Eddie Handono (Indonesia) for illustrations from South East Asia. Shahnewaz
Khan (Bangladesh) for Text contribution. Surapong Monmano (Thailand) for.
Guide for Users
Asia/Pacific Cultural Centre for UNESCO (ACCU) UNESCO Principal Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (PROAP)
Acknowledgement For the 50% improvement of literacy situation by 2015 (World Education Forum, Dakar, 2000), collective efforts are being made internationally, regionally and nationally. However, there are still 621 million illiterates in the Asia/Pacific region, two third of which are women. Some of the crucial issues common to most of the Asian countries that seeks for urgent solution includes lack of materials and low relevancy of materials to huge number of NFE learners. To meet the various needs of learners with different background, materials development at grass-root level has been strongly suggested. Yet it is the unavoidable fact that there are not always competent illustrators at district or village level. As one of the alternatives to such difficulty, ACCU, in co-operation with UNESCO APPEAL developed the Literacy Clip Art with the financial support of the Japanese Funds-in-Trust for Promotion of Literacy in Asia and the Pacific. It is more than our pleasure if the Literacy Clip Art could help all those working for “Education for All” to develop their own educational learning materials which will reach millions of unreached. ACCU and UNESCO APPEAL would like to express their heartfelt gratitude to all these friends and especially to the following persons who have contributed their time and effort for producing the Literacy Clip Art.
Bijan Choudhury (India) for illustrations from South Asia
Eddie Handono (Indonesia) for illustrations from South East Asia
Surapong Monmano (Thailand) for illustrations from South East Asia
Sharad Ranjit (Nepal) for Kang Woo Hyon (Republic of Korea) for Shahnewaz Khan (Bangladesh) illustrations from South Asia overall design of Clip Art for Text contribution Department of Non-Formal Education, Ministry of Education, Thailand, for co-organizing the 1st Handbook Workshop in Phuket, Thailand in December 1999 and to the Toshima Management Office, for design and production of the Literacy Clip Art CD-ROM. Asia/Pacific Cultural Centre for UNESCO (ACCU)
Introduction “Literacy Clip Art”(LCA) is designed to help all those involved in developing information, education communication (IEC) materials and educational publications including literacy and non-formal education facilitators, school teachers, and staff of NGO and GO offices at every level in their work. Thanks to the close collaboration of 20 countries in Asia and the Pacific, which participate in ACCU regional literacy programmes, this Clip Art has come into being.
Contents 1. Introduction
2. How to Make Our Own Illustrations from Clip Art
3. Variety of Learning Materials We Can Make
Literacy Clip Art is made especially for the following groups:
4. How to Duplicate Learning Materials
(1) Village level: i.e., Field workers in community learning centres (CLCs)
5. List of Illustrations
Literacy Clip Art in book format is to provide simple, useful and relevant illustrations for them to prepare their own learning materials by tracing or duplicating illustrations. (2) District level: Material developers in NFE Centres and above Literacy Clip Art in CD-ROM format is to provide high quality illustrations in digital form to be used in DTP (DeskTop Publishing) for mass production of learning materials.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Health, Sanitation and Nutrition Income Generation Environment and Science Women’s Empowerment Education Civic Consciousness Culture and Value Others
8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
How to Make Our Own Illustrations from Clip Art First, select illustrations we want to use, referring to the list of illustrations starting from page 8 of this booklet. Then, use the illustrations to prepare our own materials, by using illustrations as they are, imitating, drawing, and tracing.
① Use illustrations as they are, in our learning activities to invite learners to discuss topic in the illustration, for example.
③ Drawing (modifying): We can also make some changes to the original drawing, to suit it to the learners’ context when we imitate the sample.
② Imitating: We can make a new drawing by imitating the sample drawing.
④ Tracing The simple way to duplicate illustrations in this LCA is to trace the originals. a. With common paper (using glass and sunlight) 1. Put the illustration on top of the glass. 2. Put blank paper over the illustration. 3. Hold the glass to sunlight and trace the illustration.
b. With carbon paper 1. Place the paper with the carbon side down on a blank sheet of paper.
2. Then, place the illustration facing up and trace it with a pen/pencil.
*When tracing, it is recommended to put transparancy included in the LCA on top of the original illustration in order to avoid damaging it.
c. With thin (tracing) paper Place the thin paper over the illustration and trace it. In making materials, if the paper is too thin to use as it is, we can paste it on a thicker piece of paper.
Making carbon paper by charcoal If we do not have carbon paper, we can make our own, using charcoal powder. 1. Pour black powder on the paper.
2. Spread the charcoal over the entire paper.
*Coloured chalk can also be used if available.
Variety of Learning Materials We Can Make With our innovative/creative ideas and Literacy Clip Art, we can make varieties of materials!
How to Duplicate Our Materials We can duplicate the finished material in quantity for wider disbribution to learners in the following ways:
① Use toshaban (mimeograph)
(2) Prepare the stencil by tracing over the illustration with hard tipped pen.
(5) Lift the screen then place a pile of paper under the screen.
*When tracing, it is recommended to put transparancy included in the LCA on top of the original illustration in order to avoid damaging it.
Materials 1. “Toshaban” machine 2. Stencil paper (Ball-pointpen stencil is commonly used) 3. Ink, roller and ink plate
(1) Place the selected illustration on top of the stencil paper.
(3) Attach the prepared stencil to the screen.
(4) Ink the screen with the inked rubber roller. Make sure that ink is spread evenly to all over the stencil paper.
(6) Slowly put the screen down on top of the paper and carefully roll the rubber roller once from bottom to top.
(7) Lift the screen up again to take the printed paper out.
(8) Repeat the processes (4) through (7) until enough number of materials are printed.
② Ask the learners to draw illustrations in their own material by hand-copying the originals. Hand-made materials will be loved by them.
③ Bring the material to the District Education Office and ask for photocopying.
Category 1: Health, Sanitation and Nutrition Disease
Care during fever is important
Page 3 (01010101)
Mother taking care of a boy with diarrhea
Page 3 (01010102)
Doctor checking a sick child
Page 4 (01010103)
942 illustrations are edited under 8 categories in 10 topics.
A girl vomiting Page 4 (01010104)
Sick mother Page 5 (01010105)
Mother being checked by a doctor
Page 5 (01010106)
First Aid
Man suffering from chest pain
Page 6 (01010107)
A boy with a broken arm
Page 7 (01010201)
Giving artificial respiration
Page 7 (01010202)
Carrying a sick person on a stretcher
Page 8 (01010203)
Rescuing a drowning man
Keeping burned area cool
Page 8 (01010204)
Page 9 (01010205)
Snake bite Page 9 (01010206)
Using a condom can prevent HIV/AIDS
Page 10 (01010301)
Family Planning
Syringe is HIV/AIDS
Page 10 (01010302)
Ensure screening of blood for HIV
Page 11 (01010303)
Loving a HIV victim will not transmit HIV
Sticking to a single partner can prevent HIV/AIDS
Discussing with doctor about spacing between two children
Page 11 (01010304)
Page 12 (01010305)
Page 13 (01010401)
Doctor giving advice to a girl
Page 13 (01010402)
Population growth affects new-born baby and mother
Page 14 (01010403)
Maternal and Child Care
Small family, happy family
Page 14 (01010404)
Family planning options
Page 15 (01010405)
Antenatal care is essential for safe delivery
Page 16 (01010501)
Antenatal care ensures safe motherhood
Page 16 (01010502)
Taking nutritious food during pregnancy ensures safe motherhood
Page 17 (01010503)
Mother's milk is the best milk
Page 17 (01010504)
Mother feeding child
Page 18 (01010505)