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commandments, thou shalt not steal nor murder, thou shalt honour your God and your parents, and so on. He asserts that these guidelines had almost certainly.
GROUPING MATHEMATICALLY GIFTED LEARNERS: AN ANALYSIS FOR TEACHERS’ PRACTICE IN FREE STATE HIGH SCHOOLS Jack Mathoga Marumo and Michael Kainose Mhlolo Central University of Technology Abstract. The study examined high school teachers’ practices when they group mathematically gifted learners in their regular classrooms. The participants in this study were 19 teachers of grade 10 mathematics classrooms from various high schools in Bloemfontein, Free State (South Africa). Results indicated that 89% of the teachers use the ‘mixed-ability grouping’ practice to support their learners. The remaining 11% cited other grouping methods to place learners in different groups. The majority (65%) which use the mixed ability grouping practice showed that they sometimes change the groups throughout the year by swapping the learners between different groups. Key words: Mathematically gifted leaners, teachers’ practices, grouping practices, regular classrooms

INTRODUCTION Mathematically gifted learners are one group of learners that differ from their non-mathematically gifted peers in the ways in which they learn the best. Benson (2002) observes that gifted learners become more frustrated in a regular classroom while teachers are mandated to see that all learners reach the standards of the Provincial and National Department of Education. It seems that every teacher in every classroom would have the will and the skill to adjust the curriculum to suit the needs of the diverse learners in their classrooms. Through the use of grouping practices, teachers can meet and exceed the set standards. In this study ability grouping is viewed as grouping learners for instruction by ability or achievements to minimize heterogeneity. In South African high schools,

learners are often grouped by ability within regular classrooms for some subjects like mathematics, but not for other (e.g. consumer studies and religion studies). Ability grouping may involve having higher and lower achieving grades (e.g. Mathematics Standard Grade and Mathematics High Grade) or may involve placing learners into different courses like mathematics and mathematical literacy. The presence of ability grouping leads to a question of what grouping practices do high school teachers use to group mathematically gifted learners in their regular classrooms. To answer the above mentioned question, the researchers adopted Gagné (2007)’s Ten Commandments of Academic Talent Development as the theoretical framework of the study. Gagné tries to show how he came up to his Ten commandments by comparing his commandments with the original God’s Ten commandments, thou shalt not steal nor murder, thou shalt honour your God and your parents, and so on. He asserts that these guidelines had almost certainly been around for centuries and did not break any new ground. The first four of Gagné (2007) commandments are directly related to the conceptual framework of his Differentiated Model of Giftedness and Talent (DMTG) and aimed at identifying gifted learners. The next five commandments aimed at “how” to develop a gifted learner and are less related to the DMTG. This study chose to use more specifically the ninth commandment, Though Shalt Group … Fulltimely as it enjoins all teachers to aim at grouping gifted learners at full-time basis. The study used qualitative-quantitative approach in examining the teachers’ practice which Free State high schools use when they support mathematically gifted learners in their regular classrooms with reference to grouping.

What is Giftedness? For more than three decades, Gagne studied giftedness in many areas including sports and attributed the neglect for gifted learners to a failure to distinguish between ‘gifts’ on one hand and ‘talents’ on the other. According to Gagné (2015a), these terms are often used synonymously, yet there is a clear and appropriate distinction to be gainfully made. His argument is that an interchangeable use of these terms suggests that talent or ability has appeared without any systematic learning or teaching and those who possess such gifts have somehow been endowed with a particular ability in a way that is beyond the control or scope of education (Sternberg, 2003). Based on his contention, Gagne (2015a) proposed what he called the Differentiated Model of Giftedness and Talent (DMTG) which is used by many other researchers interested in giftedness and talent. Gagne’s DMTG tries to make a distinction between outstanding natural abilities referred to as ‘’aptitudes’’ and specific expert skills referred to as ‘’competencies’’. According to Gagné (2008; 2004), giftedness is described as a natural ability that can be developed fully by the appropriate and supporting environment (catalysts) into a talent. Gagné (2010) describes giftedness as a raw capacity. On the contrary, Gagné (2015a) describes talent as not only involving natural ability but also outstanding mastery of systematically developed abilities (knowledge and skills) in at least one field of human activity to a level that places an individual’s achievement at least among the top 10 % of age peers who are active in the same field. Talents are developed from aptitudes through formal or informal education and training (Gagné, 2004).

Identification of a gifted learner. Teachers’ nomination plays an important role in identifying a specific ability, such as the ability in mathematics. Regular classroom teachers can broaden their understanding about gifted learners through the general characteristics intellectually gifted learners possess. Characteristics in the affective and cognitive domain mostly appear in the classrooms and may be recognised by teachers. Gifted learners tend to be more curious about many things because they learn different concepts quickly. They retain the learned information more easily and for longer periods. The ability to understand complex mathematical problems, perceive relationships and think at abstract levels earlier than their same-aged peers shows that intellectually gifted learners need more advanced learning content than their peers. The misconception that gifted learners always display characteristics through their good behavior in classroom leads to failure in some teachers to recognise the gifted (Manning, 2006). Poor group work arises from the feelings of gifted learners that they carry the burden of the group. Teachers might nominate learners as gifted based on the extent of learner’s performance (Heller, Perleth, & Lim, 2005). Eyre(2001) suggested that the ‘diagnostic assessment’ as one of the broad forms of information available in schools be used to overcome problems associated with different tests. Consistent with his definition of giftedness, Gagné (2015b) then developed a five-level Metric Based System (MB System) which has been useful for researchers in terms of identifying gifted learners within regular classrooms. The five giftedness degrees are known as mildly, moderately, highly, exceptionally and extremely or profoundly gifted.

Table 1: Levels of Giftedness in Metric Based System Level 5 4 3 2 1

Labels for Giftedness Extremely (Profoundly) Exceptionally Highly Moderately Mildly

Proportions 1:100 000 1: 10 000 1:1000 1:100 1:10

Table1 shows that the minimum threshold for any giftedness is placed at ninetieth (90th) percentile, thus those learners who belong to the 10% of the reference group in terms of their natural abilities deserve the relevant label (Gagné, 2015a). In practice, it can be deduced that 4 top achievers in an inclusive classroom of 40 learners are mildly gifted. Some teachers may regard the use of this 10% as overly generous (Gagné, 2007). This generosity is counterbalanced by adding more subgroups where 4 top achievers out of 400 learners are regarded as moderately gifted. Grouping gifted learners. Grouping refers to the careful selection and sorting learners on the basis of ability or performance. Grouping can be during certain periods in a school day or it can be for the whole school day depending on the purpose of the grouping (Slavin, 1987). The questions of whether, when and how to group learners frustrate most teachers. This as stated by Adams (2002), learners come from a wide variety of social backgrounds with different levels of knowledge, motivation and learning pace. Realization of all these differences compels teachers to look out for different teaching methods so that all learners are catered for. Although there are arguments about the ways of grouping gifted learners in the regular classrooms, it is uncommon for a high school teacher in South Africa and internationally to group learners in mathematics classrooms.

On one hand, some researchers such as (Lu, 2012), (Mann, 2006) and (Shield, 1996) and are in favour of mixed-ability grouping. The above-mentioned sources contend that mixed-ability grouping caters all learners in the regular classrooms irrespective of race, intellectual abilities and educational needs. Venkatakrishnan and Wiliam (2003) in their case study of tracking and mixed-ability grouping in secondary school mathematics classrooms went further to advice that “unless a school can demonstrate that it is getting better than expected results through a different approach, we do make the presumption that mixed ability grouping should be the norm in secondary schools.”

On the other hand, numerous studies pull from different ethical arguments in support of ability grouping. Tieso (2003) reviewed literature covering the years that goes back from 2003 to 1916 of best practices on instructional curricular for gifted learners. Through the analysis of the studies, Tieso suggests that ability grouping together with curricular revision could produce considerable achievement for both average and gifted learners. Slavin (1986) also carried a report on the effects of between- and within-class ability grouping on the achievement of learners. The analysis of Slavin’s study covered findings from 14 researches of between-class grouping in multiple courses, 7 researches of between-class grouping in a single course and 8 researches of within class grouping. Thou the results did not support full-day ability grouping into different classrooms, they did support within-class ability grouping. Ability grouping in mathematics was also found instructionally effective. Slavin concluded that ability grouping is in the best way when it limited to 1 or 2 subjects within the regular classrooms. Despite the trend of grouping learners by ability in regular classrooms, some of the concerns expressed by Gagné (2007) are still at the forefront of those against ability grouping. In his ninth Commandment of Academic Talent Development (Though Shalt Group…Fulltimely!), he stated that the commandment enjoins all teachers to aim at grouping gifted leaners at full-time basis. Gagné (2007) claimed

that gifted learners are underserved in regular classrooms because there is a problem of priorities; the Number 1 priority is to increase the pass rate so that learners can move to the next grade level. Gagné pointed that apart from the problem of population size, teachers regularly complain about not given enough resources to teach gifted learners.

MATERIALS AND METHODS The study used a mixed methodology approach in examining practices which high school teachers use to group mathematically gifted learners in the regular classrooms. A total of 19 grade 10 high school teachers from Bloemfontein, South Africa participated in the study. All the participants were mathematics teachers. Permission was obtained from the Free State Department of Basic Education as well as the principals of the schools prior to conducting the study. Questionnaires were hand delivered to the participants at 10 schools and were collected after 2 days. Moreover, the participants completed the questionnaires at their schools, and in case of the absent teachers, the questionnaires were left to school administrators.

RESULTS To determine what grouping practices do high school teachers use to group mathematically gifted learners, the researchers analysed data from the questionnaire completed by 19 grade 10 mathematics teachers. Later the researchers will analyse data collected from the interviews.

Figure 1 below shows the grouping practices used by teachers to group learners in their regular classrooms.

14 12 10 8




4 2 0 By ablity


Mixed Ability Grouping


Figure 1: Grouping practices for the learners. Results suggest that the most favoured practice to group learners is the mixedability grouping. As figure 1 indicates, 17 respondents reported that they use mixed-ability grouping to group mathematics learners in the regular classrooms. Most of the respondents (11) who practice the mixed ability grouping claimed that sometimes the groups change as a result of swapping the learners between different groups. Only 6 in the same practice indicated that learners’ groups never change throughout the year. Fewer respondents (2) cited other grouping practice and indicated that learners are grouped according to the merit list. Out of 2 respondents that practice other grouping strategies, 1 respondent agreed that sometimes learners change groups. On the other hand, the other respondent prefers not to change the groups. None of the teachers chose ‘grouping by ability’ as one of the grouping practices. In order to find why sometimes teachers swap learners between different groups, the respondents were asked reasons for rearranging the learners’ groups in the

classrooms Figure 2 shows teachers’ explanations as their reasons for rearranging the groups in the classrooms.

Not answered 15% According to their performance in the given test 15% Learners enjoy different topics, they are grouped according to the classroom activity 23%

Learners get motivated when they interact with different peers 16% To help underperforming learners 31%

Figure 2: Reasons for rearranging the learners’ groups in the classrooms As noted above, most teachers rearrange their grouping based on learners who act as peer tutors and the classroom activity. There are few teachers who swap their learners either for leaners to get motivated when they interact with different peers or based on the test result. Teachers were asked in the interview what do they think are the best practices to support mathematically gifted learners in their classrooms. Some teachers mentioned that grouping learners and giving them extra work is the best practice to cater for the gifted ones:

Teacher C reported: In my view the best strategies to support gifted learners will be if they are isolated - if we can isolate them, they will get everything that they need.

Teacher E spoke of ability grouping as the excellent way of supporting gifted learners. …But mostly if I see they are excelling I call them then I group them. There are different categories according to their ability, then I give them work which is more related to their ability. So it helps them a lot and they excel more.

In agreement with the above teachers, Teacher H further reported group work as a means of learners to help each other: Ok, ways to support is sometimes forming groups - they must form groups themselves and give them problems so that they help each other.

Whilst the teachers’ grouping practices were quantified in the survey, the interview data supported the fact that many mathematically gifted learners in the regular classrooms do not get opportunity to reach their full potential. For example, most of the teachers (figure 2) and Teacher H from the interviews indicated that they group learners so that the gifted ones can assist the underperforming learners. Discussion on the clarity of the definition of a mathematically gifted learner centered around learners who obtain high marks and participate in classroom: Those who participate, and when I give them test those who obtain more marks.

But one of teachers interviewed also noted that their reasoning ability indicate that they are gifted: Their performance indicated that they are gifted because they can reason and they would even write down whatever they are reasoning and you will see their marks that they are gifted. How they respond and how they ask questions you can you see that they are gifted.

Another teacher pointed out that in addition to their reasoning ability, another characteristic of gifted learners is the ability to explain their work to their peers. When you have given them work, they will come and ask what is going on here and when you are doing corrections they will be the ones that will come to the chalkboard and will explain to the class.

CONCLUSION Rogers (2002) analyzed the research on various grouping practices for gifted learners and found that full time programs for gifted learners demonstrated the strongest benefits, followed by cluster grouping in which 5 to 8 learners are placed together in a classroom with a trained teacher in gifted education. A similar study conducted by Venkatakrishnan and Wiliam (2003) on the progress of learners in the mixed-ability group showed a significant interaction between progress and prior attainment, with placement in the mixed-ability group conferring a significant advantage on lower attaining learners, while gifted learners were disadvantaged. In view of the findings of this study, the researchers conclude that the grouping practices employed by the teachers in their mathematics classrooms do not necessarily directed to support gifted learners. This study recommends that the Department of Education should establish inservice training for teachers on how to apply grouping practices which benefit gifted learners in their mathematics classrooms. Teachers are encouraged to provide time for gifted learners to share their experiences in mathematics.

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