Intelektualnie sistemi, tom 6 vipusk 1-4, 2001, Lomonosov, RAN, ATNR, RAEN
Aleksandar Jovanović Matematički fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Studentski trg 16, 11000 Beograd, Yu email:
[email protected],
[email protected] Originaly intentioned to enhance, stimulate and attract the work of senior undergraduate and graduate students of the School of Mathematics, University of Beograd, to the more exciting and modern approaches of applied logic and artificial intelligence, Group for Intelligent Systems, GIS, started more informaly by joint work with Žarko Mijajlović in 1992. A number of our students (~ 2**7) shared our enthusiasm, which resulted in nice algorithms implementations with software production concentrated on syntax processing that comprised procedures for proof corectness testing, theorem prover in geometry, optimised tableaux prover, interpretation based prover in modal logic, Quantifier Ellimination in Algebraicaly Closed Fields and Real Closed Fields with application to the optimisation problems, Quantifier Ellimination in Monadic Calculus with applications to the deductions in data bases, prover in Intuitionistic logic, prover of Von Wright calculus of preferences, some larger Turing machines models. The system optF(x), conds (AX