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vasculitis in prior case series. We discuss a unique case of AAV with pauci immune glomerulonephritis on renal biopsy with digital ischemia as the presenting ...
NKF 2017 Spring Clinical Meetings Abstracts Gustavo Borda, Ashfaq Balla. Metrowest Medical Center, Framingham, MA, USA COMPREHENSIVE ANALYSIS OF SUPPORT INTERVENTIONS 59 ONSevelamer Crystal Colitis: AON Case Report of QUALITYInduced OF LIFE Diffuse IN PATIENTS WITH ESRD HEMODIALYSIS: May Side Christine Zeta, Jennie Ma, Uta Erdbruegger, a Rarely Reported Effect Emaad Abdel-Rahman, Nephrology and Public Health Sciences, Samir Brahmbhatt, Michael Cruise, James Simon. Cleveland University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA Clinic Foundation, OH, USA is common in Decreased health-relatedCleveland, quality of life (HRQOL) is associated with mortality, to 61 chronic An hemodialysis Unusual (HD) Case patients of and Hyponatremia Attributed complications and reduced treatment compliance. Interestingly, Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole Therapy achievement of widely accepted clinical performance targets is not Adam Bsiso,of HD Michael Sheffield, Roberto Collazorelated to HRQOL patients. The effectiveness of a multidisciplinary team approach in support interventions Maldonado. Methodist Dallas Medical Center,targeting Dallas,adult TX, patients USA with ESRD has not been systematically assessed. The aim of this study was to comprehensively describe these interventions and 62 QOL Enteroccous Species Causing Bacterial-Endocarditis measures from a pilot study with intensified HRQOL testing.AssoThis is aGlomerulonephritis pilot study of 8 adult patients whoPopulation consented to ciated in an on AtHD Risk perform the Kidney Disease and Quality of Life questionnaire Emma Bueno, Keyrillos Rizg, Mario Cisneros, (KDQOL™36) on an intensified schedule (months 0, 3, 6, Juan 9, and Chique 12). Figueroa, normally Ryan given Kunjal, Andreea Raafat Interventions as standard of carePoenariu, were documented for F each time periodUniversity (T1=0-3 months, T4=10-12). Five Makaray. of T2=4-6, Florida T3=7-9, College of Medicineintervention categories were determined—nutrition, Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FL, USA education/counselling, psychosocial, medical management/treatments, 65 andRecurrent Thrombotic Microangiopathy in a Renal Allorewards/gifts. graft: A Clinical Conundrum 40 KDQOL questionnaires completed by 8 patients during the 1-yr study periodCampa, were analyzed. scores of were: Olivia Jose The A. average Morfin.KDQOL University California Physical=35.6, Mental=49.6, Burden of Disease= 51.6, Davis, Sacramento, CA, USA Symptoms/Problems=80, and Effects of Kidney Disease=65. During meanof scores over theBartter 1-yr study period did not change 68 theAstudy RaretheCase Neonatal Syndrome markedly. The average number of interventions 1 2 for 1 each time period Tushar Chaturvedi , Rupesh Raina .followed Akronby Nephrology was 7, most of which were related to nutrition, medical 2 Clinic Associates,Overall Akron, OH, inUSA; management. no change number Cleveland of interventions were Akron observed overAkron, time. OH, USA General, The HRQOL scores and number of interventions obtained did not 71 change An Unusual Case of Negative Anion Gap in a Patient with markedly during the study period. Interestingly, most Hypercalcemia interventions were related to nutrition counseling. More patients are needed to assess the effectiveness support interventions Avantika Chenna, Pradeepof these Reddy Thodima, Rasibon Raja. patient’s of lifePhiladelphia, and to determine theUSA optimal frequency of its Albertquality Einstein, PA, testing. 74 Atypical Presentation of Metastatic Esthesioneuroblastoma with Ectopic ACTH Syndrome After 7 Years 354Vamsi Chilluru, Jay Hawkins. University of Nebraska MedicalISCHEMIA Center, Omaha, NE, USA DIGITAL AND ANCA VASCULITIS Robert Zhang, Bilal, Loay Salman,Endocarditis Rafia Chaudhry,from Albany Mycobacterium Medical College, 86 Anum Prosthetic Valve Albany, NY. Infection Causing Granulomatous Interstitial Chimaera Arterial involvement in ANCA Associated Vasculitis (AAV) is Nephritis uncommon, reported incidence of 3.1% to 18.7%(1). Digital Ischemia Jonathan Da Costa, Ivanwith Porter, Peter due to Connective Tissue Ahmed Disease isAbdalrhim, often associated scleroderma, Fitzpatrick, Cherise Cortese, Nabeel Mayo Clinic, and ANCA positivity in these cases has been Aslam. reported to predict Jacksonville, vasculitis in priorFL, caseUSA series. We discuss a unique case of AAV with immune glomerulonephritis renal biopsy with digital ischemia 87 pauci Health or Beauty: A Case ofonan Unusual Cause of Severe as the presenting complaint. Hypercalcemia A 67 yr old female presented with 2 day hx of black discoloration and Gulshan Ariyaratne, Hilmerincluded Negrete. 4th digits. PMHx HTN,St. severe pain inDangol, left hand Sashi 2nd, 3rd and HLD, DM II, Youngstown miscarriage x 1Hospital, and CABG with left radialOH, artery harvest Elizabeth Youngstown, USA years prior. Patient reported intermittent digital pain and pallor since 88 13Recurrent Dense Disease: A Report of Two Cases with CABG. Physical exam remarkable for BP 163/80, ischemic, blue, Varying Pathologic Findings Patient to 4th digits and non palpable left ulnar andand radial pulse. tender left 2ndPresentations, Outcomes Motor and sensory exam intact. Subungual hemorrhages were noted in and 3rd Daswatta, right digits and petechiae over rightCarla hand digits 1st and 2ndDilini Sharon Graves, Ellis.andEmory toes of rightAtlanta, foot. Thoracic aortogram revealed distal ulnar 2ndUniversity, GA, USA occlusion with no improvement after nitroglycerin, however no plaque 90 in Crystalglobulin-Induced Nephropathy and Keratopathy the aortic arch. She underwent a left brachial to deep palmar arch bypass with reverse greater saphenous vein. Serum was 1.4 Samih mg/dL, Matthew D’Costa, Sandhya Manohar, Joe Cr Grande, UA showed 1+ protein and microscopy showed numerousMN, RBCs, 20-50 Nasr, Marie C. Hogan. Mayo Clinic, Rochester, USA WBCs and no casts. CXR was unremarkable. C-ANCA resulted 160, 91 anti-PR Vitamin C Induced Oxalate atypical Nephropathy 3 173.9. ANA, P-ANCA, ANCA, anti-MPO antiMatthewIgMD’Costa, Herrera Hernandez, Sandra IgG, IgM, IgA, APL cardiolipin IgA & IgG,Loren anti-β2glycoprotein Ab, and other serology were negative. The patient was started on high Herrmann. Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA dose steroids and rituximab. Subsequent renal biopsy revealed pauci92 immune A Case of Severe Hyponatremia and Acute Kidney Injury crescentic GN with more than 30% crescents, and 2 doses of Eddy DeJesus, Nasr, Bronx Hospital 4th doseLebanon of rituximab per cyclophosphamide were addedRabih. to 2nd and RITUXVAS trial dosing Center, Bronx, NY, with USAsubsequent remission. vasculitis is a smallPost vessel vasculitis, it can also of 103 Although Acute ANCA Glomerulonephritis Administration involve medium sized blood vessels, and should be on the list of Pegfilgrastim differentials in patients presenting with digital ischemia. Hatem Elabd, Naheed Ansari, Belinda Jim. Jacobi Medical Center, New York, NY, USA


Am J Kidney Dis. 2017;69(4):A1-A105

108 Refractory Hypomagnesemia During Pregnancy in a Patient

355 with Gitelman Syndrome HIGH DOSE STEROID AND RITUXIMAB FOR Thomas Frohwein, Susan Kim, Isaiarasi Gnanasekaran. MANAGEMENT OF RENAL GRAFT VERSUS HOST Lincoln Medical and Mental Health Center, Bronx, NY, DISEASE USA (GVHD) AFTER HEMATOPOIETIC STEM CELL TRANSPLANTATION: Ali Ziaolhagh, Umut 110 Diagnosis and Treatment of Renal Vein Thrombosis (RVT) Selamet, Ala Abudayyeh, University of Texas, MD in the Setting of Lupus Nephritis and Antiphospholipid Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA Syndrome (APS) Several Kidney diseases are reported in association Pablo Felix Renneberg,(SCT). MaanitRenal Kohli, GVHD Steve Bibu, with stemGarcia, cell transplantation is Navya Kuchipudi, Anne Van Hoven, Shaunak Dwivedi. rarely described; it usually manifests itself with Saint Peter’s University Hospital, New Brunswick, NJ, USA nephrotic range proteinuria. GVHD is well known to 111 Scleroderma Renal Crisis (SRC) in skin the Setting of Systemic involve gastrointestinal (GI) tract, and lungs, Sclerosis Sine Scleroderma (ssSSc) in Pregnancy however kidney involvement is uncommon. Moreover, Pablo Garcia, Shaylika Chauhan, is Maanit Kohli, Navya management of this rare condition not well studied. Kuchipudi, Shaunak Dwivedi. Saint Peter’s University In this case report, we present a renal GVHD and our Hospital, New Brunswick, NJ,symptoms. USA experience in managing her 121 Our Redpatient Eyes presented and Renal with Insufficiency A Middle Age acute oninchronic kidney Gentleman disease and nephrotic range proteinuria after SCT. Gondal, Heidi MaeUpper Timbol,endoscopy Jeffery Turner. Yale SheMaryam had uremic symptoms. ruled Haven, CT, USA with serum out University, GI GVHD.New Patient presented creatinine 8.3 mg/dL, and urine protein creatinine 125 AtypicalofCase of Behcet’s Disease Leading to IGA ratioNephropathy of 26.5. Renal biopsy was consistent with diffuse tubulo-epithelial due to Papanagnou, BK virus, and extensive Sanjeev Gupta,injury Anastasios Yorg Al-Azzi. hemosiderin Westchesterdeposition. Medical Center, Westchester, NY, USA startedToxicity high dose pulse steroid therapy alongin a 126 We Cefepime Presenting as Status Epilepticus withPatient Rituximab. Her uremic with End Stage Renalsymptoms Disease improved and 1 1 24 serum creatinine declined toDasari 5.3 mg/dL first , Aziz within Bakhous , Raed Mohit Gupta1, Jayaprakash hours. Azzem1, Donald Dumford1, Patrick Gallegos1, Rupesh

Raina1. 1Cleveland Clinic Akron General, Akron, OH, USA 129 Tenofovir Causing Hospitalization Due to Severe Symptomatic Hypophosphatemia Sanjeev Gupta, Anastasios Papanagnau, Savneek Chugh. 356 Westchester Medical Center, Valhalla, NY, USA PARANEOPLASTIC 130 The Significance of GLOMERULONEPHRITIS: Anti-Phospholipase AntibodiesAN in a INDICATION TREAT LOW GRADE LYMPHOMA; Patient with TO Membranous Nephropathy Ali Ziaolhagh, Selamet, Ala Abudayyeh. Mohit Gupta,Umut Jayaprakash Dasari, Rupesh Raina, Pallavi University of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Reddy. Cleveland Clinic Akron General, Akron, OH, USA Houston, TX, USA 132 A Mystery Case of Blood Leak Alarm Going On Glomerulonephritis (GN) with nephrotic range Seifeldin Hakim, Rhyan Maditz, Sadichhya Lohani, Sami proteinuria as paraneoplastic renal disease is seen in Zarouk. Oakland University William Beaumont Hospital, association with lymphoma, it is more commonly Royal Oak, MI, USA described in Hodgkin lymphoma, which most of cases 133 Previously Undiagnosed ANCA Associated Vasculitis Preare minimal change disease (MCD). In non-Hodgkin senting One Month After Kidney Transplantation lymphoma (NHL), MCD is uncommon. Management Ayman Hallab, Kannegolla, and treatment of Karthik paraneoplastic GNMohammad is not wellS. Yaqub. Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, studied. USA We report our experience in management of a 149 Casewith Report of a Dialysis Dependent patient paraneoplastic MCD in NHL. Immunotactoid Patient Glomerulopathy with Favorable Response to Rituximab developed acute renal injury with massive proteinuria 1 2 , Rohan Bhojwani ,She Glenrequired Markowitz3, Aaron Mehak at the timeIdrees of diagnosis of NHL. 2 Dommu4. 1Griffin Hospital,combination Derby, CT, USA; Fairview hemodialysis and received treatment 3 Columbia University, New Hospital, Cleveland, OH, USA; with Cyclophosphamide and RomiDEPSIN. Repeated 4 York, NY, USA; Nephrology Associates, Bridgeport, CT, bone marrow aspiration showed resolution of USA lymphoma. She had partial renal recovery and 150 De Novo Atypical Uremic Syndrome Fourteen hemodialysis was noHemolytic longer required. Progression Months After Renal Transplant and recovery of renal function was associated with Olusola Jennifer Thompson, Maria Aurora Posadas active NHLIsikalu, and remission of her disease respectively Salas. University of South Carolina, Charleston, which wasMedical confirmed with bone marrow biopsy. SC, USA 151 “Lone” Lupus Nephritis: A Seronegative, Histopathological Diagnosis Jamal Janjua, Pratima Kamada, Aiman Riaz. Gundersen Health System, La Crosse, WI, USA A3 A105