Habitat selection and population trends in terrestrial bird species of ...

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Jul 2, 2011 - habitat selection of terrestrial bird species, including juan fernandez firecrown ..... 2 Box plots showing the MCMC estimates of HSI with a 95% ...
Biodivers Conserv DOI 10.1007/s10531-011-0109-x ORIGINAL PAPER

Habitat selection and population trends in terrestrial bird species of Robinson Crusoe Island: habitat generalists versus forest specialists Ingo J. Hahn • Pablo M. Vergara • Uwe Ro¨mer

Received: 15 October 2010 / Accepted: 2 July 2011 Ó Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2011

Abstract Habitat loss and degradation on oceanic islands are key processes leading to population decline of endemic birds and facilitating the establishment of invasive bird species. In this study, carried out in the Robinson Crusoe Island, we assessed density and habitat selection of terrestrial bird species, including juan fernandez firecrown and juan fernandez tit-tyrant, two endemics, as well as green-backed firecrown and austral thrush, which apparently originate from the mainland. Results show that perturbed habitats contained a low density of the endemic species whereas the mainland species were significantly more abundant in perturbed scrub habitats. Bird species show different habitat selection patterns, with endemics selecting for native forest and mainland species selecting for perturbed habitats, or using them at random. Bird species experienced temporal trends in their overall population sizes, with the endemic tit-tyrant suffering a significant decline in its population size of about 63% between 1994 and 2009. Only mainland species exhibited temporal changes in habitat use, significantly reducing their densities in the preferred scrub habitats, possibly as a response to decreased habitat quality. Thrushes apparently were able to compensate the population decrease in one non native habitat type by using native forests, a habitat giving them the opportunity of preying on nests of endemic species. We conclude that endemic bird species behave as specialists whereas the mainland species must be treated as invasive generalists on Robinson Crusoe Island.

I. J. Hahn (&) Institute of Landscape Ecology, University of Mu¨nster, Robert-Koch-Str. 28, 48149 Mu¨nster, Germany e-mail: [email protected] P. M. Vergara Department of Engineer Geography, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Av. Lib. B. O’Higgins 3363, 7254758 Santiago, Chile P. M. Vergara CEUS Llanquihue, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Santiago de Chile, Chile U. Ro¨mer Institute of Biogeography, University of Trier, Am Wissenschaftspark 25–27, 54296 Trier, Germany


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Keywords Anairetes fernandezianus  Habitat selection  Invasive species  Population declining  Sephanoides fernandensis  Juan Ferna´ndez Islands

Introduction Habitat loss and degradation on oceanic islands are key processes leading to population decline of endemic birds and facilitating the spread of invasive bird species (Catry et al. 2000; Byers 2002; Soh et al. 2006). These detrimental effects lead to progressive replacement of endemics by exotic species resulting in increased biotic homogenization (Castro and Jaksic 2008). Since oceanic islands are biodiversity hot-spots supporting a large proportion of critically endangered endemic animals (Johnson and Stattersfield 1990; IUCN 2011), it is critical to understand how species select habitats on islands which are exposed to increased habitat disturbances, and how these animal decisions determine population dynamics and persistence. Human induced disturbances on oceanic islands have resulted in the degradation and replacement of the original vegetation by new habitats and land uses, including urban, agricultural and livestock grazing. Island-endemic bird species which are ecologically specialized tend to be disproportionately vulnerable to those habitat changes since their population sizes are typically small due to their naturally restricted distributions (Owens and Bennett 2000; Fordham and Brook 2010). However, endemic and native species may display broad habitat use patterns on islands, resulting in the spread of their populations into the new human-created habitats (Blondel et al. 1988; Palomino and Carrascal 2005; Trainor 2007; Carrascal et al. 2008). On the contrary, the successful establishment of an exotic (i.e. introduced) species usually requires that the species is able to spread into nonperturbed habitats after its introduction (Crawley 1986; Sakai et al. 2001). Therefore, both native and exotic species may become invasive on an island depending on their habitat selection attributes (Colautti and MacIsaac 2004; Vergara et al. 2011). Habitat generalism is an important attribute in determining the ability to persist in heterogeneous and human-perturbed landscapes (Sol et al. 1997; Marvier et al. 2004; Vergara and Armesto 2009). Habitat generalist species have broad habitat amplitudes (occupying several habitat types) and usually they behave as opportunistic species, preferring the habitats offering more resources (Medel and Jaksic 1988; Magura et al. 2003). Unlike specialist species, which are constrained to use a small habitat spectrum, habitat generalists may switch their habitat selection pattern over time as expected from habitat selection theory (Fretwell and Lucas 1970; Rosenzweig 1985; Latta and Faaborg 2002; Chen et al. 2008). Consequently, changes in population size and in the spatial distribution of their resources over time may result in a wide temporal variability in habitat use by generalist species (Diamond 1975; Holt 1993; Mobæk et al. 2009). Robinson Crusoe Island supports two endemic terrestrial bird species, the juan fernandez firecrown (Sephanoides fernandensis) and juan fernandez tit-tyrant (Anairetes fernandezianus), which have been reported using remnant native forests (Hahn et al. 2005, 2006). The native forests have experienced a rapid spatial reduction and degradation in the last centuries after human colonization as a result of the land-use change and introduction of exotic herbivores (Cuevas and van Leersum 2001; Ricci 2006). As a consequence of habitat loss and degradation, in addition to the potentially high risk from exotic predators such as rats, cats, and coatis, juan fernandez firecrown and tit-tyrant have population sizes


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small enough to be considered as critically endangered and near threatened, respectively (comp. IUCN 2011). At present two terrestrial bird species native to the mainland, the green-backed firecrown (Sephanoides sephaniodes) and the austral thrush (Turdus falcklandii magellanicus) coexist with the endemic firecrown and tit-tyrant in native forest habitats of the Robinson Crusoe Island (Hahn et al. 2006, 2009, 2011). Although there is no conclusive evidence, previous studies suggest that both green-backed firecrown and austral thrush are exotic species in Robinson Crusoe Island (Audouin 1830; Brooke 1987; Stiles 1987; Colwell 1989; Roy et al. 1998, 1999; Hahn et al. 2006, 2009; C. Smith-Ramirez, pers. comm.). Irrespective of their origin, green-backed firecrown and austral thrush in southern South America have a wide geographical distribution, high local abundances and use a wide variety of habitats, including mature forest, degraded forest, forest plantations as well as agricultural and urban areas (e.g. Willson et al. 1994; Estades 1997; Anderson and Rozzi 2000; Jaramillo 2003; Vergara and Simonetti 2004; Grigera and Pavic 2007; Vergara and Armesto 2009; Vergara et al. 2010). The ability to use both native forest and humanmodified habitats in the mainland, coupled with the fact that these species pollinate and disperse exotic plant species on the island, may make green-backed firecrowns and austral thrushes invasive species on Robinson Crusoe Island (Duncan et al. 2003; Colautti and MacIsaac 2004). Although previous studies have reported both species using a variety of human-created habitats in Robinson Crusoe Island (e.g. Hahn et al. 2005), their habitat selection patterns and population developments are still unknown. In this study, we assessed the habitat selection pattern and the temporal variation in population size of terrestrial bird species of Robinson Crusoe Island. Specifically, we tested the following hypotheses: (i) The abundance of both green-backed firecrowns and austral thrushes is equal or greater in disturbed habitat than in native forest. These species randomly use habitats or select for disturbed habitats (since human created habitats are used by both species in the mainland); (ii) The abundance of the endemic firecrown and tittyrant is greater in native forest. These endemic species behave as habitat specialists selecting for native forest or low perturbed habitats; (iii) Endemic species exhibit declining population sizes; (iv) Green-backed firecrowns and austral thrushes exhibit habitatdependent temporal variation in abundance due to changes in population size and in the spatial distribution of habitat resources over time. In particular, the relative abundance pattern can change when the variability in climatic conditions, the human disturbance regimes and the population size affect differently to the suitability of each habitat. These temporal changes in abundance should result in significant interactions between year and habitat type.

Methods Study area Robinson Crusoe Island is the easternmost of the three islands of the Juan Ferna´ndez Archipelago, located ca. 600 km off the Chilean coast in the South-east Pacific Ocean (33°330 3800 S and 78°560 4400 W). The island area is 47.11 km2, reaching an altitude of 915 m above sea-level. Juan Ferna´ndez Archipelago belongs to the few places in the Pacific Ocean which remained untouched by humans until the European colonization. The island was named after the sailor Alexander Selkirk, who became known as the model of Daniel Defoe’s novel in the early eighteenth century. The entire island, with exception of the


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settlement area, is a Chilean National Park since 1935 and UNESCO Biosphere Reserve since 1977. Early reports indicate that the island was forested before the arrival of Europeans (e.g. Skottsberg 1953). The Juan Ferna´ndez Archipelago is characterised by a high number and proportion of endemic plant (Stuessy and Ono 1998) and animal species (Kuschel 1963). Amongst the 310 breeding bird species of Chile (Araya et al. 1998) only 15 are endemic, but five of them, and another three endemic subspecies, are limited to this archipelago. Therefore, it is not only of major importance for the endemic avifauna of Chile but also of international interest as an Endemic Bird Area (EBA), being categorised as one of 12 Natural Areas of high conservation importance worldwide (Allen 1984; Stattersfield et al. 1998). Habitat classification We used the criteria of Hahn et al. (2005, 2010) as a guide for grouping vegetation units (hereafter called ‘‘habitat types’’). This habitat classification is focused on habitat features important for terrestrial birds, such as vegetation structure and dominant plant species, as well as geographical factors like altitude, exposition and incline. Habitat types were mapped using recent aerial photographs and geo-referenced QuickBird Satellite Images available from Google Earth Pro program (Fig. 1). Vegetation from the resulting map was checked in the field by comparing it with geo-referenced vegetation plots (Hahn et al. 2005, 2010). From these habitat types, grassland is the spatially most extended habitat type on Robinson Crusoe (Greimler et al. 2002), covering more than half of the island’s surface, whereas native forests cover one fifth. The remaining three habitats are predominantly characterised by non-native plants (Table 1).

Fig. 1 Habitat types and their distribution on Robinson Crusoe Island (see Table 1). Habitat types codes are: 1 native forest, 2 exotic scrub, 3 ridge scrub, 4 settlement, 5 grassland


Biodivers Conserv Table 1 Differences in vegetation structure, dominant plant species, and topography among the main habitat types of Robinson Crusoe Island Habitat characteristics

Habitat typea Native forest

Exotic scrub

Ridge scrubb



Nativity status

Mainly native

Mainly nonnative

Mainly nonnative

Mainly non-native

Mainly nonnative

Altitudinal range (a.s.l.), m






Surface area, ha






Dominant plant genera

Myrceugenia, Drimys, Fagara

Aristotelia, Rubus, Ugni

Ugni, Pernettya

Crop/flowers, Eucalyptus, Cupressus

Poa, Stipa, Acaena

Number of storeys (tree, shrub, herb)






Vegetation height, mean (range) m

14 (5–22)

2.5 (1.5–6)

1.5 (0.8–3)

Diverse (0.1–26)

0.2 (0–0.5)

Upper storey cover, mean (range) %

75 (50–95)

90 (60–95)

95 (80–98)

Diverse (0–95)

Diverse (0–95)

Topographic classification

Forest of the montane region

Scrub vegetation of valley floor and valley slope

Scrub vegetation of mountain ridges

Cultivated land, gardens and tree plantations near sea-level

Grasslands, rocky and erosive terrain of basal region


More detailed information on vegetation structure and plant species dominance may be taken from Hahn et al. (2005, 2010)


Sites with steeper slopes ([40%) and thinner soils than exotic scrub

Bird sampling We recorded abundance of terrestrial birds in Robinson Crusoe during their 1994, 2001 and 2009 breeding seasons (see below). Visual identification of breeding birds was straight forward, using Araya et al. (1998), Jaramillo (2003), and the original species descriptions. Acoustic identification was possible after learning the bird vocalisations from observation and taping with a DAT-Recorder (Sony, HD-S100) (e.g. Hahn 2006). We estimated density of our focal species using fixed-distance line transects (i.e. strip transects), a sampling method which assumes that all animals within the fixed width of the transect have a detection probability close to 1.0 (e.g. Skalski et al. 2005). Consequently, in order to ensure the detection of all birds within the strip transect, we used a 25 m transect half-width (e.g. Skalski et al. 2005). Such transect half-width distance was selected because our previous data suggest that the detection probability of all study species in forest and shrub habitats drops significantly beyond 30 m from the observer due to dense vegetation structure and the steep topography of the study sites (Hahn et al. 2006; Hahn, unpubl.). By using such a relatively short detection distance we also minimized the probability that the same bird was counted twice during a single strip transect (Jime´nez 2000).


Biodivers Conserv Table 2 Number of strip transects made in the five main habitat types of Robinson Crusoe Island Year

Habitat type Native forest

Exotic scrub

Ridge scrub





















See Table 1 for habitat description

During 1994 a total of 23 strip transects was established, covering all habitat types. The number of strip transects was relatively proportional to the area of each habitat (Tables 1, 2), with the exception of grassland, where only three strip transects were made, due to few previous records of individual bird in such habitat type (in fact, no bird species was observed feeding or nesting in grassland). Although the number of strip transects increased to 39 and 46 in 2001 and 2009, respectively; the same transects were revisited during later study period. Despite the sample size differences between years, we did not note important yearly differences in the standard errors of bird density estimates. Each strip transect was visited once during the breeding season of the birds, thus reducing the likelihood of double counting. Strip transects were surveyed from November 5th through January 11th. Within this period of time we noticed no differences in the conspicuity and activity of these birds, hence we did not expect differences in bird detectability (e.g. Hahn et al. 2011). Transects were on average 950 m long, [200 m apart to avoid double counting of birds and [100 m distant from the habitat boundary to reduce the effect on the abundance of neighbour habitats. Transect length was measured directly in the field by using a pedometer and correcting for the slope angle. Abundance records in each year were obtained by the same observer. Line transects were conducted mostly during morning hours (06:45–09:30 local time) on days without rain and little wind (\15 km/h). The observer walked slowly (mean speed = 0.5 km/h) along transects and counted all bird individuals seen or heard either side of the census trail. The perpendicular distances from the transect to the bird were estimated visually and checked using a laser rangefinder.

Data analysis Habitat selection, density and population size of bird species were assessed using Hierarchical Bayesian Models which provide a powerful tool for modelling spatio-temporal data like that of this study (Link and Sauer 2002; Clark 2005). Bayesian inference treats model parameters as random variables and hence provides an approach for fitting hierarchical models (Clark 2005). We used Gaussian regression with bird density of each species as dependent variable. Habitat type, year and the interaction between year and habitat were specified as fixed effects. In addition, we included altitude in order to control for the possible effects of within-habitat altitudinal gradients in environmental factors (Table 1). The following nuisance (random) effects were included: (1) Non-structured spatial terms representing the locality (geographic area) effect; (2) Sample-level terms, representing variability accounted for differences between transects within localities; and (3) Observation-level terms, accounting for temporal random variation in density within transects.


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We used Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) and Gibbs sampling for fitting models and parameter estimation (Lunn et al. 2000; Spiegelhalter et al. 2003). For each model simulation, MCMC were run for 300,000 iterations, including a 50,000 iteration burn. We computed three independent MCMC chains using as reference different starting parameter values for allowing convergence (Brooks and Gelman 1998). Uninformative prior distributions were assigned to parameters in the model because little information is known about how environmental variables influence bird density. Density was normalized by log transformation. We used a corner constraint approach to compare density between habitats, where the effect of native forest is set equal to zero in order to have a baseline or reference category for the habitat factor (Ntzoufras 2009). Population sizes were calculated by scaling MCMC density estimates to the entire surface of each habitat type (Table 1; Hahn et al. 2006). We also used the Bayesian framework to calculate a Habitat Selection Index (HSI). Basically a HSI represents the likelihood that a particular habitat type would be used given its relative availability in the landscape (Manly et al. 1993). Since all habitat types were sampled extensively within the island (Table 2), we estimated HSI on the basis of the expected number of individuals of each species occupying each habitat type. Thus, the HSI of the ith habitat (HSIi) was calculated as: ni HSIi ¼ Pk i ni wi where ni is the expected density in habitat i obtained from MCMC simulations (see below), wi is the weight of the ith habitat in terms of their relative surface area and k represents the total number of available habitats. Thus, if habitat i is used at random, then HSI will be 1.0 for this habitat type whereas significant departures from 1.0 indicate that either habitat use is selective (if HSI [ 1) or habitat is underused (if HSI \ 1). However, HSI, as estimated from the above expression, could be biased to the extent that habitats with a very high relative area are included (e.g. grassland habitat, which covers more than 50% of the island area). For avoiding this problem, and considering that bird records of all species were scant in grassland habitat, we did not include this habitat type in our HSI estimation. The exclusion of grassland from this analysis did not affect our conclusions about the habitat selectivity pattern of birds since we are confident that all species underused this habitat type (i.e. HSI * 0). Density differences between habitat types and years were evaluated by comparing MCMC coefficients and their 95% Bayesian credibility intervals. A coefficient can be considered as ‘‘significant’’ when their 95% credibility intervals did not overlap zero (i.e. the 2.5 and 97.5th percentile). We also used the above MCMC approach to determine if HSI selection indices differed significantly from 1.0 and for computing population size for each sampling year. Model fit was assessed using the proportion of explained deviance (r2) and by testing deviance differences with null models containing only nuisance variables (e.g. Thogmartin et al. 2004). We used R2WinBUGS (Sturtz et al. 2005) as a platform for programming and running MCMC.

Results Bird density For all four species, the goodness of fit tests indicated that hierarchical models fit the data adequately, as shown by r2 and deviance chi-square test (Table 3). Although species


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densities decreased significantly in grassland, model results showed that the density of all bird species was affected differently by habitat perturbations (Table 4). The endemics juan fernandez firecrown and juan fernandez tit-tyrant had lower densities in exotic scrub than in native forest, whereas the density of tit-tyrants also was significantly lower in settlement areas (Table 4). Conversely, the green-backed firecrown and the austral thrush had significantly higher density in the human-disturbed exotic scrub and ridge scrub, respectively (Table 4). In addition, the density of austral thrushes was lower in settlement areas than in native forest (Table 4). Habitat selection Terrestrial bird species showed different habitat selection patterns, with endemics selecting for native forest whereas the green-backed firecrowns and austral thrushes selecting for perturbed habitats, or using them at random (Fig. 2). The endemic juan fernandez tit-tyrant underused (HSI \ 1) all perturbed habitats, including exotic scrub, ridge scrub and settlement areas (Fig. 2). The juan fernandez firecrown also underused exotic scrub and ridge scrub, but the use of settlement areas was not significantly different from expectations under random distribution (Fig. 2). The green-backed firecrown selected settlement areas, in addition to exotic scrub, but also underused ridge scrub and used native forest at random (Fig. 2). Austral thrushes used all habitats at random, with the exception of settlement areas, which were underused (Fig. 2). Temporal pattern Terrestrial bird species experienced temporal trends in their overall population sizes over the study time period (Fig. 3). However, only green-backed firecrowns and austral thrushes displayed habitat-dependent changes in density over time, as shown by significant interactions between year and habitat types (Table 4). The endemic juan fernandez tit-tyrant and the green-backed firecrown show a declining population trend (Fig. 3), but only juan fernandez tit-tyrant evidenced a significant reduction in density between 1994 and 2009, as shown by the MCMC coefficient for the year 2009 (Table 4). This population decline implied a reduction of 63% from its initial population size, from 4198.0 (2.5–97.5th percentiles = 2322.9–6361.6) individuals in 1994 to 1551.8 (1005.3–1848.4) individuals in 2009. Although not significant, the reduction in the size of the population of green-backed firecrowns was about 50%, from 5843.7 (1841.3–8377.4) individuals in 1994 to 2685.2 (1889.2–3215.9) individuals in 2009. The population size of austral thrushes also decreased 45%, from 6275.7 Table 3 Summary of goodness-of-fit statistics for hierarchical models, showing the deviance values (including SD and 95% credibility intervals), proportion of explained deviance (r2) and P-value from a deviance chi-square test Species







Juan fernandez tit-tyrant







Juan fernandez firecrown







Green-backed firecrown







Austral thrush












Year 2001



Ridge scrub

Settlement area


Exotic scrub







































0.04 -0.26



Grassland 9 Year 2009



0.35 0.68








Austral thrush


-1.17 -0.25










Green-backed firecrown


Settlement 9 Year 2009

Grassland 9 Year 2001

0.39 0.24























Ridge scrub 9 Year 2009

Settlement 9 Year 2001

0.24 0.35



Ridge scrub 9 Year 2001


Year 2009



Year 2001

Exotic scrub 9 Year 2009





Settlement area

Exotic scrub 9 Year 2001



Ridge scrub




























Juan fernandez firecrown

Juan fernandez tit-tyrant

Exotic scrub


























0.42 1.20



















Table 4 Means, standard deviations (SD), and 95% credible interval (95% CI) values of MCMC coefficients from Bayesian Hierarchical Models estimating density of four terrestrial bird species in the five habitat types present in Robinson Crusoe Island during the three census years of 1994, 2001, and 2009

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Grassland 9 Year 2001

Grassland 9 Year 2009 0.0007






























































Bold coefficients are considered as significant because their credibility intervals do not overlap zero (see text). Coefficients for native forest were fixed to zero




Settlement 9 Year 2001

Settlement 9 Year 2009



Ridge scrub 9 Year 2001

Ridge scrub 9 Year 2009


Exotic scrub 9 Year 2009









Austral thrush

Green-backed firecrown

Exotic scrub 9 Year 2001

Year 2009


Table 4 continued












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Native forest

Ridge scrub

Habitat selection index

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5

green-backed firecrown

Exotic scrub

Native forest

Ridge scrub

2.0 1.0 0.0 Exotic scrub



Native forest

Ridge scrub


austral thrush

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5

Exotic scrub

Habitat selection index

juan fernandez firecrown Habitat selection index

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5

Habitat selection index

juan fernandez tit-tyrant

Exotic scrub

Native forest

Ridge scrub


Fig. 2 Box plots showing the MCMC estimates of HSI with a 95% credible interval (staples) for four terrestrial bird species of Robinson Crusoe Island using four different habitat types. The horizontal line at scale segment 1.0 corresponds to the average abundance value across all habitat types. Thus, HSI values equal to 1 indicate random habitat use. For this analysis grasslands was not included because species overall occur here only by exception (see text)

5000 3000

Population (n)

0 2009



Population (n)





austral thrush


green-backed firecrown







Population (n)

juan Fernandez firecrown


6000 2000 0

Population (n)

juan fernandez tit-tyrant







Fig. 3 Box plots showing the annual MCMC estimates of population size (n = number total of individuals) with a 95% credible interval (staples) for four terrestrial bird species of Robinson Crusoe Island. Boxes correspond to the 25 and 75% quartiles of the mean population size of each species whereas whiskers extend up to 1.5 times the inter-quartile range of the box


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austral thrush

Bird density (n/ha)

Fig. 4 Significant interactions between habitat types and year (MCMC estimates of mean and their 95% credible intervals) for the density of two invasive terrestrial bird species of Robinson Crusoe Island (see text)

Ridge scrub Native forest





0 1994




green-backed firecrown

Bird density (n/ha)

10 Exotic scrub


Native forest 6 4 2 0




(3016.0–9635.4) individuals in 1994 to 3397.1 (2554.5–4139.6) individuals in 2009 (Fig. 3; Table 4). The population size of juan fernandez firecrown tended to be relatively stable, ranging from 1270 (820.5–3046.4) to 1980 (545.6–1979.3) individuals (Fig. 3). Green-backed firecrown and austral thrush showed a temporal reduction in their densities in perturbed scrub habitats (Table 4; Fig. 4). In the case of the green-backed firecrown, there was a significant negative interaction between: (1) exotic scrub and years 2001 and 2009, and (2) ridge scrub and year 2009 (Table 4). The density of austral thrushes was negatively affected by the interaction between: (1) exotic scrub and year 2009, and (2) ridge scrub and years 2001 and 2009 (Table 4). These interactions imply that the density of green-backed firecrowns decreased more steeply in these scrub habitats than in native forest, where it remained stable (Fig. 4). However, the density of austral thrushes in native forest exhibited the opposite pattern than in scrub habitats, increasing in the former and decreasing in the latter case (Fig. 4).

Discussion The density and habitat use pattern shown by terrestrial birds confirms our first two hypotheses. The more even spatial distribution of the green-backed firecrown and austral thrush among available habitats and/or their preference for degraded habitats identifies them as habitat generalists. This ecological strategy had made them becoming similarly successful and widespread on the mainland (Johnson 1965, 1967; Vergara and Armesto 2009). Endemic birds might increase their population or distribution after anthropogenic habitat change (Catry et al. 2000; Trainor 2007). However, this does not appear to be the


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case for Robinson Crusoe’s endemics because they are forest specialists, showing a clear habitat preference for the relict forests, such as described for most paleo-tropic island birds (Riley 2003). Endemic species used perturbed habitats little, probably due to their evolved morphological and behavioural attributes making them specialized in using native forest recourses, as suggested for island bird species (e.g. Blondel 2000). In addition, scrub stands probably offer few resources for endemics, since juan fernandez firecrowns could be less efficient in exploiting exotic flowering resources compared to the generalist green-backed firecrown. Although not assessed in this study, perturbed habitats also may act as barriers for endemic species, reducing the connectivity between native habitat patches. However, historic habitat loss in Juan Ferna´ndez has not resulted in severe isolation of forest remnants because protected native areas are located mostly in connected upland areas of the island (Fig. 1). Green-backed firecrowns and austral thrushes used native forests at random, indicating that natural habitats in Robinson Crusoe can be utilized by these species. Green-backed firecrowns profit from native food resources like nectar of the Rhaphithamnus venustus and arthropods from Myrceugenia fernandeziana; austral thrushes not only forage in native forest areas, but also use this habitat for nesting (Hahn, unpubl.). However, the higher densities and selectivity of green-backed firecrowns and thrushes for exotic scrub suggest that this habitat could provide them with abundant feeding or nesting resources. The high abundance of green-backed firecrowns and their preference for settlement areas likely result from the high flower availability in these sites during most of the year. Garden habitats could ensure landscape supplementation for several flower-dependent species in oceanic islands (Waltert et al. 2004; Trainor 2007). Some flowering plants in settlement areas have been established for conservation reasons, such as the endemic Dendroseris litoralis, planted to provide juan fernandez firecrowns with flower nectar. This, in turn, could explain the random use of this habitat by endemic firecrowns. In exotic scrub, the green-backed firecrown feeds on the flowers of Rubus ulmifolius (an invasive shrub), being much more efficient in exploiting this resource than the juan fernandez firecrown (Hagen 2009). Similarly, in ridge and exotic scrub, the austral thrush consumes berries of the invasive mainland shrubs Aristotelia chilensis, Ugni molinae and R. ulmifolius, dispersing their seeds over the island. The active use of exotic plants by greenbacked firecrowns and austral thrushes in scrub habitats can be explained by the fact that these plant–animal interactions have evolved for a long time in the mainland habitats (Armesto et al. 1987; Rozzi et al. 1996; Amico and Aizen 2005). The hypothesis that endemic species exhibit declining population sizes was confirmed for the juan fernandez tit-tyrant whose population dropped dramatically during the study period. Assuming that the current rate of decline remains constant and that the changes are not part of oscillating fluctuations, the size of the tit-tyrant population in 20 years will be less than 100 individuals. Although early loss of forest probably was an important factor causing population declination, the current rate of forest loss in the island is negligible, and therefore, we suspect other detrimental effects resulting from human perturbations may be affecting demographic rates. It is likely that factors like predation by mammals or birds, competition with invasive species, hunting, and climate change play an important role in reducing nesting success and adult survival of tit-tyrants in native forest. However, the small forest area available for the tit-tyrant can lead its small population to extinction due to increased demographic stochasticity (Lande 1993). As a practical consequence in conservation classification, the juan fernandez tit-tyrant should be upgraded in the IUCN red list from the status near threatened to endangered. Although the population of juan fernandez firecrown had not experienced a sharp decline during our study, several studies


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suggest that the juan fernandez firecrown population decline occurred mostly during the twentieth century (Brooke 1987; Stiles 1987; Colwell 1989; Roy et al. 1999). Thus, future conservation guidelines should modify current management activities, such as the addition of flowering plants in settlement areas. Increased cat predation has been observed in gardens as the flowers are placed much lower than in native forests (e.g. Hahn et al. 2010). It is possible that these flowers attract firecrowns from native forest, and hence settlement areas could function as trap habitats for endemic hummingbirds (Bourne et al. 1992; Hahn and Ro¨mer 2002). Our results were conclusive in supporting the hypothesis that green-backed firecrowns and austral thrushes exhibit temporal changes in habitat use, which could result from changes in population size and the spatial distribution of resources (Mobæk et al. 2009). The reduction in the overall population size of both species over the study time period was related to a decrease in the density of these two species in their preferred scrub habitats. Assuming that invasive species select habitats that favour their survival and chances of reproduction, an important question is therefore why habitat suitability did decline in scrub habitats. Austral thrushes have suffered intensive hunting since mid 1990s to reduce the dispersion of invasive plants. Thus, it is possible that hunting pressure was greater in scrub habitats where thrushes were more abundant and seed dispersal is apparently more intense. On the contrary, density of thrushes in native forest doubled between 1994 and 2009, probably as a behavioural response to avoid risky scrub habitats or as the result of a temporal increase in foraging recourses in native forest. The reduction of green-backed firecrown density in exotic scrub, however, was not accompanied by an increase in density in native forest. Due to their feeding habits, green-backed firecrowns are less general in their habitat requirements than thrushes, and hence firecrowns could be more vulnerable to density dependent competition for flowering recourses. Therefore, thrushes apparently were able to compensate the sharp decrease in quality of their preferred habitats by using native forests, a safer habitat offering few resources. This temporal change in habitat use could be detrimental for the conservation of the breeding populations of juan fernandez tittyrant and juan fernandez firecrown in native forest, since austral thrushes are recognized as important nest predators in island forests (Hahn, unpubl.) and mainland habitats (e.g. Vergara 2007). Therefore, we conclude that endemic bird species behave as specialists whereas the mainland originating green-backed firecrown and austral thrush must be treated as invasive generalists on Robinson Crusoe Island. Thus, conservation strategies in Robinson Crusoe should be to improve habitat conditions for endemics while applying intensive control for the invasive bird species. Acknowledgments Two anonymous reviewers were sincerely thanked for their enriching improvements of contents and English writing. This study was supported by Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH) and FONDECYT 11080085. We thank CONAF for allowing us to work in protected areas of the Juan Fernandez Archipelago National Park: special thanks go to M. Galvez, J. Reyes, J. Mesa, G. Gonzalez, C. Diaz, I. Leiva, and the park rangers Alfonso, Bernardo, Danilo, Guillermo, Manuel, Nino, Oscar, Jorge, and Ramon. We thank also the Rojas and Lo´pez families on Juan Ferna´ndez for hospitality and friendship. The scientists M. Ferna´ndez, R. Schlatter, H. Mattes, W. Beisenherz, and especially Thomas Schmitt were valuable discussion partners.

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