP also went down during that financial year. But like every coin had two sides. Apart from demrit demonetisation has resulted in emergence of digital transaction and there is a huge shift towards electronic payments after the note banned. The electronic method of payments are gaining popularity among the common people and this was after the demonetisation only. So the conclusion is that the the main aim of this demonetisation had not been fulfilled completely so the government should find new ways to eradicate corruption and black money from the economy. 4. The banning of 500 and 1000 notes is a great step taken by Modi government but it is not implemented in a right way. Because of this only middle and lower class people suffered a lot. Rich people are not get affected. At the time of need, people had not get their money which was earned by lots of efforts. They had to stand in a long queue to exchange their old notes with new ones. This was a good step to remove corruption but the people whom should get suffered are not suffered anymore even they had not taken any efforts to exchange their money. They had
exchanged their money without any limits and without standing in a queue outside the bank. Nothing is changed by banning this 500-1000 notes. It's just like changing clothes. 5. It was a great step taken by our government. Large loss of black money:- this conclusion is painful the ass for black money owners having vechicles of cash undeclared and experiencing without spending any tax. More and more businesses will be sorted those who accept paper money only such as small coming up new ways to counter this. Most of the promised black money was unearthed but there still remains some and will always remain some. Peopel are finding new ways to counter these. Recent instances of tampering in currency chests in kanpur where 99 crores worth of old 500 and 1000 notes proves that corruption is just old wine in a new bottle. Involvement of bank officials and forging of fake records and use of deceased persons's adhar cards to channelise illegal money have been some ways that corrupt people have been using to stack up black money. 6. Acc to my point of view, demonetisation is the right decision taken by the government in the part of developing our country. Many of them thinking that they got troubled because of the demonetisation. But, nothing comes easily. Many of them thinking that it was not implemented correctly and it is failed. But I'm saying that it is a great sucees to our country. Because, may be it is failed to get back the corrupted money but, now our country going through digital. Because of the demonetisation everyone is going through digital payments like paytm, bhim. Etc.
7. As we all know demonetization suffer a lot for middle-class people but it was a good move for eradicating corruption seemed to be flipped also decrease our GDP but we seem some benefits later definitely. 8. I think that the banning on the Rs 1000 and Rs 500 notes haven't uprooted corruption from our Society. The idea was good, but the problem is sides with how it was implemented. As mentioned it was just like changing of clothes. Even our Govt says it was a great step towards corruption no one knows about any corporate who had affected by the demonetization. It was the citizens and small vendors who had adversely affected by the whole process. Even the design of the new notes can lead to the circulation counter fake notes in our economy, as most of us are unaware about the specification of the new currency. Thus I believe that the idea of demonetization was good step for the growth of our nations economy, the implementation of the idea has adversely affected more than 80 percent of people in India. 9. The move was great but it was a difficult thing to be implemented in this country with 1.3 billion. No implementation would have been perfect. This move in itself is a transforming one. Instead of focussing on bad results we must look the positive side. 10. According to me, it was a good decision taken by the government But when it was implemented, it didn't succeed. I think there was a lack of proper planning before implementing this idea. According to me, if it was planned proper and implemented in a proper way, then it would have succeeded more and the people who faced money problems during this period wouldn't have faced such issues.
By the way, it reduced some rate of corruption and I found that govt. Is taking good steps regarding growth, development and economy of a country. 11. This is Jitender, Acc to my point of view ban 500, 1000 rs was a good decision taken by our govt but not implemented in such a way. Because it was create a lot of problems for poor peoples, small vendors, middle peoples who daily suffers a lot for their survival, and fulfills their essential needs. As Modi govt banned 500, 1000 rs notes it was cause a lot of problems standing people in a queue for long hours, as their turn comes bank employee said that there is no more money, many families had pulled out their daughter marriages, some peoples cannot take medical help, some can't buy necessary items, foods This all problems came from demonetisation. During Demonetisation only middle families, poor people suffered a lot, rich peoples have a connection with bank managers who can easily exchange their money without standing in a queue The idea was good to eradicate corruption but not implemented in a very helpful manner. Till now one year passed but no positive result come out. Its totally just like a changing clothes for rich people who can use their own power for changing money Due to all these only common people suffered a lot. At last, I want to say that ban 500, 1000 rs was not just a rightful decision if you surely eradicate corruption from our country, firstly made plans and ready to tackle problems that come. Because mostly govt plans which have been launch only middle people suffered a lot. 12. Demonetization was a great initiative taken by PM Modi to stop corruption. But it's implementation was a big failure. Mostly middle-class & the lower class family were affected by this. They have to stand in long queue to exchange their old notes with a new one. For rich people, it was just like changing clothes they have great influence on bank managers and these bank manager exchange their money.
Also, there was a shortage of 500, 1000 notes in the bank and atm machines so even when middle or lower class people go there they don't get money. They suffered the most. It also reduces India's GDP to 6.3%. 13. I am Srikar, in my view, ban of notes is just a filtering process to exclude the black money from economy, and what happens to hear is everything in white now, however maybe someone thousand crores caught as black, that is not even one part of what they expected, I support the statement "corruption changing clothes" hope new ways come to do the desired task. 14. I am Prasanna and what I think that yeah demonetization was a brave step from our PM Modiji and I am also agreed to the point that I caused a lot suffer to only the poor and middle-class population of our country. But since as we Indians know that Congress were ruling India for so long and we have witnessed many scams from that time the corruption started spreading like cancer. He Mr. Modi ji has got only 5 years to do some serious changes so that we can have better future for us. Yeah banning of 500 and 1000 notes were looking like a giant step in order to eradicate the corruption but it didn't work the way it had to. But the step had to be taken there was no other way we could think that could possibly eradicate corruption from its root. So the step had taken and we suffered but at least what I see people now are getting aware of all these they are getting curious about how they can possibly avoid corruption on their own. This is what we need, we need to stop this from ourselves. Because the complete burnout of corruption is not possible. So we need to accept the steps if there's a little hope for a better future. We need to suffer a little as we are the people who wants this country to get corruption free. But the first thing to do is it needs not to spread from the oneself. Thank you.
15. Demonization was a good step to take the black money out to remove the corruption but the execution was a complete failure they didn't able to provide the new notes on time because of that people suffered and no politician or rich people was standing in the queue there were only poor and middle class people who stood in line for hours, and most of the rich people have connection with the bank managers as we all know they changed there notes without standing on the queue and poor people suffered for their own money and just for few notes the execution was complete failure and now we can see it hasn't changed anything everything is still the same. 16. It was a great step taken by our government to taken out black money. Demonetization is a great move but it was not implemented the way it should have been. Because of these change the general people in India they suffered a lotIn my view, banning of 500 and 1000 rupee notes is just like changing clothes for wealthy people because they changed their money without going to any bank and they do not stand in queue hours and hours in banks, they changed their money without knowing any pain. Most of the rich people had great connections with bankers and by their influences, they found it easy to change their money. Their black money was given to the middle class or lower class families to deposit to there a/c and after the end of Demonetization, it was taken back in any form. The only people affected are the middle class and poor ones. It was a shocking news only for middle and lower class people. They were standing in a queue hole day but at last bank employee announced that there is no cash available for today. , worrying for the cash they have just pulled out for their daughter marriages, no acceptance of old notes in hospitals. Middle class people faced lot of problems but rich people changed crores of money without any limit. The result after one year is in front of all. The execution was a complete failure. It is just a major setback of a very powerful action with no reaction at all. Therefore, can say that the system of corruption is still same it has just changed its clothes. But Everything cannot be controlled within a short period. Corruption needs to avoided, so we cannot able to destroy it completely. We have to process it and destroy it by step by step. . So before
taking any serious action the government should sure that the medium class people and mainly the poor people will not get affected a lot. That's thier irresponsibility in an Indian economy the medium class people plays a very imp role. So, firstly make fully aware of them and then implement on that. Then it will be more efficient. AGANIST: According to me, Banning of 500 and 1000 is good move to avoid corruption. Everything cannot be controlled within a short period. Corruption needs to avoid, so we cannot able to destroy it completely. We have to process it and destroy it by step by step. This banning of 500 and 1000 notes is one of the steps to avoid corruption. I Accept many people suffered a lot by this action. First of all, everyone understands this, No pain no gain. We have to suffer a little to avoid some portion of corruption. Rich people are not suffered by this, I accept. But everyone must know how many currency notes are thrown in the dustbin and in the street. This money belongs to rich people. This is a just a warning to them, to pay their taxes correctly. Switching over to new note is also needed. We have to keep using our old 500 and 1000 notes for past 10 years. So it is time to change it. Change must come from us. If we behave and act in a right way. Everything will be right. So, conclude by saying that no pain no gain. We sacrifice something to achieve something. Thank you. 17. Banning 500, 1000 notes become just like changing clothes. This rule made by Modi Hi is very beneficial for decreasing the corruption but it is not managed in right way. Because of these change the general people in India they were suffering. To change something the difficulty is valid But there must be some system like there must be a system which could manage the queue And also the queue should give an idea about Which queue is less or which queue is longer. By applying these methods there may be not Any problems for general people to suffer.
18. In my view, banning of 500 and 1000 rupee notes is just like changing clothes for wealthy people because they changed their money without going to any bank and they do not stand in queue hours and hours in banks, they changed their money without knowing any pain but whereas for poor people they don't have enough money to change in banks per day only 4000-5000/per member so due to this they faced lot of problems but rich people changed crores of money without any limit. I think govt had made this for abolishing corruption but it is not actually done even now corruption is almost all same before ban of 500, 1000 notes. 19. On Nov 8th 2016 Modi Jii told that 500 and 1000 notes will not be valid from 9th nov. It was a great step taken by our government to eradicate corruption. Demonetization is a great move but its implementation is not good because the middle-class people are not able to meet their needs for hospital needs and all. But if we want the change in the economy we have to suffer to these things. There will be an impact in long run in the economy. So demonstration is a great move. The people will pay the taxes accordingly and there will be a rise in GDP and economic growth. 20. I appreciate and definitely find its true that banning 500 & 1000 notes is just a very powerful action taken but to be honest after one year of its implement anyone can hardly see any drastic changes due to it. According to RBI, 99.2% of floating money i.e. before demonetization has come back resulting in a very less or can be considered nil amount of black money is find out. Actually, the scenario is way more complicated then what it is as every person who carries money in a big amount never goes for paper money, he either invested it in business or in lands or in shares and other techniques one carries money in cash therefore there is no major impact on them and let assume some may carry but believe me they definitely have figure out how to deal with it. The only people affected are the mediocre and poor ones standing in a queue, worrying for the cash they
have just pulled out for their daughter marriages, no acceptance of old notes in hospitals and the count is countless. So I see no major changes in the society but creating a lot more of havoc in peoples only, therefore, to sum up, I can say that the banning of notes is a very heroic action taken by anyone after so long but the way it has done is not so successful because the result after one year is in front of all. It is just a major setback of a very powerful action with no reaction at all. Therefore, can say that the system of corruption is still same it has just changed its clothes now it's kinda pink.