Guiding principles

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build secured lives of orphans and provide free education to the very poor children of marginalized communities. • give life skills and vocational training to make ...
Tel: 00 49/7361/ 375 079 Fax: 00 49/7361/ 375 080

w e

W h a t

a r e

Neetha Shahi

Ashok Adhikari

Achyut Paudel

Dikendra Lal Dhakal

Chairperson Supervisor SOH, SVTC and Finance

Vice-Chairman Legal issues, SCBDIP, SIS, SSP


Principal SIS, Manager SSP, SVTC, SCBDIP

w e

w a n t Shangri-La Association

Germany Govinda Development Aid Association Julius-Leber Str. 28 D-73430 Aalen

Nepali Team

W h o

[email protected]

Batuk Ray Mishra

Leela Gurung

Dadhi Bal Thapa

Yamuna Marasini

Juju Bhai Maharjan

Commitee member, Musical education, SCBDIP

Commitee member, Treasurer

Commitee member, Secretary

Commitee member

Committee member, SCBDIP Expert

Chairman Switzerland

Carola Sperka





Orphanage Home


Scholarship Project


Achyut Paudel

SIS: Dikendra Lal Dhakal SVTC: Deepak Chetri

Rajesh Pachauli

Jay Shrestha

Sections: Pedagogics, Medicin, Nutrition

Levels: Pre-Primary, Primary, Lower Sec., Secondary

Reintegration and Job Training

Chapagaon-7, Ratomate District Lalitpur, P. O. Box 8975, EPC 1546, Kathmandu

[email protected]

7 government agencies

SIS, Lalitpur, Nepal, No.015571843 SSP + SVTC, Lalitpur, Nepal No. 015571012

58 employees

• education & vocational training • health • gender equality • child-focussed programmes

Government Schools in West-Nepal Agricultural Training Shree Udaya Kharka Ma. Vi. Neopane Gaun

Shangri-La and Govinda development aid association aim to:

• Secure the life of orphans, underprivileged and physically disabled children from conflict-affected

Villagers’ Training andEducation

regions, leprosy-affected people, ethnic and dalit families from rural areas of Nepal

• Help people achieve self-consciousness, self-determination and trust in themselves by bringing

Teacher Education

Govinda, Germany 95 ) Shangrila, Switzerland d 0 reg ono ula s (4 s r e fou rs (60 r mb nsor e m o nda ) 65 )* sp tion * s (10 280

SOH, Lalitpur, Nepal, No. 0155710

SCBIDP, Jumla, Nepal

Our mission is to work for disadvantaged children and community people in order to bring improvement in their lives through four sectors of development

Vocational Training C. Agriculture, Pottery Mechanics, Carpentry, Volunteers, Sewing/Knitting Accountant, Psycho- Ökologisches Programm logist Schoolgarden, Fruit Plantation, Villagers’ Training, Teacher-Training and -Workgroups Curriculum-Translator

Shangri-La Association

Shangri-La and Govinda development aid association envisage the creation of an equitybased world in which all people can realise their full potential with full respect to international human rights and dignity. Where people have opportunities to live healthy and secured lives.

545 children in SOH and SIS, 547 students of UKSS, 3643 villagers and 128 students in West-Nepal

60 volunteers

9 Shangri-La, Nepal board members

* numbers in brackets refer to Shangrila, Switzerland ** governmentschool Shree Udaya Kharka


Achim Mettang

Chairman Germany


Rocco Umbescheidt

Vice-Chairman Germany


Roman Cieslewicz

them up into full human potential: empowered, critical and self determined citizens of the nation integrating them as an equal member of the Nepalese society

Shangri-La and Govinda development aid association are busy to:

• build secured lives of orphans and provide free education to the very poor children of marginalized communities.

• give life skills and vocational training to make people self-reliant. • integrate social classes to confirm equality among all living in the same society. • raise the living conditions by working towards awareness-raising, gender, health, education and agriculture.

• support sustainable development by working towards cultural and technological transformation in ecological aspects.


Alexander Rettenmaier

Donation Account: 16 122 174 902 Migros Bank, BLZ: 8439


Tel: 00 41/763 97 10 70


Switzerland Shangrila Development Aid c/o Mutschler KG Susenbergstraße 108 CH-8044 Zürich

German Team

Donation Account: 805 015 135 KSK Ostalb, BLZ: 614 500 50


• The communities are directly involved in a participatory way in need identification,

planning, implementation and evaluation of our projects through transparent resource raising, allocation and mobilization. so that new focus is moved to the new target groups.



Shangri-La Scholarship Program (SSP), Lalitpur, Nepal Objectives: to the children from the leprosy-affected and lowest income families.

• We see ourselves as supporters of the target groups fully emphasizing the understanding • We create internal evaluation and fair dialogue systems for common solutions of existing

• Provide an opportunity of common and equal status to socially different background children for

• We are convinced that the common regulation of tensions and divergent interests can be

• Provide vocational training to make them self-sustaining with easy access to job or

problems in the team.

a path for long lasting success of the organisation and its target groups.

• International child rights, human rights and millennium development goals are guidelines for our common work.

• All our property and funds are budgeted, transparent and efficiently managed, approved and audited by independent sources.

Shangri-La Orphanage Home (SOH), Lalitpur, Nepal Objectives:

• Ensure happy and secure lives of needy, helpless and orphan children. • Provide basic facilities of healthy nutrition, habitation, clothing and education together with

medical facilities and recreational opportunities. • Provide scholarship to the children who are orphan, semi-orphan, desperately poor and are deprived of educational opportunities in their own families. • Reintegrate the orphans with a Reintegration Plan to support them in achieving sustainable goals in their future and lasting improvement into full human potential: empowered, critical and selfdetermined citizens of the nation and integrating them as equal members of the Nepalese society. Present status of SOH: 50 orphans in the orphanage and 20 semi-orphans in scholarship program throughout the country (2006 May)


• Provide quality education to the orphans, semi-orphans, underprivileged, disabled, casteless and • Prepare them for successful results in the SLC and to lead self-determined lives. • Work towards fulfilling basic needs in order to support the students to attend school and

of international justice and equality.





to lower drop-out rates.

creating a harmonious society.

for selfentrepreneurship. • Allow participation of scholarship parents and guardians in Shangri-La Projects for mutual exchange of cooperartion, resources and skills aiming at common benefits and their empowerment to give positive impacts to scholarship children’s families at community level. Present status of SSP: 230 Children

Shangri-La Vocational Training Centre (SVTC), Lalitpur, Nepal Objectives:

• Provide supplementary skill-oriented programs inside SIS curriculum in the subjects:


Our Way


• Nepalese teams and experts take full responsibility for management of running projects

pottery, carpentry, home economics, agriculture.

• Avail all the students at the end of secondary education with skill test certificate for vocational jobs which will be recognized by CTEVT, the Government institution of Nepal besides the SLC certificate and have easier access in the job market, as well as in society. This is against the background that present statistics of Nepal in general show that around 40% only pass the SLC and the rest do not have a certificate for the job market. • Interrelate the practical and pragmatic courses of vocational subjects and other academic subjects and enable the students to transfer theory into practice. • Merge cognitive, affective and psychomotor dimensions of learning through vocational modules. Present status of SVTC: All 545 Students of SIS (2006 May)


• Provide education to the children who have lost their family ties and have to survive themselves

with their own ability in the world. Education is the basic foundation of human life. • Provide practical education and skills to live independently and empower the children through formal education by well trained teachers for the specific social background of our children. • Include the poor and underprivileged children in the same social environment where socially better class children are educated for creating social adjustment and integration and counteracting social discrepancy on the local level and be a model to create an equity- based society. • Provide trainings to teachers on the updated methodology of teaching and learning • Provide educational opportunities up to the School Leaving Certificate (SLC) level to the following groups of children: orphans, underprivileged, disabled and casteless children, children from the leprosy-affected families, children from the lowest income families, children from the sound economic background who can pay fees. Present status of SIS: 50 orphans, 200+21 scholarship-students, 265 fee-payers (2006 May)

Shangri-La Community Based Integrated Development Program (SCBIDP), Jumla Objectives:

• To give Karnali Technical School (KTS) students practical application possibilities of their abilities and talents in the fields of agriculture, health and engineering in the rural communities.

• Establish local level connection with the population for the lasting development of the communities • Support Nepal’s »Tenth five year plan« for poverty reduction in the Karnali zone by awareness-raising measures and capacity building for disadvantaged sub-populations.

• Provide supports to the local population by means of participation of local human resources with

knowledge and skill transfer in the sector of agriculture, health and engineering to enhance their self-confidence in recognizing own strengths and resources. • Create lasting co-operation between the KTS, local development authorities and stakeholders and community people. • Develop a model village in the long that exemplifies for other villages in Karnali region. Present Status of SCBIDP: 128 students of Karnali Technical School – KTS, Jumla for Out-reach Programme in the target communities and 3643 villagers in the same target areas, (2006 May)


Shangri-La International School (SIS), Lalitpur, Nepal