GCERT coordinates with different bodies at state, national and regional levels.
State level. ▫ Government of Gujarat - GOG. ▫ Commissionerate of School.
Gujarat Council of Educational Research Research and Training GCERT Department of Planning and Management, "Vidya Bhavan", Sector Sector12, Gandhinagar 382016, Gujarat Phone : 079 07923256808 2325680839, Fax : 079 07923256812 Email :
[email protected] &
[email protected] Web Website : www.gcert.gujarat.gov.in
Annual Report Year - 2012-13
Index No.
Page No.
GCERT- A Resource Organization in School Education
Department of Teacher Education
Department of Curriculum and Evaluation
Department of Planning and Management
Department of Research and Innovation
Department of Publication and Library
Department of Science and Mathematics
Department of Information and Communication Technology
College for Teacher Education and Institute of Advanced Studies in Education Inclusive Education for Disabled at Secondary Stage
Population Education Cell
Department of Establishment and Account
Programs and Activities Undertaken by DIETs
Photo Gallery
Forward Gujarat Council of Educational Research and Training-GCERT is pleased to present the treatise related to collective efforts in the mission of excellence in education through various ways and means of the Council as "Annual Report" for the year 2012-13. This Annual Report incorporates the programs and activities carried out by different departments of the Council throughout the year 2012-13 in different areas like teacher education, research and innovations, curriculum and evaluation, planning and management, publication, science and maths, population education, inclusive education for disabled at secondary stage along with other educational programs and activities. This booklet also integrates objectives of the Council, departments of the Council and its functions, co-ordination with State- National - Regional level agencies and activities undertaken by DIETs with photo gallery. This document will be useful to the educational institutes in the elementary as well as the secondary level. The Council has gained constant inspiration and encouragement from Dr. Hasmukh Adhia, Principal Secretary, Education Department and Smt Sangeeta Singh, Principal Secretary, Primary Education. Herewith, I would like to express my gratitude towards them. I would also like to thank all those who supported us in our search of quality education.
M. T. Shah Director Gujarat Council of Educational Research and Training, Gandhinagar - Gujarat. Place: GCERT, Gandhinagar
GCERT- A Resource Organization in School Education Introduction Gujarat Council of Educational Research & Training is a foremost institute in the field of Educational Research and Training at elementary school level and also playing a vital role in secondary education and envisaging for curriculum reforms too. In the beginning, "State Institute of Education"(SIE) was established for undertaking activities pertaining to Educational Research and Training. In the year 1988, it was upgraded as State Council of Educational Research & Training. Now, it is called Gujarat Council of Educational Research & Training (GCERT). Autonomous status was acquired on 7/2/1998 by getting registered under The Societies Registration Act, 1860 (Act XXI of 1860) and under The Bombay Public Trust Act, 1950 (XXIX of 1950) at the Public Trust Registration Office. However, GCERT is administered as per the rules & procedures adopted by any other state government offices. Philosophically, GCERT imbibes motivation from the experiments in education by Swami Vivekanand, Shri Aurobindo, Gandhiji, and Gijubhai Badheka. These efforts have been aptly supported by Centrally Sponsored Scheme of Teacher Education. The creation of structure of District Institute of Education and Trainings (DIET) across the state has contributed to the knowledge of teachers, awareness about quality concerns and inclination for effective class room transaction.
Objectives To bring about qualitative enhancement at all levels of education. To conduct academic research, extension programs and training activities in the field of elementary and secondary education. To provide leadership, academic guidance, suggestions to educational institutes like District Institute of Education and Trainings, College for Teacher Educations (CTE), Institute of Advanced Study in Educations (IASE) and B.Ed. colleges. To assist / advise the State Education Department for implementation of policies and major programs pertaining to elementary and secondary education. To guide and monitor the functioning of CTEs/IASEs. To conduct training programs on various aspects for qualitative improvement and strengthening of the standards of elementary education.
Departments Gujarat Council for Educational Research and Training (GCERT) provides academic and technical resource support for improvement of school education through its various departments. The departments of GCERT are as under.
Teacher Education (TE) Curriculum and Evaluation(C & E) Planning and Management (P & M) Research and Innovation (R & I) Publication and Library (P & L) Science and Mathematics (S & M) Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Establishment and Account (E & A) There are cells for special programs as under.
Inclusive Education for Disabled at Secondary Stage (IEDSS) Population Education (PE) & Health Education and Life Skills Program (HELP) College for Teacher Education & Institute of Advanced Studies in Education (CTE&IASE)
Functions of various departments of GCERT Department Teacher Education
Curriculum and Evaluation
Redressal of problems related to Elementary Education transpiring from the results of educational research. Development of Teaching Learning Material (TLM) for enhancement of quality and for betterment of classroom transaction taking expressive support of State Resource Group (SRG) in training and pedagogy. Review the existing curriculum and addition, alteration, simplification and rationalization of text book in context of results of the researches. Implementation of grade system and continuous evaluation of the students. Preparation of Textbooks.
Research and Innovation
To provide academic research extension supports in the field of school education and execution of research related matters.
Planning and Management
Planning of the educational training programs under various schemes of the Government. Preparation of annual work plan, budget and annual report. Preparation of project proposal for Teacher Education with Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD). Creation of various statistical data for the purpose of teachers' education. Review and monitoring of programs.
Publication and Library
Science and Mathematics
Information and Communication Technology Establishment and Accounts
Publication of monthly magazine JIVAN SHIKSHAN, an educational journal and other modules and publications. Purchase, maintenance, preservation and cataloging of books & periodicals.
To monitor the science activities at school level and to promote activities related to experiments shown in the textbook. Conducting Science-Maths exhibitions at all levels. To promote Maths and Science corner.
The use of modern technology in the field of teacher education. Training and promoting computer literacy.
Personnel Management & Financial Management of the GCERT.
Co-ordination GCERT coordinates with different bodies at state, national and regional levels.
State level Government of Gujarat - GOG Commissionerate of School Directorate of Primary Education Gujarat State School Textbook Board - GSSTB Gujarat Secondary & Higher Secondary Education Board - GS&HSEB State Examination Board – SEB Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan - SSA Gujarat Institute of Educational Technology - GIET United Nations Children's Fund - UNICEF
District Institute of Education and Training - DIET College for Teacher Education & Institute of Advanced Studies in Education (CTE&IASE) Primary Teacher Training Institute - PTTI Pre Primary Teacher Training Institute - Pre-PTTI Shikshak Sangh (State and Districts) District Centre for English – DCE Society for Creation of Opportunity through Proficiency in English – SCOPE Universities & B.Ed. colleges Municipal School Board - MSB Non Government Organizations – NGOs Learning Link Foundation – LLF Indian Institutes of Teacher Education - IITE Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad – IIMA Gujarat Educational Innovation Commission - GEIC National and Regional level Ministry of Human Resource Development - MHRD National Council of Educational Research & Training - NCERT National Council for Teacher Education - NCTE National University of Educational Planning & Administration - NUEPA United Nations Children's Fund - UNICEF Center for Cultural Resource & Training - CCRT Regional Institute of Education - RIE / Western Regional Committee - WRC
Financial support GCERT receives financial support from various agencies at state and national level as stated as under. Government of Gujarat; Education Department. - GOG, ED Ministry of Human Resource Development - MHRD National Council of Educational Research & Training - NCERT United Nations Children's Fund -UNICEF
The Governing Body (GB) of GCERT The Governing Body of GCERT under Memorandum of Association (MoA) is constituted by following prominent personalities:
President – Honourable Chief Minister Vice President – Honourable Education Minister Chairman; EC – Honourable Principal Secretary (ED) / Principal Secretary (PE) Members of Executive Committee
The Executive Committee (EC) The functions of the GCERT are monitored (also subjected to the Govt. Financial and administrative rules and regulations) by an Executive Committee. The meetings of EC are held quarterly in a year. During this year, two EC meetings were conducted under the chairmanship of Principal Secretary (Primary Education). The following committees are also constituted for providing technical support to fulfill functions and objectives of GCERT. State Research Advisory Committee (SRAC) Editorial Committee for Jeevan Shikshan (Monthly Magazine)
State Resource Group (SRG)
Department of Teacher Education Department of Teacher Education works in following framework.
Framework Teacher Education
Pre Preservice
In Inservice
Sec. & Hr. Sec.
In Inservice
Sec. & Hr.
(B.Ed.) B.Ed.)
Training framework Generally, teacher’s training is given through cascade mode. However, distance mode is also used to deliver training. Direct contact with target group is possible in distance mode training. The applied training strategy is as follows.
CRG Target Group (Teachers) (2 lac +)
Programs and activities undertaken Head Teacher Training Program Newly recruited Head Teachers were trained at District level. Training materials were also developed for trainees. Eighteen days head teacher training program was conducted by GCERT through all DIETs. A series of motivational speeches were delivered by Principal Secretary (Education Department) as well as Principal Secretary (Primary Education) and many other respectable personalities through BISAG during the first phase of training. During this BISAG training, Question – Answer session was also held. All newly recruited head teacher (total 2499) were trained on six modules covering various subjects like - Office Keeping, Soft Skills, Computer Aided Learning, Total Learning Package, Pedagogy, and Structure of Education System. The training was given by DIET faculties as Key Resource Persons (KRPs). Lecturers of DIETs were trained by SPIPA, Ahmedabad prior to the said training program.
Swami Vivekanand Vachan Parv Swami Vivekanand Vachan Parv was organized for all primary schools during 11th September to 31st October, 2012 to develop the reading skill among the students. This program was conducted by GCERT. Principal Secretary (Education Department) as well as Principal Secretary (Primary Education) and many other respectable personalities had given their valuable motivational speeches through BISAG (on air mode). Question-Answer session was also held during this program. A booklet which was specially designed for this program titled as "Swami Vivekanand Vachan Parv Margdarshika" was given to each school.
Resource person teacher training Twenty days of intensive training with reference to content and methodology for all primary teachers of the state was organized in two phases. (1) 23rd April to 4th May 2012 and (2) 9th -18th July 2012. The training mainly involved new curriculum approach, contents and pedagogy. Twenty day's teacher training was organized for DRPs (District Resource Person) and MTs (Master Trainers) for the year 2012-13. A workshop on teacher training module was organized prior to teacher training in year 2012-13. Training of English for Std. VI to VIII was also organized in three Zones – Bharuch, Mehsana & Surendranagar during January, 2013.
Balmela and Life Skill mela Balmelas were organized in all primary schools of the state during the month of Feb.2012, in which Rs. 500/- grant was allotted to the schools. For promoting activity based joyful learning in schools, 14 different types of activities were performed by the students during Balmela such as - story telling, action songs, role play, puppetry, clay work, craft work, pasting, color filling, educational games, drawing, etc. Such kind of activities provide a platform to the children to act in a creative manner and also inspire them to create new ideas and innovations.
Based on various day-to-day activities of our life, life skill melas were also organized. KRPs were prepared at Bhavnagar-DIET. This event was the first pilot activity in one school in each of 225 blocks. Different types of activities like craft work, pasting, color filling, educational games, drawing, save environment, use of kitchen equipment – Cooker, Gas Stove, puncture making, awareness of electrical equipments etc. were performed by the students in life skill mela. Amount of Rs.500/- was allotted separately to schools for life skill balmelas. State level documents on balmela and life skill mela activities titled "Ek Divas Mara Mate BALMELO/LIFE SKILL MELO" were developed.
Teleconference for D. El. Ed. (PTC) trainees on English subject Training Branch had organized special series of programs for second year D. El. Ed. trainees through Tele-conference. The objective of these programs was to guide and to improve the students' proficiency in English. During these programs, whole syllabus of English (D. El. Ed., II Year) was covered. DIET lecturers had served as subject experts. These programs have been telecasted on every Tuesday between 15.00 pm to 17.00 pm. (except the forth) during the month of July, 2013. More than 3,500 trainees have been benefited by these programs.
Capacity building workshop for GCERT & DIET faculties On the auspicious occasion of Golden Jubilee of GCERT, Training Branch had organized 3 – days of capacity building workshop for all DIET faculties (Principals, Lecturers, Technician & Librarians) during 30th January, 2013 to 2rd February, 2013 at L.D.R.P. campus, Kadi Sarva Visvavidyalaya, Gandhinagar. This program was conducted under the chairmanship of Dr. Ravindra Dave, an eminent educationist. During this program, experts from NUEPA, NCERT, RIE Bhopal & other well known personalities from different fields gave their valuable speeches.
Capacity building workshop (IFIC Branch Lecturer) A capacity building workshop has been organized for DIET lecturers (total 52) of IFIC branch. Various subjects like Training Evaluation, Functions of IFIC Branch, Training Design, Training need Assessment, Effective Organization & Management of Training Program, Futuristic Approach for In-Service Training Program, Role of Trainers and Base Paper Development for training etc. were discussed during the said workshop.
District Innovation Cell With the joint efforts of GCERT-Gandhinagar, Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Ahmedabad and Gujarat Educational Innovation Commission (GEIC) - Gandhinagar 'District Innovation Cell' has been established at each DIET for the encouragement of innovations carried out by the Government school teachers. One-day orientation program was held at GCERT under the chairmanship of Prof. Vijay Sherichand - IIM, Ahmedabad. One lecturer from each DIET has been oriented during the program. The Principal of each DIET is designated as the main coordinator of this cell. All the web sites of DIETs have link with the Blog of Innovation Cell created by IIM. The innovative practices done by teachers have been uploaded on the blog and write ups were also submitted by teachers to IIM through DIETs. One-day workshop was organized during March - 2013 at each DIETs for Block Resource Center Coordinators and Cluster Resource Center Coordinators to make them aware about the concept of innovation and 'District Innovation Cell'. (The workshop was aimed to find out the innovative activities done by teachers and thereby encourage them as well others.)
Training Strategy Workshop for Educational Inspector Training Branch had organized a four-days 'Training Strategy Workshop' at GCERT, Gandhinagar for Educational Inspectors, in which selected District Primary Educational Officers, Lecturers of DIETs and Educational Inspectors had participated and had presented their views on Training Plan, Training Strategy and Training Module etc..
Review Meeting for Lecturers (IFIC Branch) Two-days state level review meeting had been organized for lecturers of IFIC branch at
Gujarat Vidhyapith - Ahmedabad, in which strategy was discussed for the next three month's training program of DIETs.
One day workshop for Learning and Information Dissemination GCERT & Educational Initiatives had organized a one-day program on Learning and Information Dissemination on the basis of GUNOTSAV during 3rd to 12th January, 2013 in five different zones viz. Ahmedabad, Rajkot, Palanpur, Surat and Vadodara. Principals of DIETs, District Primary Educational Officers, Lecturers of DIETs, Block Resource Center Coordinators and Cluster Resource Center Coordinators had participated actively in this workshop.
Orientation program for DIET lecturers, BRC Coordinators, CRC Coordinators and Teachers With the joint efforts of GCERT and CCRT - New Delhi, an orientation program named “Cultural Protection and Advancement” was held at Vadodara during 16th to 20th Oct, 2012. There were 60 participants like Lecturers of DIETs, BRC Coordinators, CRC Coordinators and Teachers had participated in this program.
Public Private Partnership meeting Series of meetings were organized to discuss the policy matter under Public Private Partnership under the chairmanship of Dr. Ravindra Dave on 22nd January, 25th January, 5th February and 4th March, 2013 at GCERT, Gandhinagar. In these meetings, educationalists and other officials from different Schools, Colleges, Universities and NGOs had given their inputs.
Capacity Building Workshop on English language for DIET lecturers A capacity building workshop for DIET lecturers (Subject - English) was organized with the aim to make aware lecturers on the new trends of English teaching and to develop the proficiency in English language. This workshop was held at H. M. Patel Institute of English, Vallabh Vidhyanagar - Anand during 22nd to 24th February 2012.
Capacity Building Workshop on Environment for DIET Lecturers A capacity building workshop was organized to create awareness about environment and sustainable development among DIET lecturers during 4th -6th March, 2012 at Centre for Environment Education, Ahmedabad.
Department of Curriculum and Evaluation With the main objectives as stated below, the department of curriculum and evaluation carries out the activities of curriculum reformation in elementary education. 1. Reform curriculum of Elementary Education a. Development of new curriculum, syllabus and textbooks for standard I to VIII in line with NCF - 2005 and RTE – 2009. b. Development of additional materials including Teacher Edition, Workbooks, local material etc. c. Formation and re-formation of State Resource Group. d. Piloting of new textbooks of Std. I to V - third cycle. e. Monitoring by textbook authors and other SRG members. f. Modifications in syllabus and textbooks according to teachers' feedback. 2. Development of new School Based Comprehensive Evaluation System (SCE) for standard I to VIII at elementary level. 3. Development of question bank for Gunotsav and also designing standard wise question paper according to the curriculum. 4. Development of assessment system and remedial work accordingly. 5. Organizing sports festivals for students and teachers of primary schools; for trainees and lecturers of PTC colleges. 6. Reforming curriculum of D.El.Ed. & B.Ed. 7. Preparation of proposal for new D. El. Ed. colleges and correspondence with reference to NCTE guidelines. 8. Correspondence with NCTE and NCERT for affiliation and recognition of GBTC/PTC colleges. 9. Planning and implementation of annual academic inspections of D.El.Ed. colleges. 10. Correspondence with NCERT, NCTE, MHRD, WRC, RIE etc regarding curriculum and evaluation work done during year 2012-13.
Various activities undertaken by this department• The department had organized series of workshop for the development of curriculum, syllabus and Semester wise textbooks for standard I to VIII. It was for the first time that GCERT itself prepared the camera ready copy and submitted to the textbook board for printing.
• Development of Semester wise Textbooks and Teacher Editions of Std. I to VIII. • Completion of piloting of new textbooks and teacher editions in one block of four districts (Amreli- Rajula, SK- Prantij, Panchmahal- Shahera, Surat- Kamrej) and also in urban areas of Ahmedabad (Madhupura and Vasna wards). Piloting work for Std. I to V was also carried out in one block of each district - third cycle. • Development of guideline for districts to develop local specific material for Std. I to VIII. All the districts (DIETs) were provided the guideline for the same. • The department conducted monitoring by deploying SRG members and textbook authors in five pilot districts. Textbook authors and SRG members visited schools, interacted with students and teachers and collected feedback from them. • Conduction of research regarding impact of Teaching Learning Package (Curriculum, Syllabus, Textbook, Teacher Edition, Training, Monitoring etc). The research was technically supported and guided by Education Department of M S University, Vadodara. The research has been financed by the SSA. Data collection and data analysis for both the semesters have been completed and report writing was done by experts of M S University. • The first semester textbooks of Std. VI to VIII were reviewed by experts and later revised. The final textbooks' camera ready copies were also prepared. These textbooks are being scaled up across the state from June 2013. • The department has organized three workshops (zone wise) for planning and implementation and frame work for SCE. The framework was prepared and finalized by experts. • The curriculum was prepared and circulated to all the schools across the state by the branch. • All the formats related to SCE were published in the GCERT's monthly news letter and were thereby disseminated across the state. Also a training program related to the same was conducted for all the teachers of elementary education through on air mode (BISAG) in the month of June, 2013. • The PRAGNA - ABL and STP materials were developed by SSA was reviewed and sanctioned by GCERT. • Curriculum Committee, B. Ed. Core Team and D. El. Ed. Core Team were formed under the chairmanship of Prof. Ravindra Dave, eminent educationist. • Online registration on NCTE's website was completed by all the DIET's to start B. El. Ed. Program.
• The department has organized Seminar/Discussion for B. El. Ed. (4 - year Integrated course). Educationalists from Gujarat and from other parts of Nation participated in this Seminar, on 20/10/2012. • Curriculum Workshops for D. El. Ed. (Two Year) and B. Ed. (2-year) Program were also organized. A support material for D. El. Ed. Second year was also constructed. Blue-Print revision workshop was organized for D. El. Ed. Second year.
• Organization of Sports Festival – o Organized sport festivals for teachers and students of primary schools at CRC, BRC, District and state level. o Sports festival for D.El.Ed. colleges was also organized separately.
The statistics of Sports festivals is as under. Type of Institute
Primary School CRC Sport festival BRC
No. of Participants
PTC Sport festival
No. of Institutes
Department of Planning and Management Planning & Management is one of the most prominent departments of the Council. It is mainly engaged in preparation of plan for various activities to ensure receipt of state and central fund and to design strategy for implementation of activities. The department also undertakes the management of human resources and financial funds. The department is involved in providing guidance in the field of educational planning, management, organization and evaluation at elementary & secondary education in coordination with DIETs and other educational institutes. It is further to be noted that, GCERT is delivering content based programs along with need based innovative program. The evaluation of plan is done on quarterly and yearly basis.
Programs and activities undertaken Annual Work Plan and Budget, Year: 2013-14 A Mini monograph of GCERT “Annual Work Plan and Budget” presents the future planning and budgeting of the Council for the year under the EDN-12 scheme. To prepare this document, multi level participatory planning procedures were undertaken-
Meetings and deliberations with officers, research
associates/fellows of GCERT as well as Principals and lecturers of DIETs. Plan out and schedule training programs. EDN -12 scheme budget planning. Review of suggestions received. Modifications and corrections made accordingly.
Annual Work-Plan and Budget for the year 2013-14 is prepared with the total ceiling of Rs. 28.40 crores. However, In-service Teachers Training Scheme and SSA Scheme Planning are funded by the GOI under CSS and Non-plan budget head respectively, which is also incorporated separately in this booklet.
Annual Report, Year: 2011-12 A comprehensive description of the activities implemented and carried out by GCERT is reflected in the documents with photographs. The booklet includes previous year's activities undertaken by different departments of the Council along with profile of the state, GCERT background information, DIET activities and programs ... etc.
Capacity building of lecturers associated with P&M branch of DIETs A one-day meeting (quarterly) and three-days capacity building workshop for P&M lecturers of DIETs were arranged with the aim to review training programs under different schemes in DIETs, next year planning at DIET/district level, state level planning & budget and annual plan proposal for centrally sponsored scheme of teacher education... etc. The meetings and workshops were held at GCERT/DIET - Gandhinagar.
Project Proposal for Teacher Education (MHRD) MHRD, New Delhi has published the guideline for implementation of "Restructuring and Reorganization of the Centrally Sponsored Scheme on Teacher Education in June2012. Consequently, the newly revised scheme has been implemented from the year 2012-13. The newly revised guideline is covering various institutions under the scheme like SCERT, DIETs, BITEs, CTEs and IASEs. The Policy perspectives of the revised scheme, the background of the scheme along with the other institutions and key aspects were discussed and were shared with state and district stakeholder. As per the guideline and the format of Annual Work-Plan given by MHRD, the annual work plan for the GCERT, DIETs, BITEs, CTEs, and IASEs were prepared and submitted to MHRD in the month of September 2012. The task for preparing AWP of Gujarat State, GCERT, DIETs, BITEs, CTEs and IASEs for the year 2012-13 was done by meeting and workshop with DIETs, CTEs and IASEs. The total plan proposed for the year was Rs.8333.96 lac.
A TEAB meeting for the approval of the AWP was conducted at MHRD, New Delhi. The approved amount, released amount and expenditure for the year 2012-13 are as under. Institution
Amount proposed
Central assistance approved Total
Amount released
+ 6338.37
Central Share 2856.26
State Share 952.11
Central Share 2582.59
State Share 985.73
Central Share 2654.24*
State Share 687.95
* Expenditure is shown as per A.G. Rajkot figure.
Sanctioned order was dispatched by MHRD, New Delhi in the last week of December, 2012. After receiving sanctioned order, the follow up work was done. Sharing of the same with the officials of GCERT, DIETs, CTEs and IASEs was done. Implementation of the programs and activities at GCERT and DIET level was planned accordingly. Moreover, follow-up for in-service programs and faculty development for DIETs was carried out. Planning for faculty development for GCERT and DIETs (specific programs) was prepared. Other implementation related tasks were also done by the branch. For the year 2013-14, under the centrally sponsored scheme of teacher education, Council has prepared the annual plan, which incorporates financial provisions made for DIETs, CTEs and IASEs along with SCERT. The total claim for 26 DIETs, 08 CTEs, 02 IASEs and 01 SCERT for the year 2013-14 is Rs 127.96 crores. The institution wise details are as under. Institution
Total Proposed Budget 2447.45
State Contribution 611.86
Claim from GoI 1835.58
This annual plan proposal is prepared in the Performa given by MHRD, New Delhi as Teacher Education Planning Handbook, 2013-14. The ceiling given in revision of CSS-TE booklet is considered while making the claim for recurring assistance for DIETs, CTEs, IASEs and SCERT.
Orientation meeting with DIET Principal on newly revised guideline of TE Newly revised centrally sponsored scheme of teacher education is to be implemented with effect from 1st April, 2012. To orient all the DIETs, CTEs and IASEs, meeting with head of the institutes were planned batch wise. Presentation of newly revised guideline of TE was delivered to all DIET Principals and P&M Lecturers. The proposed structure of revision of teacher education scheme in 12th Plan, Budget, core activities and annual work plan for DIETs along with details of staff, nonrecurring assistance, and activities undertaken during last year were discussed during the meeting. Moreover, training programs for forth coming year 2012-13 were also talked about.
Faculty development program Under faculty development program for DIETs, inter state visits were taken by officials of DIETs. Apart from this, inter-DIET visits, Need based programs and SCOPE training (for developing English proficiencies) were also conducted. The faculties have gained the various exposures and experiences.
SCOPE training to DIET faculties To build up proficiency in English language, SCOPE training program for the remaining DIETs were arranged this year. DIET Principal, lecturers, librarians and technicians were covered under this SCOPE training. Cambridge University has been assessed the exam and provided certificate to participants.
DIET Inspection GCERT has conducted and framed various inspection teams to carry out the educational and administrative inspection of DIETs to guide them. Educational Inspection Format is reviewed and reformed by the team of GCERT officers and also through the comments received from DIETs. After completion of DIET inspection, Principals were conveyed the inspection report for their academic improvements and to motivate and appreciate the innovative activities. Follow up of administrative inspection was undertaken by administration branch. This year, total 04 inspections of DIETs were undertaken by inspection teams.
Review of training programs Quarterly meetings were planned to review the training programs carried out by all DIETs under different schemes and the data regarding the same was maintained. In the current year, Online Monthly Progress of Training Program (MPTP) was developed, reviewed and implemented. The meeting and piloting review were conducted for the same. The information about training program conducted by DIETs was submitted through this online system. The statistics of training program conducted under various scheme during the year 2012-13 is given as follows.
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Programs 3016 467 78 25 52 81 3719
Participants 123621 18006 3107 879 2317 4430 152360
Man days 271883 33088 53453 1627 5978 10177 376206
EDN -12 Plan Scheme EDN-12 Plan Scheme is a state-sponsored scheme of Gujarat Govt. The main objective of this scheme is to improve the quality of school education. The process of research gets boosted through this scheme. The production of audio-video aids and educational material are developed under this scheme. Educational literature, magazines are also being published. The libraries of GCERT and DIETs are thus strengthened through the scheme. The cluster, block, district, zone and state level Science-Maths exhibition, Ramatotsav, Balmela (Activity Mela) and Eco Club activities are organized under the EDN -12 plan scheme. Pre-service and in-service teachers are trained and the capacity building for Principals, Sr. lecturers, lecturers, librarians & technicians of all DIETs are also being done. As a result, the efficiency of DIETs and GCERT has increased manifold. Up gradation and strengthening of DIETs, GBTC, RGT & GCERT are also included in this scheme. Scholarship for Inclusive education of disabled at secondary stage (IEDSS) is also covered under the state plan budget. This scheme had a total outlay of Rs.2400.00 lac.
Department of Research & Innovation Educational research refers to a variety of aspects of education such as student learning, teaching methods, teacher training and classroom dynamics etc. Educational researchers have come to the consensus that, educational research must be conducted in a rigorous and systematic way, although it is debated often. Varieties of research area / discipline are presented in educational research, which include Psychology, Sociology and Philosophy. The overlap in disciplines creates a broad range from which methodology can be drawn. The findings of educational research also need to be interpreted within the context in which they were discovered as they may not be applicable in every time or place. As we know that research is the precondition of development, it means research has an important role in any kind of development. The findings of researches are useful in quality, innovations, teaching aids and methods of teaching learning process. GCERT has been making its sincere efforts to increase the quality of education in the state, since establishment. Research in education becomes the main concern, as it is one of the key functions of GCERT. Research branch of GCERT has actively organized some significant activities regarding research during the year 2012-13 as given below.
GAP-6 (Gujarat Achievement at Primary) GAP is the large scaled survey to know the achievement level of the students of Gujarat. It covers all subjects from Std. III to VII. Standardized tests for all the subjects are given to students. During the year 2011-12, GAP - 6 was implemented on 50 boys and 50 girls of Std.III to VII for each subject from every block. Total 221 blocks were covered as a sample. GAP- 6 survey was conducted for both the terms of year 2011-12. After completion of data entry, the analysis of data will be taken on hand and report will be generated. Three workshops were organized to orient the strategy, procedure and data analysis for GAP.
National Achievement Survey (NAS) - Class VIII Under the guidance of NCERT - New Delhi, NAS for Class VIII was conducted by GCERT. Total 250 schools of Std. VIII were considered as sample. Four tests of different subjects like - Language, Mathematics, Science and Social Science were used as tools for the data collection. Tests for data collection were in English & Hindi,
which were translated in Gujarati. Collected data of all 250 schools were sent to RIE Bhopal and DEME of NCERT, New Delhi.
Distance Education Program (Doorvarti Shikshan) A workshop on tool development for the effectiveness of the Distance Education – a large scale research, was organized. One tool for the teacher and three tools for the students were prepared. Data collection is completed by the all DIETs. Data analysis and report are under process.
Small Scale Researches GCERT assign the small scale research to DIET lecturers every year. During the year of 2012-13, total of 399 small scale researches were conducted by DIET lecturers. They were given Rs.2000/- as assistance per research.
Training for data analysis and research writing Training programs for lecturers of WE and PSTE branch of all DIETs were organized. They were oriented regarding the research paper preparation and data analysis through the application of computer during the training. This training was based on module, which was prepared especially for the lecturers of DIET in advance. Forty lecturers of WE and forty two lecturers of PSTE branch of different DIETs were given guidance regarding the same through lecture method and practical work.
Department of Publication and Library To improve the knowledge of teachers and quality of education, reference materials or supplementary materials are essential. Latest trends and aspects are also integrated in educational publications. These publications are important for reference work too.
Programs and activities undertaken This branch has published 10 issues (Joint) of Jeevan Shikshan in a year 2012-13 and ensured that 37,500 (approximate) copies of the same reach to the primary schools of the state free of charge. The review activity by editorial group is done in a regular basis. Financial position For the printing of "Jeevan Shikshan" and enrichment of library/educational literature, magazines, an amount of Rs. 14, 98,878 has been spent in the financial year 2012 13. Feedback The feedback related to the publications is printed in the ‘Jeevan Shikshan’ every month. The responses are received from all corners of Gujarat quarterly, especially from teachers, teacher educators, educationists, education lovers and other educational institutions.
Library This branch looks after library to keep abreast with the new trends and approaches in the field of education and other reference materials/information. The institute has a rich library as a storehouse of knowledge. The library has about 9198 books and 1304 action researches on various issues. Around 07 news papers and 56 educational literary reference magazines are either subscribed or gifted. Libraries of GCERT and all DIETs are having computerized records of books. All DIET libraries along with GCERT library are going to join with each other by networking. All libraries are being updated every year. Purchase of books Under the chairmanship of the Director - GCERT, Rs. 7.25 lac grant is given for purchase of books, magazine and other reading materials to each DIET during the year 2012 - 13.
List of magazines which are subscribed, being gifted and free of cost in the GCERT's library Educational magazines
Balmurti Educational review Jivan Shikahan (Marathi from MSCERT) Jivan Shikshan News letter Edutracks Indian Educational Review Indian Educational Abstract Journal of all India association for educational research
Children related and General magazines
Achala Aditya Kiran Bal Srushti Suvichar Latest facts in General Knowledge Maitri Vivekgram Pragatishil Shikshan Dhingamasti Nitya Sanskruti Sandarbha Navchetan Navneet Samrpan Vigyan darshan Education: Theory and Prectis Sanskar Dipika Ganit Darshan Bhumiputra Gujarat Medical Akhand Anand India Today BalVishva Manavvad Vaisvik manavvad
Samudgar Sandarbh Shikshak Jyot Pension Jagat Shikshan Ane Prakashan Anuvrat Jain Bharti CEC News Sadhna Shri Saraswat Nayamarg Safari Reader Digest Mazanu Ganit Kala Prasar Kumar Gharshala Strotra Natak Digit Vigyan: Ajab-Gajab Civil society Nirikshak
List of News papers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
The Times of India Gujarat Samachar Sandesh Gandhinagar Samachar Divya Bhaskar Ful Chhab Indian Express
Department of Science and Mathematics Science and Mathematics Unit of the Council conducts various types of activities for the development of scientific and mathematical attitude among the students, teachers and society of Gujarat. The aims and activities are as under. Aims Teachers and learners -- To understand natural phenomena & Cause and Effect relationship. To make aware about the importance of Maths and Science Technology. To develop Scientific Attitude and Observation ability. To develop inquisitiveness, curiosity, reasoning and decision - making abilities To collect and analyze information & develop problem solving ability. To verify results after experimentation & develop reasoning ability. To make them appreciate new discoveries and its contributor. To learn the use of Mathematics in daily life. Activities Planning and Organizing -- Science-Maths Exhibitions. Science-Maths Clubs. Teachers' training on Science & Maths - content. Capacity Building at cluster level Eco Club
Science - Math's Exhibition National Council of Educational Research and Training, New Delhi is organizing National Science-Math's Exhibition since 1971. From 1988 onwards, it is known as Jawaharlal Nehru Science-Maths Fair/Exhibition for Children. From the year 2011, it was known as Jawaharlal Nehru Science and Environmental Education for Children. As a part of this channel, Gujarat state is also organizing such exhibition every year with the different theme suggested by NCERT and State specific theme.
In Gujarat state, Science Maths exhibitions are organized for primary schools children at different level such as CRC, BRC, and Corporation; and for secondary & higher secondary school at SVS level, District, Zone level. The best exhibits from various districts are displayed at State Level Exhibition. Organizing this type of exhibitions creates affirmative response of local and district level. Officials and community representatives remain present at district level exhibition and encourage students and teachers. In the year 2012, Total 4671 Science & Maths exhibitions at different level were organized across the state on the Main theme: Science and Society with five sub themes and one state specific theme - Innovative Practice in Education. Total 58238 primary, secondary and higher schools were participated and 74407 models were displayed. Gujarat State level Science & Maths exhibition for the year 2012-13 was successfully completed at Genius Educational Campus, Race Course Ground, Rajkot in January 2013. Total 350 selected exhibits were displayed from various districts. During last two years, six exhibits were selected for National level Science exhibition. Year
No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of Selected Exhibitions participant Exhibits participant participant Visitors Models schools children Teachers (Children, at National Teachers, Exhibition Communit y members
74706 3107210
74407 3523409
In process
The inaugural ceremony of 40th Science - Math's Exhibition was held in Race Course Ground, Rajkot on 5th January of 2013. The students of Jay International School, Rajkot, sang the Ganesh Stuty ‘Ek Dantay Vakra Tunday’. Honourable Education Minister Shri Bhupendrasinh Chudasama inaugurated this function by flaming the Jyot with remote control. The Principal, DIET, Rajkot gave a welcome speech and warmly welcomed all. Chairperson and Inaugurator of the 40th Science - Math's Exhibition Honorable Education Minister Shree Bhupendrasinh Chudasama complimented the efforts of the students and teachers for carrying their models from CRC to the State level. He also drew attention to the fact that this exhibition is not limited to the Gujarat state only; the selected innovative models are taken to the national level every year and there
would be no surprise if their models would take place among the best at the national level exhibition. Indicating the importance of science and knowledge, he said, “Literacy is knowledge and the in-depth knowledge is science and the person having knowledge and information of science will conquer the world”. Hon. Education Minister appealed all that the innovative models and experiments presented here should not be limited to the Science - Math's exhibition only, they should reach to the society and should be helpful to up bring the society. He appealed the audience to visit each model, enjoy and to inspire the child-scientists. The Principal Secretary (Education) Smt. Sangeeta Sinh delivered her inspiring speech wherein she said that science is the base of industrial development and revolution. She also quoted that the next two decades will be the decades of Asia and our child - scientists would be the pioneer of the forthcoming development of Asia as well as India. In his speech, the State Level Minister Shree Govindbhai Patel said that we all need to prepare ourselves to keep pace with the changing scenario by adopting the scientific vision and mission. In his words, he inspired the students, teachers and the community in large to move ahead in the direction of advancement. The Honorable Education Minister Shree Bhupendrasinh Chudasama released the souvenir of 40th Science - Math's Exhibition and the CDs of 35 science related experiments. Major attractions of science - Maths exhibition was 350 models in 40th Science Math's Exhibition, viz. Solar Car – Nuna-3, Navratna Molecular Fertilizer, Inga – Allo-cropping Method, Multipurpose Cart, Hydroponics Farming Method, Solar based Robot, Math's Multiple Competency Learning Model, Domestic Air-cooler, Heart Precautions, Genetically Modified Food, Oil Separators, Mobile related Precautions, Environmental Concerns about Ozone Layer. The most worth mentioning aspects that attracted each one's attention were the models presented by the students and the teachers from hilly, rural and remote areas of Gujarat State. They presented the latest scientific concepts through their models namely Domestic Gripe Water, Pollution-free Energy, Ayurvedic Herbs, Perlite Farming, Projeriya - A Type of Malnutrition, Biological Pesticide, Vertical and Solar Farming, Vertical Axis Wind Turbine, Solar car. Special programs conducted during 40th science-Maths exhibition were - 3D Water Screen Projection, Sky Gazing Program, Cultural Events, Music Concert, Master Blaster, Gardi Life Science Discovery, Live Web Casting of the Event, Aamne Samne : A Debate cum Discussion Forum, Quiz Contest, Vigyan Jatha - A Public Awareness Program, Lok Dayro - A Cultural Program, seminar on science and Maths.
25 Schools had displayed their models in National level Science exhibition 2012 at New Delhi during 15-17 August, 2012 under Inspired Award Scheme. It was organized by Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi.
Energy Park Along with Science Park, Energy Park is also developed with the financial assistance and guidance of GCERT and cooperation of Gujarat Energy Development Institute (GEDA) in some DIETs to generate awareness among teachers, children and the communities about the use of non-conventional energy. Some models of Energy Park are - Models of Non - Conventional energy sources, Water pumps working with solar energy, Solar Street light, Windmill, Solar home lighting system, Solar Educational kit, solar cooker and Campus development through drip irrigation system.
Science Mathematics Club In every district, a Science-Mathematics Club is set up at DIET place. Various activities are planned and carried out with a view to raising children’s achievement scores in Science–Mathematics in the district concerned. Ones in a year, all the members were meeting at district level including Principal of DIET, District Education Officer & District Primary Education Officer, representative of BRC, CRC and other experts and planned various activities to improve the result of Science & Mathematic Education. In all district, various activities carried out under this club. Planning report and activity report was prepared at district level including activity conducted at school level and other level.
Eco Club Eco club is the group of students & teachers at school & DIET level, who works for environment awareness and maintenance of healthy environment. GCERT has helped primary school & All DIETs to set up Eco Club. Through various activities the club develops Eco -friendly attitudes among children and teachers. GCERT has also conducted Key resource person training program at state level, master trainer training program at district level and teachers training program at School level. Various activities conducted at school under the Eco Club are - to prepare healthy soil, to develop Medical plants garden, to develop kitchen garden, to develop Flower bad, to develop awareness of plantation, shala safai, Medan safai and decoration, preparation of Compost pits, Quiz competition on Environment awareness, Rally on
prevention on use of plastic bag, Rain water harvesting, Visit of important Environment place, Poster development competition, small exhibition on Environment protection at school level. Under ECO CLUB project such types of various initiatives are taken by DIETs.
INSPIRE Award Scheme INSPIRE is a National Program implemented by Ministry of Science and Technology, New Delhi. INSPIRE Scheme has three components (a) Scheme for Early Attraction of Talents for Science (SEATS) providing (i) INSPIRE Award of Rs. 5000/- and (ii) mentorship through global Science leaders at a Science camp (b) Scholarship for Higher Education @ Rs.80000/- per year for continuing education at B.Sc and M.Sc level and (c) Assured Opportunity for Research Careers (AORC) for young researchers to pursue doctorate research in science backed by an assured career opportunity. In Gujarat, Director - GCERT is a Nodal officer for this Scheme. Under his guidance activities are going on. Research Associate of Science unit is an Assistant Nodal officer. Second National level Science exhibition under this scheme was completed during 15-17 August 2012 at New Delhi. 26 awardees from 26 School were participated in this exhibition. Hiren patolia, Manekwada primary school, Amreli has won 1st prize of Rs.10000/- in this exhibition and Jay Kapdia, Sejakuwa high school,Vadodara has won 2nd prize of Rs.5000/- and all other participants has won prize of Rs.2500 and certificate. For year 2012-13, total 20000 award were sectioned and distributed to all beneficiary.
Department of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) The quality improvement of primary education through the use of technology in education, department of ICT is functioning. GCERT & DIET's have following Facilities. Multimedia Projector Laptop Computer Networking System Digital receiving Station (Learning Center) • Television • Over Head Projector • DVD/CD/MP3/MP4 Player • • • • •
• • • • • • •
Fax GSWAN Connectivity Video Conferencing system Teleconferencing system EDUSAT Connection IFMS IWDMS
A program on website updating was organized at Patan and a capacity building workshop for the same was organized for lecturer at Vadodara. In this workshop, mainly – Blog creation, website update procedure, subject wise CD preparation and Subject wise database etc were discussed.
Teleconference 26 DIET's have Teleconference Facility through SATCOM-INSAT 4 CR. Teacher Training conducted through BISAG. GCERT and DIET's have Video Conference Facility with two way Audio/Video system. The DIET's can link up with other DIET's of the Gujarat State. A part from using this facility as a tool of coordination tool. This facility is also used to utilize services for DIET lecturer.
EDUSAT VSAT and Computer set up for EDUSAT program telecast through CIET, New Delhi.
Different programs were organized by CIET on curriculum, NCF-2005 and ICT @ School through this facility. Training on Radio Script Writing conducted through EDUSAT by CIET. Training of Mentor Coordinators in the use of ICTs for Teaching-Learning Process in Schools conducted by CIET for following objective
WEBSITE GCERT have their own website All DIET's have their own websites as per MHRD Guidelines and NCTE Norms under the guidance of GCERT and update every year.
Use of internet and e mail GCERT and DIET's are connected through (Gujarat State Wide Area Network) GSWAN. The faculty member uses internet for research work or updating their knowledge in respective field and e-mail.
IFMS Gujarat Government has undertaken a project to cover Education Department known as Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS). Online all type of Grants and other information circulated by IFMS.
IWDMS Gujarat Government has undertaken a project to cover all HOD of Education Department known as Integrated Workflow and Document Management system (IWDMS).
All Faculties of GCERT and DIET's were trained for their quality improvement in areas like:
Preparation of Audio CD of Std. I to IV Poems in subject. Preparation of Audio CD of Sanskrit, Gujarati, Math's and Environment. Poster / Chart Development with the help of Computer. Teaching Learning Pedagogy Preparation of Microteaching Video CD for Trainees. Video Documentation of several Programs through Camera /Camcorder / Handy cam. ECO Club, Science Math's Exhibition, Ramatotsav, Balmela, Roll Play etc. Smart Class facilities.
College for Teacher Education (CTE) and Institute of Advanced Studies in Education (IASE) CTE-IASE branch is working under Central Sponsored Scheme of Teacher Education in GCERT. The main role of these institutes is to impart the quality preservice and in-service education to secondary school teachers. For that various types of training programs and research work done by the institutes are as under. • • • • • • • • •
Technology integrated teaching learning process Measurement & Evaluation : Types & Techniques New Horizons in Mathematics Education Action Research & Vocational Guidance Cultural Components in Education Research guidance seminar for Researchers Education through Motivation and Quality management Adolescent Education for B. Ed trainees Approach to Conservation of Environment Develop Language Efficiency of Teachers Develop Aptitude test for various subject Training programmed for B. Ed trainees on Human Rights and Communication Skill. Mathematics education through Math's lab Workshop for preparing power point presentation for Teachers Preparation of research paper and study paper for higher secondary teachers. Workshop for preparing MCQ test item for Science teachers Friendship with computer A study on students and Teachers perception of learning needs The study of Examination anxiety of students of std 10 of secondary school The study of the awareness about the environment of teacher-Trainees Language empowerment program through IT Awareness program on RTE Continues comprehensive evaluation method Role Play in Education & Life Skill Education
Various researches conducted are as under.
• Development & Implementation of linear program Material on USMA unit in Gujarati. • A study of Examination of Anxiety of students of Std. X of Secondary school of Navsari Taluka • A study on students and teachers perceptions of learning needs. • A study of effectiveness of use of model on teaching of Mathematics subject for unit Triangle of Std. 9.
Inclusive Education for Disabled at Secondary Stage (IEDSS) MHRD, New Delhi emphasized on Universalization of Primary Education in new National Education Policy 1986. At that time NCERT at centre and SCERT at state level were operative, but there was no infrastructure at district level. In 1988-89 MHRD directed to establish DIET (District Institute of Education and Training) at each district. And subsequently DIET's were established gradually in each district. At present there are 26 DIET's in Gujarat. These DIET's are working as per the guidelines issued by the MHRD. Integrated Education for Disabled Children (IEDC) scheme, a 100% centrally sponsored scheme was implemented in Gujarat State by Director of Primary Education from the year 1992. It was transferred to Gujarat Council of Education and Training (GCERT) in 1998. MHRD, New Delhi introduced a new scheme named as Inclusive Education for Disabled at Secondary Stage (IEDSS) with effect from 1/4/2009. The main features of this scheme are as follows.
It is meant for the disabled students of the age group of 14-18 years, (standard IX to XII). Student –teacher ratio is 5:1. The scheme is being operated through Non-Government Organizations (NGOs). The entire expenditure of the scheme is borne by Ministry Of Human Resources and Development, New Delhi, including salary of special teachers and various kinds of facilities to disabled children like uniform, Stationary-books, Equipments/Assistive Devices for disabled children ...etc. GCERT monitors the scheme through IEDSS Cell which includes a Deputy Director, project Co-coordinator, special educator and a Junior Clerk. The scheme is operated on reimbursement basis i.e., State Government first incurs expenditure and sends utilization certificate to Central Government, and then, Central Government reimburses the expenditure to State Government. Scheme covers disable children in category – Blindness, Low vision, Leprosy cured, Hearing impairment, Loco motor’s disability, Mental retardation, Mental illness, Autism, Cerebral palsy and will eventually cover Speech impairment and Learning disability. Itinerant teacher (special teacher who is a graduate or a post-graduate with special B.Ed. or general B.Ed. + diploma in special education) visits the school where disabled student is studying and teaches him with the help of general teacher. Itinerant teacher is paid a special pay of Rs.400/- for visiting the different schools.
Aims To provide all students with disabilities, completing eight years of elementary schooling, an opportunity to complete four years of secondary schooling (standard IX to XII) in an inclusive and enabling environment. To provide educational opportunities and facilities to students with disabilities in the general education system at the secondary level. To support the training of general school teachers to meet the needs of children with disabilities at the secondary level.
Objectives Every child with disability
Will be identified at the secondary level and his educational need assessed. In need of aids and appliances, will be provided assistive devices. Will be supplied learning material as per his /her requirement. Will have access to support services like the appointment of special educator’s, establishment of resource rooms in every block ...etc. All architectural barriers in the schools are removed so that students with disability have easy access to classrooms, laboratory, library and toilet in the school. All general teachers at the secondary level will be provided basic training to teach students with disabilities within a period of 3 to 5 years.
Target group The scheme will cover all children of age 14+ passing out of Elementary schools and studying in secondary stage in Government, Local body or Government-aided schools, with one or more disabilities as defined under the persons with Disabilities Act - 1995 and the National Trust Act - 1999 in the age group 14+ to 18+ (standard IX to XII).
Girls with disabilities Girls with disabilities receive special focus and the efforts would be made under the scheme to help them in gaining access to secondary school. Every disabled girl are given a monthly stipend of Rs.200/-.
Benefits of the scheme Rs.3000/ per year to each student with disability for the following: 1. Assessment of children and for getting medical certificate. 2. Books and stationary and uniform. 3. Reader allowance to vision impaired student. 4. Transport allowance to orthopedically handicapped students.
5. Escort allowance to severely handicapped and vision impaired students. 6. Therapeutic services to the needy. 7. Hostel charges for students staying in hostels. 8.Assistive devices like speech recognition software, screen reading software, audiotapes, talking books, books with large prints, wheelchairs, helmets, goggles etc.
Other benefits
Provision of resource rooms and equipment in one school per block. Training to special and general teachers. Orientation of teachers, head masters, parents /guardians. Use of computer technology. Scholarship of Rs.600/- to each disabled children from State Govt. budget.
Organizational Structure of IEDSS MHRD
Govt. of
Gujarat GCERT
Non Government
Deputy Director,
Staff Special
Project coordinator, Special educator Junior clerk
Government School Grantinaid School Local body School Disabled Children
Monitoring under the scheme IEDSS Cell monitors the scheme through DRU (District Resource Unit) lecturers of respective DIETs. They visit various schools where the disabled students study. They also visit some NGOs and interact with them for the strengthening of the scheme. At the state level the Deputy Director, Project co-coordinator and a Special Educator monitor the various activities related with education of disabled children. Cell has set up a proper planning to find out disabled children through survey and assessment so that more and more disabled children are being identified and enrolled under this scheme and can be rehabilitated. Various circulars are provided to NGO’s regarding education and social welfare of disabled children. Cell has organized four meetings during the year. Details of the same are given below. Venue
Target Group
DIET, Ahmedabad (R) DIET, Ahmedabad (R) DIET, Surat
DIET, Dahod
Out Comes
Representatives of 6 DIETs - Representatives were informed about the and 49 NGOs Audit procedure from the years 2008 to 2012. DRU Lecturers DIETs.
all - DRU lecturers were become aware about their roll regarding monitoring of NGOs in respective districts under the IEDSS Scheme. Special Teachers of IEDSS - All the special teachers were become aware Scheme about the new format of annual proposal. - Problems regarding new proposals were solved. -Trustee of Concern NGO - Collected 55 new proposals for the year -6 DIET Principals 2013-14 under the IEDSS Scheme. -One Special teacher from - Queries were solved regarding preparing of each NGO and DIETS. new proposals.
Cell has implemented DPS (Direct Payment System) for the state Government's scholarship which is given to the each disabled student. During the year 2012-13, 5054 Secondary and Higher secondary schools are covered and 10470 disabled students are covered under the scheme. About 972 special teachers have been working under the scheme and being helpful to disabled students in their education. The detail of the same is given bellow. Type of Disability Visually Impaired
No. of Students 2565
No. of working Special Teacher 345
Hearing Impaired
Mentally Retarded
Orthopadically Handicapped
No. of Schools
A new school diary was developed for the special teachers working in the field. All beneficiaries disabled students of the scheme have open their Savings Bank Account for the purpose of DPS of financial assistance. A total fund of Rs. 32,50,71,137/- is utilized under the scheme during the year 2012-13.
Population Education Cell Population education cell runs under the NPEP (National Population Education Project). Population education is such a subject which develops clarity among students with respect to various aspects like family, society, nation and the overall scenario of the world population. Population education also develops an understanding about their self duties and behavior with respect to the population aspects in students. By population education, students and teachers develop awareness regarding various aspects like population and sustainable development, women empowerment, gender equity, adolescence and reproductive health, family (social and economic issues, quality of life, health, hygiene and education), distribution of population and use this understanding in their day to day life. Moreover, students and teachers develop their understanding about various aspects of adolescent education like changes happening in the adolescence age, problems and solutions for the issues arising in this stage, prohibition of tobacco, fear of AIDS, impact of drugs on health, scientific knowledge about ones own body, to prevent female feticide and accept girl child. Further, they also develop positive attitude and scientific outlook to protect themselves from such wrong aspects and to improve the quality of their life.
Objectives To develop knowledge about inter relationship between population and quality of life. To propagate knowledge about the problems arising due to population explosion. To develop awareness about the problems arising in adolescence. To develop a positive attitude towards the better position of the woman in the society. To develop an attitude to balance the human needs and natural resources. To develop scientific knowledge about the physical, mental and emotional changes happening in adolescent boys and girls develop. To protect themselves from HIV aids and drugs.
Programs & activities undertaken Material development The English module of Adolescents Education developed by NCERT was translated in Gujarati language. (500 copies for Secondary Teachers)
A Workshop was organized to develop Brochures and Folders on AE/PE based on different Co-curricular Activities. (9 Folders & 2 Brochures).
Advocacy Program Advocacy Program was done through discussion and circulating circulars to DEOs during meeting organized by Education Department of Gujarat at Gandhinagar'
Teachers training Through Adolescents Education module training was organized by Vadodara, Palanpur, Idar, Amreli, Bhuj & Ahmedabad (150 Secondary Teachers).
Co-curricular activities A stall to develop awareness about population and adolescence education was displayed in the state level Science Maths exhibition. The stall had exhibits like charts, pictures, posters, folders to propagate awareness about the above mentioned topic. Around 5000 school teachers and 4 lac students visited the stall at Rajkot. A state level poster competition on the theme of population and adolescence education was organized in various districts. Around 5000 students have participated in this competition Folk dance and role play competition based on the theme of population and adolescence education was organized in all the districts and also at state level. Around 1000 secondary schools teachers, DIET lecturers and 5000 students were the part of this program. Swastik School of Khoda Village of Sanand block of Ahmedabad District was adopted for organizing need based activities of AE/PE Issues.
Research & Evaluation done as - An Impact study of life skills in secondary schools in Gujarat was done by Anand DIET; & An Impact study of CCA (Role Play, Folk Dance and Poster Competition) in Gujarat State about Awareness attitude and life Skills of Students was done by Gandhinagar.
Publication 1000 copies of the Folders & Broachers regarding life skills were prepared by GCERT (11 Folders & Broachers).
Monitoring Organized two meetings for lecturers of DRU branch of all DIET of Gujarat DIETs at Baroda (60 lecturers).
Department of Establishment and Account Establishment and Account departments of GCERT are looking after human resources and management of financial funds. The establishment department is involved in service matters of the employees. The Account department is managing affairs related with financial funds. Establishment branch of Council is the heart of the office. The branch is engaged with service matter of the employees of Council and DIET's. Besides, branch is also connected with various administrative work of Council and DIET's. The brief of works carried out and disposed during the period are as follow – Two meetings of Executive Committee were held. Confidential report of staff members and officers collected from the concerned offices and complied them. Sanction given for higher education study to 36 faculties. No objection certificate for passport issued to 20 fellows. No Objection certificate for making application for employment at another place issued to 24 fellows. Action taken to open Contributory Pension Scheme accounts of newly appointed lecturers and sr. lecturers. Twenty administrative approvals for purchase of articles for office use accorded to allied offices. Higher Grade approved for 121 Lecturers, 02 Librarian and 06 Technicians. Seven cases of Provisional Pension approved for the staff of GCERT and DIET's. Roster Register approved by government of Gujarat for the post of senior, lecturer, lecturer, librarian and technician. Finalized the seniority list for the post of senior lecturer, lecturers, librarian and technician. Four High Court cases disposed off. Thirteen principals of DIET's were sent for training for 45 days at SPIPA, Ahmedabad. Circular for the electronics items and computer/printer etc. at DIET level for insurance. Circular for the record classification to settle A.G. paras, to maintain dead stock register for all DIET's. CPF accounts opened for the post of newly recruited lecturers and senior lecturers.
Under Right to Information (RTI), details of disposal of application are as under.
Application received
Application disposed off
1 appeal disposed off
2nd appeal raised
2nd appeal disposed off
1 appeal raised
New plan proposed for the year 2013-14 of new construction of DIET's/BITE building, Hostel building & Staff quarters of DIET - Idar, Surat, Kathlal, Vaghai & Saputara (BITE) are as under. Name of DIET
Budget Provision (Rs. in lac)
Amount Sanctioned (25% state share) (Rs. in lac)
Saputara (New BITE)
Financial statement and revised financial statement is prepared as per the direction issued by Finance and Education department.
Administrative and accounting inspection of DIET's and GBTC, RGT
Administrative and Accounting Inspection of some DIET's and GBTC, RGT during the year was carried out. The observations made during inspections are helpful in order to set right the mistakes undertaken during day to day administration and accounting affairs.
Reconciliation as per guidelines given by the finance department Reconciliation with Accountant General, Rajkot with respect to expenditure booked by various offices was carried out on quarterly basis and annual basis regularly. Necessary book adjustment entries are submitted to A.G. Office, Rajkot. Reconciliation up to March, 2013 was done with A.G. Office, Rajkot. The over all performance of GCERT during the year 2012-13 in regard to expenditure under the State Plan Scheme as well as Centrally Sponsored Scheme is as under. (Rs. in lac) Detail
% of Expenditure
Non Plan
Various Programs and Activities Undertaken by DIETs All the DIETs across the State had performed manifold activities. These activities were conducted in general by all DIETs. However, few specific activities were also conducted by some DIETs. The list of activities include
Computer training to PTTIs Lecturers Training for blog creation and maintenance DIET bulletin Training for RTE School activities calendar construction workshop School based Comprehensive Evaluation training (CCE/SCE) School based Comprehensive Evaluation training (CCE/SCE) to private school head master Workshop on education through puppet Seminar on Innovation cell for BRCCs & CRCCs Monitoring of "Shala Gunotsav" program Training for approach of newly textbooks English language training to teachers of std. 6th to 8th Workshop on learning and information dissemination Module development workshops Local specific material development workshop Training for BRP Workshop for CD development Demonstration of science experiments Gender education training Gender sensitivity club Training on try out text book monitoring planning Workshop for head masters of adopted school Workshop on GAP – 6 second semester examination/data collection Workshop on GAP – 7 subject wise question paper construction Use of dictionary and encyclopedia Get-together with parents of PSTE trainees National Achievement Survey Workshop of Gunotsav material preparation Training for C. P .Ed. / M. P. Ed. teachers Workshop on using of audio - video equipment Workshop on content based software construction Training for ICT equipment's arrangement and maintenance Workshop for Language corner Workshop for Maths Science corner Workshop for utilization of computer in education Workshop for module preparation of CRGs Std. 1st to 8th MTs & CRGs training on various subjects Workshop on school library
Training on leadership and management Training for development of scientific toys Training for class room management Training for drama skill efficiency Training for preservation of cultural heritage Training for environment awareness and awakening Workshop on Eco club documentary construction Workshop on Bal mela documentary construction Celebration of "Swami Vivekananda Vachan Parva" Teacher's training module development on - Proficiency in English Language, Question Bank, English Empowerment, Handbook on Language Corner, Maths & Science Corner, Computer training, Local material development, Woman Empowerment, Eco club, Population awareness and Addiction free school, Teaching Learning Material etc. Campus development by tree plantation and nurturing of fruit bearing tree Programs organized under NSS like Mind power, Art of living, Nature education, Thelesemia checking etc. Co-curricular activities undertaken by PSTE trainees – Exposure visit/tour, Campus maha safai, Dramatization, Role play, Prayer assembly, Drawing competition, Sports competition, Debate Competition, Inter collegiate competition, Instant Eloquence, Various social awareness programs, Special day celebration, Celebration of teacher's day, Celebration of festivals like Navratri, Janmasthmi, Raxa-bandhan.... etc Training to PSTE trainees on - Use and importance of reference sources and dictionaries, Universe of books, Positive ness, Maths related memory program, Science experiments etc. Under DIET faculty development – Out state exposure visit by DIETs at Tamilnadu, Pondichery, Kerala, Maharastra, Himachal Pradesh etc. state's SCERT Kerala, primary schools, SSA, DIETs, visited. , {SCERT-SoalnHimachal Pradesh, Sloan DIET, Shimla DIET},{ Trivendram DIET- Munnar BRC, Cotton, Hill Primary School} Under DIET faculty development- Inter state exposure visit by DIETs at AMAAhmedabad, CASE library- M.S. University Baroda, IIM - Ahmedabad, Vibrant Academy -Surat, Inter DIET visit. Under DIET faculty development workshop/training organized on various themes like Capacity Building Program, Effective Communication, Effectiveness of Team Work, Effectiveness of Training And Research, Train the Trainers, SCOPE Training, Training of Trainer (TOT) etc, Co-ordination meeting Meeting with EIs, BRCCs and CRCCs Meeting of program advisory committee Capacity building training for low achiever schools D,E,F grade teachers 18 days training for newly recruited Head Masters Distance education program National roll-play competition National poster competition National folk dance competition
ATD teacher training Construction of question paper Script writing workshop Celebration of World Population Education Day & Week Awareness on blood donation and HIV-AIDS Eco-club related activities & Eco-club exposure visit Workshop on TLM preparation Workshop on updating of Web-site Puppetry making training Computer training to primary teachers Hard spots based content training Meeting for Gunotsav program Inspection of PTTIs Planning meeting for PTTIs examination Orientation training to PTTIs faculties Bal Mela for primary schools Life skills based Bal Mela for upper primary school Training for women empowerment Internship program Training for action research Science–Maths Exhibition at CRC/BRC/District/Corporation/State level for Primary schools Science–Maths Exhibition at SVS/District/State level for Secondary and Higher secondary schools Science–Maths Exhibition at Zone/District/State level for PTTIs Ramatotsav at school/CRC/BRC/District/Zone level for primary schools Ramatotsav at Zone/State level for PTC colleges Disaster management training Kanya Kelavani and Shala Praveshotsav program Campus development and tree plantation Celebration of Teachers Day Celebration of National Voters Day Training on use and maintenance of educational tools Training for utilization of ICT in education Meeting for strengthening of Maths Science Mandal Workshop for Bal Mela activities documentation Training on gender education Training of awareness for addiction free school Workshop for panel inspection of PTTIs Training for population education program Workshop on sharing of research findings Meeting with the leaders of teachers union Seminar for EIs, BRCCs & CRCCs Workshop for guidance of science models Inter DIET Visit Training on documentation preparation Training for Anganwadi workers