Guidelines for School Counselor Portfolio

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in the CACREP Core Area Standards, CACREP School Counseling ... A portfolio is defined as “a purposeful collection of student work that tells the story of the.
School Counseling Competency Portfolio Rubric Introduction Portfolios represent a culmination of evidence documenting development and competence in the CACREP Core Area Standards, CACREP School Counseling Standards, the State of Maine Content Guidelines for School Counselors, and the Maine Standards for School Counseling Certification. Students provide such evidence through exhibits (i.e., projects, papers, assignments, experiences, etc.)

School Counseling Competency Portfolio A portfolio is defined as “a purposeful collection of student work that tells the story of the student’s efforts, progress or achievement in a given area” (Christy & Lima, 1998, p. 143). Your purpose is to learn about the school counseling profession, school counseling programs based on the ASCA National Model and the Maine Comprehensive School Counseling Model, counseling with children and adolescents, and yourself. This knowledge will help you identify your personal and professional goals through a process of documenting your path toward a greater understanding of yourself as a professional school counselor. Creating a portfolio will also assist you in preparing for employment as a school counselor, and the expectations and requirements of the state of Maine. All courses and clinical experiences completed during your program of study provide exceptional opportunities for you to document CACREP and Maine Learning Standard competencies. Much of the content of the portfolio is largely left to you. Your introduction should include: your resume, transcripts letters of recommendation, copy of insurance, any certification or licensure etc. However, five components are required as a part of the portfolio assessment process. • Foundational content & Academic development – Artifacts demonstrating an understanding of the history of the profession of counseling, your counseling skills and practice, and an understanding of the ethics of the profession. • Leadership - Artifacts to demonstrate school counselor leadership roles - planning, organizing, coordinating, presenting, and delivering programs generating systemic change • Advocacy & Diversity - Items demonstrating ability to effect social change and advocate for all students regardless or race, ethnicity or gender identity - skills to empower students and their families to remove barriers to high academic achievement and career success. • Teaming and Collaboration - Items demonstrating ability to locate resources and work with others to improve student achievement and success - learning about resources and cooperation with others to benefit student learning • Counseling practice, intervention and Coordination - Items demonstrating effective brief counseling interventions, counseling and coordination of resources working with families and coordination of programs, projects, and resources.

Assessment, Research and Effective Use of Data - Items demonstrating skill in assessing student needs and collecting, analyzing, and presenting data identification of needs, removing barriers, and securing resources to support the advocacy. An understanding of current research in the field and a demonstrated ability to conduct action research.

Select relevant exhibits from your coursework, practicum, and internship experiences that specifically relate to and document CACREP and the Maine Learning Standard competencies. It is helpful (however not required that you document each exhibit using a Portfolio Exhibit Documentation and Reflection Form. Keep in mind that exhibits may reflect multiple competencies. You are encouraged to refer to the attached Verification and Rating Report as you compile your portfolio. Please type your Name and the Date on the form and list the titles of your exhibits in the chart under Reflection Ratings.

Completed portfolios are due upon completion of your final internship semester. Your faculty internship supervisor will review and evaluate your final portfolio using the School Counseling Competency Portfolio Rubric. If you disagree with the evaluation you are welcome to select another faculty member to review your portfolio, in addition to your faculty internship supervisor.

Portfolio Exhibit Reflection and Documentation Form Title of Exhibit:

Description of Exhibit: CACREP Core Area Standards documented: CACREP School Counseling Standards documented: State of Maine Content Guidelines for School Counselors documented: How does this exhibit demonstrate competence in the standards and guidelines listed above?

Reflect on what you learned by participating or completing this exhibit. Include insights and awareness gained, knowledge and skills acquired, and areas for continued growth and development.

School Counseling Portfolio Verification and Rating Report Intern:


PORTFOLIO CONTENTS: ***Initial Reviewer, please indicate by a that all components of the portfolio are presented. Item

Resume Philosophy of Counseling Philosophy of School Counseling ~12-14 Exhibits CACREP Core Area Standards CACREP School Counseling Standards Maine Content Guidelines for School Counselors

RESUME’ AND PHILOSOPHY RATINGS: 3 = Skilled Demonstration = Competent and skilled presentation. 2 = Acceptable Demonstration = Satisfactory and acceptable presentation. 1 = Deficient Demonstration = Deficiency and incompetent presentation. Item

Resume’ Philosophy of Counseling Philosophy of School Counseling

Reviewer Ratings

GOAL STATEMENT RATING: Goal statements should have two parts: Part 1 – Profession Growth: What area of focus will you be focusing for the next 3-5 years and what do you want to know and be able to perform? “I will (research, study, learn, etc. ) . . .” Part 2 – Student Learning: Why do you want to do this? What effect will this have on the students you serve? Think of how you will assess this. What evidence will demonstrate effect? “So that (describe what you want to see happening differently with student learning) . . . “ 3 = Skilled Demonstration = Competent and skilled goal statement. 2 = Acceptable Demonstration = Satisfactory and acceptable goal statement. 1 = Deficient Demonstration = Deficiency and incompetent goal statement.

Goal Statement


Reviewer Ratings

REFLECTION RATINGS 3 = Skilled Demonstration = Competent and skilled mastery of the documented CACREP core standard(s), CACREP School Counseling Standard(s), Maine Content Guideline(s) for School Counselors, and Pupil Services Standard(s). 2 = Acceptable Demonstration = Satisfactory and acceptable mastery of the documented CACREP core standard(s), CACREP School Counseling Standard(s), Maine Content Guideline(s) for School Counselors, and Pupil Services Standard(s). 1 = Deficient Demonstration = Deficient and incompetent mastery of the documented CACREP core standard(s), CACREP School Counseling Standard(s), Maine Content Guideline(s) for School Counselors, and Pupil Services Standard(s). Exhibit 1 Exhibit 2 Exhibit 3 Exhibit 4 Exhibit 5 Exhibit 6 Exhibit 7 Exhibit 8 Exhibit 9 Exhibit 10 Exhibit 11 Exhibit 12 Exhibit 13 Exhibit 14 Exhibit 15

Reviewer Ratings

Signature Reviewer: Comments/Recommendations:





Student: Revised 1/14/11
