Haiti- The Clinton Foundation

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The chances are high, considering she used her unsecure Verizon Blackberry exclusively for business and personal use, an
(02:18:01) - Download Free BUT HER DELETED EMAILS: Haiti- The Clinton Foundation- Possible Treason and 33-000 Deleted Emails (But Her Emails Series Book 2) Website for Free Online Reading Books

* Read or Download This Book * BUT HER DELETED EMAILS: Haiti, The Clinton Foundation, Possible Treason and 33,000 Deleted Emails (But Her Emails Series Book 2)

BUT HER DELETED EMAILS by H. A. Goodman exposes the true nature of Clinton's 33,000 deleted emails. What are the chances Clinton deleted emails pertaining to the billions raised and lost (over 96% of the money has yet to be devoted to projects in Haiti) during her tenure as Secretary of State? The chances are high, considering she used her unsecure Verizon Blackberry exclusively for business and personal use, and her work-related emails don’t discuss the enormous sums of money raised by the Clintons for Haiti. We’re led to believe Madam Secretary never emailed anyone about Haiti’s recovery projects, although she traveled to Port-Au-Prince after the earthquake and coordinated relief efforts with President René Préval. She deleted emails regarding the billions raised in Haiti, in addition to other Clinton Foundation controversies, Wall Street speech payments, and a Russian uranium deal. In terms of the billions of dollars associated with Haiti and weapons deals during her tenure as Secretary of State, when and how did Clinton discuss these topics? Did she use a rotary telephone and carrier pigeon to address these grandiose sums of money, linked to her family’s charitable foundation, or did she use email? Clinton was addicted to a Blackberry the NSA deemed unsecure because of existing State Department infrastructure, yet she continued to use this devise despite the warnings (as documented in the Judicial Watch quote where Clinton shows clear intent to violate Espionage Act laws) of the NSA and other security hawks. Of course, Clinton emailed numerous people and entities involved in weapons deals and Haiti’s recovery projects, but she likely deleted these emails and deemed them to be “personalâ€​ in nature.How do we know Secretary Clinton deleted emails involving Clinton Foundation scandals?Read H. A. Goodman's BUT HER DELETED EMAILS, Book #2 in The But Her Emails Series. Click Here to Read BUT HER DELETED EMAILS: Haiti, The Clinton Foundation, Possible Treason and 33,000 Deleted Emails (But Her Emails Series Book 2) Online! Hi all My name is Don Bates and i'm here to discuss my feelings on this fabulous book written BUT HER DELETED EMAILS: Haiti, The Clinton Foundation, Possible Treason and 33,000 Deleted Emails (But Her Emails Series Book 2) known as BUT HER DELETED EMAILS: Haiti, The Clinton Foundation, Possible Treason and 33,000 Deleted Emails (But Her Emails Series Book 2). With a large number of phony BUT HER

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