Guided Reading Strategies 2.5

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Reading the Section. 1. Babylon. 2. easier. 3. allowed. 4. fines. 5. chariots. 6. absolute. 7. ... 13 Geography Activities/Guided Reading Answer Key. ANSWER ...
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Guided Reading Strategies 2.5 The Phoenicians and the Lydians

READING THE SECTION As you read the section, complete the outline by filling in the missing information.

The Phoenicians and the Lydians I. Phoenician Trade A. Phoenicians had no fertile ground, so they became B. The city of major power.


, in North Africa, eventually became a

1. One natural resource the Phoenicians had was


C. Sydon and Tyre became the centers of the


1. They used the murex to make a


II. Phoenician Culture A. They took many customs from the Egyptians and the


B. To please an angered god, Phoenicians would occasionally


C. Phoenicians developed the model for the modern


1. They spread this model through

with other nations.

III. The Lydians A. The Lydians were the first to use

. 1. This system replaced the


2. The Lydians made coins from a mixture of 3. Lydians invented the first

. economy.

POST-READING QUICK CHECK Describe how the Phoenician alphabet was developed into the alphabet we use now.

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Holt World History: The Human Journey


Guided Reading Strategies

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ANSWER KEY Both polytheistic had slaves Egyptians built the pyramids wrote on papyrus using hieroglyphics

throughout the Mediterranean world. It became the basis for our alphabet today.

SECTION 6 Reading the Section 1. Abraham 6. 2. Moses 7. 3. Exodus 8. 4. Mount Sinai 9. 5. Philistines 10.

SECTION 4 Reading the Section 1. Babylon 2. easier 3. allowed 4. fines 5. chariots 6. absolute 7. Chaldean 8. Darius I 9. Zoroastrians 10. Alexander the Great

prophets Solomon Jerusalem the Torah Yahweh

Post-Reading Quick Check

Hebrews’ Idea of God monotheistic viewed God as a spiritual force Other Ancient Peoples’ View of Gods polytheistic viewed the gods as being glorified humans or forces of nature

Chapter 3

Post-Reading Quick Check

Code of Hammurabi harsh punishment “eye for an eye” Hittite Law only major crimes received the death penalty fines instead of retaliation

SECTION 1 Reading the Section 1. Himalayas 2. rivers 3. monsoon 4. Indo-Gangetic 5. large, well-planned 6. fortress/citadel 7. surplus food 8. the Tigris-Euphrates River valley 9. fertility 10. floods, invading forces, or a major

SECTION 5 I. Phoenician Trade A. sea traders B. Carthage 1. lumber C. dyeing 1. purple II. Phoenician Culture A. Babylonians B. perform sacrifices C. alphabet 1. trading III. The Lydians A. coined money 1. barter 2. gold and silver 3. money

earthquake Post-Reading Quick Check

Indus River Valley Geography: • The Himalayas served as protection. • The Ganges and Indus Rivers provided abundant water and fertile farmland. Climate: • Cities were built with various flood protection measures because of flooding that occurred during the southwest monsoon.

Post-Reading Quick Check

The Phoenicians developed a form of writing which they used in their business transactions. As their trading partners saw the advantages of this form of writing, it slowly spread Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.

Holt World History: The Human Journey

13 Geography Activities/Guided Reading Answer Key