May 16, 2011 ... GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY. BE SEM-VI Examination May 2011.
Subject code: 160701. Subject Name: Software Engineering.
Seat No.: _____
Enrolment No.______
GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY BE SEM-VI Examination May 2011 Subject code: 160701 Subject Name: Software Engineering Date: 16/05/2011
Time: 10.30 am – 01.00 pm Total Marks: 70
Instructions: 1. Attempt all questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks. Q.1
(a) Describe the difference between risk components and risk drivers. (b) Develop a complete use cases for the system which is known to you.
(a) Develop a complete test strategy for the system which is known to 07 you. (b) Describe requirements validation 07 OR (b) Describe generic view of software Engineering. 07
(a) Explain in brief the spiral model 07 (b) Using appropriate example explain control flow mode 07 OR (a) Explain in brief the process model which is used in situations where 07 requirements are well defined and stable. (b) Using appropriate example explain data dictionary 07
(a) Explain the W^5HH principle (b) List set of guidelines for formal technical reviews
07 07
07 07
(a) List and explain work tasks for the communication activity (b) Explain importance of SQA
07 07
(a) Using example explain the basic path testing method (b) Describe coding standards. OR (a) List set of guidelines for BVA ? Also Explain merits and demerits of BVA (b) Describe integrated CASE Environment.
07 07
07 07
Seat No.: _________
Enrolment No._______________
GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY BE SEM-VI Examination-Nov/Dec-2011 Subject code: 160701 Subject Name: Software Engineering Time: 10.30 am -1.00 pm
Date: 21/11/2011 Total marks: 70
Instructions: 1. Attempt all questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(a) State True/False: i)Agility has become today’s buzzword when describing a modern software process. ii) Top down integration testing is a decrement approach for the construction of the software architecture. iii) Design should be traceable to the requirement model. iv) Once we write the program and get it to work, our job is done. v) A software system exists for one reason: to provide value to its user. vi) Phase pattern defines a problem associated with SE action. vii) SRS is a document that is created when a details description of all aspects is required.
(b) Select the appropriate option :
i) Which model incurs more cost? a) RAD b)Prototyping
c) Spiral d) All of these
Fill in blank from following option. a) Cost & Effort b) Cost & Time c) Scope & Effort d) None of these ii) Software________ & ________ estimation will never be an exact science. iii) What is the full form of MTBF a) Meantime – between-failure b)Max time between failure c) All of the above d)None of these iv) In order to develop a project schedule, a task set must be _______ on the project time line. a) Assign b) Completed c) None of these d) Distributed v) The first activity in software project planning is the determination of. a) Software Size b) Software Scope c) Software Prize d) All of the above vi) A statement of software scope must be. a) Free
b) Bounded
c) None of these
d) All of the above
vii) Software configuration belongs to which of the following activities? a) Umbrella activity b) Economic activity c) None of these d)All of the above
(a) Explain the difference between DFD and ER diagram with symbols and example. (b) i) Using example explain the spiral model. ii) Explain Software Prototyping. OR (b) i) Explain Software Project Plan. ii) List the SQA related activities.
(a) i) Compare the relative advantages of function oriented and object oriented approaches to software design. ii) Explain Software Engineering as a Layered Technology.
(b) What do you mean by risk? What is software risk? Explain all type of Software risk. OR (a) Explain white box and black box testing. Discuss all the testing strategies that are available. (b) What do you mean by Quality Assurance? Explain various factors that affect software quality.
(a) i) Explain the difference between coupling and cohesion. ii) Differentiate alpha testing and beta testing. (b) Explain five-level of SEI-CMM. OR (a) i) Explain data dictionary in brief and where it is used. ii) Distinguish between a program and a software product. (b) What do you mean by software model? Explain each model in detail.
04 03 07
(a) A Library lends books and magazines to member, who is registered in the
system. Also it handles the purchase of new titles for the Library. Popular titles are bought into multiples copies. Old books and magazines are removed when they are out or date or in poor condition. A member can reserve a book or magazine that is not currently available in the library, so that when it is returned or purchased by the library, that person is notified. The library can easily create, replace and delete information about the tiles, members, loans and reservation in the system. Prepare Software Requirement Specification and Use Case Diagram. (b) Explain how do we design interfaces that allow the user to maintain control?
04 03 04 03
07 07
04 03 07
OR Q.5
(a) Software is to be developed for hotel management system in which information is provided for all type of activities conducted in hotel. The major users of the system are hotel staff, people who stay in the hotel and people who visit the restaurant. Information for the billing system, hotel account management, staff salary, hotel menu information, hotel room information is provided by software. Prepare Software Requirement Specification and Use Case Diagram. (b) What do you mean by software configuration? What is meant by software configuration management?
Seat No.: _____
Enrolment No.______
Subject code: 160701 Subject Name: Software Engineering Time: 10:30 am – 01:00 pm
Date: 09/05/2012 Total Marks: 70
Instructions: 1. Attempt all questions. 2. Figures to the right indicate full marks. 3. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
(a) Explain incremental model for system development. Differentiate it with spiral model. (b) What is W5HH principle? Explain in detail. (a) Draw the Data Flow Diagram with different levels for withdraw and deposit of money in a bank. (b) What is software prototyping? Explain its significance in software engineering with example. OR (b) Define Quality for software. List and explain SQA activities
07 07 07 07
(a) Prepare an E-R diagram for a simple Library Management System. (b) Explain software testing strategy for conventional software architecture. Draw the spiral diagram showing testing strategies with phases of software development. OR (a) Prepare a state diagram for Microwave Oven showing all states of it. (b) How unit testing strategy works on a software module? What errors are commonly found during unit testing?
07 07
(a) Define FOUR Ps for project management and explain them in detail. (b) Explain the significance of User Interface (UI) in a system. Also explain the design model for UI.
07 07
(a) List and explain requirement engineering tasks. (b) What is Cyclomatic Complexity? Define steps to find cyclomatic complexity using flow graph.
07 07
(a) What is activity diagram and swim-lane diagram? Draw activity diagram for Billing Counter of a shopping mall. (b) Draw and explain Process Framework. OR (a) How do we define software engineering? Draw and explain software engineering layers. (b) What is Object Oriented Design of a system? Create a class diagram showing all possible relationships between classes of a system.
07 07
07 07 07
Seat No.: ________
Enrolment No.______________
Subject code: 160701 Subject Name: Software Engineering Time: 02.30 pm - 05.00 pm
Date: 02/01/2013 Total Marks: 70
Instructions: 1. Attempt any five questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(a) What is Software Engineering ? What is the role of software engineer 07 Compare Hardware and Software product characteristic. (b) Explain Spiral Model and its advantages. Compare Prototype 07 Model and Spiral Model.
(a) Explain Feasibility Study with the example of ATM Machine in Banking System. Draw use case diagram of ATM Machine.
(b) How to Collect requirement? Explain different methods to 07 Collect requirement. What is its importance in Software Engineering? OR (b) List five requirement of Library management System. Draw 07 DFD lavel-0 and DFD Level-1 for Library Management System. Q.3
(a) What is Software Measurement? How to Calculate Cost of 07 Software? Explain Software metrics used for S/w cost estimation. (b) Compare: Coupling and Cohesion. Explain Different types of 07 Coupling and its effect on software modules. OR (a) What is the importance of User Interface? 07 Explain User Interface Design Rules with examples. (b) Explain Software Quality Assurance and its importance. Also Explain 07 Different CMM Level. (a) What is Software testing? What is the role of software tester? Compare: Black box testing and White Box testing (b) What is Software Reliability? What is the role of software Maintenance in Software Product? OR (a) Explain : Unit testing , cyclomatic complexity and Load testing (b) What is Risk Management? Explain RMMM plan. (a) Explain Software Project Management and W5HH Principle. (b) Explain Functional Requirement and Non Functional Requirement with example of Hospital Management System OR (a) What are CASE tools? Explain its importance in SE. (b) Explain Functional Requirement and Non Functional Requirement with example of Mobile Device ************
07 07
07 07 07 07
07 07
Seat No.: ________
Enrolment No.___________
Subject Code: 160701 Subject Name: Software Engineering Time: 10.30 am - 01.00 pm
Date: 24-05-2013 Total Marks: 70
Instructions: 1. Attempt all questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(a) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (b)
(a) (b)
(b) Q.3
(a) (b)
(a) (b)
State True/False Once we write the program and test it, our work is not over. Design should be traceable to the requirements model. Full form of MTBF is – Mean Time Between Failure. Context diagram represents system as a whole. For software architecture, there can be many separate software designs. Most of the technical effort is consumed in design phase of software development. Black Box testing focuses on the program control structure. Explain in detail the process model which is normally suited for development of large-scale software system. Explain Spiral model with suitable example. Also explain how it differs from Software Prototyping model. Consider a project to develop a text editor. Major modules of project are: 1. Menu Panel (size 9KB) 2. Text editing window (size 5 KB) 3. Short cut keys handler (size 6 KB). Use COCOMO to determine the overall cost of the project and duration of development. OR Explain function point analysis method. Compute the function points for the following data set: Inputs =8, Outputs= 12, Inquiries = 4, Logical files = 41, Interfaces =1 and ∑ Fi = 41. What is SRS? Why SRS is known as black-box specification of the system? What are major issues addressed by SRS? Define module coupling and cohesion. Explain different types of coupling and cohesion. OR What is Software Quality Assurance? Explain various factors that affect Software Quality. Explain the process model which is used in situations where the requirements are well defined. Write short note on : Risk Management Explain “How to manage the different versions that get created and how to maintain code quality under changing conditions.”
(a) (b)
Q.4 Q.4
(a) Explain in detail the design issues while designing User Interface. (b) Explain Black box testing and White box testing. Explain any one technique to carry out each testing. (a) What are different levels of testing and the goals of the different levels? (b) Write short note on: Reverse Engineering. OR (a) Explain Software Process Improvement. Explain various elements of SPI framework and maturity model. (b) Write short note on: Software Project Management.
07 07 07
07 07 07 07 07 07 07
Q.5 Q.5
07 07 07 07 07 07 1
Seat No.: _____
Enrolment No.______
GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY B E Sem-VI Examination May 2011 Subject code: 160702 Subject Name: Information Security Date: 17/05/2011
Time: 10.30 am – 01.00 pm Total Marks: 70
Instructions: 1. Attempt all questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks. Q.1
(a) (i) Explain the various types of cryptanalytic attack, based on the amount 04 of information known to the cryptanalyst. (ii) Explain the terms diffusion and confusion. 03 (b) (i) Which two criteria are used to validate that a sequence of numbers is 04 random? Explain the linear congruential method to generate pseudorandom numbers. (ii) Write the key distribution scenario in which each user shares a unique 03 master key with key distribution center
(a) (i) Why mode of operation is defined? Explain the simplest mode for 04 block cipher modes of operation? (ii) What is the purpose of S-boxes in DES? Explain the avalanche effect. 03 (b) (i) In a public key system using RSA, the ciphertext intercepted is C=10 which is sent to the user whose public key is e=5, n=35. What is the plaintext M? (ii) Write the differences between conventional encryption and public key encryption. OR (b) (i) Briefly explain the Diffie-Hellman key exchange. (ii) Perform encryption and decryption using the RSA algorithm for p=3, q=11, e=7, M=5.
04 03
(a) (i) How key exchange using elliptic curves can be done? 04 (ii) Construct a playfair matrix with the key “occurrence”. Generate the 03 cipher text for the plaintext “Tall trees” (b) Explain how subkeys are generated in blowfish algorithm and also explain 07 the encryption in blowfish algorithm. How does the key-size in blowfish differ from cast-128? OR (a) (i) Write the Euclid’s algorithm and show the steps of Euclid’s algorithm 04 to find gcd(1970,1066). (ii) Encrypt the message “Good morning” using the Hill Cipher with the 03 9 4 key . 5 7 1
(b) Which parameters affect RC5 encryption algorithm. Explain RC5 07 encryption and decryption process. Q.4
Illustrate variety of ways in which hash code can be used to provide 07 message authentication. (b) (i) Why is the segmentation and reassembly function in PGP(Pretty Good 04 Privacy) needed? (ii)What are the security threats to E-commerce transactions? 03
(a) What is cryptographic checksum or message authentication code? 07 Describe the three situations in which message authentication code is used. (b) (i) What is the difference between transport mode and tunnel mode? 04
(ii) What parameters characterize the nature of a particular security 03 association in IPSec. Q.5
(a) Write the Digital Signature Algorithm. (b) Explain the following properties of hash function (i) One way property (ii) Weak collision resistance (iii) Compression function in hash algorithm. OR (a) List and define the parameters that define secure socket layer connection state. (b) What is dual signature and explain construction of dual signature.
07 02 02 03 07 07
Seat No.: _________
Enrolment No._______________
GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY BE SEM-VI Examination-Nov/Dec-2011 Subject code: 160702 Subject Name: Information Security Time: 10.30 am -1.00 pm
Date: 23/11/2011 Total marks: 70
Instructions: 1. Attempt all questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(a) Define the following terms briefly. i) Cryptography ii) Relative Prime Number iii) MAC iv) Digital Signature.
(b) Differentiate Symmetric and Asymmetric key cryptography. 03 (c) List various modes of operations of block cipher. Explain any 07 three of them briefly. Q.2
(a) Explain different characteristics of hash function (b) Construct 5 X 5 playfair matrix for the keyword “OCCURANCE”. (c) Draw and explain Feistel’s structure for encryption and decryption. OR (c) Explain single round function of DES with suitable diagram.
04 03 07 07
(a) i) Write extended Euclidean algorithm. ii) Give the steps of RSA algorithm. (b) Explain different key distribution techniques. OR (a) Explain Deffie Hellman key exchange scheme in detail. (b) Explain X.509 authentication service.
03 04 07
(a) Explain modes of operations of IPsec and applications of IPsec (b) Explain Secure electronic transaction protocol. OR (a) Discuss about PGP and S/MIME (b) i) Explain the general structure of secure hash functions. ii)Explain briefly basic uses of MAC
07 07
(a) Explain MD5 Hash Algorithm. (b) Explain Kerberos in detail.
07 07
07 07
07 03 04
OR Q.5
(a) Explain SSL protocol in detail. (b) Explain digital signature algorithm in detail.
07 07
Seat No.: _____
Enrolment No.______
Subject code: 160702 Subject Name: Information security Time: 10:30 am – 01:00 pm
Date: 11/05/2012 Total Marks: 70
Instructions: 1. Attempt all questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
1. Construct a Playfair matrix with the key “engineering”. And encrypt the message “test this process”. 2. The exact realization of Feistel network depends on the choice of which parameters? (b) What is the objective of attacking an encryption system? Write the two approaches to attack a conventional encryption scheme.
(a) Write four possible approaches to attacking the RSA algorithm. (b) Explain the key distribution scenario and write how does decentralized key control work? OR (b) Explain Blowfish encryption algorithm.
07 07
1. Explain the triple DES scheme with two keys and write about proposed attacks on 3DES. 2. What is a dual signature in reference to secure electronic transaction? (b) Write and explain the Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm. OR 1. Write the key features of secure electronic transaction. (a) 2. Explain the one time pad scheme. (b) List and explain four general categories of schemes for the distribution of public keys. (a)
1. What is an elliptic curve? What is the zero point of an elliptic curve? 2. Define the Caesar cipher. Explain the general format of PGP(Pretty Good Privacy) message. Assume that message is going from A to B.
03 07
07 04 03 07 04 03 07
04 03 07
1. Explain Euler’s totient function. (a) 2. What is the difference between transport mode and tunnel mode? (b) Illustrate the overall operation of HMAC. Define the terms.
04 03
(a) Which parameters define session state and which parameters define connection state in SSL(secure socket Layer)? Explain the one –way and two way authentication in X.509. (b) OR (a) Explain the ticket granting server(TGS) scheme in Kerberos. (b) Explain the DES encryption algorithm.
07 07 07
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Seat No.: ________
Enrolment No.______________
Subject code: 160702 Subject Name: Information Security Time: 02.30 pm - 05.00 pm
Date: 03/01/2013 Total Marks: 70
Instructions: 1. Attempt any five questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(a) Define Cryptography and Cryptanalysis. Draw and explain conventional 07 cryptosystem. (b) List and explain various types of attacks on encrypted message. 07
(a) Let the keyword in playfail cipher is “keyword”. Encrypt a message “come 07 to the window” using playfair cipher. (b) Draw and explain the single round of DES algorithm. 07 OR (b) List and explain various block cipher modes of operation with the help of 07 diagram.
(a) Draw and explain single blowfish round in detail. 07 (b) What is KDC? With the help of diagram explain how KDC do key 07 distribution. OR 1. Find GCD of 1970 and 1066 using Euclid algorithm (a)
2. Find all primitive roots of a number 7.
(b) Define congruent modulo. Also Find integer x such that 1. 5x≡4 (mod 3) 2. 7x≡6 (mod 5)
(a) What is public key cryptography? Compare public it with conventional 07 cryptography. (b) Explain Diffie Hellman key exchange algorithm. 07 OR
(a) What is the need for message authentication? List various techniques used 07 for authentication. Explain any one. (b) Explain Encryption and decryption in RSA algorithm. Also discuss various 07 attacks on RSA. Write a note on followings (Any 4)
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Digital Signature Pretty Good Privacy Secure Socket Layer Active Directory Service of Windows NT (e) Firewall *********
Seat No.: ________
Enrolment No.___________
Subject Code: 160702 Subject Name: Information Security Time: 10.30 am - 01.00 pm
Date: 27-05-2013 Total Marks: 70
Instructions: 1. Attempt all questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(b) Q.2
(a) (b)
(b) (a) (b)
(b) Q.4
(a) (b)
(a) (b)
(a) (b)
(a) (b)
(i) Define the types of cryptanalytic attacks. Which cryptnalytic attack can occur on RSA algorithm? (ii) Is playfair cipher monoalphabetic cipher? Justify. Construct a playfair matrix with the key “moonmission” and encrypt the message “greet”. What is the difference between fiestel structure of Blowfish and cast-128? Explain the fiestel structure of Blowfish and cast-128. (i) What is a pseudorandom number? Selection of which values are critical in developing a good linear congruential generatos. (ii) Calculate ciphertext in case of RSA if p=3,q=11,e=3,M=5. Explain four passes of MD5 message digest algorithm. OR Explain the operation of secure hash algorithm on 512 bit block. (i) Write two properties of prime numbers. (ii) Explain Euler’s totient function. (i) What is included in authorization request sent by merchant to the payment gateway in case of E-commerce transaction? (ii) Which tasks are performed by payment gateway in E-commerce transaction? OR (i) Describe the three operations used by International Data Encryption Algorithm. (ii) Is message authentication code same as encryption? How message authentication can be done by message authentication code? (i) Explain packet filtering router in case of firewall. (ii) What type of verification is provided by trusted system? What is a nonce in key distribution scenario? Explain the key distribution scenario if A wishes to establish logical connection with B. A and B both have a master key which they share with itself and key distribution center. Explain the pseudorandom function used by Transport layer security. OR Write Diffie Hellman key exchange algorithm. Explain man-in-the middle attack on this Diffie Hellman key exchange. Explain the secure socket layer handshake protocol action.
What does authentication header provide in case of IP security?Explain the various fields in Authentication Header. Explain the functions provided by S/MIME . OR How encapsulating security payload help in IP security? Explain various fields in Encapsulating security payload packet. What steps sending PGP(pretty good privacy) perform? Explain PGP message generation.
03 07 04 03 07 07 04 03 04 03 04 03 04 03 07 07 07 07
07 07 07 1
Seat No.: _____
Enrolment No.______
GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY B E Sem-VI Examination May 2011 Subject code: 160703 Subject Name: Computer Graphics Date:19/05/2011
Time: 10.30 am – 01.00 pm Total Marks: 70
Instructions: 1. Attempt all questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks. Q-1
(i) Explain the working of Cathode Ray tube.
(ii) For what purpose winding number method is used? What is a winding 03 number? (b) Explain boundary fill and flood fill for polygon filling. 07 Q.2
(a) Explain the term region codes. Write the steps of Cohen –Sutherland line clipping algorithm. (b) (i) Write the differences between Random Scan display and Raster scan display (ii) Explain perspective projection in 3D display methods. OR (b) List the properties of Bazier curves.
07 04 03 07
(a) Explain three methods of character generation. 07 (b) (i) Explain shadow mask technique and explain how does it differ from 04 beam penetration technique? (ii) Explain scaling in 2D Transformations 03 OR (a) Write basic principle of Bresenham’s line algorithm and write 07 Bresenham’s line algorithm. Define the term (b) (i) 04 (a) Antialiasing, (b) anchoring (ii) Which two types of sensors are used in digital cameras? 03 (a) Explain and write Liang Bersky line clipping algorithm. (b) Explain the properties of B-spline curve.
07 07
(a) Explain NLN clipping algorithm. (b) (i) Explain reflection with respect to any plane in 3D transformations. (ii) Explain working principle of scanner.
Which is the simplest and commonly used image space approach to 07 eliminate hidden surfaces? Explain. (b) (i) Explain the term hue and saturation 04 (ii) How coordinate values of selected screen position is determined in 03 touch screens? OR (a) Explain ambient light and diffuse illumination. 07 (i) List advantages and disadvantages plasma panel display 04 (b) (ii) Explain three types of axonometric projection in 3D. 03
07 04 03
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Seat No.: _________
Enrolment No._______________
GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY BE SEM-VI Examination-Nov/Dec-2011 Subject code: 160703 Subject Name: Computer Graphics Time: 10.30 am -1.00 pm
Date: 25/11/2011 Total marks: 70
Instructions: 1. Attempt all questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions & draw figures wherever necessary 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 (a) (b)
Q.2 (a) (b)
Q.3 (a)
Q.3 (a) (b)
Q.4 (a)
Briefly explain the any five computer graphics applications. Explain following terms 1. Persistence 2. Resolution. 3. Raster-Scan display system. What is frame buffer? How long would it take to load a 1280 by 1024 frame buffer with 12 bits per pixel if transfer rate is 1Mbps?
5 6
What is aliasing? How to compensate the aliasing? Explain in detail. What are the limitations of DDA line drawing algorithm? Explain Bresenham’s line algorithm. OR Explain the property of circle and calculate the pixel position along circle path with radius r =10 centered on the origin using midpoint circle algorithm up to x=y.
6 8
Prove that the multiplication of 2D transformation matrices for each of the following sequence of operations is commutative 1. Two successive rotations. 2. Two successive translations. What is window and view-port? Retrieve equations for the scaling factors to map the window to view-port in 2D viewing system. OR Explain the Cohen Sutherland line clipping algorithm. What is 2D shear transformation? Covert the unit square to shifted parallelogram using x-direction shear transformation operation where parameter shx = ½ and Yref= -1 and unit square dimensions are (0, 0), (1, 0), (0, 1) and (1, 1).
Prove that transformation matrix for the rotation about an arbitrary axis can be expressed as the composition of following seven individual transformations
8 6
R(θ ) = T −1 . R x−1 .(α ) . R y−1 ( β ) . R z (θ ) . R y ( β ) . R x (α ) .T (b)
List the advantages of the B-splines over the Bezier splines and explain the B-spline curves properties. OR
Q.4 (a)
Q.5 (a) (b)
Q.5 (a)
Prove that general perspective projection transformation is obtain by the composition of shear and scaling operation and shows the matrix formulation for the both operations. Explain the parallel and perspective projection techniques to project 3D object onto 2D view plane. Classify the visible surface detection algorithms and explain one of the image-space based algorithm. Explain following color model 1. XYZ color model. 2. RGB Color model. OR Explain the property of light using electromagnetic spectrum. Also explain following terms 1. dominant frequency 2. purity 3. luminance Explain following color model 3. YIQ color model. 4. CMY Color model.
8 6
Seat No.: _____
Enrolment No.______
Subject code: 160703 Subject Name: Computer Graphics Time: 10:30 am – 01:00 pm
Date: 15/05/2012 Total Marks: 70
Instructions: 1. Attempt all questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(a) Briefly explain the following display technologies (1) Raster refresh systems (2) Vector refresh systems (3) LCDs 1) Consider a raster system with resolution of 1280 by 1024. What (b) size of frame buffer is needed for given system to store 24bits per pixel? How many colors are possible in given system? What is the access time per pixel if refreshing rate is 60 frames per second? 2) Briefly explain the advantages of Look table used in Graphics display system.
(a) Derive all necessary formulas for Bresenham line drawing algorithm. Bresenham line drawing algorithm is used to draw a line from (0, 0) to (6, 4). Determine all the pixels which will be on as the line is drawn. Briefly explain the attributes associated with line and characters. (b) Briefly explain the different methods for the generation of thick lines OR (b) Derive all necessary formulas for Midpoint circle drawing algorithm. Write pseudo code for Midpoint circle drawing algorithm.
(a) What is aliasing? Briefly explain anti-aliasing techniques 1. Find out the composite transformation matrix to rotate a given (b) 2D object by an amount θ about given point P1(x1, y1). 2. What is homogeneous coordinate? Why is it required?
07 04
03 Q.3
OR (a) Develop and implement a flood-fill algorithm to fill the interior of any specified area. What are the differences between flood-fill and boundary fill algorithm? (b) Find out composite transformation matrix to reflect a triangle with vertices A (-2, 1), B (-1, 2) and C (-2, 2) about line y=x+2. Also find the coordinates of reflected object. (a) Clip the line PQ having coordinates A(4,1) and B(6,4) against the clip window having vertices A(3,2) , B(7,2) , C(7,6) and D(3,6) using Cohen Sutherland line clipping algorithm. Mention the limitations of algorithm. How it can be overcome? (b) Compare parallel and perspective projection. Derive perspective transformation matrix with centre of projection (0, 0, -d) and xy as a plane of projection.
(a) Develop and implement Cyrus-beck line clipping algorithm. (b) Find out the 3D transformation matrix to rotate a given 3D object by
07 07 1
an amount 60 about line passing from point(1,1,1) and the direction vector V=2i+2j+2k. Q.5
(a) What is a polygon mesh? Discuss various ways to represent a polygon mesh with their merits and demerits. 1. Briefly explain parametric cubic curve and its applications. (b) 2. Briefly explain Z-buffer visible surface determination algorithm. OR (a) Briefly explain specular and diffuse reflection. What is the importance of illumination and shading model in creating realistic image? 1. Briefly explain about RGB, CMY and YIQ color models. (b) 2. Briefly explain 3D viewing process.
07 03 04 07 04 03
Seat No.: ________
Enrolment No.______________
Subject code: 160703 Subject Name: Computer Graphics Time: 02.30 pm - 05.00 pm
Date: 04/01/2013 Total Marks: 70
Instructions: 1. Attempt any five questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(a) Explain DDA line drawing algorithm. What are the limitations of DDA line 07 drawing algorithm? (b) Explain the working of Cathode Ray Tube with a diagram. 07
(a) Explain Direct-View Storage Tubes (DVST). How persistence characteristic 07 of phosphor affect on refresh rate of system? (b) Explain Odd-Even Rule and Non Zero Winding Rules. 07 OR (b) Explain the Bresenham’s algorithm to draw line for any kind of slope. 07
(a) Explain shadow mask technique and explain how does it differ from beam penetration technique? (b) Derive transformation matrix for 2D rotation. OR (a) Write and explain the midpoint circle generation algorithm. (b) Explain the parallel and perspective projection techniques to project 3D object onto 2D view plane.
07 07 07 07
(a) Explain the Cohen Sutherland line clipping algorithm. 07 (b) What is window and view-port? Retrieve equations for the scaling factors to 07 map the window to view-port in 2D viewing system.
(a) Explain the Bazier curves and surfaces. (b) Explain the Nicholl-Lee-Nicholl (NLN) line clipping algorithm.
07 07
(a) What is depth buffer method? Write and explain the steps of a depth buffer algorithm. (b) Explain following color model: 1) YIQ color model. 2) RGB Color model. OR (a) Classify the visible surface detection algorithms and explain one of the image-space based algorithm. (b) Explain following color model: 1) XYZ color model. 2) CMY Color model.
07 07
Seat No.: ________
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Subject Code: 160703 Subject Name: Computer Graphics Time: 10.30 am - 01.00 pm
Date: 28-05-2013 Total Marks: 70
Instructions: 1. Attempt all questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(a) 1. What is computer Graphics? List the application of Computer Graphics. 03 2. Write Short note on following. 04 1. Pros and Cons of DDA Line Drawing Algorithm. 2. Light Emitting Diode. (b) Consider the line from (20, 10) and (30, 18). Use the Bresenham Line Drawing 07 algorithm to rasterizing the line.
(a) Explain rules are used to identify interior regions of an object with an example. (b) 1. Write short note on Flood fill algorithm. 2. List merit and demerit of DVST OR (b) 1. Write short note on Boundary fill algorithm. 2. List merit and demerit of Plasma Panel Display.
07 04 03
(a) 1. Explain Bitmap method used for Character generation. 2. Explain Cohen -Sutherland line clipping algorithm. (b) Translate a Square ABCD with the coordinates A(0,0), B(5,0), C(5,5), D(0,5) by 2 units in X-direction and 3 units in Y-direction. OR (a) 1. Explain Stroke method used of Character generation. 2. Explain with merits Liang-Barky line clipping algorithm. (b) Apply the shearing transformation to Square with A(0,0), B(1,0), C(1,1) and D(0,1) as given below: a) Shear parameter value of 0.5 relative to line Yref = -1 b) Shear parameter value of 0.5 relative to line Xref = -1
03 04 07
(a) 1. Define Window and Viewport. 2. Write down short note on Depth Cueing. (b) What is Bezier Curve? Define properties of Bezier Curve.
04 03 07
(a) 1. Define Concave and Convex polygon with an example. 2. Define Visible Line & Surface identification. (b) What is Parallel Projection? Explain in details types of Parallel Projection.
04 03 07
(a) 1. Briefly explain Back Face Detection algorithm. 2. Define Ambient Light. (b) 1. Define Gouraud Shading. 2. Write Short note on RGB Color Model. OR (a) 1. Briefly Explain A-Buffer Algorithm with its merits. 2. Define Diffuse Reflection. 2. Write Short note on CMY Color Model. (b) 1. Define Phong Shading.
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GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY B. E. Sem-VI Examination May 2011 Subject code: 161601 Subject Name: Modeling, Simulation & Operations Research Date:21/05/2011
Time: 10.30 am – 01.00 pm Total Marks: 70
Instructions: 1. Attempt all questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks. Q.1
(a) State any two definitions of Operation Research. Also explain the phases 07 of Operation Research Study. (b) (1) What is the function of slack, surplus and artificial 04 variables in simplex procedure of LPP? (2) Write the difference between a feasible solution, a 03 basic feasible solution and an optimal solution of linear programming problem?
(a) What steps are required in solving linear programming problems by 07 graphical method? Formulate the LP model for the following problem using graphical method to determine as to how many units of each of the products should be produced per week so that the firm can earn the maximum profit. A firm has engaged in producing two products, P1 and P2. Each unit of product P1 requires 4kg of raw material and 6 labour hours for processing, whereas each unit of product P2 requires 3 kg of raw material and 3 hours of labour, of the same type. Every week, the firm has an availability of 90 kg of raw material and 96 labour hours. One unit of product P1 gives Rs 60 and one unit of product P2 gives Rs 45 as profit. (b) Solve the following linear programming problem using Simplex method 07 and find an optimal solution. Maximize z = 7x + 14y subject to: 3x + 2y ≤ 36 x + 4y ≤ 10 and x ≥ 0 , y ≥ 0 OR (b) “Every linear programming problem has a mirror image in the form of 07 another linear programming problem, called its dual.” Do you agree? Explain the primal-dual relationship in brief. Also support your answer with proper example.
(a) (1) Discuss Two phase method with example in brief. 03 (2) Explain shortest route problem with its applications. 04 (b) Explain least cost method(LCM) to obtain initial feasible solution for the 07 transportation problem. Give the initial feasible solution and total cost for the following transportation problem using the same method. 1
A company owns facilities at six places. It has manufacturing plants at places A, B and C with daily production of 50, 40 and 60 units respectively. It has warehouses at three different places P, Q and R with daily demands of 20, 95 and 35 units respectively. Per unit shipping costs are given in the following table. Warehouse P Q R A 6 4 1 Plant B 3 8 7 C 4 4 2 OR (a) Discuss assignment problem in brief. Enlist the various methods for 07 solving the assignment problem and explain any one in detail. (b) A project with the following six activities is listed with the normal time 07 period for completion of each activity. Draw the network diagram and find out the critical path. Also prove that an activity C is critical activity using early and late start and finish timings. Activity Immediate Predecessor Time Duration
A --4
B A 8
C A 8
D B 5
E C 7
F D,E 5
(a) (1)
What is dummy activity? Why do we need dummy 04 activities in PERT network? Explain the same in brief and support your answer with neat sketches. (2) Give the difference between PERT and CPM. 03 (b) Explain the types of queuing system with usage of six character code. 07 OR
(a) (1) Explain operating characteristics of queuing system. 03 (2) Write short note on: - Exponential Distribution and 04 - Birth and Death Process (b) Discuss the term ‘simulation’ and ‘modeling’. Explain the advantages and 07 disadvantages of simulation.
(a) What is meant by pseudo-random numbers? Explain any method for random number generation in detail. (b) (1) Explain benefits of better resource allocation. (2) Explain (i) first-come-first-served and (ii) priorityservice in concerned with queuing structure. OR (a) Explain the replacement problem or strategy. Describe some important replacement situations and policies? (b) Discuss various Queuing models. Also state the scope and applicability of queuing theory.
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Seat No.: _________
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GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY BE SEM-VI Examination-Nov/Dec-2011 Subject code: 161601 Date: 28/11/2011 Subject Name: Modelling, Simulation and Operation research Time: 10.30 am -1.00 pm Total marks: 70 Instructions: 1. Attempt all questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 (a) Explain the Methodology of good Operations Research Analysis.
(b) The table below records transportation cost per unit of a product from origins 07 O1,O2,O3,O4 to destinations D1,D2,D3,D4 and D5. The capacities of the four origins are respectively 55,45,30,50 while the requirements of the five destinations are respectively 40,20,50,30,40 employing the vogel’s approximations method. Make the initial to the origin to satisfy the requirement of the destinations and test the optimality of these allocations. Use Modified Distributions method (MODI) for obtaining optimal solutions also, find the total cost implied by the solution. Origin D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 CAPACITY O1 12 4 9 5 9 55 O2 8 1 6 6 7 45 O3 1 12 4 7 7 30 O4 10 15 6 9 1 50 REQUIREMENT 40 20 50 30 40
Q.2 (a) Use the Graphical Method to solve the following LP problem.
Minimize Z = -X1+2X2 Subject to the Constraints 1) –X1+3X2