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Catholic Daughters of the Americas State of California
Golden State TIDINGS
FALL/WINTER 2015 Volume 28, No. 2
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IN THIS ISSUE: CDA State Store Legislative Action Needed New Circle of Love Program: Family Advent Reflections Mini-Conference Local Court Updates State Regent: Rosemarie Thomson 916 Nan Court, Santa Maria, CA 93454 (805) 922-2404 Editor: Melissa Hiatt (619) 252-7198 Publisher: Andrea Ochoa (559) 269-6442
STATE CHAPLAIN Rev. Stephen Porter, STL
Dear Sisters in Christ, Am I the only one, or is pumpkin spice everywhere this year? I think I have seen cookies, bacon, even pumpkin spiced mash potatoes; was the pumpkin tree particularly abundant this year? But it got me thinking, what are the sights, sounds, even smells, that remind us of a certain time of year, and perhaps even take us back to a time when we were younger, more carefree, and ready to jump up and have at it? I am still moved by sights, sounds and smells, but not so keen to “jump up” anymore. As Jesus said “the spirit is willing, but the body is weak”. So for this time of year, the sight is orangery, the sound is “trick-or-treat”,
and the smell is pumpkin spiced this and that. Of course, as grown people, we enjoy our senses and the memories they evoke but we do not allow them to control us. So far I have resisted all things pumpkin, but I fear that I may have to give in gracefully, especially when the school kids come round at the end of this week and offer me their home-made treats! So what are the sights, sounds and smells that you associate with certain seasons of the year, or with special anniversaries? For example I was ordained a priest on April 25th, and the night before and that morning it snowed so heavily that a goodly number of guests couldn’t make it. Even the bishop arrived late, and this was way before everyone had cell phones, so we had no idea when (or if ) he was going to turn up. Fortunately he did, and I got priested, so thanks be to God. But the fall of snow, and the darkness it brings will always remind me of that day that was blessed by the Lord. I remind my-
self that that is another great reason why I like southern California so much! After All Saints and All Souls we head into the end of the year, and the beginning of the “holidays” as we like to call them (so as not to offend anyone!), but really remember that without the birthday of the Lord there would be nothing during the dark days at the end of the year. I know that some other practices have sprung up here in these United States (Kwanzaa, etc.) but only because Christmas is already here. So let us, as Catholics, be bold this year. When someone says “Happy Holidays”, say “Thank you, and let me greet you with my holiday ‘Merry Christmas’.” If they say, “I’m not Christian” or “I don’t believe in your God”, our response should be “That’s OK, I don’t believe in your god either, but I respect your right to do so”. And even more bold, as our brothers in the Knights of Columbus encourage us each year to Continued on Page 2
Mission Statement Catholic Daughters of the Americas strives to embrace the principle of faith working through love in the promotion of justice, equality and the advancement of human rights and human dignity for all.
State Chaplain’s Letter continued from page 1
“Keep Christ in Christmas”; let it be this year more than just words.
Read Matthew’s Gospel chapter 25:31-46 and if you can do even some of those six virtues…then by our very actions we shall be keeping Christ in Christmas. Let our lives be keeping so close to Christ that Christmas really is about his birth, and not us. Read Matthew’s Gospel chapter 25:31-46 and if you can do even some of those six virtues—feed the hungry, give a drink to the thirsty, welcome the stranger (especially if she doesn’t speak English), clothe the naked, visit the sick, and the imprisoned—then by our very actions we shall be keeping Christ in Christmas. His life will live on in the lives of those we care for, and by association in our lives as well. Jesus also reminds us that it is easier for a camel to get through The Eye of the Needle than a rich man to enter heaven
STATE REGENT Rosemarie Thomson
My Dear Catholic Daughters, I hardly know where to begin since the last Golden State Tidings was written. Many things have transpired since then. I thought we were all set for smooth sailing in terms of the state board when I had two officers resign, our State Secretary and our State Treasurer. As you know it is protocol for the State Regent to then appoint new officers to fill those vacancies. Many things have to be considered: a state officer has to be a past regent, a past state chairman or a past
(Mark10:25), but not impossible! For a camel to pass through The Eye of the Needle, it needs to have its saddle and packs removed, get down on its knees, someone to pull the bit from the front and someone else to administer an appropriate kick to the you-knowwhere, and suddenly the camel will pop through the narrow gateway into the Holy City of Jerusalem. The rich need the help of the poor to enter into the heavenly Jerusalem, and lest you think you are poor, just living in these wonderful United States makes us all rich in the eyes of most of the rest of the world. We need the help of the poor ourselves to enter heaven. So give yourselves a great Christmas present this year by serving where you can – Christ in the poor – and he, Christ, will bless you more than you can realize. So, happy Advent.
SAVE THE DATE March 12, 2016 One-Day Mini-Conference Yucaipa, CA Save the date for our State mini-conference featuring chairmen presentations that will activate and inspire your court. This conference will be in lieu of the 3-day conferences that we’ve had in the past. Our goal is to be cost-effective so that more members can attend. Lunch will be included in the registration fee. A Northern California mini-conference is also in the works. Please keep your eye out for a release with more information.
Fr. Steve
state officer. With a lot of prayers and the support and willingness of many, those offices have now been filled. Our new State Secretary is Andrea Ochoa and our new State Treasurer is Barbara Bonadiman. Our new Education Chairman is Marissa Reyes. Please keep all of us in your prayers and be patient with us as we try to make this transition as smooth as possible. With the holidays fast approaching, we need to remember their true meaning. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I love gathering around the table with a big juicy turkey and all the trimmings and be with my family to give thanks for our many blessings. Even though at times we think things couldn’t get any worse, there is always someone with a heavier cross to bear. One thing you might consider is inviting someone who
is alone—a friend, neighbor, widow or widower to dinner on a holiday. You will get an exhilarating feeling to know you have shared with someone. As for Christmas, we all know the true meaning—the birth of Christ. How much fun it is to share someone’s birthday. During Advent, we can take care of preparing for this very special day. Amid all the lights, shopping, and wrapping of gifts, don’t forget to enrich your spiritual life. I wish each and every one of you a Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas!
Golden State Tidings Fall/Winter 2015 • Page 2 of 10
Rosemarie Thomson
Purchase Stocking Stuffers from the CDA State Store! Mary Bernard, 1st Vice State Regent
I hope you all had a wonderful and relaxing summer and are now ready to get down to business with hopefully a lot of new ideas for your courts. As your 1st Vice State Regent, I am in charge of the State Store. I was thinking the other day, with Christmas around the corner, I know, I can hear the groans, what better way than to buy some stocking stuffers from the store. The 4 items shown are in stock, and priced from $10.00 and less. Wow, what a deal! See our featured items and how to order to the right. My husband Ed and myself would like to take this opportunity of wish each of you and your families a Blessed Christmas and a very Happy New Year.
POUCH PHONE 4! ONLY $ $10 S (price
per it
Fits phones as large as an iPhone 6!
$1 PENS!
Great for member gifts!
Make a Friend, Bring a Friend Karen Bootz, 2nd Vice State Regent
If any of you are like me, you’ve arrived to this season and you’re wondering where did the rest of 2015 go? We are in the midst of the holiday season or grazing period as some like to call it and we have no idea how we got here. Didn’t we just sing Auld Lang Syne? Well as we all know LIFE happened. We rolled from one task to one crisis to one doctor’s appointment and voilá, here we are. As we begin our season of parties and fundraisers and teas and social gatherings let’s not forget to take advantage of one means of gaining new members. We all know membership drives are inevitable like taxes and death. Nobody
wants to have them and we all want the burden to fall on our membership chairman. But the reality is membership is everyone’s responsibility. Besides membership drives we can also gain new members one at a time by inviting someone to join us at our social events or volunteer efforts this season. Getting to know a person one on one is the surest way to get them to join our organization. Why? Because when they arrive to our meeting they will know at least one person and that’s YOU!!! Nobody wants to show up at a meeting by themselves where they don’t know anyone, unless they are looking to get
to know new people and they have approached us. Which as we all know rarely happens. So now is the perfect time to start identifying who it is we could invite to do something socially with us or work a fundraiser with us or volunteer at the soup kitchen. We get to have fun and gain a new member all at the same time. Peace! Love! New Members!
Golden State Tidings Fall/Winter 2015 • Page 3 of 10
Mark These Dates in Your Calendar! National JCDA Day 90th Anniversary February 21, 2016 Circle of Love Entries Due March 1, 2016 CDA State Mini-Conference March 12, 2016 Education Contest Due March 15, 2016 58th Biennial National Convention July 20-24, 2016
Introducing Our New State Treasurer Barbara Bonadiman, State Treasurer
How fortunate we are to be a part of an organization that raises the situation of women to a place of great potential. I have been rewarded in my life with a wonderful husband, and of course my 10 children and their spouses, and umpteen grandchildren and great-grandchildren. I’m blessed, too, with having my sister, and three of my daughters in Catholic Daughters, and I can’t forget my four granddaughters who are members of the 1st JCDA Court in California in many a year. These are some of the reasons I so happy about being your new treasurer. I’m not new at the job of keeping books. I worked as a bookkeeper for my husband’s office a lot of years. That wasn’t all that I did, though. I’m a Real Estate Broker (retired), I built homes for Project Home Run as Interim Executive Director with Catholic Charities, and I was a General and Building Contractor. I have also been a member of many civic, political committees. I have worked in my parish school as president of the PTG, member of the Parish Council, and am currently a lector for Sunday and weekday Masses. I love to quilt and I am a helper in “Quilters For Life” at my parish to make small quilts for babies. I love adventure, too. I’m a private pilot (retired, nuts!) but do fly commercially to go to exotic spots, now with my sister.
By Sandy Mitchell
Jesus is the reason for the season. But how do you keep Jesus forefront while gift shopping, wrapping, and giving? Here’s a small way of keeping Christ in your Christmas by 1) showing Him how much you love Him, 2) spreading that love as a gift to Jesus, and 3) leading to your own spiritual enrichment. All you’ll need is a journal, a manger, and something to cushion your manger scene (such as straw bits, yellow or brown paper shreds, or moss, for example). Get the whole family involved, too! Each day vow to do at least three things to honor the love of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It could be as simple as smiling to a harried cashier, helping someone with their shopping, opening a door, or baking cookies for a neighbor. Any good deed qualifies! The idea is to focus on being thankful for Christ’s presence
and letting His light shine through you for the world to see. Each time anyone does something, they should write it in the journal and put a piece of straw in the manger scene as a gift to Jesus. By Christmas, Baby Jesus will have a cushion of hay surrounding him with your love. Every day, as a family, read from the journal for all to see the good deeds. This is a wonderful way to teach our faith to those around us, helping us to form a habit of thinking about our Awesome God, and incorporating our love for Him into our daily grind. If we can find ways to please God morning, afternoon, and night, what a gift that would be to Him, to the world, and to ourselves! May this Advent draw you ever closer to the wonderment of ‘Emmanuel, God is with us!!’
Golden State Tidings Fall/Winter 2015 • Page 4 of 10
CIRCLE OF LOVE Messages from our State Chairmen Circle of Love Education: Contests and Beyond Marissa Reyes, Education Chairman
My name is Marissa Reyes and once again, I accepted the request of the State Regent Rosemarie Thomson to Chair the Education arm of Circle of Love Program. I am the Treasurer of Ct St Catherine #1378 in Torrance, CA, am married and have three children. I look forward to continue working with all of you and implementing some of the recommendations I provided in my two-year Education Chairman’s Report at the last convention. Let me review some of the components of the education arm and our upcoming deadlines: • Circle of Love: Education report from each court is due March 1, 2016. • Local Education Contest winners are due to me by March 15, 2016. I hope that each court is already
discussing the rules within your courts and sharing them with the schools and parish. This year’s themes are We Are StewCircle of Love Reports: ards of God’s Creation or How March 16, 2016 Do We Care For The Environment? It is open to all students Local Education Contest Winners in Catholic or Non-Catholic (to State): schools from 4th to 12th grade. March 15, 2016 The theme can be captured in an Essay, Poetry, Art, Computer Themes: Art, Music, or Photography We are Stewards of God’s Creation • Court Projects in Education and can be in the area of literacy, How Do we Care for the Environment education contest, circle of love training, CDA mission & objecfamilies. This should always be considtive training, etc. ered in planning your court program. • Education Contest, Circle of Love Courts can consider these activities and Scholarship forms can be found for the Family Circle of Love Program: be found at • Encourage families to work together in the home and take the time to Please take the opportunity to educate enjoy each other’s company. your members on “Family”—the new • Sponsor activities that involve arm of the Circle of Love. The emphasis families expanding knowledge of should be on the role and the dignity of Catholic beliefs and by deepening the family—how we confront the issue faith within the family. with an eye on the Lord Jesus, to dis• Promote Volunteer and Service cern the ways in which the Church and Projects to encourage family memsociety can renew their commitment bers to spend quality time together. to the family being founded upon the
marriage between a man and a woman. We should always remember that there are different types of families: Immediate - spouse, children, grandparents; Intermediate: aunts, uncle, cousins; and the Inclusive: church, school, classroom
In summary, please review your court’s Circle of Love programs and take note of the deadlines. I am looking forward to all your entries this year and hoping for more court participation.
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The Gift of a Mid-Term Self-Review Donna Gentz-Wallis, Leadership Chairman
A warm and glowing hello Fall Equinox and Winter Solstice! Let’s look at Thanksgiving: Did you give thanks to God for his guidance, membership for their support, family for their patience, and friends that assisted you throughout the year? Did you celebrate Christmas with heartfelt love and cheer, instead of falling into the hype and expense? Are your New Year’s Resolutions realistic and did they include the good of all? I commend you, if all were answered with an enthusiastic “Yes!” If not, it’s time to think… 2nd Year Regent Experience: What worked in your 1st year? What didn’t? Were your meetings productive and enjoyable? Were your events successful? What changes can be made to meet CDA’s Mission? All of these questions come to mind as a regent because we feel responsible for the outcomes. While regents are responsible, you also need to rely on the help of God, your members and resources. You can’t bear all the weight by yourself. That’s where Leadership comes in. For those enthusiastic “Yes” regents above, all should be working as it should. If not, you might not be using the same regent enthusiasm as you are a person. For those who answered “No,” it’s time to take action and apply the principles to get you to the “Yes.”
• Encourage participation and gratitude for advice. Negative advice is still communication. Don’t take it personally, it’s meant for positive productivity. • Demonstrate your heartfelt love and cheer. Seeing and doing sets the example for others to do it enthusiastically. • Show compassion for all, this creates the eagerness to help. Talents and skills are excellent, but not all possess the quality or quantity. Be grateful for what members are capable of doing and tell them so. • Remember CDA resources at your disposal, including members and hierarchies. Take advantage and contact us re questions or advice. We are here for you. • Stick to the “KISS” method: Keep It Simple Stars! I know, I changed that last part, I don’t believe we have to result to insult. Just like my saying, “Take it with a grain of sugar.” It’s much more appealing. That last statement has me thinking, yummy part of holidays. So with that I say, “faith, love, enjoy, and stay healthy.” Wishing you fun-filled meetings and events. Most of all, have a very merry Christmas and enthusiastic New Year!
“The fruit of the spirit is: charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness…” Sandy Mitchell, Spiritual Enhancement Chairman
Gal 5:22 is our State Regent’s theme for the next two years. During the Pentecost Vigil Mass at State Convention, Rev. Stephen Porter, our state chaplain, stated that the order of the fruits is of upmost importance and not haphazard. We must perfect each fruit in order to achieve the next one listed. The fruits of the Spirit are a direct result of what we harvest from the Spirit’s gifts. Those gifts are bestowed on us in the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation. But in order to use a gift one must unwrap it and open it. A gift often comes with an instruction book. Have you ever opened a gift and just started using it, only to find out much later that it was capable of so much more? Have you opened each gift the Spirit has given you? Have you studied the instruction book to learn how to use each gift? Meditating on one of the gifts during Eucharistic Adoration would be an exceptional practice towards allowing us to harvest all of its fruits. Only through prayer, study, and communion with the Holy Spirit can we fully utilize each of the seven gifts of the Spirit: Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude, Knowledge, Piety, Fear of the Lord. This year, I challenge each court to fully explore the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Next meeting, encourage members to prepare for the following meeting where they will share insights gained on their study of that first gift. Then do the same for the second gift, etc. After seven months your court will have fully opened, explored and learned how to use all the gifts! Only then can you be ready for the harvest! Have a blessed Christmas season!
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Legislative Action Needed! Easy Ways to Make a Difference Jennifer Campbell, Legislation Chairman
This is my favorite time of year! The leaves falling, crisp cool air, some rain and snow so greatly needed, giving thanks, joy and merriment on Jesus’s birthday, and the welcome celebrations for the new year; family, friends, the giving and receiving…busy but fulfilling in more ways that words can describe. Oh, God is so good! And while this glorious time is fast approaching, we must not let our guard down as our state officials continue to be hard at work. We must continue to learn, stay informed and be ready when called to action when we are needed. And our voices as Catholic women and citizens of this state are VERY needed! As you have heard by now, our very wise national CDA leadership has recently added Family to the Circle of Love and for good reason. The family is the core of society. However, our California elected officials continue to lead its citizens with a liberal agenda and the Family is suffering. The newest law of the land was passed on Oct. 5 when Gov. Jerry Brown signed ABx215 the so-called “End-of-Life Option
Act,” authorizing physicians to prescribe life-ending drugs to patients who are determined to have a terminal illness and less than six months to live. There is some good news thoughit is not too late to roll back this law. Seniors Against Assisted Suicide is organizing a referendum campaign to halt the implementation of the physician-assisted suicide law. About half a million signatures must be gathered by Jan. 4 to place the question on the ballot in November 2016. If that happens, the law will not be implemented until after the voters make a decision. During the upcoming months of Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrations, we will undoubtedly be called to assist with the signing of the referendum. We can make a difference when we work together. Here are a few ways you can help, now and all throughout the year: • Sign the referendum petition (electronically). Subscribe to the web site: to stay updated. Regents, please
Let’s Triple Our Youth Reports! Calling All Courts! Do you know who your Chairman for Youth is? Don’t have one yet, no worries—you still have time to vote for one. I challenge all courts to reach out to your youth chairman and get that Circle of Love Report for Youth completed and submitted before the deadline of February 28, 2016. Let’s think big and triple the Circle of Love Reports for Youth received from 6 in 2014-2015 to 18. With your courts help, I have faith that together we can accomplish this.
consider asking your membership for a legislation committee in your local court if you don’t already have a committee. Your legislative committee can then inform your membership with there is an Alert. Our elected representatives are in office and need to know how we feel. • Educate yourself on the issues that affect our religious beliefs and Catholic faith, and that affect life, from inception to natural death. • Pray at your meetings and everyday for the end of abortion. • Everyday, Pray for our religious freedoms that they are not compromised. • Everyday, Pray for our U.S. Military men and women and elected officials. • Everyday, Pray for the Family, yours and all families. If you have questions, concerns, or have ideas to share please contact me. I would love to hear from you. God bless each of you. Enjoy the beauty of the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons.
Melinda Bauers, Youth Chairman
The Circle of Love Reports can be found on Catholic Daughters of the Americas (CDA) website: circleoflove/circle_youth.shtml CDA courts sponsor many events below are some examples of these wonderful works. I would love to hear and share what your courts have been doing. • Sponsor a Junior Catholic Daughters of the Americas( JCDA) Court • Feed the Homeless • Support the Education Contest
with Parish/Local Schools • Support Youth Ministry in your Parish • Read to Elementary Schools • Gifts for Orphans Send reports to my attention: Melinda Bauers 20275 Deerhorn Valley Road Jamul, CA 91935
[email protected]
Golden State Tidings Fall/Winter 2015 • Page 7 of 10
Show God’s Mercy by Supporting Your Local Maternity Home Sue A. DeLucia, Quality of Life / Family Chairman
As we approach Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and New Year’s Day, the atmosphere surrounding us is joyful and celebratory as we prepare to give Thanks and share our Love with our families and friends. On December 8 we will also begin to celebrate the Jubilee Year of Mercy, which calls us to reach out with compassion and support, to be helping hands where there is pain, poverty, sorrow and sickness. Do you hear God calling you? Pastor Al Howard did, at a prayer seminar in 1983, when God spoke to him about abortion. “My instructions were to do something about it,” says Pastor
Howard. Plans were then begun for a home for unwed mothers in Downey CA. Today that vision has become His Nesting Place (HNP), one of the largest extended pregnancy care facilities in the Greater Los Angeles metropolitan area: • HNP has a capacity for up to 40 women and children. • HNP has housed over 4,000 women and children since 1983. • HNP is one of the only homes that will accept a woman who already has children. • HNP is a Faith Focused, Pro Choice/ Pro Life, non-profit service for families in need. • HNP/Crisis Pregnancy Center offers: • Free pregnancy tests • Food • Baby items • Counseling
How can you reach out to a maternity home in your area? • Research your area to select a local Pro Life/Pro Choice Maternity Home • Contact the Maternity Home Representative to offer a Baby Shower • Contact your Rectory to select a Parish Baby Shower date • Prepare flyers for distribution after Masses • Place flyer in the Weekly Bulletin • Prepare a Pulpit Announcement • Invite a Maternity Home Representative to make the Pulpit Announcement on the day of the Baby Shower • Introduce a Mother and her Child from the Maternity Home • Present the practical /monetary items you have collected Many Blessings to you as you become God’s helping hands.
Natural Family Planning
Strengthening marriages and families By Joan Noyes
Natural Family Planning (NFP) is a natural, effective, safe, and healthy way of planning a family without the side effects of powerful and dangerous hormonal drugs and devices. NFP works by teaching couples about how their bodies work, so that they become aware of naturally occurring cycles of fertility and infertility within the woman’s body. A woman is only capable of becoming pregnant during about 100 hours out of each cycle. This amazing knowledge is of immense value to couples and is very empowering to them. The couple can decide cycle by cycle if they would like to try for pregnancy during the woman’s fertile time, or if they would like to postpone or avoid pregnancy during that cycle, by abstaining during the woman’s fertile time. The effectiveness rate of NFP is 99%, which rivals that of the Pill. Couples learn to observe certain markers of fertility in the woman’s body and chart them day by day. These charts per-
fectly reflect a symphony of interactions among reproductive hormones playing out cycle by cycle: a masterpiece of Creation within the woman’s body. These charts also reveal any abnormalities which could be occurring in a woman’s cycle, and are of great value to physicians trained in natural methods of reproductive assistance, or NaproTechnology. Natural Family Planning promotes chastity, both within and without marriage. NFP promotes reverence for the wonderful gift of sex, and helps to keep that gift within its proper place, which is marriage. By learning about the beautiful way our bodies are made, we learn to respect even more the miracle of new life growing within us. The divorce rate among NFP couples is only 2%. NFP strengthens marriages and families! To learn more about NFP go to the California Association of Natural Family Planning, at
Golden State Tidings Fall/Winter 2015 • Page 8 of 10
Membership Update
Tess Chiampas, Membership & Extension Chairman
Melissa Hiatt, GST Editor
I’m hoping that you are all enjoying cooler fall weather just like us here in Northern California. Rain was in the forecast towards the end of October with the hope of getting the grounds wet after a long drought, but we haven’t received even a single drop of rain. As California’s new State Chair for Membership and Extension, the first order of business for me was to make a database of all the pastors in the dioceses of Northern California and used that in sending out letters introducing the Catholic Daughters and requesting the pastors’ permission to establish a CDA court in their respective parish. So far, three pastors have shown interest and I have visited two of them. One has already scheduled a membership drive at his parish in November, and an invitation to the ladies of the parish to join CDA was in their bulletin this past weekend. I’ve encountered discouraging responses from some pastors, but I do I get the support of pastors who have shown genuine interest in developing a court in their respective parish. I know that this campaign in developing new courts will take time to achieve fruition, but with prayers and help from the Holy Spirit I believe that my enthusiasm in increasing membership for the state will have a very positive effect on the local courts and help us move forward. In late August we launched a membership campaign for the state called “Grow Rosemarie’s Garden,” with the theme of comparing the decline in CDA membership to the current drought situation in the State of California. The campaign will run from September 1, 2015 through February 15, 2016.
There was also the offer of helping local courts in their membership drive in order to boost membership. New Court Instituted I was with our state regent when Court St. Alphonsus De Ligouri #2696 in Los Angeles was instituted on Saturday, August 29, 2015, with 15 charter members. New members were received Sunday, August 30, 2015, during mass celebrated by Court Chaplain Rev. Father Rodolfo Prado, which was attended by Olga Samaniego, First Vice National Regent; and Vickie Feist, National Secretary-Treasurer, as well as members from different courts in Southern California. The lack of air conditioning did not deter officers who came in their robes and endured the heat inside the church and hall. Promoting CDA Here’s a word of advice to all our members wanting to increase CDA’s membership. Please remember to always pitch in CDA to everybody that you get the chance to meet. At the recent Marian pilgrimage that I went to in early October, I met one lady who happens to be from the parish where I’m scheduled to hold a membership campaign in November. She is going to help me connect with other ladies of her parish and hopefully get enough interest that will lead to the formation of a new court. I also talked to one of the priests at the pilgrimage, his mother and aunt who are now deceased, were Catholic Daughters. He knows a lot about CDA and he will introduce me to pastors hoping that we could form new courts in the new future.
I’ve learned a few things from working in publishing for over 15 years (both in print and online). I’ve been on the production-end—layouts, proofing, press checks, etc.—and within the past few years, I’ve been involved with content development. Some truths that I’ve found are: • Most people don’t have time to read. • Short attention spans rule and long articles get bypassed. • Most readers skim through magazines/articles until they find a grabbing headline, subhead, or image that interests them. That being said, I hope you are enjoying the new format of the Golden State Tidings! We have meaningful articles that should be of interest to all CDA members including those that need immediate action. With the electronic format, this newsletter is can be shared through online communications with your members—even on your Court’s facebook page and website! We were blessed to have a few article contributions from CDA members in the state, such as the NFP article from Joan Noyes from Ct. San Ysidro #1507 in Tujunga. You may also submit an article for review as long as it falls within thi mission of CDA. I am no longer accepting newsletters for your court updates. Please email your articles/court updates to
[email protected]. Include your court name, number, city, and if available, a digital photo with caption. Articles should be under 300 words and court updates under 50 words. Articles and updates for the Winter/ Spring 2016 issue are due by January 25, 2016.
Golden State Tidings Fall/Winter 2015 • Page 9 of 10
LOCAL COURTS IN ACTION Highlights from California Courts Queen of the Americas #2418 Celebrates their 20th Anniversary
1st Vice State Regent, Msgr. Peter Amy, Charter Court Chaplain, Officers and Members of Court Queen of the Americas #2418 taken on the altar of St. Didacus Church.
4 Charter members, left to right, Jean Otremba, Elia Sripuntanagoon, Charter Regent Mary Bernard and Olga Jauregui. Not present is Marilyn Lazear.
Court Saint Catherine #1378 Presents a Family and Spirituality Retreat Court St. Catherine #1378 sponsored a Family & Spirituality Retreat on October 17, 2015. “The Family” was introduced arm of CDA’s Circle of Love program. Dr. Michelle Wechsler gave a presentation on how family influence and faith is important in supporting and raising a child. She challenged attendees to reflect on what people can do to support individual families at parish. Ms. Cecille Motus presented on
spirituality as the way of life of people, a movement of the spirit of God, and the grounding of one’s identity as a Christian in every circumstance of life. She spoke of the family as the domestic church where members find belonging, stability, security, learn values, learn faith, and learn to love. She also suggested ways that CDA can offer activities to enhance their knowledge of God and deepen their faith.
Court Saint Raymond #2057 Hosts a Baby Shower Benefiting Birthright Members of Court Saint Raymond #2057 held a Baby Shower in September where parishioners donated cash and baby gifts benefiting Birthright of Livermore. According to their website, Birthright helps women with unplanned pregnancies, and believes that “it is the right of every pregnant woman to give birth, and the right of every child to be born.” Birthright focuses on loving the mother, reminding her that there is hope and ensuring she is not alone. At Birthright Livermore 2015 State Conference, Mair Moran, Director of Marketing received the check for $1,000 and baby gifts from Court Saint Raymond’s financial secretary Tess Chiampas.
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