It is a winning combination. When one unique alliance of innovative and
experienced providers of managed workspace services teams up with the leader
in ...
Excellence in Global Managed Print Services Getronics Workspace Alliance and Samsung in Partnership For far too many organisations, the real cost of business printing remains largely hidden. Cost is not limited to hardware and supplies. You pay for energy and for disproportionately high IT support – around 20% of all support calls are print-related. Most importantly, you pay in lost productivity – for many employees, printing remains a continual source of frustration.
and the emphasis on security is stronger
Getronics Workspace Alliance (GWA)
It is a winning combination.
Although this is the age of digital communication, the ability to print, scan, copy and even fax still remains a basic business requirement. If anything, those requirements are more complex than ever before: the workforce is more mobile,
and Samsung are working in close
When one unique alliance of innovative
partnership to offer a robust, agile and
and experienced providers of managed
highly cost-effective suite of Managed
workspace services teams up with the
Print Services to any organisation
leader in advanced printing and imaging
seeking to reduce cost and boost
systems – the print experience for your
organisation is transformed.
than ever – and both these shifts create new challenges for print services. Adopting a fully managed print service (MPS) can help you meet all cost, productivity and security challenges directly - right across your enterprise, whether national, international or global.
Switch to managed print services to reduce cost, boost productivity and achieve quality in budget forecasting.
Clear benefits for Managed Print Services The partnership between the Getronics
Boost productivity
Every device under management, for
Workspace Alliance and Samsung delivers
Our Managed Print Services are fully
example, can be power-controlled remotely.
Managed Print Services of exceptional scope
integrated in the overall managed work-
and quality. The benefit to your enterprise
space. Greater agility boosts productivity
will be directly proportional to the scale of
as employees can now print on demand
adoption. Both partners are global in reach,
from any location.
and are able to deliver consistency of
Tighten security
service and benefit even across the most
Managed Print Services liberate these
Information security and print security
key resources.
widely distributed enterprises.
must be managed together. We will design
Reduce cost
print security processes to meet the specific
We will set agreed cost reduction targets
conditions and policies of each client.
Liberate IT expertise Whether you keep workspace management in-house or contract out, you need to maximise the value of skilled IT resources.
Streamline procurement With our Managed Print Services, all aspects of print supply are optimised, ensuring that
following an initial print audit. Typical
MinimiSe carbon footprint
supplies and parts are always available and
savings of 30% can be achieved through
Consolidating the printer fleet is not the
procured at the most favourable rates.
consolidation and smart print management.
only way to reduce carbon footprint.
Samsung and GWA – a powerhouse for managed print GWA members are traditionally hardwareindependent in all their managed service activities. We do, however, have strong and enduring service relationships with many technology specialists, and in Managed Print Services, we have a particularly advanced service relationship with Samsung. Our Managed Print Services bring you the best of both our companies. Not only does Samsung manufacture the laser engines for almost 20% of the world’s printers, they are
also one of the most respected and innovative providers of printers, multi-functional printers and copiers. The GWA itself is an alliance between wellrespected providers of advanced workspace services to forward-thinking international companies. Through our innovative alliance we are able to deliver consistency of service across a network of over ninety countries worldwide, all through a single point of commercial contact.
Working in close partnership, the GWA and Samsung deliver real added-value to any client choosing our Managed Print Services. This is thanks, in part, to our ability to cooperate seamlessly in all aspects of procurement and management of printer hardware, consumables, and monitoring and management software.
• Leading manufacturer in the
• Ranked #3 in global workspace
print industry
services and IT maintenance
• Reliable and award-winning hardware and software
• Extensive product portfolio for different business requirements
• High quality, innovative and flexible solutions
• Cost-effective solutions for greener print
• MPS fully integrated in your
• Onsite presence in 90 countries
workspace environment
• 24/7 Global Service Desks
• Innovative and cost-effective
supporting over 20 languages
• Global delivery and support
• Extended service portfolio
with a single point of contact
• High quality products and agile service approaches
focused in business objectives and employee experience
Solution Showcase We will tune every Managed Print Service
different business practice and requirements.
or swipe card to initiate print, scan or copy
engagement to meet the specific needs
Three options from the service portfolio are
at the printer station. User authentication
of the individual enterprise. Our print
generating particular interest...
creates a clear audit trail too, so you know
consultants will begin with a detailed audit and analysis of need and current practice
Follow-me printing
who printed which documents on what device.
With home working and business on the
Mobile Printing
move, employees are increasingly mobile.
With employees increasingly adopting
Follow-me printing supports these new
smart phones and tablets, they need
Each proposal will set clear and measurable
ways of working, enabling employees to
print services designed and managed
targets for cost-reduction, and will also
click “print” in one location and collect
for this completely mobile environment.
include a full transition plan, ensuring
the documents from any printer on the
This service allows people to print or scan
smooth adoption of the new print service
network with assured security.
on any authorised Samsung using Wi-Fi.
and from here will design the new service proposal.
model across the enterprise.
Secure Printing
The service catalogue is modular, and our
Employees needing to print and process
clients combine options to match their
confidential documents use a personal code
Advanced Print Management All our Managed Print Services solutions take full advantage of Samsung’s sophisticated CounThru print management software. From the GWA’s dedicated print service centres, we are able to constantly monitor the performance and status of every print device on your network in real-time. Thanks to CounThru, we are able to undertake a full range of preventative maintenance activities remotely including
device setting and tuning. When onsite intervention is required the Getronics Workspace Alliance and its worldwide network of service engineers is equipped with all information needed to ensure fast first time fix. CounThru also monitors all material usage, and thus allows us to ensure that the right volumes of consumables can be stocked and delivered as needed.
Every local printer option is immediately visible to the employee too.
SUCCESS IN INTERNATIONAL RETAIL: CASE STUDY When one of Germany’s leading megastore
and support services, delivered through
chains engaged GWA partner Getronics
its dedicated European Managed Print
to maximise the efficiency of print usage
Services hub.
across 1,000 stores in 7 different countries, the GWA Samsung partnership paid clear and immediate dividends. Samsung multi-functional printers became the cornerstone of in-store printing, with Samsung using its established international
Using Samsung’s CounThru print management software, we maintain a page-by-page log of all print activity across the client organisation, making it easy to provide transparent billing.
clear service level
supply network to handle all toner and
It’s been a real success, with the client
performance, and most
parts provision. This activity is perfectly
gaining a consistent and sustainable print
importantly, paying only according
complemented by the GWA’s management
platform across its international operations,
to consumption.
Agile Commercial Models
What next?
Managed Print Services are not only a mean to
to step back and look at the big picture.
deliver best quality and cost savings for essential business functions. We can also offer agile commercial models, allowing you to shift all print services to pure “pay-per-use” models, if desired. Not only will this allow you to eliminate future capital expenditure on your print estate. It will also provide clear monthly billing which can be calculated strictly according to the number and type of impressions printed across the enterprise.
In many organisations, print resources are still considered more or less as workspace peripherals. To gain the cost and performance benefits, you need
The GWA Managed Print Service specialists are ready to help you explore the opportunities. With cost savings as a priority, we can begin by comparing your current print management costs against those which we believe are becoming industry best practice. For more information on GWA Managed Print Services or to arrange a consultation:
• e-mail:
[email protected] • visit:
About Getronics Workspace Alliance
About Samsung
Getronics Workspace Alliance is a global alliance providing customers
For over 70 years, Samsung has been dedicated to making a better
access to an extensive global network of IT service providers.
world through diverse businesses that today span advanced
The Alliance supplies consistent IT support for 11.5 million end-users around the world. The nine Alliance members – in 26 countries with a total of 35.500 employees, extended with 75 service partners in more than 90 countries – share common processes, methods and tools to deliver global IT services , providing direct benefit for international
technology, semiconductors, skyscraper and plant construction, petrochemicals, fashion, medicine, finance, hotels and more. Our flagship company, Samsung Electronics, leads the global market in high-tech electronics manufacturing and digital media.
organisations, through consistent services delivered with a strong local
Through innovative, reliable products and
presence, robust international governance and shared service innovation.
services; talented people; a responsible
The nine members are: Getronics, KPN, CompuCom, AGCN, NTT
approach to business and global citizenship;
Data Getronics, ServiceOne, SPIE, Getronics LATAM and Tecnocom.
and collaboration with our partners and
All members are recognised leaders in the European, American and
customers, Samsung is taking the world
Asian markets.
in imaginative new directions.